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1、重庆工程职业技术学院教案授课顺序号授课日期月 日月 日月 日授课班级课题Unit 1 Reservation教学目的能用英语正确完成客人预定餐桌的服务教学重点餐厅预定工作的流程及英语用语教学难点对客人英语表述的理解与文字记录课型理论课教具无 教学过程及主要内容A 组织教学B讲授新课 1.结合课文对话,根据实际的工作场景,对预定内容进行步骤的梳理,对每个步骤的英语对话进行归纳讲授 接受一个预定场景下的处理1st greeting 2nd food type 3rd how many people 4th time 5th confirmation 拒绝预定的必要用语 1st apologize

2、2nd recommending some place else 2.对数字进行复习 Number: 1-99 的表达Date:日,月,年Week:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,Sunday.Time: 0800, 0810, 0815, 0830, 0845,C.课堂小结课外作业Make a dialogue based on the given situationA guest wants to book a table by the window重庆工程职业技术学院教案授课顺序号授课日期月 日月 日月 日授课

3、班级课题Unit 2 Seating Guest教学目的能用简练有效的英语句子完成引领客人入座的工作教学重点引领客人入座的英语句型教学难点对于不同类型客人,引领服务用语的应用不同课型理论课教具无 教学过程及主要内容A 组织教学B 复习上节课内容C 讲授新课 1.课程导入 请两位同学用中文表演“引领客人入座”这么一个场景。然后让同学思考用英文怎么表达? 用下面词汇引导学生进行思考: 预定 团队 大约要等30分钟 提供、容纳 非常抱歉 雅间 2.根据实际,教授学生在两种情况下的服务用语情况1:引领有预定的客人入座 Conform the reservation “Do you have reser

4、vation, please?” “Are you Mr/Mrs ” show the table “ Would you follow me?” seating the guest “Have your seat please.”情况2:接待没有预订单客人入座 Greeting: “Welcome come to may I help you?” How many people “How many are there in you party, sir?” Select table “hat table would you care for?” “Would you mind sitting

5、 in the corner?”情况3:没有座位的情况下的用语 Apologize: “Im sorry, it is full now.” Explaining the situation “We might to seat you in 20 min. You can Have a drink in the lounge if you like. Well call you as soon as possible.” Giving a solution “Would you like to go to our buffer, today it supplies some new dishe

6、s?” 3.填空练习 4.根据所给条件进行对话演练 5.语音练习:绕口令D 课堂小结课外作业翻译课后句子重庆工程职业技术学院教案授课顺序号授课日期月 日月 日月 日授课班级课题Unit 3 Taking Orders 教学目的能用正确的英语短句,对客人进行点单服务教学重点点单服务英语教学难点对于各种点单用语的灵活英语课型理论课教具无 教学过程及主要内容A 组织教学B 复习上节课内容C 讲授新课 1.根据课文对话,再结合实际工作场景,总结点单服务的要领句型对学生进行教授 Take drink order before meal “Would you like a drink before you

7、 order?” “Would you care for a drink before your meal?” Asking guest if ready to order? “May I take your order now?” “Would you like to order?” “Would care for order, now?” “Are you ready to order?” Taking orders “What would you like to have for the . appetizer?” soup main course desser Guest wants

8、to have a salad “What kind of dressing would you like? We have Mayonnaise, Thousand island or Vinaigrette” Guest want to have a steak “How would you like your steak done” 2.对各种沙拉酱进行学习 3.对牛肉的生熟进行表述 rare medium-rare medium medium-well well-done 4.课堂练习对话练习完成填空D 课堂小结 课外作业to memory the name of salad and

9、dressingto fill the blacks after the text重庆工程职业技术学院教案授课顺序号授课日期月 日月 日月 日授课班级课题Unit 4 Making Recommendation教学目的能用准确的英文表述对菜品进行推荐能用准确的英文表述,表达各种菜品的味道教学重点菜品推荐的实用句子教学难点各种味道的表达课型理论课教具无 教学过程及主要内容A 组织教学B 复习上节课内容C 讲授新课 1. 认识各种菜品的烹饪方法 baked deep-fried smoked boiled fried steamed braised poached stewed creamed r

10、oast marinate grilled stauteed If guest ask: “how is it cooked?Your answer: “its _” 2. 各种口味的表达 sweet sour bitter salty hot spicy crispy heavy light greasy tender rough Guest ask: “how does it taste?” Or “how about its taste/flavor?”Answer: “its _” 3. 模仿真实场景,对可能发生情况进行归纳,教授学生客人服务员What do you suggest/

11、recommend?May I suggest / recommend Could you recommend something Have you tried Our chefs specialty is Our speciality for today is Todays special is How about 4. 课堂练习 填空完成对话翻译D 课堂小结 对于客人可能说的句子进行总结 对推荐菜品的句子进行小结课外作业Making Dialogue1. Try to order a breakfast by referring to the “Chinese typical breakf

12、ast”.2. You invite you friend, whom you happened to meet on the street, to a cafe and you order some cakes and drinks.重庆工程职业技术学院教案授课顺序号授课日期月 日月 日月 日授课班级课题Unit 5 Serving During A Meal教学目的能用正确的英文表达,对客人的进餐过程进行服务教学重点进餐中的服务英语教学难点恰到好处的服务英语课型理论课教具无 教学过程及主要内容A 组织教学B 复习旧课C 讲授新课 1. 根据真实场景,对客人在进餐过程中需要的服务动作,配合英

13、文表述,进行以下要点的教授动作英语 When placing napkin. When serving hand-hot towel When serving food or drink When clean tableExcuse meWhen serving food or drink Excuse me, here is your Excuse me, enjoy your Excuse me, be careful ,the _ is hotWhen removing plate Excuse me, have you finished sir/madam? May I clean y

14、our plateWhen check satisfaction Are you enjoyed your meal? Is everything satifavtoryWhen asking if the guest would like sth more Would you like anything else Would like something more, coffe or wine? 2. 课堂练习D 课堂小结课外作业重庆工程职业技术学院教案授课顺序号授课日期月 日月 日月 日授课班级课题Unit 6 Presenting The Bill and Accepting Payme

15、nt教学目的能用准确的英语完成结账服务教学重点结账服务中的英语句型教学难点各种支付方式的英文表达和操作程序课型理论课教具无 教学过程及主要内容A 组织教学B 复习上节课内容C 讲授新课 1.结账服务的步骤 1st to ask whether the guest finish2nd to count the total3rd to make clear the way of payment4th to check the bill information5tn thanks for the coming 2.各种支付方式的认识以及服务用语用信用卡支付1st Checking if the ca

16、rd can be accepted 如果接收卡 “Yes we accept card” 如果不接受或选择性接收 “Sorry, we dont accept card, only card we can be used in our restaurant.”2nd signature “Please sign here, sir/madam” 旅游支票的使用 1st signing on the spot “Please sign on the spot”2nd address “And your dress, please”3rd identification现金结账 对各种货币的了解,

17、认识签单支付 To make sure whether it can be sign Check the room key or other identification Sigh the bill, check the name 3.课堂练习填空,完成对话D 课堂小结 对不同结账方式的英语用语进行总结 重点词的总结课外作业Pair work You stays in a hotel and have dinner in the coffee shop. After it you want to sigh the bill to the room. Make the dialogue betw

18、een you and waiter重庆工程职业技术学院教案授课顺序号授课日期月 日月 日月 日授课班级课题Unit 7 Room Service教学目的能用准确的英语句型完成客房用餐服务工作教学重点客房用餐服务的必要用语教学难点服务操作流程与服务用语的准确结合课型理论课教具无 教学过程及主要内容A 组织教学B 复习上节课内容C 讲授新课 1.根据模拟操作环节,对学生进行要点教授1st Explaining procedures to retrieve room service items “Room service, good afternoon. Can I help you?”“We s

19、erve breakfast until 1000 am.”“No problem, you can get any you like.” 2nd Asking guests where room service meal should be set up “May I have you room number?”“which room should I send to, sir / madam?” 3rd Presenting guest check and securing payment “Here is your receipt, sir / madam. It will be sig

20、ned to your room, is that ok?” 4th Opening wine bottles (where applicable) “Ok, sir / madam let me open it for you” 5th Providing an attitude of genuine hospitality “Enjoy yourself, I am always at youre your service” 2.课堂练习 翻译 对话演练 3.小知识:各种西餐用餐方式介绍D 小结课外作业重庆工程职业技术学院教案授课顺序号授课日期月 日月 日月 日授课班级课题Unit 8 B

21、everage Service教学目的能用正确英语表达完成酒水服务教学重点酒水服务的必要用语教学难点对酒水的介绍用语课型理论课教具无 教学过程及主要内容A 组织教学B 复习上节课内容C 讲授新课 1.导入 让学生明白本单元内容,在句型上并没有很大的变化,而是对酒水英文称谓的熟悉。 2.酒水介绍 介绍酒水的制作原料 its imported from (country of origin) it is brewed in (country of origin) strong sparkling potent delicious light heavy fresh smootheg: “may I

22、 suggest one of our imported beer, a Carlsberg, its strong beer”介绍酒水口味 dry creamy sharp sweet smooth strong flavor bitter delicious bouquet sour refreshing eg: it is very refreshing “its served with Worcester sauce a twist of lemon crushed ice wedge of lime ice 3. 酒水服务中的必要用语 When asking if the guest

23、 would like sth more. would you care for another drink, madam? Would you like another whisky, madam? Would you care for anything else sir? Would sir like another beer?When asking guest if he would like a final drink. Would you like a night- cap sir How about one for the road? 4.特殊状况的处理的服务用语醉酒者 Pleas

24、e keep your voice down, sir. You are disturbing the other guest.I am afraid Im unable to serve you any further alcoholic drinks this evening. May I offer you soft drinks?”Im afraid the strict licensing laws prohibit us from serving a guest who has had sufficient to drinks.Im so sorry, but I have no alternative but to call security. 酒水沾到客人身上 I m terribly sorry, I really must apologise.I can arrange for your suit to be sent to the dry-cleaners tomorrow, free of charge,

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