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1、B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( hereinafter referred to Party B )前 言Preface依據中華人民共和國合同法及有關法律法規的規定,甲、乙雙方本著平等互利、誠實信用的原則,共同合作參與開發建設房地產專案,為明確甲、乙雙方的權利、義務和責任,經過友好協商,本著平等、自願、有償的原則,訂立本意向書。According to contract law of PRC and relevant laws and regulations, by both parties, the spirit of equality and mutua

2、l benefit, the principle of good faith, mutual cooperation in real estate development and construction projects, to clear a, B both the right, obligation and responsibility, through friendly negotiation, in the spirit of equality, voluntary, paid principle, the conclusion of the letter of intent.本意向

3、書是合作雙方就合作意向所達成的書面檔。雙方簽署意向書後,表明雙方願意進一步商談合作意向。意向書的主要內容包括雙方當事人名稱、合作專案名稱及其基本情況、雙方合作的前期準備工作;根據甲、乙雙方目前的實際情況和市場狀況,雙方商定本次合作為房地產開發建設的初期工作,本次合作範圍及內容是為房地產開發建設專案提供技術顧問、資訊諮詢等服務,包括專案開發建設所需資金的融通及籌措,專案的推介及招商,為專案尋找戰略投資人或合作夥伴等。This letter of intent is the cooperation intent on cooperation between the two sides have r

4、eached a written document. The two sides signed a letter of intent, that both sides are willing to further discuss cooperation intention. Letter of intent of the main contents include the parties of cooperation, project name and its basic situation, cooperation between the two sides of the preparato

5、ry work; according to a, B both the current actual condition and market condition, both sides agreed the cooperation for the real estate development and construction of the initial work, the scope of cooperation and the content is for real estate development construction projects to provide technica

6、l consulting, information consulting services, including project development and construction funds needed for financing and financing, project promotion and investment, looking for a project strategic investors or partners.一、土地問題 One, land problem1.1、土地位置及出讓方式In 1.1, the location of land and lease甲

7、方同意本項目進入共同開發議程,並完全實施商業化運作。初步確定專案建設地點位於_占地約_畝。(其中獨自使用面積_畝,代征道路面積_畝)確切位置座標四至和土地面積待甲方規劃土地建設管理部門實測後確認。土地作為甲方投資的部分計入雙方後期合作開發的公司股份中。Party A agrees to the project into the common development agenda, and fully implement the commercial operation. Preliminary determination of the construction site of the proj

8、ect is located in the _ _ _ _ _ _ covers an area of about _ _ _ _ _ mu. (of which alone use area _ _ _ _ _ _ acres, collect Road area _ _ _ _ _ _ acres ) exact location coordinates to and land area to be a land planning construction management departments measured after confirmation. Land as a part

9、of the investment in both sides to cooperate in the development of the company in the late.1.2、土地價格In 1.2, the price of land為體現對本專案的支持,乙方初步確定以_萬元人民幣/畝的測算(評估)價格,將專案所需該宗土地的使用權計入雙方前期合作股權中,總計金額為_萬元人民幣。In order to reflect the project support, Party B to _ initially identified _ _ _ _ million yuan / MU ca

10、lculation ( assessment) price, will be required for the project of the land use right in both the initial cooperation equity, the total amount of _ _ _ _ _ million yuan.二、 合作方式Two, cooperation mode在本次共同合作中,全部以甲方的名義進行對外溝通、資訊交流、協調關係、公關、招投標、談判、簽約等商務事宜,乙方以甲方公司管理人員的身份完成本協議約定的工作,進行相應合法商務活動。In this work, a

11、ll with a name external communication, information communication, coordination, public relations, bidding, negotiation, contract and other business matters, Party A Party B to the officers of the company s identity to complete the agreement, undertake corresponding legal business activities.三、 甲、乙雙方

12、的工作與責任Three, a, B both the work and responsibility3.1、甲方:In 3.1, the party:3.1.1、向乙方提供商務活動所必需的一切商務談判資料,如甲方的組織機構、管理機構、註冊資本、企業章程、企業營業執照、資質證書、驗資報告、年度財務報表、法人代表證明書、授權委託書等一切為合作專案服務的資料證明檔。3.1.1, provide Party B with business activities necessary for all business negotiations, such as the party s organizati

13、on, registered capital, the articles of association of the enterprise, the enterprise business license, qualification certificate, the capital verification report, annual financial statements, certificate of the legal representative, the power of attorney and all other cooperation projects to servic

14、e information documents.3.1.2、在乙方提供投資開發所必須的資料基礎上,負責籌備專案開發建設所需資金的融通及籌措,並及時告知乙方融資管道及融資結果,並將融資所需的整套檔資料給乙方;在乙方提出需要的前提下為其尋求及聯絡相應的金融機構或投資機構。3.1.2, in Party B to provide investment and development must be based on the information, responsible for project development and construction funds needed for financ

15、ing and financing, and notify party financing channel and financing, and financing the necessary set of documents to Party B; in Party B needs the premise to find and contact the corresponding financial mechanism and investment mechanism.3.1.3、在乙方提供必須的資料的基礎上,負責協助乙方籌備專案的推介及招商所需的檔資料,並為其安排定向推介。In 3.1.3

16、, Party B must be on the basis of information, to assist Party B project promotion and investment required documents, and arranged for the directional referral.3.1.4、在乙方提出自行融資或尋求開發合作夥伴的前提下,負責協助乙方進行融資或合作開發的相關的協議、合同的談判和起草;並協助乙方完成融資或合作的相關法律檔的準備和簽署。In 3.1.4, B proposed its own financing or seek developm

17、ent partners under the premise, to assist Party B undertakes financing cooperation or the development of the relevant agreement, contract negotiation and drafting; and to assist Party B to complete the financing or cooperation of the relevant legal documents prepared and signed.3.1.5、為專案尋找戰略投資人或合作夥伴

18、,並將談判內容、結果和合作方式等以書面形式告知乙方。3.1.5, looking for a project strategic investors or partners, and negotiations, and cooperation mode results in written form to inform Party B.3.1.6、承擔本協議約定的合作過程中所發生的一切費用支出(包括乙方的管理費用,土地費用,專案設計、招投標等前期費用,專案廣告推介費,財務費用,銷售費用等)。3.1.6, take this agreement in the process of coopera

19、tion all expenses ( including Party B management costs, land costs, project design, bidding and other advertising referral fee upfront costs, project, financial costs, cost of sales ).3.1.7、雙方商定的其他工作。3.1.7, both sides agreed to other work.3.2、乙方:3.2, b:3.2.1、負責提供獲得專案服務事宜的公共關係支持。3.2.1, responsible fo

20、r providing access to the project services public relations support.3.2.2、負責取得專案服務所需的全部基本資料。3.2.2, is responsible for obtaining the services required of all basic data.3.2.3、負責協調使甲方獲得專案服務合同及相應的授權。3.2.3, responsible for the coordination of the party obtained project service contract and a correspondi

21、ng authorization.3.2.4、負責協調關係並使甲方尋求、聯絡、推薦的金融機構、投資機構、戰略投資人或合作夥伴在合作開發的專案競爭中入圍中標。3.2.4, responsible for coordinating the relationship and the party seeking, contact, recommend financial institutions, investors, strategic investors or partners in the joint development of the project bid competition for

22、selection.3.2.5、雙方商定的其他工作。3.2.5, both sides agreed to other work.四、管理等費用的支付方式Four, management fee payment4.1、乙方在協議約定範圍內所付出的管理費用由甲方承擔,協議簽定後按每個專案資訊為單位,按每個專案總投資額的2%向乙方支付管理費。4.1, Party B within the scope prescribed in the agreement to pay management fees borne by the party, the agreement according to th

23、e project information for the units, according to each project total investment 2% to B to pay management fees.4.2、本協議自簽定生效之日起7日內,甲方向乙方支付前期開辦費,之後按每月的實際投資額(含形象進度所代表的投資額)的2%向乙方支付管理費,前期開辦費在月支付管理費中扣減。In 4.2, the agreement signed within 7 days of date of effect, Party A shall pay to Party B the start-up

24、costs, followed by monthly actual amount of investment (including the image of progress represented by investment ) 2% to B to pay management fees, the start-up costs are deducted from the monthly management fee paid.4.3、廣告費用、前期費用等雙方另行商定支付方式,並作為本合同附件,與本合同具有同等法律效力。In 4.3, the advertising expenses, up

25、front costs and be agreed upon between the payment, and as an annex to the contract, and the contract has the same legal effect.五、保證與承諾Five, assurance and commitment5.1、雙方有權簽訂並執行本協議約定的義務,並且無需任何其他人的同意。In 5.1, the two sides have the right to sign and perform its obligations under the agreement, and wi

26、thout any other person to agree.5.2、雙方無論口頭或書面所提供的任何資料、資訊、數據、檔等均是最新的、客觀的、真實的、完整的,並且不存在任何虛假、侵權、故意疏忽或虛偽陳述。5.2, both sides whether oral or written provided any information, information, data, documents are up-to-date, objective, true, complete, and there is no false, tort, deliberate negligence or false

27、 statements.5.3、雙方將所知悉的可能影響本協議的所有事項(如果有)儘快通知對方,並提示對方注意。In 5.3, the two sides will or may affect the agreement of all items (if any ) inform each other, and prompts the other note.5.4、乙方在以甲方的名義進行或從事商業活動時,必須嚴格遵守中國有關法律和規定,一切違背法律和規定的行為,導致的法律責任與經濟責任均自行承擔。5.4, Party B to Party A in the name of or engaged

28、in business activities, must abide by Chinese laws and regulations, all contrary to law and the provisions of the act, leading to legal responsibility and economic responsibility to bear.5.5、乙方以甲方名義對外的一切承諾及相關的意見、觀點、看法和操作,均應在甲方授權或雙方議定的範圍內進行,否則,乙方自行承擔全部責任。5.5, Party B to Party A on behalf of all the c

29、ommitments and related opinions, views, opinions and operation, shall be under a grant or the agreed range, otherwise, Party B shall bear all the responsibilities.5.6、乙方在提出正當的合法商務活動時,甲方應積極的給予支持,5.6, Party B in presenting a legitimate legal business activities, Party A shall actively support,六、雙方法定地址Six, the legal address甲方法定地址: Party the legal address:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _法定代表人: 住址: Legal representative: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _address:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _聯繫方式:Contact way:乙方法定地址:Legal address: _ _ _ _

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