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1、中考英语押题卷试题江西省2018年中考英语押题卷试题注意事项:1. 本试卷共8页,六个大题,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 2. 本试卷上不要答题,请按答题卡上注意事项的要求直接把答案填写在答题卡上。答在试卷上的答案无效。一、听力测试(27分) A)请听下面8段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分)( )1. How does David learn English? A. By listening to tapes. B. By writing word ca

2、rds. C. By watching TV.( )2. What are the chopsticks made of? A. wood B. Silver. C. Gold.( )3. Where is Dave now? A. At home. B. At Pauls. C. At school. ( )4. Whom did Jenny spend her holiday with? A. Johns grandpa B. John. C. Johns grandma.( )5. How many students passed the exam? A. Twenty. B. Thir

3、ty. C. Forty.( )6. Where is tea produced in China? A. In Hangzhou. B. In Shanxi. C. In Xinjiang.( )7. Which floor is the bookstore on?A. On the first floor. B. On the second floor. C. On the third floor. ( )8. What do many people think of Jackie Chens latest movie?A. Funny. B. Boring. C. Exciting. B

4、)请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话和独白后有几小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话和独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 请听第1段材料,回答9、10小题。( )9. What did the woman use to be like? A. Tall and pretty. B. Short and quiet. C. Tall and shy.( )10. Where does the woman want to go? A. To England. B. To China. C. To France

5、.请听第2段材料,回答第11、12小题。( )11. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a bank. B. In a restaurant. C. In a post office.( )12. How much should the man pay? A. 2. B. 3 C. 5.请听第3段材料,回答第13至第15小题。( )13. What does the woman want to do? A. To save some money. B. To take out the money. C. To exch

6、ange some money.( )14. Where is the bank? A. Next to a bookstore. B. Next to a supermarket. C. Across from a supermarket.( )15. How many times has the woman visited New York before? A. Never. B. Once. C. Twice.请听第4段材料,回答第16至第18小题。( )16. What does the boy think can help solve the girls problem? A. Go

7、od luck. B. Deep breath. C. Kind advice.( )17. What is the boys suggestion for getting good results in exams? A. Talking with others. B. Often taking tests. C. Always working hard.( )18. Whats the possible relationship between the two speakers? A. Classmates. B. A teacher and a student. C. A father

8、and a daughter.请听第5段材料,回答第19至第22小题。( )19. How tall can apple trees grow as tall as ? A. Eleven meters. B. Thirteen meters. C. Twelve meters.( )20. In what countries are apples mainly produced? A. China, France, and the United States. B. China, Japan and the United States. C. America, France and the

9、United States. ( )21. Which kind of apples are the largest? A. Red apples. B. Green apples. C. Delicious apples.( )22. Which kind of apples are eaten freshly? A. Red apples. B. Sweet apples. C. Green apples. C)请听下面一段独白,根据独白内容完成下列句子,每个空格不超过3个单词。听独白前你将有50秒钟的时间阅读句子内容。独白读两遍。23. Great Changes have taken

10、place in peoples life in the past _ years.24. In the past people kept in touch with relatives or friends mainly by _.25. Now people can talk to others by _ or on the Internet at home.26. Now some families are _ to send their children to school in their own cars.27. In a word, people live a _ life th

11、an before.二、单项填空(8分)请阅读下面各小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其标号填入题前括号内。(每小题1分,共8分)( )28. What can I do for you, sir? I want _ I Phone 6S plus for my wife as _ unexpected gift.A. a; an B. an; an C. an; the D. a; a( )29. What a good _ youve given me! Thanks a lot.My pleasure.A. information B. news

12、 C. suggestion D. advice( )30. The twins almost look the same. We can hardly tell one from _. A. other B. another C. the other D. others( )31. Angela, you are going to buy a flat here, arent you?Yes, but I cant _ an expensive one.A. spend B. cost C. pay D. afford( )32. A little wine will not be _ to

13、 your health. Just dont drink too much. A. helpful B. harmful C. awful D. careful( )33. Mr. Brown is a very good teacher and he is strict _ his students. A. to B. with C. in D. at ( )34. Have you decided where to go for your summer vacation? Not yet. We _ go to Mount Lu. It is a good place for vacat

14、ion.A. may B. should C. must D. need( )35. Did you have a good sleep last night? No. My neighbor _ the guitar the whole night.A. plays B. is playing C. was playing D. would play三、完形填空 (25分)A)请先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并将其标号填入题前括号内。(每小题1分,共15分)Susie Sunbeam was not her real na

15、me. It was Susan Brown. But everyone called 36 Sunbeam(阳光的人), because she had such a sweet, smiling face. She 37 took brightness with her wherever she went. Her grandfather first gave her this 38 ,and it seemed to fit the little girl so 39 that soon it took the place of her own.Even when Susie was a

16、 baby, she laughed and smiled from morning till night. No one ever heard her cry unless she was 40 or hurt. When she had learnt to 41 , she loved to go around the house and get things for her mother. 42 , she helped herself as much as she could.She loved 43 . She would sit by her mothers side for an

17、 hour at a time, and ask her many questions. At other times, she would take a new book and read quietly. Susie was always pleasant in her play with other children. She never used a(n) 44 word , but tried to do whatever would make her playmates happy.One day, a(n) 45 little girl with an old torn(撕破的)

18、 dress passed by. Susie heard some children teasing and laughing at her. She at once ran out to the gate, and asked the little girl to come 46 .“What are you crying for? ” Susie asked. “Because they all 47 at me.” she said.Then Susie took the little girl into the house. She 48 the little girl with k

19、ind words, and she gave her one of her own best dresses and a good pair of shoes. This brought real 49 to the poor child , and she thought that Sunbeam was the 50 name for Susan Brown. ( )36.A. it B. itself C. her D. herself( )37.A. sometimes B. seldom C. never D. always( )38.A. name B. chance C. dr

20、ess D. book( )39.A. possibly B. clearly C. nicely D. easily( )40.A. happy B. sick C. fine D. busy( )41.A. walk B. say C. read D. write( )42.A. By the way B. In this way C. On the way D. In a way( )43.A. study B. nature C. travel D. sport( )44.A. kind B. unkind C. usual D. unusual( )45.A .honest B. w

21、eak C. poor D. rich( )46.A. in B. out C. up D. down( )47.A. look B. point C. shout D. laugh( )48.A. brought up B. gave up C. picked up D. cheered up( )49.A. pain B. trouble C. pleasure D. truth( )50.A. wrong B. right C. strange D. commonB)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。(每小题1分)real ; noisy ;

22、 clean ; after ; dirty ; work ; be ; area ; traffic ; also ; live ; soundMany people have cars in the city. But pollution is a problem because of the 51. . Nowadays some downtown(市中心) areas around the world dont have cars. These car-free zones(无车区) are 52. for people, bicycles, and public transporta

23、tion only.Eight million people 53. in the center of London and anther two million go to work there every day. The downtown area is very 54. with hundreds of cars, buses, and taxis, but there are 55. a lot of beautiful parks with free music concerts. At lunchtime, many people go there for a rest 56.

24、they get off work.Parts of Tokyo are always crowded with hundreds of people but no cars! These modern car-free zones are 57. popular and people like shopping there.In the past, Bogota was polluted because there 58. lots of cars and traffic. Now the downtown area is a car-free zone and the air is 59.

25、 ! Many people dont have a car and half a million people take the bus 60. . There are lots of stores. Its not expensive.四、阅读理解(40分)A)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题2分,共30分) A When I was about 12, I had an enemy, a girl who liked to point out my shortcomings. Sometimes she said I was thi

26、n. Sometimes she said I was lazy. Sometimes she said I wasnt a good student. Sometimes she said I talked too much, and so on. I tried to stand her as long as I could. At last, I became very angry. I ran to my father with tears in my eyes.He listened to me quietly, and then he asked,Are the things sh

27、e said true or not? Mary, didnt you ever wonder what youre really like? Go and make a list of everything she has said and mark(标记) the points(点) that are true. Pay no attention to the other things she has said.I did as he told me and to my surprise, I discovered that about half the things were true.

28、I brought the list back to my dad. He refused to take it.Thats just for you,he said.You know better than anyone else the truth about yourself. When something said about you is true, youll find it will be helpful to you. Dont shut your ears. Listen to them all, but hear the truth and do what you thin

29、k is right.Many years has passed. The situation often appears(出现) in my mind. In our life we often meet with some trouble and we often go to someone and ask for advice. For some advice you will treasure(珍惜) all your life!( )61. What did the writers father do after he heard her words?A. He agreed wit

30、h herenemy.B. He let her continue to stand herenemy.C. He told her to write down all herenemy had said about her.D. He told her not to pay attention to what herenemyhad said.( )62. The writer felt _ when she did the things as her father had told her.A. surprised B. angry C. disappointed D. sad( )63.

31、 Which of the following can we know from the passage?A. Theenemythought the writer was pretty.B. Theenemythought the writer studied hard.C. The writer and herenemybecame best friends at last.D. The writer is thankful to her father. B Are you happy most of the time? Or do you easily get angry sometimes? Everyone has a different temperament(脾气). It is usually believed that both genes(基因) and

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