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1、绝望主妇第一季第8集中英字幕+学习笔记Desperate Housewives 第一季 08:Guilty WRITTEN BY KEVIN MURPHY DIRECTED BY LARRY SHOW -PAUL: Look, I just want to move this place fast. just: 只是 want to: 想要 我只是想赶快搬到这里 -EDIE: Ill call you tomorrow. 我明天给你打电话 -PAUL: Edie, wait. Eide,等等 -PAUL: Thats why its so incomprehensible to me that

2、 Edie Brit would try to destroy us. incomprehensible:难以理解的 try to: 设法 destroy: 破坏 我真不理解Edie Britt要毁了我们 -MR. SHAW: For five grand shes hurt. For ten grand shes gone. grand: 一千美元 hurt: 受伤 gone: 离去的,死了的 5千块,她会受伤 10千块,她就死了 -NARRATOR: Some neighbors are hired to help. neighbor: 邻居 hire: 雇佣 一些邻居被雇来帮忙 -LYN

3、ETTE: You think? How am I supposed to pull off a formal dinner with no warning? be supposed to:应该,被期望 pull off: 胜利完成 formal: 正式的 warning: 前兆 我怎么能想到会举行一个没有预告的正式晚宴? -TOM: I dont know. 我不知道 -NARRATOR: Some help themselves。 有些人做着自己的事 -JOHN: I hate that shes always watching us. watch:看,注视 我讨厌她老看着我们 -NARR

4、ATOR: Some just couldnt stop 有些人不能停止 -MAMA SOLIS: Smile, Gabrielle. 微笑,Gabrielle -NARRATOR: And one.didnt stop in time. in time: 及时 还有一个.没有及时结束 -BREE: Oh Andrew. I need your help, honey. 哦,亲爱的,Andrew ,我需要你的帮忙 -ANDREW: Mama. 妈妈 -NARRATOR: There is a widely read book that tells us everyone is a sinner

5、. widely: 广泛的,普遍的 sinner: 罪人 有一本流行的书告诉我们每个人都是罪人, Of course, not everyone who reads this book feels guilt over the bad things that they do. guilt: 内疚 over: 关于 当然了,不是每个人看了这书都对他们所做的坏事感到愧疚。 -NARRATOR: But Bree Van de Kamp did. 但是Bree Van De Kamp就觉得。 In fact, Bree had spent most of her life, feeling guil

6、ty. in face: 其实,事实上 spend: 花费时间 事实上,布雷对她这辈子做的很多事都感到内疚。 -NARRATOR: As a child, she felt guilty about not getting straight As. get : 得到 straight: 直的,整齐的 A: 成绩等级的最高级 当她还是个小孩的时候,她就为了没有一排A而羞愧。 As a teenager, she felt guilty about letting her boyfriend go to second base. teenager: 十几岁的青少年 second base: 【棒球

7、】2垒 等到青年的时候,她又为了让她男朋友上2垒而难受。 As a newlywed, she felt guilty about taking three weeks to get out her thank you cards newlywed: 新婚的人 take: 花费时间 get out : 作出,完成 成了个新娘的时候,她又为花三个星期弄感谢卡而愧疚。 she knew the transgressions of her past were nothing compared with the sin she was about to commit. transgressions:

8、犯罪 compare with: 与比较 sin: 罪,罪孽 be about to: 刚要,即将 commit: 犯(错误) 但是她知道她过去做的错事是不能跟她要坦白的罪过相比的。 -DANIELLE: Couldnt we just go to the police and tell them it was an accident? go to the police: 报警 accident: 意外事件 难道我们就不能去警察局跟他们说那是个意外? -REX: This wasnt some simple DUI. some: 某个 DUI:duo的复数, 二重唱, 艺人的一对。 这可不是什

9、么简单的二重唱啊. Not only was your brother drinking, Andrew left the scene of the crime. scene: 现场 crime: 犯罪 你哥不只喝了酒,Andrew还在现场留下证据了啊。 That makes it a hit and run. hit and run: 闯了祸逃走的 所以才逃的啊 -ANDREW: Maybe I could go to Canada, you know, until the statute of limitations is up. maybe: 可能,也许 until: 直到 statut

10、e of limitations: 法定时效 up: 被控告的,上法庭的 或许我应该去加拿大,你知道,得到法定时效实行之后。 -DANIELLE: Do you really think mom and dad are going to foot the bill while you go moose hunting for seven years? be going to: 将要 hunt for: 搜寻 foot: 支付 bill: 账单 foot the bill: 负担费用,付账 moose: 动 驼鹿(产于北美的一种大鹿) 你真的认为爸妈只是在你去打驼鹿的7年里签签支票吗? -REX

11、: If Carlos mother dies, there is no statute of limitations. statute of limitations: 法定时效 如果Carlos的妈妈死了的话,就没有法定时效了。 -DANIELLE: Right. Because then its murder. murder: 谋杀 是啊,但是那会变成谋杀。 -ANDREW: Shut up! shut up: 住口 别说了! -DANIELLE: You shut up! 你才别说了呢! -ANDREW: How could it be murder, it was an acciden

12、t! accident: 意外事件 那怎么可能是谋杀,只是意外! -BREE: We have to get rid of the car. But we cant sell it. have to: 必须 get rid of: 摆脱 sell: 出售, 卖 我们必须扔了这车,但是我们不能卖。 The police might find it, and there could be DNA. DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸 警察会找到的,会有DNA在那里。 We take the car to a bad part of town. Well leave

13、the keys in the ignition and the doors part: 部分 ignition:(汽车引擎)的发火装置 unlocked: 未锁的,开着的 我们得把车弄到城里最坏的地方,我们把钥匙插在上面门也不要锁。 If the police dont find it, well get the insurance money, insurance: 保险 如果警察找不着这车,我们就可以拿到保险金。 and if they do, it wasnt in our possession. Anyone could have hit Mrs. Solis. possession

14、: 拥有 hit: 撞 但是如果他们找到了,这车就不属于我们了,谁都可能撞了Solis。 -ANDREW: That sounds good! sound:听起来 那倒不错! -REX: Bree, are you sure? Bree,你确定吗? -BREE: Our son could spent the rest of his life in jail. I wont allow that. spend: 度过 rest: 其余 jail: 监狱 allow: 允许 我们的儿子就要在监狱里度过他的余生。我决不允许那样。 -NARRATOR: Bree knew what she was

15、about to do was wrong, but like most sinners, she would worry about her guilt tomorrow. be about to: 将要,正打算 sinner: 罪人 worry about: 担心 guilt: 对罪行有责任 Bree知道她所要做的事是不对的。但是像很多有罪的人一样,她明天才担心犯的错。 -BREE: Well everybody should, uh, go wash up. Were having pancakes for breakfast. wash up: 洗餐具 pancake: 薄烤饼 好了,

16、大家去洗盘子吧,我们会吃煎饼当早餐。 -NARRATOR: Not since my own suicide had violence intruded upon the serenity of life on Wisteria Lane in such a conspicuous fashion. suicide: 自杀 violence: 暴力 intruded upon: 打扰 serenity: 平静 conspicuous: 显著的 fashion: 方式 原来我个人的自杀举动也使Wisteria巷子平静的生活受到了暴力干扰,还这么明显的样子。 And needless to say

17、, my friends attacked the problem head on. needless to say: 不必说 attack: 动手处理(某事) head on: 迎面地 不用说,我的朋友们来帮我解决这个迎面的问题。 Lynette brought the broom. Susan brought the trash bags. And Bree brought the industrial strength solvent. broom: 扫帚 trash: 垃圾,废物 industrial: 工业的 strength: 强度,浓度 solvent: 溶媒, 溶剂 Susan

18、带来了垃圾袋Bree也把工业溶解剂带来了。 -LYNETTE: Woo. That stuff is strong! stuff: 原料, 材料, 素材资料 哦,这东西太冲了! -BREE: It has to be, I dont want Gabrielle and Carlos coming home to this ugly reminder in front of their house. ugly: 丑陋的,难看的 reminder: 暗示,提醒 in front of: 在.前面 它必须这样,我不想让Gabrielle和Carlos回家的时候在房子前面看到这个丑陋的东西。 -LY

19、NETTE: So, has anyone been over there? over there: 那里 那有人检查过吗? -SUSAN: Julie and I went over this morning. go over: 检查,查看 Julie和我今天早上检查了。 -BREE: How is Juanita doing? Juanita怎么样了? -SUSAN: Shes been in a coma ever since she came out of ER. coma: 昏迷 ever since: 从那时到现在 come out of: 从.出来 ER: emergency r

20、oom 急診室 她从急诊室出来就一直昏迷着。 Nobody knows when or even if shell wake up. wake up: 醒来 even: 甚至 没人知道什么时候,有或者可能,她会醒过来。 -LYNETTE: This is awful. Carlos must be just devastated. awful: 可怕的,威严的, 极度的,糟糕的 devastate: 毁坏 太可怕了.Carlos会受多大的打击啊! -SUSAN: I hope she wakes soon. Maybe she can tell us who was driving that

21、car. wake: 苏醒 maybe: 可能,也许 我希望她很快醒过来,可能她还会告诉我们谁开的车。 -BREE: We can only hope. 我们只能希望了。 -LYNETTE: Slow down, you jerk, this is a residential neighborhood. slow down: 使慢下来 jerk:性情古怪的人 residential: 住宅的,与居住有关的 neighborhood: 附近,邻近 慢点!你这个急性子!这是在居住区!! -SUSAN: Wow, thats quite a pitching arm youve got there.

22、 quite: 十分,相当 pitching: 远投,扔出 WOW,你那样做的时候可是个很好的投掷动作啊。 -LYNETTE: It pisses me off. Ive got four kids, you know. piss off: 使生气 我真气死了,我有4个孩子,你知道吗? I was up all night reading statistics online. be up: 起床 statistic: 统计量 online: 联机,在线式 我整个晚上都得起来在网上看统计。 One out of every four traffic accidents happens on re

23、sidential streets. traffic accident : 交通事故 residential: 住宅的 每4个交通事故都有一个发生在居住区的街道上。 I hope whoever hit Juanita gets put away for life. whoever: 任何人,无论谁 get: 使得 put away: 放弃, 抛弃;把.收起;放好【这里指把关进监狱】 我希望不管是谁撞了Juanita都得被关进监狱。 -BREE: dont you think thats a little bit extreme? a little: 少许 bit: 有点 extreme: 极

24、端的 你难道不认为那有一点极端吗? -LYNETTE: An innocent woman gets hit by a car and the driver just takes off? I dont think its extreme. innocent: 清白的,无罪的 takes off: 逃跑 extreme: 极端 一个无辜的女人被一辆车幢了而司机却逃跑了,我不认为它极端。 -GABRIELLE: You should go home and get some rest, eat something. rest: 休息 你应该回家休息一下,吃点东西。 You have a ton

25、of messages from work-Tanaka called; said it was urgent. a ton of : 大量,许多 message: 留言 urgent: 急迫的,紧急的 你有一吨的工作留言,Tanaka打来的,说是紧急的事。 Carlos, I can stay here with your mother. stay with: 陪伴 Carlos,我可以在这陪你妈妈 -CARLOS: I need to be here if she wakes up. wake up: 醒来 如果她醒了我必须在这里。 -GABRIELLE: You cant go on l

26、ike this. You have to take care of yourself. go on: 继续下去 have to: 不得不 take care of: 照顾 你不能再这样继续下去了,你得照顾好自己。 -CARLOS: And what if she dies? People slip into comas all the time and never come out. slip into: 陷入,渐渐养成 comas: 昏迷 all the time: 一直 come out: 苏醒 如果她死了怎么办?人如果一直陷入昏迷就不会醒了。 -GABRIELLE: Dont say

27、that! We need to stay positive. stay: 继续,保持 positive: 肯定的,积极的 别说那个了,我们要有积极的心态。 -JOHN: Mr. and Mrs. Solis? Solis先生和夫人? -GABRIELLE: John! John -JOHN: Is it okay if I come in? come in: 进来 我可以进来吗? -CARLOS: Of course. 当然可以。 -JOHN: Mr. Solis, Im so sorry this happened. 我对发生的事感到抱歉。 -CARLOS: It means a lot

28、that you came. mean: 意味着 a lot: 许多 你来了就很好了。 -CARLOS: Look, I think Im gonna to go down to the chapel and pray. gonna=going to: 将要 go down to: 下到 chapel: 小礼拜堂,礼拜 pray: 祈祷 我想我现在该去小礼拜堂祈祷。 You want to come? 你要来吗? -GABRIELLE: Um, no, I think I will stay here with mama. um: (表示迟疑)嗯 哦,不了。我想我要留在这陪妈妈。 -JOHN:

29、 Is it all right if I come? 我去的话可以吗? -CARLOS: Of course, we need all the prayers we can get. prayer: 祈祷 当然了,所有的祈祷者都能来。 -NURSE: Mrs. Solis, its time for her sponge bath. its time for: 到时间该. sponge bath: 用海绵擦洗的沐浴 Solis夫人,现在要用海绵给她擦身了。 -GABRIELLE: Come again? 再说一次? -NURSE: Sometimes family members prefer to administer sponge baths themselves. sometimes: 有时 family member: 家属 prefer to do: 较喜欢,宁愿 administer: 管理,给予 sponge bath: 用海绵擦洗的沐浴 有些时候家里人会希望自己帮亲人做这些事情。 -GABRIELLE: I thi

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