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1、(每当她违背交通规那么的时候). 2._(开始看起来模糊不清的情形)might well become clear and organic a third time. 3. The man was left on an isolated island, _ (他在那里待了半年之久) 4. Ive already told you that Im going to buy it, _ (不管花多少钱)5.Ill accept any job_(只要不必早起).1.Mark often attempts to _(逃避母亲的 责骂)whenever he does something wrong.

2、2. The new government was accused of failure to _(实现其降低失业率的许诺) 3._(为了挣钱供我上学),mother often takes on more work than is good for her.4. He denied _(偷看了同桌的试卷) 5. I dont mind _(你迟作决定) as long as it is not too late.1._(其实你没必要穿上你最好的套装) to go to the party; most of the guests were wearing jeans and sweaters.

3、2._(玛丽必然尚未找回她的车),for she came to work by bus this morning.3.The phone is ringing, but there is no answer. _(她必然不在家)4._(这部影片应该会有专门好的票房收入) as it is starring first class actors. 5. You screamed in your sleep last night, _(你必然梦见什么恐怖的东西了)1.All the members except Tom_(都投票同意 我的建议)to set up a branch office

4、in the suburbs, which satisfies me greatly.2. I think_(不是你确实是他没有讲实话)3. Many a student_(已经意识到学习一门外语的重要性).4.The committee _(一直在讨论那个问题) among themselves for many years.1. I was advised_(或打电话,或写信给该旅馆订房)2.Fertilizers are used primarily to enrich the soil and _(提高产量)3.He neither knows_(也不关切她发生了什么事)4. It i

5、s not heroes that make history, _(而是历史制造了英雄)5. They not only broke into his office, _(而且撕碎了他的手稿)1.To make donations or for more information, please_(按以下地址和咱们联系)2. If you want to keep the flower from dying, _(要记得天天给它浇水).3. _(听医生的话),or your cough will get worse.4. Please_(把音乐声调小一点); the children are s

6、leeping. 5._(咱们找个地址躲雨吧), or well get wet.1. Many people think that _(体育锻炼的确直接有助于躯体健康)。2. _(你的工作能力才是最重要的),not where you come from or what you are.3. _(正是Jefferson写下了)the Declaration of Independence.4. Many people do not realize that_(正是这种常常性的体罚)that lays the groundwork for child abuse.1. The destruct

7、ion of buildings and houses is_(并非像原先担忧的那样普遍), and varies from village to village.2. The more he explains it, _(我越感觉那个打算难以实现)3. We all know that _(对他来讲钱就像生命一样宝贵). 4. _(我口袋里只有五元钱), so its really a problem for me to buy the candy.5. The buildings look _(在伦敦比在这儿难看得多).1.the new buildings area_(将是旧楼的两倍).

8、2.the output of this year _(与去年相较增加了50%)3.Although he eats less, _(他的体重却是我的三倍)4.This substance _(反映速度是另外那种物质的三倍).5.In such cases, the probability that women quit the job_(比男性辞职的可能性大三倍).1._(咱们都忍不住笑起来)when he finished the story.2. Soon after he transferred to the new school, Ali found that he had_(很难跟

9、上班里的学生).3. What a lovely party! Its worth _(我牢记一生).4. Although Im a foreigner in German, _(我毫不费力地表达了自己的意思).5.It is time the whole society began to take action to_(使咱们的环境免于毁灭).大学英语四级考试汉译英部份专项练习答案解析虚拟语气1.答案: it were spring in my hometown all the year around解析:wish后的that从句表示没有实现或不可能实现的愿望,that常常省略。当表示对此

10、刻的愿望时,从句谓语动词用were或实义动词的过去式。2.答案:the accident would not have happenedif 条件句中的过去完成时态和句意说明,此处利用了虚拟语气,表示对过去事实的假设。因此主句谓语动词应该用would have done的形式。3.答案: otherwise he would have sent his application.前半句中的couldnt have known 是对过去情形的否定推测, 后面的“不然”是对过去的一种假设,故后面主句的谓语动词应用would have done的形式。4.答案:we could not have re

11、nt a house at such a low price.but for意为:“若是没有”,经常使用来引出虚拟条件,相当于if虚拟条件句。从句意可知,“租到屋子”是过去的事实,故主句的谓语动词应用could/would have done的形式, 此处用它的否定形式。5. 答案:more mobile shops (should) be set up in the residential area. 解析:在“It is /was +形容词+that从句” 结构中,当形容词表示重要性、必要性或某种意愿时,后接从句时谓语动词往往要用should do 的形式,被动语态要用should be

12、done且should 常省略。常见的这种形容词有:advisable, appropriate, desirable, essential, necessary, important, imperative, impossible, incredible, obligatory, proper, vital, urgent等。倒装had he got on the bus than he found he forget to take the wallet with soonerthan和 hardly/scarcelywhen都表示“刚一就”no sooner 或 hardl

13、y/scarcely位于句首时,紧跟其后的句子应采纳部份倒装。注意在该句型中,主句中一样利用过去完成时,从句中一样用一样过去时。另外,表示“忘记去做某事”时forget后面应该接不定式。2.答案: Not until he was showed all evidencenot until意为“直到时,才”为了起到强调作用,常常将not until提早,现在句子就要用部份倒装。I would size the opportunity without hesitation分析句子结构可知,该句是省略了if的条件虚拟句的倒装结构,从句是对此刻情形的假设,故汉语部份的谓语动词应用would/could

14、 +do。did they present a musical performance当表示否定的词语谓语句首时,该句应采纳部份倒装。类似的表示否定的词语有:not, never, seldom, hardly, scarcely, rarely, barely, little等。5.答案:did he have his car inspected carefully. “only+状语”提早引发部份倒装。表示“让他人完成某事” 一样用 have sth .done的结构。时态和语态1. 答案:had collected more than a thousand foreign stamps.

15、 the end of that year是过去时刻, 再加上by可知是过去某一时刻以前完成的,因此应用过去完成时。2. 答案:will have been pulled down依照时刻状语by the time+表示以后时刻的句子可知,此处表示“到以后某个时刻为止的情形”,故应用以后完成时。此处需要用被动语态。you get into a bath full of water解析:在引导的条件状语从句中, 若是主句用以后时,从句要用一样此刻时。4. 答案:the earth is experiencing significant global warming所给汉语部份中的“正在”此处应用

16、进行时态,且主句顶用的是一样此刻时,故所给汉语部份应用此刻进行时。it had been raining for two daysand后的分句中的was提示所给汉语部份的时态应为过去时。“下雨”这一动作从过去更早时刻持续到此刻某一时刻,故应用过去完成进行时。从句whenever she breaks the traffic regulations所给汉语部份的“每当. 时候”,也含有“不论何时”之意,因此此处的连词最好用whenever 2. 答案:What seems confusing at first分析句子结构可知,所给汉语部份在句中作主语;what 引导的主语从句经常使用来表示“.

17、情形”。 3. 答案:where he stayed for as long as half a year.先行词island为地址名词, 故其定语从句应用关系副词where来引导。表示“长达 之久”,可用“as long as +时刻” 的结构。 4. 答案:no matter how much it costsno matter与疑问词连用能够引导妥协状语从句。本句表示“花费多少钱”,故应用no matter how much。 as long as I dont have to get up earlyso/as long as表示“只要”,在句中起连词作用,引导条件状语从句。另外,依照

18、前后句意,那个地址的“不必”应翻译为dont have to。动词 1. 答案:escape being scolded by his mother动词escape表示“逃避”,后面要求接动名词做宾语;而本句中主语“Mark”与“处惩”之间是被动关系,故应用动名词的被动语态。fulfill its promise to reduce the unemployment rate本句中“降低失业率的”应该做“许诺”的定语,能够用不定式短语做后置定语来表达。表示“实现(许诺)”也能够用keep或meet,但此处表示政府行为,故最好用fulfill.3. 答案:In order to finance

19、my education 解析:不定式短语常位于句首做目的状语。in order to 或 so as to 能够起到突出强调该目的的作用,但so as to一样不用在句首。having peeked at his neighbors test paperdeny后面要求接动名词做宾语。此处动名词所表示的行为“偷看”明显发生在denied行为之前,故应该用动名词的完成式来表达。 5.答案:your delaying making the decision第一,动词mind后面要求接动名词做宾语;第二,动词delay后面一样要求接动名词做宾语。类似的词还有:abandon, admit, adv

20、ocate, appreciate, avoid, bear, consider, delay, deny, deserve, dislike, enjoy, escape, fancy, forgive, imagine, miss, prevent, practice, recommend, resist, suggest等情态动词you neednt have put on your best suitneednt have done表示完成了本不需要完成的动作,表达说话人的指责、建议或遗憾之意。Mary couldnt have found her car本句汉语部份表示有把握的否定推

21、测,故情态动词应用can 或 could的否定形式,而所给英语部份的时态为一样过去时,由此可知是对过去情形的一种否定推测,故用couldnt have done 形式来表达。she cant be at home此题要紧考查情态动词的推测用法。本句是对此刻发生情形的否定推测,因此要用cant do 的句式结构来表达。This film should have a fantastic box office情态动词should表示推测时, 暗含专门大的可能性。“票房收入”应译为box office。you must have dreamed of something terrible所给汉语部份的“必然”提示本句是在进行确信推测,情态动词应为must。所给英语部份的时刻状语提示本句是在对过去发生的事实作确信推测,因此谓语动词应用 “must have +done”的结构。主谓一致vote for my proposal此题要紧考查主谓一致。主语中含有某些连词(except, as well as, besides, in addition to, along with, together with, including, no less than, rather than,except 等)时,谓语动词的数同这些词前面的名词维持

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