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1、3. A. Have a good time. B. Sorry to hear that. C. Congratulations.4. A. In May. B. On Sunday. C. Since last month.5. A. I agree. B. Im sure. C. I hope not.(二)听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片,每个句子读两遍。 6. _ 7. _ 8._ A B C(三)听对话和问题,根据对话内容选择每个问题的最佳答案,对话和问题读两遍。9. Whats wrong with the boys computer? A. Its missing. B. I

2、t doesnt work. C. Its been borrowed. 10. What animal does the woman want to see? A. Lions. B. Elephants. C. Monkeys.11. What does Tom advise Gina to do? A. Help the old people. B. Help sick children. C.Help sick animals. 12. What does the woman suggest? A. Dont swim in the river. B. Dont walk along

3、the river. C. Dont row on the river.13. What will the two speakers do this afternoon? A. Go skating. B. Play tennis. C. Work out problems. 14. What does Nancys dog look like?A. She has a white neck. B. She has white legs. C. She is brown.(四)听对话,根据对话内容选择每个问题的最佳答案,对话读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第15、16、17小题。15. Why wo

4、uld the woman like to go to Hong Kong? A. Because she thinks its beautiful. B. Because she thinks its interesting and fascinating. C. Because she thinks its not expensive.16. Will she go there alone? A. Yes, I think so. B. No, I dont think so. C. Sorry, I dont know.17. When do you think the woman wi

5、ll go there? A. In October. B. In November. C. In December.听第二段对话,回答第18、19、20小题。18. What are they talking about? A. Jims school. B. Jims trouble. C. Jims lunch.19. Where are they talking?A. At the doctors. B. At Jims school. C. At the teachers office.20. Whats the matter with Jim?A. He is OK. B. Hes

6、 got a fever. C. Hes got a cold.(五) 请听一段短文,根据短文内容完成表格信息,每空一词。短文读两遍。 (请将答案填写在答题卡相应位置)A Trip to Pick Your Own FarmThe date On 1 10th.The timeAt 8:00 in the 2 .How to get there On the school 3 .The activityYou can 4 everything you want, such as apples, pears and tomatoes.Necessary things 5 to take your

7、 own lunch.二、单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. _ young girl living next door wants to be _ artist in the future.A. A; an B. An; a C. The; an D. The; a22. Id like to go with you, _ Im too busy.A. or B. and C. so D. but23. Which season do you like _, winter or summer? Sum

8、mer. A. well B. better C. best D. the best24. Must I hand in my homework now, Mr. Smith? No, you _. A. cant B. shouldnt C. wouldnt D. neednt25. My parents always tell me _ more vegetables and fruit. A. eat B. eating C. eats D. to eat26. What were you doing while we were playing basketball yesterday

9、afternoon? I _ the classroom. A. was cleaning B. have cleaned C. will clean D. clean27. A new hospital _ in my town next year. A. builds B. built C. is built D. will be built28. The girl misses her parents very much.- So she does. They _ the hometown for nearly two years. A. have left B. will leave

10、C. have been away from D. left29. I like the teachers _ friendly to us. A. that is B. who is C. who are D. which are30. Do you know _ the meeting? Tomorrow morning. A. when they had B. when they are going to have C. when did they have D. when are they going to have三、完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握

11、其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Santa Can Come before Christmas It was last June. I entered a supermarket to pick some vegetables, when a young man asked me, “Can you tell me where the 31 counter (柜台) is?” “Well, the milk is in the lower right corner,” I replied. Picking up my things, I finally came to th

12、e milk counter where I met the same man 32 almost 10 bottles of milk. I asked, “Do you need a basket or a trolley?” “Sure, thank you.” he answered. I was surprised he was still picking more bottles and after a few minutes his trolley had 24 bottles of milk. I laughed and asked, “Why so many bottles?

13、 He smiled and said, “These are for my street dogs. Today, I want to be a Santa 33 them. ” I said, “Well, its too 34 for you to be a Santa. It is still June and Christmas comes in December. ” He turned at me and walked a few steps, as if he wanted to say something but he left the counter without say

14、ing anything. 35 , we met again at the bread counter. “So these bread and cakes are also for the street dogs, Mr. Santa. ”He smiled and said,“These are also for the dogs and I love to be Mr. Santa in the month of June. Santa is a representation (象征) of surprises and 36 . Santa comes in December as w

15、e 37 him around Christmas. But in real life there is a Santa in each one of us that shines through our personality at some point of time, no matter which month it is. Maybe when you offered help to me by getting me a trolley, there was a 38 Santa in you. When we offer food to a poor man or a(n) 39 t

16、o someone who is caught in the rain, we are being Santa there. So when you offer help to others or get help from others, just think that Santa has come all the way for you. ” He left and I was happy that I had met him. It was right to understand that Santa can come before Christmas. We just need to

17、realize that he is around us by 40 happiness and unconditional love.31. A. vegetable B. milk C. bread D. fish32. A. putting B. choosing C. holding D. bringing33. A. for B. on C. of D. by34. A. easy B. early C. helpful D. important35. A. Luckily B. Suddenly C. Hopefully D. Naturally36. A. love B. suc

18、cess C. friendship D. honor37. A. call B. show C. expect D. invite38. A. lost B. frozen C. forgotten D. hidden39. A. camera B. umbrella C. apple D. box40. A. storing B. facing C. spreading D. increasing四、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给A、B、C、D的选项中选出最佳选项。AWhat do the words outback, dingo (澳洲土狗), a

19、nd barbie (烧烤野餐) have in common? Theyre words unique to Australia! People often use the word unique to describe Australia. The country is unique in many ways! Australia is the only country that is also a continent (洲). It is the smallest continent but the sixth largest country in the world. People o

20、ften call Australia the “land down under” because it lies south of the equator (赤道). Dutch explorers first landed in Australia in 1606, and the British began to settle there in 1788. Many settlers were British prisoners (囚犯) . They were sent to live in Australia as punishment. Over the next 80 years

21、, about 160,000 prisoners were sent to Australia, according to the BBC. On Dec 21, 1972, China built diplomatic (外交的) relations with Australia. Now China is Australias largest trading partner. And Australia is one of the most popular countries for Chinese students. A Chinese education agent says tha

22、t the main reason that Chinese students are choosing Australia is the countrys liberal immigration policy (自由的移民政策). Australia is a country where immigration is important. Over a quarter of the people who live in Australia were born in other countries. They come from the UK and other European countr

23、ies, but also from China, Vietnam, North Africa and the Middle East. Australia is also a great country with amazing places and lovely animals. Sydney, the largest city in Australia, is home to the world famous Sydney Opera House. Dont forget cute koalas and kangaroos. They are two symbols of Austral

24、ia.41. What does the sentence “Theyre words unique to Australia!” in the first paragraph mean? A. Theyre words only belonging to Australia. B. Australians are proud of these words. C. Theyre words only known to Australians. D. Australians speak a special language.42. Which is NOT true about Australi

25、a? A. It is the smallest country. B. It lies south of the equator. C. It is also the name of a continent. D. Its land area ranks sixth in the world.43. In the 17th century, some _ came to Australia. A. British explorers B. Chinese people C. Dutch people D. British prisoners44. Chinese students choos

26、e Australia as a place to study in because of _. A. Australias largest trading business B. Chinas liberal immigration policy C. Australias liberal immigration policy D. Australias most international students BIs the whale the worlds largest fish? No. It looks like a fish, but it is really a mammal (

27、哺乳动物). Then whats the worlds largest fish? Its the whale shark. Although the whale shark is our biggest fish and lives in many oceans around the world, few people have ever heard of it. Scientists have not been studying whale sharks for very long. Much more needs to be learned about them.A whale sha

28、rk is sometimes called a “gentle giant (温柔的巨人)”. It likes to be alone and doesnt care a bit about divers or humans. The biggest whale shark weighed 24,250 pounds and was nearly 40 feet long. This makes it heavier and longer than a school bus. Inside its huge mouth are great numbers of very small tee

29、th. To count all of them, youll need to do some maths. The whale sharks teeth are arranged in rows. There are between eleven and thirteen rows on each jaw (颚) and around three hundred teeth in each row. However, the whale shark rarely uses its teeth. It does not chew or bite its food. Large amounts

30、of water are pulled into its mouth and then pushed out through its gills (鳃). For a few months every year, a group of whale sharks comes to Ningaloo Reef, off Western Australia. This gives scientists a wonderful chance to study the large fish. Whale sharks do live in other oceans of the world, but no one knows their population. It is possible that our biggest fish may need protecting. It is one of the reasons why scientists continue to learn all they can about these gentle g

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