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1、 students-centered Teaching procedures:Step I. Lead-in :Read the following, paying attention to the words in bold print.Once I started looking for them, these moments were everywhere: That I should be sitting in a coffee shop in London drinking Italian espresso (cup of) coffee made by forcing boilin

2、g water under pressure through ground coffee (一杯)蒸馏咖啡)served by an Algerian waiter to the strains旋律 of the Beach Boys singing I wish they all could be California girls. . . . Or hanging around a pub in New Delhi that serves Lebanese cuisinekwizi:n 烹饪 to the music of a Filipino band in rooms decorate

3、d with barrels of Irish stout (type of strong dark beer (烈性的)黑啤酒, a stuffed hippo head, and a vintage poster葡萄酒海报announcing the Grand Ole Opry concert乡村大剧院演唱会to be given at the high school in Douglas, Georgia. Some Japanese are fanatics for flamenco (strongly rhythmical dance performed originally by

4、 Spanish gypsies 弗拉明柯舞). Denmark imports five times as much Italian pasta意大利面食as it did ten years ago. The classic American blond金发碧眼Barbie doll芭比娃娃now comes in some 30 national varietiesand this year emerged as Austrian and Moroccan. Question: Which word can you summarize on the basis of the paragr

5、aph above? “Globalization”.Globalization has become one of those words with the highest frequency of appearance but at the same time it is also a most controversial issue in terms of content, implication and consequence. Since the early 1990s, globalization has developed rapidly and brought great ch

6、anges to the world. However, groups of people for various reasons oppose globalization and point to the negative effects of globalization. So when we face an article of such an important and sensitive issue, we are apt to ask: What is the authors attitude towards globalization? What makes her adopt

7、such an attitude? How does she present her argument?Step II. Structure of the textPart I (para 13) Globalization is a reality but it is not something complietly new. What is new is the speed and scope of changes.Part II (para 46) this part deals with different views on globalization.Part III (para 7

8、9) three points are made in this part:a.Westernization is not a straight road to hell, or to paradise either.b. Cultures are as resourceful, resilient, and unpredictable as the people who compose them.c.Teenagers are one of the powerful engines of merging global cultures.Part IV (para 1013) this par

9、t tells of the authors experience with Amanda Freeman.Part V (para 1419) in order to prove fusion is the trend, the author used Tom Soper and mah-jongg as an example.Part VI (para 2024) this part describes the cultural trends in Shanghai.Part VII ( para2528) the author used the experience at Shangha

10、i Theatre Academy to illustrate the point that the change is at the level of ideas.Part VIII (para 2934)the author in this part introduced Tofflers view on conflict, change and world order.Part IX (para3536)the main idea is there will not be a uniform world culture in the future; the cultures will c

11、oexist and transform each other.Part X (3739) the author again used an example in Shanghai to illustrate the transformation of culture.Part XI (40) In the concluding remark, the author makes clear her view of globalization. She points out the reason why globalization is inevitablelinking is humanity

12、s natural impulse.Step III. Detailed study of the textPart I (Paras.1-3) Globalization is a reality but it is not something completely new. What is new is the speed and scope of changes. Para.11.Today we are in the throes of“globalization”: 今天我们正经历着一种世界范围文化巨变的阵痛,一种习俗与追求的结构性变化,用社会学家奇特的词汇来称呼这种变化,就叫“全球

13、化”In the throes of : in the act of struggling with(a problem, decision, task, etc.) 在产生.之前的斗争中throe: hard struggle or trouble; a country in the throes of economic collapseIf someone is experiencing something very unpleasant or emotionally painful, you can say that they are in the throes of it, espec

14、ially when it is in its final stages.tectonic: relating to the structure of the earths surface or crustwild: in a state of disorder, disarrangement, confusion, etc.assortment: variety, miscellaneous group or collection; a mixture of different things or of various kinds of the same thing; assortment

15、ofa wide assortment of friends an odd assortment of knives and forksdislodge: to drive out, to force from a position or place where lodged; to force or knock something out of its position; He dislodged a few stones as he climbed up the rock.want: something needed or desired but lacking; need2. In pl

16、ace of the old wants人们用新的需求取代原有的需求,用外地的产品满足自己的需求。(1)Instead of the traditional needs, we find new needs, demanding goods from distant and far-off places to meet these felt needs. (2)The object of “requiringis“the products”; “for their satisfactionis an adverbial phrase, showing purpose.3.Q: How does

17、 the author begin this article? Why does she quote Marx and Engels ?The author begins the article with the statement “Today we are in the throes of a worldwide reformation of cultures which is called globalization. Here the author points out that globalization is a world movement and a movement of r

18、eformation of cultures. She does not say merging of cultures but reformation of cultures, indicating the cultures in the world will continue to exist but they will not be the same.The author then says that globalization is not an exact word to describe the changes. Why? The author quotes Marx and En

19、gels to prove her point. According to polls,Marx and Engels are rated among most important people in the past thousand years. The authors intention is two-fold: on the one hand she wants to show that globalization is the result of modern industry and world markets, on the other she wants to stress t

20、hat it is a process and a historical process at that.4. Their statement now describes an ordinary fact of life. 他们那时的陈述描绘了现在生活中的普遍事实Marx and Engels made the prediction 150 years ago. But today it is not a prediction but something that happens every day. Paras. 2-35. How people feel about this depend

21、s a great deal on where they live and how much money they have. (1)How will you paraphrase this sentence? The attitude of the people toward globalization is to a great extent determined by whether they are in the developed countries or not and whether they are among the haves or the have-nots. (2)Co

22、mment on the authors statement. The author is to a large extent correct in making this statement. According to polls in the U.S., the attitude towards globalization has a lot to do with the level of income and education. An analysis of the economic situation in the world in recent years shows that m

23、ost of the benefits of globalization have gone to the developed world. Hence the dissatisfaction and resentment of many in the Third World.6. globalizationis a reality, not a choice. 全球化“是一种事实,而不是一种选择” Globalization is not something that you can accept or reject, it is already a matter of life which

24、 you will encounter and have to respond to every day.7. Humans have been ventured afield. 早在第一批骆驼商队冒险出外经商前至今,人们一直在编织着商贸和文化相互间的交往。People in the world have been making commercial and cultural contacts long before merchants on camelbacks took the risk to travel to places faraway from home. (1)weave con

25、nections: establish connectionsVERB + CONNECTION have His death had no connection with drugs. | discover, establish, find, make, see Researchers have now established a connection between air pollution and asthma. She did not make the connection between her diet and her poor health. | break, sever Sh

26、e wanted to sever all her connections with the firm.They weaved a web of lies to fool the people. 他们编造了一套谎言来愚弄人民。caravan: a company of travelers, esp. of merchants or pilgrims traveling together for safety, as through a desert venture: to undertake the risk of, to brave afield: away (from home)8. wr

27、ought fundamental changes: 在19世纪,邮政服务、报纸、横跨大陆的铁路及巨大的蒸汽轮船带来了根本变化wrought: If something has wrought a change, it has made it happen; (past participle of work or wreak) to produce results or exert an influence9. Telegraphbetween individuals and the wider world. (1)Telegraphmade the connection between in

28、dividuals and the outside world closer but at the same time the connection was more complex, less direct, not so easy to see or detect. (2)电报、电话、收音机和电视把个人和外部世界更紧密地连在一起, 这种联系更为复杂、不那么直接也不易察觉。 (3)The author uses “intricate and “complicated” to describe the connection because with the emergence of advan

29、ced technology, the connection is not only faster but also more difficult to see, to explain. For example, connection with the outside world through watching cable TV or listening to radio is less tangible and much less direct than camel caravans. But the connection is established. Telegraph and Int

30、ernet connections are examples. Connections might be established through the Internet, yet you may not have met the person. Intricate: made up of many small parts put together in a complex way, and therefore difficult to follow or understand 错综复杂的; a novel with an intricate plot 情节错综复杂的小说Tie a knot:

31、 form a knot; tie a knot in a piece of rope 在绳子上打结Accelerate: make (sth) move faster or happen earlier; increase the speed of 使(某事物)加快; 促进(某事物); 加速: accelerating the rate of growth 提高生长率10. Still. the basic dynamicsmove. 然而,产生这种变化的动力是一致的:商品流通、人员流动、观念转变、文化变迁。不同的是这些变化的速度和范围。Marx and Engels made the prediction 150 years ago. But today it is not a prediction but something that happens every day. “Still”here introduces a contrast. Paragraph 2 tells the readers that modern technology makes the connections and changes fa

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