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1、新版陕旅版六年级下册英语第六七八单元教案Unit 6 A school sale共有4课时 第1课时教学内容:A school sale教学目标:1.能听说读写以下词汇,Notebook, magazine, glue storybook model plane, toy car a pair of scissors2.能听懂和理解lets talk 部分的内容3.能流畅地朗读对话,并能在相应情境下灵活运用以下功能结构,There will be a sale and our school.What will you sellHe will sell someandWhat shall we

2、do with theWell give it to教学重点:能听懂和理解lets talk 部分的内容教学难点:灵活运用以下功能结构,There will be a sale and our school.What will you sellHe will sell someandWhat shall we do with theWell give it to教学准备:教师准备录音机和单词卡片,教学资源包。学生准备单词卡片。教学方法:高效课堂模式。教法:情景教学法,趣味游戏法。学法:自主学习,合作探究。教学过程:一、热身导入复习有关学习学习用具,和玩具的单词。二、新课展示1、Lets lea

3、rn(1) 学生试读。(2) 教师讲解发音规则。(3)听录音,跟读。(4)教师领读。(5)学生自读并记忆。2、Lets talk(1)在对话中找出新单词,并读出来。(2)听录音纠正读音。(3)跟读。(4) 分角色表演。三、巩固练习1、翻译:(1) 我们学校将有一场义卖(2)我们将要怎样处理钱(3)我们在哪买东西?(4)I will sell some magazines and color pencils.2、自己小结一下所学的知识。四、课后作业。预习part B板书设计:课后反思:Unit 6 A school sale共有4课时 第2课时教学内容:A school sale教学目标:1、能

4、读懂并理解Lets learn more.部分对话的内容。2、能流利地朗读课文内容要求语音语调准确自然3、要懂得关心关爱他人,养成乐于助人,乐于奉献的品质。教学重点:能读懂并理解Lets learn more.部分对话的内容。教学难点:能准确用用一般过去式。教学准备:录音机 磁带教学方法:高效课堂模式。教法:情景教学法,趣味游戏法。学法:自主学习,合作探究。教学过程:一、热身导入1、What do you think of our school sale?Its very useful.Its very helpful.Its very popular.二、新课展示1、明确目标:(1)复习单词

5、。(2)教师讲解学生不懂的句子。(3)根据课文内容回答问题。(4)试读。(5)跟读。2、学习课文(1)学生试读。(2)教师讲解。(3)熟读课文。三、巩固练习1.Read again and complete the sentences.2. 复述课文.四、课后作业。Make a list. There will beIn our school.板书设计:课后反思:Unit 6 A school sale共有4课时 第3课时教学内容:A school sale教学重难点:1. 掌握一般过去时的用法2. 会用英语描述自己学校义卖的活动.教学方法:高效课堂模式。教法:情景教学法,趣味游戏法。学法:自

6、主学习,合作探究。教学过程:一、复习上节课的对话,检查预习情况。1、默写单词及对话。2、检查预习情况。二、新授1、Choose and talk in pairs .(1)学生做选择。(2)同桌间练习。(3)表演对话。三、巩固练习。 1. Listen and tick.Listen to the tape, then tick.What did the girl buy? 2. Ask and answer.四、强化训练,当堂达标 1、Choose complete and act.Choose the sentences first ,then act the dialogue.2、Rea

7、d and fill in the blanks.Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.五、课后作业,下节预习1、本节课课后巩固作业;2、试着用所学知识编写对话,练习本课重点句型。板书设计:课后反思:Unit 6 A school sale共有 4课时 第4课时教学内容:复习巩固本课内容。教学目标:熟练掌握本课内容。教学准备:练习资料。教学方法:高效课堂模式。教法:情景教学法,趣味游戏法。学法:自主学习,合作探究。教学过程:(一)复习热身1、听写单词、短语和重点句子。2、背诵课文。(二)操练1、学生练习,合作探究。2、教师指点,互相评价。3、指

8、导完成配套练习所剩内容。(三)作业1、小组听写。2、背诵所学课文。3、预习下一课的单词和对话。Unit 7 Shanghai is in the southeast of China.共有 4 课时 第 1 课时教学内容:Shanghai is in the southeast of China.教学目标:1、理解会说会用会写以下单词和短语East west north south north west north east south west 2、学会句型: -Hainan is in the south of China is too hot in summer.- How about

9、Shanghai ?Its in the southeast .Its by the sea and it is not too hot.-Great there are many places of interest3、能运用上述单词准确描述地理位置。教学重点: East west north south north west north east south west教学难点: -Hainan is in the south of China is too hot in summer.- How about Shanghai ?Its in the southeast .Its by th

10、e sea and it is not too hot.-Great there are many places of interest教学准备:教学资源包教学方法:高效课堂模式。教法:情景教学法,趣味游戏法。学法:自主学习,合作探究。教学过程:一、热身导入Talk about the places of interest.Mount Tai the West Lake the Great Wall the Summer Pala二、新课展示1. 学习下列短语:North northwest northeast east southeast south southwest 2、学生试读 .3、

11、引出句型What are we going to talk about?Where would you like to go?4. 读课文并且回答下列问题:What are they doing?What are they going to talk about?What would they like to go?How about Hainan?5. 重点知识:Have a meeting. Hold a meeting. Fly to.Be Going to. Hope to do. In the south of China. 三、巩固练习1、Listen to the tape .2

12、、Read the dialogue after the tape .3、Read by themselves .4、做配套练习中的练习look and match四、拓展延伸1、Read the words and the dialogue .2、Preview part B板书设计:课后反思: Unit 7 Shanghai is in the southeast of China. 共有 4 课时 第 2 课时教学内容:Shanghai is in the southeast of China.教学目标:1、能听懂并理解Lets learn more内容并顺利完成课文后练习。2. 能流利

13、地朗读课文内容要求语音语调准确自然。3. 了解英文日记的书写格式。教学重点:熟练掌握本课对话内容.教学难点: 英文日记的书写.教学准备:教师资源包教学方法:高效课堂模式。教法:情景教学法,趣味游戏法。学法:自主学习,合作探究。教学过程:一、复习导入复习有关名胜古迹的单词.背诵课文.二、新课展示1、Listen and read (1)学生试读。(2)提出问题,教师讲解难点。(3)听录音,跟读。(4)教师领读。(5)分角色读,小组比赛。2、Learn to say (1)在对话中找出新单词,并读出来。(2)听录音纠正读音。(3)跟读。3. 再读课文,然后回答下列问题。 Where is the

14、Shanghai?What did they visited?What did they see?In the afternoon,where did they go? How was the Bund?三、巩固练习1、翻译:(1)Shanghai is a very big cities in the southeast of China.(2)We visited Shanghai science museum.(3) We saw many interesting things (4) 它的确是一条繁忙的街道。(5) 我们拍了许多照片。2、自己总结一下日记的格式。四、课后作业,下节预习预

15、习part C板书设计:课后反思:Unit 7 Shanghai is in the southeast of China.共有 4 课时 第 3课时教学内容:Shanghai is in the southeast of China.教学目标:1、能听懂理解并完成part c的听力练习内容。2、能熟练地运用本单元所学词汇功能结构进行对话练习。3、了解字母组合tr和dr在单词中的读音变化学习其发音规则.教学重点:字母组合tr和dr在单词中的读音变化学习其发音规则.教学难点:字母组合tr和dr在单词中的读音变化学习其发音规则教学准备:教学资源包教学方法:高效课堂模式。教法:情景教学法,趣味游戏法

16、。学法:自主学习,合作探究。教学过程:一、热身导入- Where did you go last weekend?- I went to Shanghai?- What did you see there?- I saw many interesting things there.二、新课展示1、Lets play.2、Lets act.3、Read the wordsTr Try Tree. Train Trousers.Dr Draw Drink. Dress. Driver.Tr True. Trap. Trip. Truck.Dr Dry. Drop. Drug. Drum三、巩固练习

17、1. Listen and tick.2. Look and talk.Pairwork. Act.the dialogues. 3. Choose and complete.Read the given words.Read the dialogue.Act.the dialogues.4. Complete and act.四、课后作业: 完成练习册板书设计:课后反思:Unit 7 Shanghai is in the southeast of China.共有 4 课时 第 4课时教学内容:复习巩固本课内容。教学目标:熟练掌握本课内容。教学准备:练习资料。教学方法:高效课堂模式。教法:情

18、景教学法,趣味游戏法。学法:自主学习,合作探究。教学过程:(一)复习热身1、听写短语和重点句子。2、背诵课文。(二)操练1、学生练习,合作探究。2、教师指点,互相评价。3、指导完成配套练习所剩内容。(三)作业1、小组听写。2、背诵所学课文。3、预习下一课的单词和对话。Unit 8 Whats your dream?共有 4课时 第1课时教学内容: Whats your dream?教学目标:一了解一些英语职业的名词,表达个人的愿望和理想。Become a tour guideTravel around the world .Land on the moon .Go to college .Jo

19、in the ational eam .Study the stars .In the future .Grow up .Come true .二能够掌握以下句型:1. What is your father ?2. He is a .3. What does your mother do ?4. She is a .5. What would you like to be in the future ?6. What do you want to be in the future ?7. I would like to be a .8. I want to be a .9. Whats yo

20、ur dream ?教学重点:四会单词:Become a tour guideTravel around the world .Land on the moon .Go to college .Join the ational eam .Study the stars .教学难点:句型:1. What would you like to be in the future ?2. What do you want to be in the future ?3. I would like to be a .4. I want to be a .5. Whats your dream ?教法:高效课

21、堂教学模式学法:自主探究 合作交流教具准备:小黑板 单词卡片 录音机教学环节:一. 自主学习(一)温故知新师生进行对话引出本课话题: :What is your father ?:He is a .:What does your mother do ? :She is a .(二)Lets learn1.词汇学习: 听录音,小组合作学习单词,讨论解决问题,解决不了的请老师指导。2学生自读,互读,并根据图片理解单词意思。3展示成果。4写一写。(鼓励学生边读边写,把所学的单词拼写会)5教师检测拼写情况三新授课文(Lets talk.)(一)学生试着读一读并回答下列问题。1. What did th

22、ey talk about at their class meeting today ? 2. What is Wu Chens dream ?3. What is Wu Chens Dads dream when he was young ?4. Did the dream come true ?(二)学生分组分小组表演课文,(三)试着在最短的时间内复述课文。四点拨升华 翻译下列短语:1. Go to college 2. 登上月球3. 研究星星 4. Become a tour guide 5. Travel around the world 6. 加入国家队五. 作业布置:板书设计:课后

23、反思:Unit 8 Whats your dream?共有 4课时 第2课时教学内容: Whats your dream?教学目标:1会用英语描述自己的理想2引导学生从小树立远大的理想并为之努力奋斗,具备明确的学习目标。3. 培养学生的自信心,鼓励其大胆真实地表达想法。,教学重点: 会用英语描述自己的理想教学难点:会用英语描述自己的理想教法:高效课堂教学模式学法:自主探究 合作交流教具准备:小黑板 单词卡片 录音机教学过程:一、自主学习(一)温故知新Retell the dialog have learned.(二)1. 学习新课文2. 第一次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读。第二次播放教学录

24、音,全班学生分角色跟着录音读,提醒学生在跟读的过程中注意模仿录音中的语音、语调。3.讲解重点内容:Did you have a dream when you were young?Yes, I wanted/hoped to be a/anand4. 描述自己的理想。二展示交流(Ask and answer)让同学们互相交流自己的理想,集体交流反馈.巩固延伸1. 描述自己的理想.2. 调查同学们的理想三、巩固练习1.首先老师放录音,让学生复述。2.同桌两人一组练习本课对话,然后进行情景表演。四、课堂小结(Summary)1. 师生一起总结本节课学习的词汇和句型。2. 教育学生树立正确的理想观。

25、五、 课堂作业:翻译下句子:1. Would you like to talk about your dreams ?2. I think we need more players like Yao Ming and Lin Shuhao.3. Maybe I will join the National Team one day .4. At the age of five, I hoped to fly like a bird .5. I believe : work hard and my dream will come true .板书设计: 课后反思: Unit 8 Whats yo

26、ur dream?共有 4课时 第3课时教学内容: Whats your dream?教学目标:一掌握下列句型的用法:1.I want to become a 2. If you have a dream , Youll be able to 3. The chicken was jumping up and down a short wall .二掌握下列短语的用法:up and down Join the National Team Fly to the moon Hoped to make a bus Im not a superman but I am helpful 教学重点:1.了

27、解一些关于在网络发帖回帖的操作步骤, 并尝试在网络上发表或回复关于梦想的英语帖子2.掌握下列句型的用法:I want to become a If you have a dream , Youll be able to The chicken was jumping up and down a short wall.教学难点: 了解一些关于在网络发帖回帖的操作步骤, 并尝试在网络上发表或回复关于梦想的英语帖子。教法:高效课堂教学模式学法:自主探究 合作交流教具准备:小黑板 单词卡片 录音机教学过程:一. 自主学习(一)温故知新1.复习上节课所学单词及句子 2 Lets guess .A: I

28、want to become a police officer. I like to help people. Whose dream is it ?B: I know . Its Kittys dream .A: Yes . Youre right . I want to be a police officer .3. 自己和同桌猜一下彼此的梦想。(二)互助释疑(Lets chant )1. 学生试读2. 听录音并跟读课文3. 交流韵文内容4. 跟着节奏读chant. 二.点拨升华1. Read for fun.2. Listen and tick or cross.3. Look and talk about Sams dreams .4. Talk in groups . 5. Read and complete the sentence .三作业布置板书设计:课后反思: Unit 8 Whats your dream?共有 4课时 第3课时教学内容:复习巩固本课内容。教学目标: 熟练掌握本课内容。教学准备:练习资料。教学方法:高效课堂模式。教法:情景教学法,趣味游戏法。 学法:自主学习,合作探究。教学过程:(一)复习热身1、听写单词、短语和重点句子。2、背诵课文。(二)操练1、学生练习,合作探究。2、教师指点,互相评价。3、指导完成配套练习所剩内容。(三)作业1

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