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高中英语外研版选修6习题Module2 综合技能测试.docx

1、高中英语外研版选修6习题Module2 综合技能测试Module 2 综合技能测试时间90分钟满分100分.单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1On Saturday afternoon, Mr Green went to the market, _some bananas and visited his cousin.AboughtBbuyingCto buy Dbuy答案:A解析:三个动词的过去式作并列谓语。2We often provide our children with toys, football or basketballs,

2、 _ that all children like these things.Athinking BthinkCto think Dthought答案:A解析:考查现在分词作伴随状语,本题中动作think的执行者就是句子主语we,所以非谓语动词与逻辑主语间是主动关系,而且本句话强调think与谓语动词provide同时发生,因此要用现在分词形式。3_your position carefully, some spelling mistakes can be avoided.AHaving checked BCheckCIf you check DTo check答案:C解析:如果选分词作状语,

3、那么分词check的逻辑主语应为主句的主语(some spelling mistakes)。4There were two boys in the lab, _did the experiment successfully.Athe clever of whomBthe cleverer or whomCthe clever of themDthe more clever of them答案:B解析:“the形容词比较级of名词复数”表示“两者中较的一个”;此处关系代词whom指代the two boys.5The manager scolded the young woman caught_

4、in the super market and fined her $ 100.Ato have stolen Bto be stealingCto steal Dstealing答案:D解析:即when she was stealing she was caught。6I havent heard_my sister_a long time.Aabout; for Bon; aboutCfrom; for Dfrom; at答案:C解析:hear from意为“收到来信”。7_this book and tell me what you think of it.ALook through B

5、Look onCLook into DLook up答案:A解析:look through意为“浏览”,故选A。8You will find this map of great_in helping you to get round London.ApriceBcostCvalueDusefulness答案:C解析:本题考查的是“of great名词该名词的形容词形式”这一语法结构。题中of great valuevaluable。9Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and forms of_.Aenerg

6、y BsourceCpower Dmaterial答案:A解析:题中natural gas, wind都属于能源,由此可知选A。10_from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.ASuffered BSufferingCHaving suffered DBeing suffered答案:C解析:由题干可知要用完成式,用“having suffered”这个非谓语动词作状语表原因其余三项无此功能。11He sent me an Email, _t

7、o get further information.Ahoped BhopingCto hope Dhope答案:B解析:本题考查的是v.ing形式作伴随状语的情况。hoping在此作伴随状语,故选B。12I believe we have met somewhere before.No, _.Ait isnt the same Bit cant be trueCI dont think so DId rather not答案:C解析:由上句“我相信我们以前见过面”和下句的回答“No”可知,该句的答语应是“我认为不是这样”,故选C。13I was so familiar with her th

8、at I recognized her voice I picked up the phone.Athe moment BafterCbefore Dwhile答案:A解析:名词短语the moment用作连词,相当于as soon as,引导时间状语从句,意为“一就”。类似用法的短语或词还有the minute, the instance, directly, immediately等。14She has lost her_in God, that is, she no longer thinks that God exists.Aconfidence BbeliefCwish Dproof

9、答案:B解析:由题中“God”可知应选择belief,在此作“信仰”讲,A是信心,C是愿望,希望,D是证据,证明,都与题意不符。故选B。15Sir, do you have any_that I have stolen his car? If not, you must set me free.Awitness BproofCidea Dreason答案:B解析:由题意可知应选择proof,在此作“证据、证明”讲。.完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Tracy Wong is a wellknown ChineseAm

10、erican writer. But her writing_16_was something she picked up by herself. After her first_17_, teaching disabled children, she became a parttime writer for IBM. _18_, writing stories was simply a_19_interest. Tracy sent three of her stories to a publisher(出版商). _20_, they immediately suggested that

11、she put them together to make a single one long_21_and paid Tracy a $ 50,000 advance. “A pretty money,”said the publisher, “for_22_writer.”_23_Tracys characters(人物)are interesting, her stories sometimes_24_readers uneasy: those about the supernatural. “My mother believed I could_25_the afterlife wor

12、ld,”she told a close friend. “She used to have me speak with my grandmother, who died many years ago.”“Can I? I dont think I can,”Tracy said with a laugh. “But I do have_26_when things e to me_27_.” Once, she was wondering how to plete a_28_set in ancient(古代的)China. _29_the doorbell rang. It was a F

13、edEx delivery man, with a copy of a book on Chinese_30_. It came without her having_31_it.Though she has published 10 books, Tracy has remained_32_by her fame. She lives in the same_33_she lived 27 years ago although in a more fortable home. Theres more room for_34_in her lifeand it wasnt just_35_.1

14、6A.skill BexperienceCpractice Dmethod答案:A解析:从上下文我们知道,本文讲的是美籍华人女作家Tracy Wong如何开始写作及其作品的主要特点等,再结合搭配很容易得出答案为A。writing skill意为“写作技能”,pick up writing skill意为“培养写作技能”。experience不能与pick up搭配。17A.dutyBeffortCjobDtask答案:C解析:逗后的teaching disabled children是her first_17_的同位语,同时也与后面的a parttime writer相呼应,故此处选job。1

15、8A.Instead BNormallyCCertainly DThen答案:D解析:前面说she became a parttime writer for IBM,以下说写作只是个人爱好,即那时写作只是她的个人爱好,故填Then。19A.general BdeepCpersonal Dlively答案:C解析:从上下文来看,writing stories并非专职工作,只是一件parttime job,由此可判断这是personal interest。20A.Interested BAnxiouslyCSeriously DEncouraged答案:A解析:从后面的他们(the publish

16、er)立即提出了修改等来推测,出版商对她写的故事产生了兴趣。 BstoryCprogram Darticle答案:B解析:由they immediately suggested that she put them together to make.可推测,此处说的是把3篇短的故事糅合在一起构成1篇长故事,故选用story。22A.a foreign Ba popularCan unusual Dan unknown答案:D解析:Tracy Wong刚刚开始写小说,名不见经传,故可推测她是“不出名”的作家最为恰当。23A.Now that BEven thoughCJust be

17、cause DExcept that答案:B解析:该题考查根据上下文来选用适当的连接词的掌握情况。前面说Tracy所写的人物很有意思,后面说her stories sometimes_24_readers uneasy可推测,该从句应为让步状语从句,而even though正符合这一意义。24A.find BturnCleave Dhold答案:C解析:此处说她写的故事有时让读者不安或不舒服。在这4个选项中只有leave具有这一用法。25A.make up Bconnect withCcontrol Dexplain答案:B解析:从后面她说的话She used to have me speak

18、 with my grandmother, who died many years ago及下段的内容说明可知,她与afterlife world有关,故用connect with。 BchancesCfeelings Dmoments答案:D解析:前面说“我认为我不能”,紧接着用but引出确有这些时刻发生了一些事,故用moments,后面的when things e to me.是修饰moments的定语从句。27A.for no reason Bfrom a distanceCby accident Das gifts答案:A解析:从上下文来看,此处是Tracy说自己与

19、afterlife world有关的故事创作,这里是举例说明有时一些事情会“无缘无故”地发生。28A.description BpaintingCscene Dtalk答案:C解析:从语境来看,这里谈论的是她写书时的一件怪事。句意为“当时她正不知道怎么完成一个以古代中国为背景的场景”。这是她写的故事中一个场景,故用scene。从结构来看,此处补充完整为 to plete a scene which was set in ancient China。29A.Surprisingly BSuddenlyCExpectedly DFortunately答案:B解析:根据语境“正当她不知怎么

20、完成一个以古代中国为背景的场景时,突然门铃响了”。此处用suddenly突出两个动作的发生相继而来,衔接紧凑,同时突出了“没想到”。 BhistoryCplay Dmedicine答案:B解析:她正构思以古代中国为背景的某个场景,而邮政快递人员送来的书正好解了燃眉之急,故可推测应是一本有关中国历史的书。31A.known BsentCrealized Dordered答案:D解析:order意为“订购,预定”,在此符合语境。32A.unchanged BexcitedCdetermined Dunmoved答案:A解析:从后面的She lives in the same.

21、及动词remain来看,这里说的是尽管她出版了10本书,Tracy并没因成名而改变,即仍保持不变。 BcityChouse Dway答案:D解析:前面说她并没有因成名而变化,即此处说的是她成名后生活方式没有变化,仍然保持着27年前的生活方式。34A.success BworkCjoy Dvariety答案:C35A.writing BreportingCluck Dfun答案:A解析:从上文的although in a more fortable home及下文it wasnt just.来看,此处说的是Tracy并没有只是埋头“写作”,而是生活中有更多的空间留给“娱乐”。.阅

22、读理解(每小题2分,共40分)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。ACasablanca, a musical based on the 1942 Hollywood classic of the same name, is to be staged from April 8 to 12 at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.Inspired by the original blackandwhite film, the set for the musical has been modeled after th

23、e films famous Ricks Cafe.Explaining why he adapted(改编)this classic film to the stage, producer John Clifford said he loved the movie and believed that such a wonderful story would be excellent in any form.But this project is costly and although Warner Brothers is footing the bill, doubts have been

24、voiced about the plays high expense. Still, Clifford did manage to persuade Warner Brothers with promises that the production would improve on the film.The show mixes various forms of the performing arts including jazz, ballet and tap dancing.The producer also said the musical kept all of the films

25、original music and added some speciallymade pieces for the onstage performance.But can Chinese people understand this American musical? Clifford thought the production would be a big hit because the emotions of the lead roles would be clearly expressed in their movements.36In which page of a newspap

26、er are you likely to read this passage?AAdvertisement. BEntertainment.CMarket. DFashion.答案:B解析:推断题。整篇文章主要在介绍一部音乐剧卡萨布兰卡,读者最可能在报纸的娱乐版上看到该篇文章。故答案是B。37In what way is the musical Casablanca different from the movie?AThe emotions of the lead roles.BThe set of Ricks cafe.CThe music.DThe story.答案:C解析:细节题。从文

27、章的倒数第二段可以看出,这部音乐剧其他地方都没变,只是增加了一些为台上表演而专门制作的乐曲。故答案是C。38Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined word“hit”?Asuccess BproductionCbeat Dattack答案:A解析:词义题。通过最后一段与上下文的关系不难猜出它的意思,可能有些中国人不能理解这部美国音乐剧,但因为主角的情感通过他们的舞台动作而清楚地表现出来了,中国人仍然会喜欢它,所以Clifford认为该剧会是一个巨大的成功。故答案是A。BAlthough one mig

28、ht not think so from some of the criticism(批评)of it, advertising is important to the kind of society in which people in the United Kingdom, and a very considerable part of the world at large(总体上说), live. Advertising is necessary as a means of municating with others, and of telling them about the goo

29、ds and services that are provided, most of which would never get heard of at all if it were not for advertising. And advertising is extremely helpful to advance a rising standard of living.In talking about advertising, one should not think only in terms of a mercial on television, or an advertisemen

30、t in the newspapers or magazines. In its widest sense, advertising includes a host of other activities such as packaging, shop displays andin a sense of municationeven the spoken words of the salesman. After all, the resources of advertising are to be found in the market place.For many years it was considered that it was enough to produce goods and supply se

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