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1、餐饮管理商业计划书 20 13 -20 14 学年第 1 学期餐饮商业计划书实验课程名称 酒店餐饮管理 专 业 班 级 旅游1101 学 生 姓 号 31105505 学 生 姓 名 朱峻逸 实验指导教师 陈业玮 一、计划摘要 茶餐厅,是一种起源于香港的快餐食肆,提供揉合了香港特色的西式餐饮,是香港平民化的饮食场所。随着香港人口的移动和香港文化的传播,香港以外的地方也不难找到茶餐厅的踪影,中国大陆、海外的唐人街等有茶餐厅算是寻常不过。茶餐厅以其美食的多样化、上菜速度的快捷、宽松的就餐环境以及适中的价钱吸引了非常多的食客。而其独特的卡位,轻松的环境氛围,更成为现代年轻人聊天聚会的最佳选择。 目前

2、杭州的茶餐厅市场大多数被以连锁品牌为主的各大茶餐厅所瓜分,其消费水平偏高,对于学生来说消费负担不起,本项目便是针对学生市场所设计的。 本项目计划在浙江大学城市学院旁边开设一家丰汇堂茶餐厅,丰汇堂茶餐厅是主要以在校大学生为目标消费群的港式茶餐厅,本餐厅的经营宗旨是让每个消费者能经常品尝到正宗的港味。在饮食文化业发达的浙江省,开设这样一家颇具特色的茶餐厅是非常有吸引力和潜力的。 根据实地调查,我校附近没有茶餐厅,所以在学校附近开设一家主要目标消费群是学生的茶餐厅是具有发展前景的。本餐厅的管理层都是经过专业学习的,有很强的业务能力,普通服务员可以从学生中聘请,减少了投资成本,并且我是学管理出身的,看

3、清了市场潜力,在财务方面有专业能力,通过财务分析,预测本餐厅是一个盈利项目。二、餐厅概况2.1餐厅基本信息餐厅名称:汇丰堂营业面积:250主要目标消费群:在校师生员工信息:总经理1名,财务1名,采购1名,餐厅主管1名,餐厅领班1名,主厨5名,服务人员若干。 2.2经营范围本餐厅全天提供港式茶点和餐饮,同时提供酒水。2.3餐厅定位本餐厅主要目标消费群是在校师生,所以本餐厅走的是中端市场定位。2.4主要菜品凉拌类Cold Dishes拿手住家菜Home style dishes凉拌洋葱皮蛋Preserved egg in onion sauce¥12虎皮尖椒Sauted green chili p

4、epper¥18凉拌青瓜Tossed cucumber in sauce¥10鲜茄炒蛋Scrambled egg with tomato¥18凉拌土豆丝Tossed shredded potatoes in Sauce¥10麻婆豆腐Sichuan style bean curd¥18凉拌酸姜皮蛋Preserved egg in ginger sauce¥12豆豉棱鱼油麦菜Sauted vegetable with diced fish and black bean sauce¥18Add chili or not 青椒煎蛋Pan-fried eggs with pepper steak¥20西

5、式扒餐Western chop凉瓜煎蛋pan-fried egg with bitter melon¥20黑椒牛柳条Sauted beef fillet with black pepper¥28韭王炒蛋Scrambled egg with leeks¥20香煎猪扒Fried pork chop¥28尖椒/酸辣炒鸡什Green pepper sauted chicken giblets/ in sour and spicy flavor¥20圣安娜鸡扒St.Anna chicken chop¥28湖南小炒肉Hunan sauted shredded pork ¥23美心鸳鸯扒Meixin Yua

6、nyang steaks¥33青椒回锅肉Sauted Pork with green pepper¥23美心大杂扒Meixin big miscellaneous steaks¥33菜心炒腊肉Sauted preserved pork with flowering cabbage¥25You can add black pepper sauce、tomato sauce or curry sauce, Iron platter egg add ¥3红烧鱼块Braised fish fillets¥23炖汤、明火靓汤Energy Soup /Soup of the Day酸菜炒肥肠Fried p

7、ork intestines with Sichuan pickles¥25猪肺炖菜干汤Pig lung stews dried vegetable soup¥13紫苏焖鸭Perilla braised duck¥23排骨炖凉瓜汤Pork ribs stewed bitter melon soupp野山椒炒肥肠Fried pork intestines with wild pepper¥25花旗参炖乌鸡汤American ginseng stewed black bone chicken soup¥13凉瓜炒牛肉(排骨)Fried beef/ pork ribs with bitter mel

8、on¥28生熟地炖龙骨汤Root of rehmannia / rehmanniae vaporata stewed keel soup¥13野山椒炒牛肉Fried beef with wild pepper¥28当归鸡蛋红枣炖汤Angelica eggs jujube double-boil soup¥13东坡肉Braised Dongpo pork¥28鱼头豆腐汤Fish head and tofu soup¥18梅菜扣肉Steamed pork with preserved vegetable¥28蕃茄蛋花汤Tomato eggs soup¥18冬菇焖鸡Braised chicken W

9、ith black mushroom¥25时菜猪肝汤Seasonal vegetables and pork liver soup ¥18重庆水煮鱼Chongqing poached fish¥30老火靓汤Nutritious slowly cooked soup¥15特色酸菜鱼Boiled fish with Sichuan pickles¥30时令鲜蔬蒜茸Sauted seasonal vegetables¥18煲仔类Clay Pot Style葡式咖喱王Portugal curry style粉丝什菜煲Rice-noodle vegetables clay pot¥18咖喱鸡什Curry

10、 giblet¥25咸鱼茄子煲Salt fish eggplant clay pot¥20咖喱滑鸡Curry chicken¥28金针菇日本豆腐煲Braised needle mushroom with Japanese bean curd¥25咖喱排骨Curry pork ribs¥28萝卜牛腩煲Radish &beef brisket clay pot¥28咖喱牛肉Curry beef¥28支竹牛腩煲Bean curd stick &beef brisket clay pot¥28咖喱牛腩Curry beef brisket¥28凉瓜排骨煲Bitter melon &pork ribs c

11、lay Pot¥28铁板类Iron Platter Style蒸品类 Steamed dishes铁板什菜Iron platter Vegetables18¥蒸水蛋Steamed eggs¥15铁板玉子豆腐Iron platter Bean Curd20¥三色蒸水蛋Steamed eggs, preserved eggs and salted eggs¥18铁板姜葱牛肉Iron platter Beef with ginger and shallot28¥蒜茸蒸鲜茄子Steamed eggplant with garlic¥20铁板豆豉鸡Iron platter chicken with bl

12、ack bean sauce26¥榨菜蒸肉片Steamed sliced pork with tuber mustard¥26铁板肥肠Iron platter pork intestine26¥冬菇蒸鸡Steamed chicken with dried mushroom ¥28铁板鳝片Iron platter sliced eel30¥剁椒蒸鱼头Steamed Fish Head with chilli pepper¥28豉汁蒸排骨Steamed pork ribs with black bean sauce¥30荷香蒸鸡 Steamed chicken with lotus flavor¥

13、30港式烧味、卤味Roasted meat and Marinated meat碟头烩饭 Kinds of Rice金牌烧鸭Roast duckHalf :¥45,one: ¥80¥28酸辣炒鸡杂Fried chicken giblets in sour and spicy flavor¥15麻婆豆腐钣Sichuan style bean curd rice¥12正宗白切鸡Plain boiled chickenHalf :¥38,one: ¥68¥38东坡肉钣Dongpo pork and rice¥15蜜汁叉烧Honey-stewed barbecued pork¥25梅菜扣肉饭Steam

14、ed pork with preserved vegetable rice ¥15卤水掌亦Marinated goose webs and wings¥23鲜蕃茄蛋饭Scrambled fresh egg with tomato rice¥15卤水鸭肾片Marinated duck kidney¥25咸鱼茄瓜饭Salt fish and eggplant rice¥15卤水拼盘Marinated meat combination¥25金针菇日本豆腐饭Needle mushroom and Japanese bean curd rice¥15卤水鹅Marinated goose¥30紫苏焖鸭饭P

15、erilla braised duck rice¥13Specific part or double mix add ¥5回锅肉饭Sauted sliced pork rice¥15套餐蒸饭Steamed rice / hot pot rice冬菇滑鸡饭Braised chicken with black mushroom rice¥16榨菜肉丝砵仔饭Rice with tuber mustard Shredded Pork in hot pot¥16凉瓜牛肉/排骨饭Bitter melon and beef brisket /pork ribs and rice¥18椒丝肉片砵仔饭rice

16、with Sliced Pork and pepper in hot pot¥16尖椒牛肉/排骨饭Fried beef with pepper/pork ribs and rice ¥18鱼香茄瓜笼仔饭Rice with Steamed salted fish and eggplant ¥18牛腩罗卜饭Radish and beef brisket rice¥18飘香腊味笼仔饭Rice with preserved meat ¥18白切鸡饭Plain boiled chickenand rice ¥15冬菇滑鸡木桶饭Steam mushroom and chicken with rice in

17、 wood tub¥18金牌烧鸭饭Rice with roast duck¥15豉汁排骨木桶饭spareribs and fermented soybeans with rice in wood tub¥18蜜汁叉烧饭Rice with barbecued pork ¥15剁椒鱼头木桶饭Steam fish head and chilli pepper with rice in wood tub¥18咸蛋三宝饭Rice with salted eggs¥18清蒸排骨砵仔饭Steamed rice with spareribs in hot pot ¥18卤水掌亦饭Rice with marin

18、ated goose webs and wings ¥15黄鳝砵仔饭Sliced eel with rice in hot pot ¥20卤水鸭肾饭Rice with marinated duck kidney ¥16Specific part or double mix add ¥5Vegetable and soup for free till stock lasts卤水鹅饭Rice with marinated goose ¥18咖喱鸡/牛肉/牛腩饭Rice with curry chicken/beef/ beef brisket ¥18Vegetable and soup for f

19、ree till stock lasts各式特饮、甜品、啤酒 Drink&Beer炒粉面类Chow fun or noodle港式奶茶Hongkong milky tea热冻鸡蛋炒米粉(面)Fried rice-noodle/noodle with eggs ¥13¥8¥10港式咖啡Hongkong coffee¥8¥10三丝炒米粉(面)Saut rice-noodle with Shredded carrot ,cucumber and vermicelli¥13港式柠檬茶Hongkong lemon tea ¥8¥10牛肉炒面Fried rice-noodle with slice bee

20、f¥15港式鸳鸯Affectionate ¥8¥10干炒牛河Beef chow fun¥15阿华田Ovaltine¥8¥10星洲炒米粉Fried rice vermicelli with shredded seafood and curry¥15好立克Horlicks¥8¥10湿炒牛河Fried rice-noodle with slice beef( with juice)¥15朱古力Chocolate¥8¥10鲜奶Fresh milk¥8¥8三文治、多士、小食Sandwich 、 toast and snack杏仁霜Almond powder¥8¥10牛油奶油多士Beef tallow (

21、cream)toast ¥6西洋菜蜜Water-cress syrup¥8¥10果占多士Jam toast¥6柑桔蜜Orange honey fruit juice¥8¥10奶油花生酱多士Cream ,peanut butter toast ¥6菊花蜜Chrysanthemum syrup¥8¥10鸡蛋三文治Fry egg sandwich¥8咸柠柒Salty lemon seven¥10火腿蛋三文治Sandwich with ham and egg¥10柠底乐Lemon coke¥10公司三文治Club sandwich¥10新的鲜橙汁Fresh orange juice¥8法兰西多士Fre

22、nch toast¥10香滑凉粉Bean jelly¥5香煎鸡蛋Fry egg¥3炼奶龟苓膏condensed milk guiling jelly¥10咸蛋、皮蛋、卤水蛋Salted eggs、preserved egg、spiced egg¥3鲜奶加蛋Fresh milk with egg 10¥鲜榨果汁、各式冰饮Juice and ice drink可乐煲姜Braised ginger with coke10¥苹果汁Apple juice¥10可乐、柒喜、汽水Coke 、7-Up 、soft drink¥5雪梨汁Pear juice¥10王老吉Wanglaoji¥6西瓜汁Watermel

23、on juice¥10各式啤酒Kinds of beers¥6橙汁Orange juice¥10纯生啤酒Draught beer¥8甘笋/红萝卜汁Carrot juice¥10The same product above, buy 3 ,get 1 free菠萝冰Ice with ananas ¥10特色汤粉面 Noodle soup and lo mein红豆冰Ice with red bean¥10火腿蛋汤公仔面Instant noodle soup with ham and egg¥10绿豆冰Ice with green bean¥10肉片汤粉(面)Rice-noodle/noodle

24、with sliced meat¥10薄荷宾治Mint punch¥10猪肝汤粉(面)Rice-noodle/noodle with pork liver¥10好立克红豆冰Horlick ice with red bean¥10榨菜肉丝汤粉(面)Rice-noodle/noodle with sliced and tuber mustard ¥10The same product above, buy 3 ,get 1 free北方水饺Dumplings/ Chinese meat ravioli¥10港式生滚粥Hongkong congee沙爹牛肉汤粉(面)Rice-noodle/noodl

25、e soup with Satay beef¥12鱼片粥、鱼骨腩粥Congee with raw fish/fish belly¥8牛腩汤粉(面)Rice-noodle soup with beef brisket¥12皮蛋瘦肉粥Minced pork congee with preserved egg¥8叉烧/烧鸭汤粉(面)Rice-noodle soup with roasted meat and roasted duck¥12滑鸡粥Congee with chicken¥8白切鸡汤粉(面)Rice-noodle/noodle soup plain boiled chicken¥12猪肝粥

26、Congee with pork liver¥8猪扒汤粉(面)Rice-noodle/noodle soup with pork chop ¥12芫茜鱼头粥Congee with fish head¥10You can choose rice-noodle or noodle 生菜牛肉粥Congee with beef¥10黄蟮粥Congee with sliced eel¥10明火白粥、配榨菜Congee with tuber mustard¥5亚式炒饭Fry rice白米饭(cooked) Rice¥1健康炒饭Fry rice with green food¥13扬州炒饭Fry rice

27、,Yangzhou style¥13生炒牛肉饭Fry rice with beef¥15咸鱼鸡粒炒饭Fry rice with salted fish and chicken¥15咖喱牛肉炒饭Fry rice with curry beef¥15三、市场调查分析3.1 可行性分析(1)休闲茶餐厅市场竞争激烈,且市场品种和品牌众多,新品牌、新品种的不断涌现,使休闲茶餐厅市场被切碎细分,瓜分着消费者的钱袋,蜂拥挤占着市场。(2)品牌繁多的休闲茶餐厅分为供应堂食、饮品和仅以供应饮品为主两大类。全国有大小茶餐厅不计其数,各地品牌众多。在杭州市场,有知名茶餐厅10余家。(3)高档茶餐厅各方面较之中低档茶

28、餐厅占上风,从广告宣传、营销水平、品牌号召力到消费者选择偏好,整体上低档茶餐厅不敌高档茶餐厅。高档茶餐厅利用的客观优势是室内环境幽雅,消费者现阶段对茶餐厅选择上的心理。但是,中低档茶餐厅前景良好,潜在巨大的消费客群,中低档茶餐厅才比较贴近于日常生活方式。(4)我国茶餐厅的市场份额有大幅度提高。从各业态来看,2008年百强企业中,休闲类餐饮企业以销售额比上一年增长43.25%,居各业态增幅之首; 2009年百强企业中,从营业额和增长速度来看,休闲餐饮依然发展迅猛,其营业额的增长速度远远高于百强中其他经营业态,增幅超过了50%。休闲饮品的代表性连锁企业以20%的速度逐年占据着越来越多的市场份额,部分非茶餐厅品牌也抢占着相当大的客群。3.2 客户描述 服务对象主要是在校大学生以及老师,其消费观念是经济实惠符合我餐厅理念。3.3 市场分析目前我们想把该店开在我校附近。根据业内人士2007年的统计,我国各式茶餐厅、茶艺馆、茶楼、茶坊、茶社超过6万家

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