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1、(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。6. What do we know about Nora?A.She prefers a room of her own.B. She likes to work with other girls.C. She lives near the city center.7. What is good about the

2、 flat?A. It has a large sitting room. B. It has good furniture. C. It has a big kitchen.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8Where has Barbara been to ?A.Milan B.Florence C.Rome9What has Barbara got in her suitcase?A.Shoes B.Stones D.Books听第8段材料,回答10至12题。10Who is making the telephone call?A.Thomas Brothes. B.Mike London

3、 C.Jack Cooper11What relation is the woman to Mr.Cooper?A.His wife. B.His boss. C.His secretary.12What is the message about?A. A meeting B. A visit to France C. The date for a trip.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Who could the man speaker most probably be?A. A person who saw the accident. B. The driver of the

4、lorry. C. A police officer.14. What was Mrs.Franks doing when the accident took place?A. walking along the churchill avenue.B. getting ready to cross the road.C. standing outside a bank 15. When did the accident happen ?A. at about 8:00 am B. at about 9:00 am C. at about 10:00 am16. How did the acid

5、cent happen ?A.a lorry hit a car B. a car ran into a lorry C. a bank clerk rushed into the street . 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题17. What is the talk mainly about?A. The history of the school . B. The courses for the term. C. The plan for the day.18. Where can the visitors learn about the subjects for new stude

6、nts?A. In the school hall. B. In the science labs. C. In the classrooms.19. What can students do in the practical areas?A. Take science courses B. Enjoy excellent meals C. Attend workshops.20. When are the visitors expected to ask questions?A. During the lunch hour . B. After the welcome speech . C.

7、 Before the tour of the labs.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.Karen, can I talk to you for a minute?Sure, ? come B. whats up C. hows that D. what for22. With a travelling speed of up to 350 kilometres per hour, the railway to be built between Beij

8、ing and Shanghai the journey time from 12 hours to 5 hours.A. cuts B. will cut C. is cutting D. has cut23.Young people go to college with the expectation that educated people get a higher pay. A. good B. better C. best D. the best24. Oct. Ist, is our National Day, is always celebrated with singing a

9、nd dancing. A. as B. that C. when D. which25. The housing problems we are looking forward to seeing have attracted the governments attention.A. solving B. solve C. solved D. to solve26. In fact, more and more people to live a greener, healthier and more environmentally “green life”. A.chose B. choos

10、e C. are choosing D. have chosen27. Are you satisfied with this house? .We cant have a nicer one.A. Not a little B. Not a bit C. A little D. A bit28.Stage fright(恐慌) is a common example of educators call a “lack of confidence” among students.A. that B. what C. which D. whose29. To good relationships

11、 with your teachers and classmates, you should learn to share ups and downs with them.A. bring up B. add up C. keep up D. take up 30. The seller would sell the shirt for ten pounds, but the customer eight pounds.A. sold B. offered C. charged D. asked31. there is going to be a policy change of those

12、things is going to change. A. Unless; few B. Until; few C. Unless; none D. Until; none32. Nothing after the terrible fire which had been caused by someone smoking in bed. A. left B. was remained C. remained D. continued33. very confused, the little girl looked up the information in the book to find

13、out the answer. A. Being felt B. Felt C. Feeling D. To feel34. My sons are not a little restless.Oh? Boys be boys.A. should B. can C. may D. will35.You havent lost the concert ticket, have you? .I know it is not easy to get another one at the moment, but nowhere can I find it.A. No, I havent B. I do

14、nt hope so C. Yes, Im afraid so D. I hope not完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。“A robbery”a voice came from the radio. John was driving home late last night from a trip, and now he was having trouble staying 36 . He turned 37 the radio and tried to fix his attent

15、ion on the 38 , but his eyes kept on closing.It was 39 that he noticed the hitchhiker (搭便车者)by the road. 40 even thinking about what he was doing, he stopped the car.“To Midrille?” “Get in .” The hitchhiker got in and immediately John was 41 that he had picked him up. The young man 42 a strange face

16、 and long hair. When John asked him questions about himself, he changed the 43 .John 44 the news. He began to sweat and his thoughts 45 nervously to all the money he was 46 .At the next small town he stopped his car and said, “Im sorry. Im so 47 that I cant drive you to Midrille. I think Ill find a

17、48 and spend the night.”The young man slowly 49 into his pocket. “This is it!” thought John. At that 50 moment he considered shouting for help, but instead of a gun, the hitchhiker pulled out several 51 . “Oh , no. I dont want your money. Just get out. Okay?”The young man looked 52 . He insisted on

18、53 John the money. John watched until his 54 had disappeared from sight, then stepped on the 55 and drove out of town.36. A. asleepB. earlyC. strongD. awake37.A. on B. offC. up D. over38.A. outsideB. newsC. speed D. way39.A. there B. earlierC. thenD. moment40.A. WithoutB. AfterC. By D. For41.A. happ

19、yB. sadC. angryD. sorry42.A. woreB. ownedC. hadD. made43.A. placeB. subjectC. questionD. face44.A. rememberedB. thoughtC. heardD. forgot45.A. gotB. arrivedC. changedD. turned46.A. payingB. havingC. carryingD. borrowing47.A. afraidB. hungryC. coldD. sleepy48.A. restaurantB. shopC. hotelD. station49.A

20、. reachedB. forcedC. gotD. put50. A. importantB. veryC. longD. short51.A. knivesB. photosC. handkerchiefsD. bills52.A. frightenedB. puzzledC. worriedD. curious53.A. givingB. offeringC. handingD. returning54.A. driverB. friendC. passengerD. thief55.A. doorB. gasC. windowD. motor第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第小

21、题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 AA powerful earthquake struck the northeastern coast of Japan at two forty-six p.m. local time on March eleventh. 2011. Japans Meteorological Agency released its first tsunami(海啸)warnings just three minutes later. The country has one of the best earthqua

22、kes early warning systems in the world.There are more than four thousand Seismic Intensity Meters in place throughout Japan to measure earthquake activity. These meters provide information within two minutes of an earthquake happening. Information about the strength and the center of the earthquake

23、can be learned within three minutes.There are also concrete(混凝土)sea walls around much of the Japanese coastline. But these measures proved no match for the powerful earthquake and tsunami.Costas Synolakis, a tsunami expert at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles said,” Japan is one o

24、f those most well-prepared countries on earth in terms of tsunami warning. They had a warning. I think what went wrong is that they had not expected the size of this event.”He says there are two reasons for this. Japan has not had any event anywhere near as big as this one in the last one hundred fi

25、fty years. And scientists had not expected such a large earthquake happening off the coast of Japan.The nine point zero magnitude earthquake was the fourth most powerful earthquake ever recorded worldwide. It was also the worst earthquake ever to hit Japan. The tsunami waves that followed were repor

26、ted to have reached as high as thirteen meters in some areas.Costas Synolakis says Japans concrete sea walls were not built to handle such high waves. Experts say early warning systems will continue to be limited by these facts until earthquakes and tsunamis can be predicted56. Where can this passag

27、e probably be adapted from?A. A magazine on science. B. A fairy TaleC. A scientific fantasy book. D. A newspaper.57. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. A terrible earthquake hit the northeastern coast of Japan.B. It was also the worst earthquake in Japan.C. The 9.0 earthquake was the f

28、ourth most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Japan.D. Japans concrete sea walls were unable to handle such high waves.58. According to Costas Synolakis, why did Japan suffer such a loss?A. The country has never experienced any event as big as this one over the past 150 years.B. Japan has the best

29、 earthquake early warning systems in the world.C. There are not concrete sea walls around all of the Japanese coastline.D. The government didnt announce its first tsunami warnings three minutes earlier.BEver since news of widespread food recalls caused by a carcinogenic dye broke, there has been confusion (混淆)over possible links to the country of the same name, but Sudan officials say there is no connection whatever.Sudan 1 is a r

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