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1、人教英语选修9课本答案复习进程人教英语选修9Unit1 1.P3Ex.1横排:3、6、7、8、9 2.P3Ex.21. The text doesnt say where he lives now but it is possible he lives in New York because we know that he lived there when he was a teenager and that he took part in a bicycle marathon there in 1978.2. He was 16 in the early 1970s so he would

2、be in his late 40s now.3. Yes.4. When he was a child.5. A. He has to make fine neck adjustments, and has to rest and eat with the bottle of milk on his head.B. He needs a great sense of balance, and has to stay on top even though his legs may start shaking.C. He has to overcome dizziness, extreme ti

3、redness and pain. During the process, he is permitted to rest for only five minutes in every hour and stop briefly to vomit.D. Lunges are very hard on his legs.6. There is no limit to peoples physical abilities.7. He had done no training.8. He believed that because he had done no training, it must h

4、ave been his spirit that made him come third, and so after the bicycle marathon he believed that he could accomplish anything by using his spirit, and his body was just an instrument of the spirit. He believed there is no physical limitation.9. When he feels like giving up, he goes deep within himse

5、lf and connects with his soul and his teacher to keep on. 3. P4Ex.1竖列: approximate approximation adjust adjustment adjustable accomplishment accomplisheddevote devoted/ingmotivate motived/ing1devoted 2approximate 3accomplishment4motivate 5adjusted 4. P5Ex.21usualconventional 2severetough 3sacredspir

6、itual 4spiritsoul 5hardtough 6beggedurged7truthreality 5. P6Ex.216 25 31 49 58 6(A)2(B)-10 7(A)3(B)7 841. 担忧从来不会给人带来任何好处。2两人智慧胜一人。3那些不从历史汲取教训的人注定要重蹈覆辙。4带着希望旅行(的过程)远胜于到达目的地(那一刻)。5没有计划就是计划失败。6会问问题的人当五分钟的傻子;从不提问的人则当一辈子的傻子。7智者知而不言,愚者言其不知。8覆水难收。 6. P6Ex.1 362514 7. P6Ex.21The most bodies painted at the s

7、ame time.2They were looking at the records set by groups of people in a book of Guinness World Records.3They cant paint just one symbol on each body. Everyone has to be painted from head to toe with a design approved by the Guinness organization.4It needed another two months.5 Parents and local busi

8、nesses are going to support them.6. 1) It would be great fun.2) It would create a bit of school spirit.3) It would bring people in the local community together.4) When they are old, theyll be able to tell their grandchildren what they did. 8. P6Ex.3 横排编号:9-1-7 9. P9Ex.11 Lance Armstrong 1999,2003 Fr

9、ance fastest average speed, Tour de France ( five times )2 Michellie Jones 1992, 1993( not stated ) International Triathlon Union World Champion3 Fu Mingxia 1991, 1992, 1996, 2000 Australia, Barcelona ( Spain), Atlanta (America), Sydney (Australia) youngest female to win the wimens world title for p

10、latform diving; youngest Olympic diving champion of all time; first woman in Olympic diving history to win four gold medals4 Martin Strel 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 the Danube River in Europe; the Mississippi River in USA; the Parana River in South America; the Changjiang River in China First pers

11、on to swim the entire length of the Danube River; longest time for nonstop swimming; swimming the greatest distance; first man to swim the length of the Parana River; swimming the length of the dangerous Changjiang River 10. P9Ex.21. Fu Mingxia2. Lance Armstrong, Fu Mingxia3. Lance Armstrong, Michel

12、lie Jones, Martin Strel4. Lance Armstrong, because he overcame cancer and then had the courage to return to racing.5. Courage, determination, ambition, vision, passion, focus, concentration, belief in himself / herself, perseverance, etc. 11. P9Ex.31Martin Strel 2Michellie Jones3Lance Armstrong 4Fu

13、Mingxia 12.Workbook( P51Ex.1) 1C2B3A4B5D6C 13. P51Ex.31. The Nile It is in North and East Africa. Its 6,695 kilometers long, it is about 300 kilometers longer than the Yangtze.2. The Caspian Sea It has an area of 371,800 Square kilometers. Its a saltwater lake. The Caspian Sea is about four or five

14、times larger in area than the second largest lake (Lake Superior in North America which is the largest freshwater lake).3. The Pacific Ocean It represents 45.9% of the worlds oceans.4. Mt Quomolangma It is in the Himalayas. Its 8,844 meters high. It was formed 60 million years ago. The Nepalese call

15、 it “Sagarmatha” which means “goddess of the sky”.5. The Blue Whale An adult grows up to 35 meters long and weighs up to 130 tones. It is much larger than the largest land mammal which is the African elephant ( One African elephant specimen was 3.96 meters tall and weighed over 12 tones ).6. The che

16、etah It can run at 100 kilometers an hour on level ground. But it can run at this speed only over a short distance 14. P52Ex.1 1appreciation 2conception 3wisdom 4regrets 15. P53Ex.21marathon 2bid 3champion 4conventional 5virtue 6accomplish 7reality 8amateur 9profile 10wage 11struggle 12unfit 16. P53

17、Ex.113 25 37 46 54 68 71 82 17. P54Ex.31. The peaceful atmosphere of the mountains is the thing I love the most.2. Participating in a competition gives me a great feeling of accomplishment.3. Speaking on the phone for hours is not something I can understand.4. To compete at the Olympics is my dream.

18、5. What she did for the school was greatly appreciated by the students and staff. 18. P54Ex.1A Cake could be record breakerB Biggest porker everC Man of many facesD Worlds oldest man diesE Chinas year of recordsF Elephants armour unique 19. P55Ex.2A the biggest pigB the largest strawberry cakeD 1the

19、 largest afforestation project2the fastest commercial maglev train3the longest continuous motorcycle ride with the rider standing on the seat without touching the handlebarsE changing masks 14 times in 24 seconds ( that is, the fastest mask-changing)F the oldest man alive 20. P55Ex.3 1F2T3T4T5F6F 21

20、. P56Ex.4A biggest pig Natural worldB largest suit of armour History and societyC biggest strawberry cake Amazing featsD 1largest afforestation project National world 2fastest commercial maglev train Travel and transport also Science and technology 3longest continuous motorcycle ride with the riders

21、tanding on the seat without touching the handlebars Sports and gamesE fastest mask-changing Arts and mediaF oldest man alive Human body 22. P56Ex.2 1F2B3D4A5E6C 23. P57Ex.3Dos1. Choose a category from the Guinness Book.2. Choose a category that others will be interested in challenging.3. Contact the

22、 Guinness office before going ahead with your record attempt.4. Train for your event, build up your training slowly.5. Do a trial run.6. When you are trying for a record and you have a problem, try and fix or work with the problem.7. Ask some friends to go with you to encourage your efforts and to o

23、ffer advice.8. Make sure you have proof of your new record.Donts:1. Dont choose something unless youre certain its a category.2. Dont train too quickly.3. When you are trying for a record, if something goes wrong, dont give up. Unit2 1( P14Ex.1)1BA2. Speed and time are important in finding out the l

24、ongitude of a ship because the earth moves fifteen degrees westwards every hour. If you know your direction, speed and time, you can work out the approximate longitude or change in your position in relation to the stars.3. The position of the sun and stars are useful for working out latitude because

25、 they are fixed points in the sky and their movements in relation to the earth are already known. So they can be used to measure a ships position. P14Ex.42. fresh seaweed, nesting birds returning home in the evening or fog.3. sea currents or tides and winds4. 1 measuring time and speed2 compass and

26、complicated mathematical tables5. to compare the height of the sun now with the position of the sun at midday. to compare the position of the ship in relation to some stars or the sun. a more precise form of the astrolabe, to measure how high stars are above the horizon, and compare that measurement

27、 with previous measurements(using the ship as one of the fixed points to find its position). an updated version of the quadrant and so it was more accurate, to measure the angle between two fixed points outside the ship (using two mirrors to find the ships position). 3. P15Ex.11overhead2offshore3alo

28、ngside4simplified; minimum5voyage; seamen 4. P15Ex.2横排:1nowhere2download3outward4reliable5seaweed6shortcoming 5. P16Ex.41reference2voyage3mercy4outward5awkward6accelerated7precise8approximate9nowhere10seaweed11randomly12alongside 6. P19Ex.1横排:2、3、4、5、6、7、8、10 7. P19Ex.2Norway Watched birds to find l

29、and Pacific Studied the waves of the ocean 8. P19Ex.31. Vikings used to prefer to sail following the coastline so they could check that they were on the correct route.2. Vikings used birds, and natural features like mountains, to direct their ships. 9.Workbook练习答案( P59Ex.2)1Calicut2Champa3Sumatra4Ho

30、rmuz5Aden6Mogadishu 10. P59Ex.31. No reports of other navigators for this period have survived.2. It was written in documents.3. The writers mention it in the books.4. He made seven voyages and visited more than thirty countries.5. Zheng He remarks how much the foreign kings liked porcelain and silk

31、.6. 1 He brought a giraffe for the Emperor from Africa. 2 He brought scarves of fine gold decorated with pearls and precious stones. P60Ex.41. he sent Zheng He with a large fleet of ships to visit new places in neghbouring countries.2. he put up a pillar describing all his achievements.3. that they would believe that he really had achieved great things and gone to many foreign countries.4. they described him as being eight feet tall. 12. P61Ex.11dusk2departure3tension4accelerated5hardship 13. P61Ex.21portable2compulsory3survival4foreseen5dilemma6Starvation7thirst

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