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1、6、- Im sorry. I am late due to the heavy traffic. A.Well, its OK.B.No, its all right.C.You are welcome.D.You are wrong.7、- Could you help me with my physics, please?A.No, no way.B.No, I couldnC.No, I canD.Sorry I cant. I have to go to a meeting right now.D8、- Thank you ever so much for your lovely g

2、ift.- _ A.Never mindm glad you like it.C.Please dont say so.D.No, Its not so good.9、- Could I borrow your car for a few days?A.Yes, you may borrow.B.Yes, go on.C.Sure, here is the key. Enjoy your journey.D.It doesnt matter.10、- Could I speak to Don Watkins, please?A.Speaking, please.B.Oh, how are yo

3、u?C.Im listening.D.Im Don.11、- Excuse me, how much is the jacket?- Its 499 Yuan. _A.Oh, no. Thats OK!B.How do you like it?C.Which do you prefer?D.Would you like to try it on?12、- What does Toms wife do for a living?- _A.She is a doctor.B.Tom loves his wife.C.She has a happy life.D.She lives far from

4、 here.13、- I didnt mean to do that. Please forgive me. A.Not too bad.B.ThatC.Its a pleasure.D.Thank you.14、- Good morning, John. How are you doing?A.Im pleased.B.Good night.C.Not so bad. And you?D.How do you do?15、- Whats the problem with your bike?A.Not at all.B.Good, thank you.C.Nothing serious.D.

5、Sure16、- Whats wrong with you, dear?A.I didnt go to school.B.I have a terrible headache.C.I took the kids shopping today.D.It is a beautiful dress.17、- Whats the matter, John?A.I failed my French test.B.It doesnC.Nothings wrong with him.t think I can.18、- What do you think of this novel?ve read it.B

6、.Its well-written.C.It was written by my uncle.D.I bought it yesterday.19、- How tall is your sister?A.She is not very well.B.She is 28 years old.C.She is very nice.D.She is as tall as I am.20、- Lets go to the library this afternoon.A.Yes, thats right.B.No. I canC.What about you?D.Thats a good idea.2

7、1、- How much is this necklace?A.Its very nice.s a birthday present from my parents.C.It costs fifty pounds.D.Its a bargain.22、- How can I get to the cinema?s very far.B.Yes, there is a cinema near here.s well known.D.Go down this street and turn left.23、- Thank you for calling.A.Dont mention it.s fi

8、ne.C.Nice talking to you.D.Call back again.24、- Hows your family?A.Thanks all the same.B.Thanks for calling.C.Not too bad.D.Don25、- Are you going on holiday for a long time?A.It was a long time.B.Two weeks ago.C.No. Only a couple of days.D.Not long time ago.26、- What are you majoring in?A.In a unive

9、rsity.B.Very hard.C.Mathematics.D.At nine in the morning.27、- Is John there?A.Speaking.m not Mary.C.Who are you?D.Mary is well today.28、- Is that seat taken?A.Please dont worry.B.I dont think so.C.Why not?29、- What day is today?s March 6.s a fine day today.s March.s Monday.30、- How are you getting o

10、n today?A.Very well.B.How do you do?m a doctor.D.Nice to have known you.31、- _ - Oh, well, Ill speak a little slower.A.How long do you speak?B.How do you like my speech?C.Do you speak English?m sorry I cant understand you.32、- Where is Miss Smith?A.Shes from England.B.Shes at home.C.Shes not back.D.

11、Shes very well.33、- Im sorry Im late.- _ Come earlier next time.B.You are welcome.C.It doesnt know.34、- How do you like this dress?A.I am fine, thank you.s very pretty.C.I bought this dress at a sale.s my sisters.35、- Tom told me that you collect stamps. A.What do you mean? t think so. C.Why did he

12、tell you?D.Yes, I do. Do you?36、- How many students do you teach?A.Quite a bit.B.More boys than girls.C.About 50.D.Three mornings. 37、- Why did Mrs. Green go to the travel agency?A.By car.B.Yesterday afternoon.C.In New York.D.For some information about travel.38、- Do you mind if I read the text alou

13、d here?A.Yes, you read it.B.No, I donC.Yes, I dont. D.No, I dont like to read.39、- Lets go for a drive. m busy. B.It drives me mad. C.All right. Lets go. t say anything.40、- Must we come earlier tomorrow?A.No, you neednt. B.No, you mustnC.Will you?D.No problem.41、- Thanks a lot. Youve gone through s

14、o much trouble.s no trouble at all. s good.C.I dont think so. s very kind of you.42、- Could you tell me where the nearest parking lot is?t ask me. B.Parking is very difficult.C.Sorry, Im a stranger here. D.Sorry, you cant park here.43、- Come and see me if you have time.A.I cant. ll think it over.C.T

15、hank you. D.I will.44、- I wish you success in your career.A.You are welcome. B.I think so.C.Yes, please. D.The same to you.45、- Let me help you carry the suitcase.s OK. I can manage. s not very light.C.I can help you with it. D.Put it down on the ground.46、- Hello, Amy. Hows everything?A.Just so-so.

16、C.How are you?D.Good to see you.47、- Hello, could I speak to Mike please?A.Who are you? B.Who is speaking?C.Whats wrong?D.Why?48、- Did you see the ad on the bulletin board?A.No. Whats it about?B.Yes. Whats still there.49、- Im sorry I broke your glass.- Oh, really? _.s OK with me t matterC.Dont be so

17、rry t care50、- Whats the weather like today?A.It is very hot and humid.B.It is Saturday and cold.C.It is 6th July.D.It is very serious.51、- Shall we have another cup of tea?A.Do you like tea?B.Why not?C.Good tea.m thirsty.52、- How would you like your hair done?A.Can you do it?B.Cut down.C.Fell down.

18、D.Cut short. 53、- You havent paid for it yet.A.Oh, Im really very sorry.B.Thank you.C.Not at all.D.Of course, I know.54、- Hello, Id like to speak to Mark, please.- _A.Yes, Im Mark. B.This is Mark speaking.s me here. D.This is me.55、- Im sorry I lost the key to your bike.B.Dont worry. I think Ive got

19、 another one.C.You are quite right.D.Of course, I know you will.56、- Nice to see you again, Mr. Smith. How are you?A.I miss you.B.Fine. Thank you. And you?C.Are you OK?D.This way, please.57、- Would you rather come on Friday or Saturday?- _.A.Yes, of courseB.No, thanksD.Friday58、- I am terribly sorry

20、! I broke the vase. A.I dont want it.C.You meant to do it. D.You buy one for me. 59、- I hear you got through your exam. Congratulations!A.No. I didnt do well enough.B.Who told you that?C.Thanks.D.Yes, I got a good mark.60、- I believe weve met somewhere before.- No, _. isnt the cant be

21、rightt think sod rather not61、- Take these pills three times a day. Come back and see me in a week.A.Thank you very much indeed.B.I cant make it.C.I havent decided yet. D.Good idea!62、Whats this in English?_ s a map. B.That is a map.C.Yes, its a map.D.No, it isn63、-Why not go and have dinner in a re

22、staurant?-_. Its too expensive.A.Why notB.I agreem afraid notm sure64、- Hello, Im David Chen. Nice to meet you.- _A.Are you? B.Nice to meet you too.C.Yes. D.Very nice.65、How do you do?B.Good afternoon. m fine.66、- Mr. Jones, this is Sean, an English teacher from the United States.- _A.What can I do for you?B.Nice to meet you.C.Please keep in touch. D.Havent seen you for ages.67、-Would you please pass me the salt?-_.A.Give youB.No saltC.Here they areD.Certainly. Here you are68、- You speak English well.- _.A.Thank

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