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1、15 BAt 4:15 CAt 2:452How will the man go to Beijing? ABy plane BBy train CBy car3What does the woman suggest? APut the telephone near the bed BCatch a later flight CAsk the hotel for help4Where does this conversation take place? AIn a restaurant BIn a museum CIn a theatre5How did Betty find the gift

2、? AVery satisfying BVery disappointing CNot mentioned第二节(共15小题;每小题15分,满分225分) 听下面5段对话或独自。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6What does Tom think of the college?AHe doest like its position or sizeBHe likes its po

3、sition and size CHe likes its buildings and size7How many students are there in the college? AAbout 4,000 BAbout 3,000 CAbout 10008What do the students do in their spare time? AThey do nothing but go to the library to studyBThey do nothing but join different kinds of clubsCThey do all kinds of thing

4、s 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9Where is Tom now? AIn the sch001 BIn a restaurant CAt the cinema10Who answers the telephone? AMrsBrown,Toms sister BMFSBrown,Toms mother CMrsBlack,Toms aunt11What does Bill want Tom to do? ABring some food for the picnic BBring some toys for the game CBring some toys for the trip

5、听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12What was the party like last night? AIt was good BIt failed completely CIt was dull13Why couldnt the woman go to the party last night? ABecause she wasnt feeling well BBecause she forgot the date CBecause she disliked it14What did she drink at night recently? ABeer BCoffee CTea听第9

6、段材料,回答15至17题。15How does the man like his office? ASmall and crowded BBig enough and not crowded at a11 C. Neither big nor crowded16What are the two offices for? AFor mails and supplies BFor mails and dinner CFor dinner and supplies17Which floor is the bank on in the building? AOn the ground floor BO

7、n the second floor CIn the basement 听第10段材料,回答18至20题。18Where were they playing?AIn the street BNear their house CBeside the river19How was the sister able to be saved? AWith a long ladder BWith a strong boat CWith a long rope20What do you come to know about Philip?AHe was small but strongBHe was you

8、ng but cleverCHe was too young to help his sister.第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分35分)第一节 语法和词汇 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21I came out first in the competition _. AGood luck BCongratulations! CNothing seriousDIs that right?22MrBlack will not attend the meeting tomorrow,_. Aneit

9、her will I Bnor may I CI dont either Dneither do I23The army organized _teams to do out those who were trapped and to bury _dead Athe;the B不填;the C不填;不填 Dthe;不填24The policeman got close to the bedclothes and tried to find out whom they_ Abelonging to Bwere belonged to Cwere belonging to Dbelonged to

10、25Its just _among countries to host the Olympics as to win an Olympic medal Amuch as a competition Bas a much competition Cas much a competition Da competition as much26The musicians _the band was formed played jokes on each other as well as played music Aof whom Bwith whom Cfor whom Dfrom whom27Lat

11、er,Catherine II had the Amber Room _to the palace outside St Petersberg where she spent her summers Ato move Bmoving Cmove Dmoved28Since then,computers _by billions of people to deal with information and communicate with each other around the world by the Internet Ahad been used Bare used Chave been

12、 used Dwere used29Native English speakers can understand each other,but they may not be able to understand _. Aeverything Banything Cnothing Dsomething30The Olympic Games _in our country in two years time Awill hold Bwould be held Chas been held D will be held31 Since you have your own bike,why use

13、mine? Something is wrong with mine and it _by my father Ais being repaired Bwas being repaired Cis repairing Dhas repaired32We were put in a position _we had either to admit we were less important,or fight the Government Athat Bwhich Cwhere Don which33I enjoy working with him,_I dont agree with him

14、on some points Aas though Beven though Cso that Dor so34Wild animals often cant find enough food and have enemies that kill and eat them_,many of them have died outAAs a result BIn other words CIn return DAfter all35What did you say to Julia? I saw her crying in the roomIt _my fault(过失)We talked hap

15、pily when I met herAmay have been Bshould have been Cmustnt have been Dcant have been第二节完形填空(共20小题,I每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。More good things come from small things About a year ago,a couple with three children moved into the apartment next door to me

16、I never heard any 36 from the children,but the parents were always shouting at the kids We 37 often in the hallway when we were coming or goingI 38 spoke but the on1y 39 ever got was a hello from the four-year-old girl I usually go out for breakfast and one day when I 40 they were just coming from t

17、heir apartment and the little girl was holding the door 41 for the othersI 42 in the car doing unnecessary things because I didnt like to be snubbed(冷落)The parents were 43 her to hurry and get in the carI looked up and saw the little girl was 44 holding the door open,45 for me I hurried as much as I

18、 could and 46 herShe was smiling from ear t0 earThat afternoon I saw a white toy bearI 47 the little girl and said to myself,“I 48 she would like that”so I bought itI wrote a note 49 how much her act of kindness had touched a soft spot in an old mans 50 The next day there was a 51 on the door and 52

19、 was the little girl and her fatherShe was so proud of her bear and thanked meThen I 53 her mother and the other children were there in the hall tooThe mother and father both thanked me Now when we meet in the hall we all speak,and in a 54 mannerI might add 55 time passes,I dont hear that shouting a

20、s oftenIn fact, hardly at a1136. Asound Bnoise Cconversation Dcrying37. A. met Bsaw Cvisited D gathered38. A. never Bsometimes Cseldom D. always39 Areward Baction Canswer D prize40. Amoved Breturned Cstarted Ddrove41. Aopen Bclosed Cfit Dactive42. A. stopped Bkept Cworked Dremained43. A. suggesting

21、Btelling Cforcing Drequesting44. A. ever Beven Cstill Dyet45.Awaiting Bcalling C1eaving Dasking46.A.replaced Bencouraged Cignored Dthanked47. Athought about Bthought of Cthought over Dthought out48.A.determine Bam lucky Cam sure Ddoubt49.A.saying Bstating Creposing Dwriting50Amind Bbody Cthought Dhe

22、art51. Ahit Bknock Cdrop Dbeat52Ashe Bit Cthey Dhe53Anoticed Bwatched Crecognized Dfelt54Akindly Bpolitely Ccoldly Dfriendly55.AWhen BSince CAs DWhile第三部分 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、c和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ACan you imagine a classroom missing one thing that has long been conside

23、red a necessary part to reading and writing? No paperNo notebooks,no textbooks,no test papersNor are there any pencils or pens,which always seem to run out of ink at the critical moment A“paperless classroom”is what more and more schools are trying to realizeStudents dont do any handwriting in this

24、classInstead,they use handsized。or speciallydesigned computersThe teacher downloads texts from Internet libraries and sends them to every students personal computer Having computers also means that students can use the WebThey can look up information oil any subject theyre studying,from maths to soc

25、ial science High school teacher Judy Herrel in Florida,US,described how her class used the Web.“Using a book thats three or four years old is impossible。”she said A paperless classroom is a big step towards reducing the waste of paper each week to each student “Think about the money and trees we cou

26、ld save with the computers”she said But,with all this technology,theres always the risk that the machines will break downSo,in case of a power failure or technical problem,paper textbooks are still widely available(可得到的)for these hitech students56The underlined word“critical”in the first paragraph p

27、robably has the same meaning as“_”. Aworrying Bdangerous Chappy Dimportant57In a paperless classroom, what is a must? AA penBA computer CInformationDA pencil58According to Judy Herrel,_ Athe Web can take the students everywhere Bthe Web call take the place of teachers Cthe Web is a better tool for i

28、nformation Dthe Web is for downloading information59.Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a paperless classroom?AStudents wont have trouble with their pens BComputers may break down sometimes. CStudents can get information from the Internet. DA lot of money and trees will be saved60.Which of the following is not supported by the writers opinion? AThe paperless classroom will be good for trees. BThere are some differences between the paperless studies and those in the usual way. CPaper textbooks are no longer useful DPaper-free studies are popular with

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