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1、高中英语Unit4Sharing练习试题新人教版选修Unit 4Sharing【导语】希望工程(Project Hope)是于1989年发起的一项公益事业。其宗旨是建设希望小学,资助贫困地区失学儿童重返校园,改善农村办学条件。Project HopeProject Hope,which was first launched in October 1989,is a nationwide educational project to help mainly school dropouts in outlying,povertystricken areas resume their schooli

2、ng.Project Hope mainly depends on the contributions of the urban people and overseas Chinese who care about the development of Chinas education.The contributed money will be distributed by Project Hope council to the countryside to help the children who are deprived the education.It is said that the

3、 past three years witnessed the largest amount of funds raised for Project Hope, taking up nearly half of the total raised in the last 10 years while the number of Hope schools built made up more than half.Since last year, the strategic focus of Project Hope has gradually been shifted from the previ

4、ous widespread aid to the cultivation of excellent students and followup support for Hope schools.The main tasks of Project Hope in the future will concentrate on building more Hope schools,strengthening the training of teachers of these schools, equipping the schools with computers and related educ

5、ation software,and developing longrange education.【词海拾贝】1launch v发射;发动2dropout n退学者3outlying adj.边远的;偏僻的4resume v重新开始;再继续5deprive vt.夺去;剥夺6shift vt.变换;转换7cultivation n耕作;栽培;培养【问题思考】1Who will Project Hope mainly help?_答案:To help mainly school dropouts in outlying, povertystricken areas resume their s

6、chooling.2What will Project Hope concentrate on in the future?_答案:Building more Hope schools, strengthening the training of teachers of these schools, equipping the schools with computers and related education software, and developing longrange education.将单词与正确释义连线1fortnightA分配,分发2relevant B自愿的,志愿的;

7、无偿的3remote C调整;使适合4adjust D有关的,相关的5platform E两星期6participate F遥远的,偏僻的7arrangement G安排;排列8donate H参与;参加9voluntary I工作;运转;操作10purchase J买,购买11distribute K捐赠12operate L台;平台;讲台答案:1E2D3F4C5L6H7G8K9B10J11A12I.根据所给汉语提示写出单词1_ n航空邮件 2._ n房顶;车顶3_ adj.泥泞的;泥土般的4_ n教科书;课本5_ n观念;概念6_ adj. adv.每周(的)7_ conj.否则,不然 a

8、dv.用别的方法;其他方面8_ n特权;特别优待9_ n宇航员;太空人10_ n角;角度11_ n周年纪念(日)12_ n树干;躯干;大衣箱13_ adj.政治的;政党的14_ n安全;保护;保障15_ n门诊部;小诊所答案根据英语释义写出单词1_:something that has been organize

9、d2_:become or make suited (to new conditions);adapt3_:a special advantage that is given only to one person or groups of people4_:a person who gives a translation of words spoken in another language5_: in another or different way6_:written work in an office, such as writing reports or letters7_:take

10、part in an activity or event8_:connected with what is being done or discussed答案:1.arrangement2.adjust3.privilege4.interpreter5otherwise6.paperwork7.participate8.relevant.选用短语的适当形式填空the other day;come across; hear from;dry out; be dying to;make a difference to;to be honest;be relevant to;participate

11、in;stick out1Its said that the test _ the texts we have learned. We should go them over carefully.答案:is relevant to2Everyone in class is expected to _ these discussions.答案:participate in3John hung up his wet washing in order to _ it _答案:dryout4_, I dont like this kind of noisy music.答案:To be honest5

12、I _ my cousin every two months.答案:hear from6She _ have a holiday to relax herself.答案:is/was dying to7He got an email from Tom _答案:the other day8Her work _ the children there.答案:made a difference to9I _ a poem of Shu Ting in a newspaper a little while ago.答案:came across10She made a face and _ her ton

13、gue at him.答案:stuck out.领会句子所用句型并译成汉语1But last weekend another teacher,Jenny,and I did_visit a village which is the home of one of the boys,Tombe.(助动词do/does/did动词原形构成的强调句)_答案:但是,上周末我和一位叫作珍妮的老师真的去访问了一个村庄,那是其中一个男孩汤贝的家。2Once the fire was going,he laid stones on it.(once引导的时间状语从句)_答案:火着起来后,他往火里放了几块石头。3

14、She was dying to see him again but what_if_he didnt want to see her?(what if.倘若怎么办)_答案:她渴望见到他,但是假如他不想见她该怎么办呢?4The other day I was_showing the boys the weekly chemistry experiment when,before I knew it,the mixture was bubbling over everywhere!(be doing.when.正在做此时/突然)_答案:不久前的一天,我正给男孩子们做每周一次的化学实验演示,我还没

15、有明白怎么回事,混合剂就到处冒气泡了。课文表层理解.根据课文内容判断正(T)误(F)1The classroom are made from bricks and the roofs from grass.(F)2It always takes the boys only a few minutes to get to the school.(F)3Science is the most challenging subject for Jo.(T)4When Jo and Jenny arrived at the village,they shook hands with all the vi

16、llagers.(T)5After Jo returned from the village,she felt unhappy because her muscles were aching.(F).阅读课文回答下列问题1Why did Jo send Rosemary some photos?_答案:Because they would help Rosemary picture the places Jo talked about.2Why was science the most challenging subject for Jo?_答案:Because her students ha

17、d no concept of doing experiments and there was no equipment.3Why did the boys start jumping out of the windows?_答案:Because the boys never came across anything like the bubbling mixture.4Why should it take Jo and Jenny two hours and a half to get to the village?_答案:Because they had to climb up a mou

18、ntain to a ridge first and then down a steep path to the valley below.5Why does Jo call the school where she teaches a bush school?_答案:Because the classrooms are made of bamboo and the roofs of grass.根据课文内容完成下列表格Jos high schoolIts a(n) 1._ schoolthe classrooms are made of 2._ and the roofs of grass.

19、 Theres no 3._ or water and we dont have any textbooks.Jos first visit to a villageTime to get thereTwo and a half hours of walking.Description of the houseA low bamboo hut with grass 4._ out of the roof. No windows.Narrow doorway.5._the houseA newly made 6._ for Jenny and me to sleep on. A(n) 7._ i

20、n the centre of the hut near the doorway.A few tin plates and cups and a 8._ of jars.Outside the houseMukap 9._ stones in the fire, and he placed them in an empty oil drum with kau kau, corn and greens. He then 10._ the vegetables with banana leaves and left them to steam.答案:1.bush2.bamboo3.electric

21、ity4.sticking5Inside6.platform7.fireplace8.couple9.laid10.covered课文深层理解.根据课文内容匹配段落及其大意Part 1(Para 1)AThe school where Jo worked and Jos work at school.Part 2(Paras 23) BOpening of the letter and introductionto what will be talked about.Part 3(Paras 48) CClosing of the letter.Part 4(Para 9) DJo and J

22、enny visited Tombes home in the village.答案:Part 1BPart 2APart 3DPart 4C.根据课文内容选择最佳选项1Why does Jo call the school where she teaches a bush school?ABecause the school was built in a bush.BBecause the classrooms are made of bamboo and the roofs of grass.CBecause there is nothing but bush around the sch

23、ool.DBecause students in that school use “bush” as their names.答案:B2Which of the following statements is TRUE?AThere is no electricity but enough water at school.BI can become used to the schools condition easily.CThe students there often do chemistry experiments.DWe have neither textbooks nor any e

24、xperiment equipment.答案:D3Which of the following sentences is WRONG about Mukaps house?AThere were no windows and the doorway was just big enough to get through.BThe hut was dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust.CFresh grass had been laid on the floor but there was an old platform.DThere

25、 was a fireplace in the centre of the hut near the doorway.答案:C4We may infer from the text that Tombes family _Aseldom met strangersBhad the same belief as JoChad a bad relationship with their neighboursDtalked warmly with Jo when they saw her答案:B5Why did Tombe throw out the tin can?ABecause he beli

26、eved the can attracted evil spirits.BBecause he believed any leftovers attracted evil spirits.CBecause he believed the can had no use at all.DBecause he believed the grill attracted evil spirits.答案:B如何写记叙文人物描写介绍人物属于记叙文,以叙述和描写为主。写作顺序可以采用“顺叙”“倒叙”和“插叙”,叙述过程中应当条理清楚,脉络分明。写作人物描写类文章的基本步骤是:1出生日期以及出生地点。这是人物写

27、作的基本信息,应该详细而且具体。2家庭背景。也就是人物的家庭状况或者是人物的家庭生活的基本情况。3教育背景。人物受教育的基本过程,以及取得的学历。4生平大事。这是人物写作的主体部分,即人物做出的贡献或者取得的成就。5人物评价。人物评价是对所描述人物进行的评价,评价必须客观公正;可以是作者自己的评价,也可以是其他人士的评价。【典型句式】1介绍人物的姓名、出身。(1)She was born in Beijing on Oct 12th,1986.(2)She was a great woman with the name of.(3)She was born in/into a poor/rich family.2介绍家庭背景。(1) His/Her family was so poor that.(2) His/Her father was very strict with him/her.3介绍教育背景。(1)She was admitted to a famous university.(2) She graduated f

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