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1、Unit 9 What does he look like?,Celebritys House 名人馆,What does he look like?,He is tall.,height,He is.,(身高)hait,He is of medium height.mi:dm hat,He is short.,She is heavy.hev,She is of medium build.mi:dm,She is.,(体形)bld,She is thin.n,What does she look like?,build,tall,of medium height,short,of mediu

2、m build,heavy,thin,Can you describe them?,Jackie Chan is of medium build.,Zhang Jie is thin.,PSY is heavy.,What does she look like?,Xie Na has short hair.,Wu Xin has long hair.,She has short curly hair.,She has long straight hair.,She has curly hair.,She has straight hair.,Learning Tips:1.hashave+ha

3、ir2.形容词(长短+形状+颜色)+hair,She has short hair.,She has long hair.,What does Wu Xin look like?,/stret/,/k:l/,short straight hair,What does Wu Xin look like?,long curly hair,What does she look like?She has,long straight hair,long curly hair,A:What does look like?B:He/She is short/tall/of medium height.He/

4、She is thin/heavy/of medium build.He/She has hair.,Pair Work:Talk about their height,build and hair.,I.I love myself!,Show Myself,What do you look like?,A Poem for you Maybe.,I have short curly hair,and my mother has short curly hair,too.I love my mother!,A:What does your mother/father look like?B:S

5、he/He is.She/He is.She/He has.I love my mother/father.,Is he tall or short?Is he heavy or thin?,Amy,1.short hair _2.curly hair _3.long hair _4.straight hair _5.tall _6.short _7.medium height_8.thin _9.heavy _10.medium build _,e/f/h,b/h,a,a/e/f/,h,f,g,c,d,a/e/g,Match the words with the people in the

6、picture.(1a),tall,curly hair,Listen and fill in the blanks in the picture.(1b),Listen and answer the questions.(2a),1.Is David tall or short?_2.Does Sally have long or short hair?_3.Is Peter short or tall?_,He is short.,He is tall.,She has long hair.,of medium height,short,long straight hair,of medi

7、um build,short hair,Listen again.Fill in the chart.(2b),thin,tall,curly hair,My friends favorite star!,A:Whos your favorite star?B:My favorite star is.A:What does he/she look like?B:He/She is.He/She has.,Report:My friend As favorite star is.He/She is.He/She has.My friend Bs favorite star is.He/She i

8、s.He/She has.,Group Work:Interview and report,My Favorite Stars,明星微博祈福雅安Best wishes to Yaan.,我的思念和祈祷与地震灾区的人民同在。科比布莱恩特,Looking for the missing people,A:Hello.Can I help you?B:Yes,please.Im looking for a.He/She is from Yaan.His/Her name is.A:Oh,what does he/she look like?B:He/She has.He/She is.A:How o

9、ld is he/she?B:He/She is.A:I see.OK.We can help you to find him/her.B:Thank you very much!,Xie Wenbin,45years old,Zhu Dan,26 years old,A:Hello.Can I help you?B:Yes,please.Im looking for a.He/She is from Yaan.His/Her name is.A:Oh,what does he/she look like?B:He/She has.He/She is.A:How old is he/she?B

10、:He/She is.A:I see.OK.We can help you to find him/her.B:Thank you very much!,Niu Xuemei,38 years old,Shen Tan,22 years old,Looking for the missing people,Heavy or thin,Tall or short,Were all the same.Were all beautiful.Straight or curly,Young or old,Were all the same.Were all beautiful.,Homework:Mak

11、e a survey about your partners family members(家庭成员):,Thank you for listening!,The End!,If your friend is very short,Or if your friend is very heavy,Or if you see a man,and he is ugly,Can you laugh at(嘲笑)him?,Handsome is as handsome does.,Pretty is as pretty does.,行为善者始为美!,Everyone is special!Everyone is important!人人都很特别!人人都很重要!,Dont judge the others by their looks!不要以貌取人!,

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