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1、He has been justifiably promoted to the position of manager.他被晋升为经理,这一点是毫无争议的。,分译法(division),英汉两种语言的表达方式的差异,英语常用一个词或短语表达一层意思,而汉语一般用包含动词的小句表达一层意思英语里状语大多在动词后面,后置定语很多,有关系代词、关系副词、分词和像that那样引导多种从句的连词,因而一句话里常常是一个从句(或短语)套一个从句(或短语),一连套许多从句(或短语),可仍然层次分明,逻辑清楚,而汉语则往往用若干小句表达一句话的意思。,定义,在翻译时,我们可以把英语一句话中的一个词、一个短语或

2、一个从句译成汉语中的几个词或几个短语。这种译法称之为分译法(division).分译法不仅可用于拆译长句,也可用于拆译短语,甚至可以拆译单词。,一、单词分译,定义:单词分译,就是将句中的某一单词分译开来。这类分译可分为五类:(一)单词词义分译(二)单词搭配分译(三)单词灵活对等分译(四)单词为突出语言重点分译(五)修辞需要词语分译,(一)单词词义分译,英语中有些单词的词义呈现综合型,即一个词集合了几个语义成分。译成汉语时,不易找到合适的对等词,很难一下子将其词义一下子全部表达出来。在这种情况下,可采用分析型,即扩展型的方法分析原语,将其语义成分分布到几个不同的词语上。Eg:(1)She ins

3、pected the table for dust with her finger.她用手指抹抹桌子,看看有没有灰尘。,(2)She twirled mechanically a ribbon of her cap around one of her fingers.她老是把帽子上的一条绸缎在一个手指上绕过来,绕过去。(3)That little pink-faced chit Amelia with not half any sense,has ten thousand pounds and an establishment secure.爱米莉亚娜粉红色脸儿的小不点儿,还没我一半懂事,倒有

4、一万磅财产,住宅家具奴仆一应俱全。,(二)单词搭配分译,英语中有些词语间的搭配关系,汉译时要打破原文的结构,按照汉语习惯,将有关词语分别译出。(1)she had such a kindly,smiling,tender,gentle,generous heart of her own.她心地善良,待人和气,性格温和,举止高雅,为人大方。,(2)He once again imparted to us his great knowledge,experience and wisdom.我们又一次领受了他渊博的知识、丰富的经验和无穷的智慧。(3)The boy picked up his hat

5、 and courage.男孩捡起了帽子,鼓起了勇气。,(三)灵活对等分译,英语中有些单词,如果按其在句子中机械地译成汉语,往往造成意义不够明确,遇到这种情况,应采取灵活对等分译,不拘泥于形式对应,尽量使译文读者对译文的反应等值于原文读者对原文的反应。Eg:(1)Thus it was that our little romantic friend formed visions of the future for herself.我们的小朋友一脑袋幻想,憧憬着美丽的未来。,(2)The town boasts a beautiful lake.镇上有个美丽的湖,人人引以为豪。That regi

6、on was the most identifiable trouble spot.那地区是个麻烦的地方,这是大家最容易看得出来的。,(四)单词为突出语言重点分译,有时逐字翻译虽然也使语句通顺,但都不如分译更能传达句内所含的语义重点。Eg:.there was in the old library at Queens Crawley a considerable provision of works of light literature of the last century,both in the French and English languages.在女王的克劳莱大厦的书房里,有不少

7、上个世纪的文学作品,有英文的,也有法文的,都是些轻松地读物.,(五)修辞需要词语分译,有时将单词分译是为了达到某种修辞效果。Eg:(1)And in their disputes she always returned to this point,“Get me a situationwe hate each other,and I am ready to go.从此以后他们每一次拌嘴,她老是旧事重提,说道:“给我找个事情,反正咱们你恨我,我嫌你,我愿意走。,第六节 分译法,(五)修辞需要词语分译(2)Not that the parting speech caused Amelia to p

8、hilosophize,or that it aimed her in any way with a calmness倒并不是(平克顿小姐的)临别赠言使爱米丽亚想得通丢得开,因此心平气和,镇静下来此处philosophize分译成“想得通”、“丢得开”,将calmness分译作“心平气和”、“镇静下来”,说明译者真正读懂了原文,摆脱了字典释义的束缚,使用恰当的汉语语言再现了英文的特色,并做到了结构匀称,声调和谐,保持了原文的神韵与风姿。,二、短语分译,有些短语需要进行分译才能表达得更顺畅,更符合汉语的表达习惯。Eg:(1)The remake of A dream of a Red mansi

9、on got a heated mixed reactions from the viewers.红楼梦的重拍在观众中引起极大反响,不过有好也有坏。,(2)we cannot see the tower form a distance clearly owing to the fog.由于有雾,我们从远处看不清这座塔。Being absorbed in his calculation,Ampere did not notice the blackboard in front of him was on the moving.由于全神贯注于自己的运算,安培没有注意他面前的黑板在移动。,(4)Th

10、e workers power increased with their numbers.随着人数的增加,工人们的力量也随之增强。,I could not venture to approach her,or to communicate with her in writing,for my sense of peril in which her life was passed was only to be equaled by my fear of increasing it.我不敢贸然接近她,也不敢贸然和她通信,因为我一方面深知她的处境十分危险,一方面又生怕这样做会增加她的危险。上面的例句

11、中的短语to be equaled by无法在一处译透,而需要分作两处译出。它们被译为:“一方面”、“一方面”。,第六节 分译法,三、句子的分译,三、句子的分译,英语中有些句子的结构十分奇特,其主、谓、宾等成分汉译时无法对号入座。这时应从整个句子着手,打乱整个句子,重新分译。,What can easily be seen in his poems are his imagery and originality,power and range.她的诗作形象生动,独具一格,而且气势磅礴,题材广泛。这是显而易见的。Two of the advantages of the transistor ar

12、e its being small in size and its being able to be put close to each other without overheating.晶体管有两个优点:一是体积小,二是能相互靠近放置也不会过热。,(3)It is really hard to satisfy the requirement that no mistake should be made in the 5000-word graduation paper.要在5000个单词的学位论文中不出现错误,这一要求确实很难达到。,翻译练习,Governments throughout

13、the world act on the assumption that the welfare of their people depends largely on the economic strength and wealth of the community.After entering her room,she crashed down on a protesting chair.She had left a note of welcome for me,as sunny as her face.,She cannot politely turn down the invitatio

14、n to her bosss party.The maximum demand for electricity today is expected to double within a decade.A growing minority of western intellectuals agreed.It is understandable that parents and grand parents are always lavishing their love and care on their only kid in China.,My father was not wrong in j

15、udging me too young to manage business of importance.A nave prediction of the rise of house prices according to the growth rates in the last quarter is likely to mislead the purchasers.,This considerateness on old Mr Clares part led Angel onward to the other and dearer subject.He observed to his fat

16、her that he was then six-and-twenty,and that when he should start in the farming business he would require eyes in the back of his head to see to all matters-some one would be necessary to superintend the domestic labours of his establishment whilst he was afield.Would it not be well,therefore,for h

17、im to marry?,An up-hill and down-dale ride of twenty-odd miles through a garish mid-day atmosphere brought him in the afternoon to a detached knoll a mile or two west of Talbothays(泰波塞斯),whence he again looked into that green trough of sappiness and humidity,the valley of the Var(瓦尔谷)or Froom(佛卢姆谷).

18、Immediately he began to descend from the upland to the fat alluvial soil below,the atmosphere grew heavier;the languid perfume of the summer fruits,the mists,the hay,the flowers,formed therein a vast pool of odour which at this hour seemed to make the animals,the very bees and butterflies,drowsy.Cla

19、re was now so familiar with the spot that he knew the individual cows by their names when,a long distance off,he saw them dotted about the meads.It was with a sense of luxury that he recognized his power of viewing life here from its inner side,in a way that had been quite foreign to him in his stud

20、ent-days;and,much as he loved his parents,he could not help being aware that to come here,as now,after an experience of home-life,affected him like throwing off splints and bandages;even the one customary curb on the humours of English rural societies being absent in this place,Talbothays having no

21、resident landlord.,安吉尔骑着马,一路翻山越谷,在正午骄阳下走了二十多英里路,到了下午,走到了泰波塞斯西边一两英里地方的一个孤立的小山岗上,抬头望去,又看见了前面的低谷瓦尔谷,也就是佛卢姆谷,谷中水分充足,土地滋润,一片青绿。他立刻离开那块高地,向下面那片冲积而成的肥沃土壤走去,空气也变得浓重起来;夏天的果实、雾气、干草、野花散发出懒洋洋的芬芳,汇聚成一个巨大的芳香湖泊,在这个时候,似乎所有的鸟兽、蜜蜂、蝴蝶,受到香气的熏陶,都要一个个睡去了。对于这个地方,克莱尔现在已经非常熟悉了,所以他虽然从老远的地方望见点缀在草地上的牛群,也能够叫出每一头牛的名字来。他心里有一种享受的感觉,因为某些方面他现在和学生时代的他完全不一样了,认识到自己在这儿具有从内部观察生活的能力。虽然他深爱自己的父母,但是现在他也不禁深深感觉到,他回家住了几天,再回到这里,心里就有了一种摆脱羁绊束缚的感觉;泰波塞斯没有固定的地主,在这个地方,对英国农村社会的荒诞行为,甚至连通常的约束也没有。,

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