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1、外研版英语中考必考短语集锦初二英语【上册】Module 11、welcome back 欢迎回来 2、write it down 写下来3、in class 在课堂上4、next to 紧邻着5、what else? 还有什么6、listen to the radio 听收音机7、each other 彼此,互相8、help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事9、help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事10、ask for 寻求11、the number of 的数量12、take a deep breath 深呼吸13、make you shy 使你害羞14、all

2、 the time 一直15、Best wishes. 良好的祝愿。16、be good at 在方面擅长17、make a list 列个清单18、the meaning of 的意思19.advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事20、the best way to do sth.做的最好方法21、enjoy oneself 玩得愉快22、show sb. around 带领某人参观23、make friends 结交朋友24、think about 考虑25、think of 想出26、British accents 英国口音27、try to do sth. 尽力做28、

3、try not to do sth. 尽量不去做某事try doing sth尝试着做某事29、make mistakes 犯错误30、give sb some advice on sth给某人一些建议31、Its a good idea to do sth. 做某事是个好的主意32、How about doing sth?做某事怎么样?33、 Sb should do sth 某人应该做某事。34、 Write email to each other:相互写电子邮件35、 meet sb: 接某人,和某人会面36、 send sb email messages 给某人寄电子邮件37、 sen

4、dto发送给38、 Language Doctor语言博士39、 improve English提高英语40、 basic questions主要问题41、 real English地道的英语42、 take a long time花费长时间43、 guess the meaning of the new words 猜生词含义44、 a foreign teacher一个外国教师45、 start a conversation开始对话46、 be shy害羞47、 place them in your bedroom放置它们在你卧室48、 count the English words数英语

5、单词49、 get better变得更好50、 invite sb to do sth/a place邀请某人干某事/到某地51、 leave my homework at home把我的作业忘在了家里Module21. travel around the world周游世界2. the price of的价格3. todays newspaper今天的报纸4. take off飞机起飞5. enter a competition参加竞赛6. on television在电视上7. in newspaper在报纸上8. come true成为现实9. invite sb to do邀请某人干某

6、事10. dream about/of doing梦见做某事11. all over China全中国12. try western food品尝西餐13. give concernt举办音乐会14. sell out卖光15. pick upsb/sth接上某人/捡起某物16. since then自从那时17. again and again一次又一次18. It sounds brilliant.听起来好极了19. live in another country居住在另一个国家Module 31What are you up to?你正在干什么?2. Dont panic.别紧张。3.

7、on the radio通过收音机4. on TV通过电视5. hear about听说6. there and back往返7. show sth to sb/show sb sth给某人看某物8. on businiss在出差9. in space在太空10. a part of一部分11. at night在晚上12. in the last there years在最近的三年里13. finish doing sth完成做某事14. as good as和一样好15. ask sb for sth向某人寻求某物16. be sure确信17. so far到目前为止18. expect

8、 to do sth期望做某事19. take off起飞,脱下衣服Module41. get on/along well with与某人相处得好2. have/has gone to去了某地 have/has been to 去过某地3. in fact事实上4. be different from 与不同5. all over China 全中国6. arrive in Beijing 到达北京7. talk about 谈论关于8. drop out of school退学9. on the farm在农场10. have to 必须,不得不11. look after 照顾12. wi

9、th the help of 在的帮助下13. in the last fifteen years 在最后的15 年里14. raise money 筹钱15. pay for 为付钱16. lots of 许多17. hear of 听说18. thousands of 数以千计的19. write letters to 写信给20. each other 互相21. come back 回来22. around the world 全世界23. because of因为,由于24. do sth.干怎么样25. Ive been to Gansu. 我去过甘肃26. They

10、 are very diffient from us. 他们和我们很不同27. How long have you lived here?你住在那儿多久了?28. Ive studied English for 6 years since 2001.自从2001年我学英语6年29. Project Hope has built schools and trained teachers.希望工程建造了学校并培训老师Module 51. classical music/pop music/rock music古典/流行/摇滚音乐 2. the capital of Austria 澳大利亚首都 3

11、. hear of 听说 4. be not sure 不清楚5. on earth 究竟 6. a fan of 的迷 7. make sb./sth. +adj. 使某人/某物 make him famous 使他出名8. all over Europe 全欧洲9. more than/over 超过10. not onlybut also 不但而且11. give concert 举行音乐会12. at the age of 在岁时13. hundreds of 数以百计的14. play the piano 弹钢琴15.a beautiful old city 一个美丽而古老的城市Mo

12、dule 61. send sth. to sb./send sb sth 寄某物给某人2. go on 继续3. by the river 在河边4. have a tea party 举行茶宴5. on the grass 在草上6. in the tree (指外来物)在树上on the tree (指水果等)在树上7. smile at 朝笑7. fall down 下来8. get/be tired 劳累9. have nothing to do 无事可做10. think of/about 认为11. something strange 奇怪的东西12. be late for.

13、迟到13. takeout of 把从拿出来14. run across the field 穿过田野15. see sb./sth. do sth. 看见干16. go off 熄灭17. How is it going ?口语中询问对方生活工作中有什么新进展Module71. look pretty/ taste salty /feel tight/ smell sour/ sound noisy系表结构2. so much food如此多的食物3. make cookies做小甜饼4. have a look(at)看一看(某物)5. have something to eat有一些吃的

14、东西6. get the food ready把食物准备好了7. silk shirts丝绸衬衣8. thanks for sth/doing sth谢谢某物/做了某事9. hear from sb=receive a letter from sb收到某人的来信10. cant wait to do sth.迫不及待的做某事11. arrive at/in=reach=get to到达12. each other彼此13. as well也14. be proud of以为自豪 15. bad/good mark坏/好成绩16. a bit=a little=kind of有点17. help

15、 sth.帮助某人做某事18. have a try 来试试19. 19.introduce sb to sb把某人介绍给某人20. be/get angry with对某人生气21. be afraid of sth/doing sth 害怕某事/做某事 Module81. swimming pool游泳池2. show sb.sth.=show sth to sb给某人看某物3. a map of一幅地图4. on the left/right 在左边(右边) 5. on the left/right of 在的左边(右边)6. betweenand和之间7. the way

16、to的道路 8. go across/through穿过9. turn left/right向左/右拐10. on the corner of在的角落11. do some shopping=go shopping逛商店12. go along沿着走13. next to紧挨着14. in the middle of在的中间15. the National Gallery(英国)国家画廊16. Go straight ahead.径直向前走17. go along/down/up + 街道/路 沿道路走18. Turn left into Changan jie.向左拐入长安街 Turn le

17、ft/right into+街道/路 Turn left/right on+街道/路Turn left/right at+小地点19. on a clear day在一个晴朗的日子20. the best way to最好的方式21. by boat/take the boat乘船22. get off下(车)23. go past经过24. go for a walk散步25. 问路方式1). Excuse me, how do/can I get to the Forbidden City? How can I get (to)?2). And where is the Chairman

18、Mao Memorial Hall? Where is the?3). And can you tell me the way to a park?4). Where can I do some shopping? 5). Is there a(n)? Module danger 在危险中 2.such as例如3. take away拿走 4. one of the best-known animals最知名的动物之一5. find找到 find out查明 look for寻找 6. enough + n.足够的(东西) adj. + enough足够 big enough足够

19、大 need to do需要去做某事 dont/doesnt need to do不需要去做某事 sth.need doing =sth.need to be done某事/物需要被做8. be excited to do干某事很兴奋 be excited about sth. 对做某事感觉很兴奋 9. make sb/sth + adj.使某人(某物) 10. It is/was + adj./ n. + to do / To do sth is/was + adj/n.做什么事是怎么样的 11. if possible如果可能的话12. in peace 在和平之中 13. It

20、s/Thats very nice/kind of you to do sth你真是太好了去做某事 14. stop sb. doing sth阻止某人做某事15. Lets + do 让我们做某事吧 16. at last最后17. live on以为生 live in住在的地方18. for many different reasons由于许多不同的原因 19. less and less越来越少20. for example例如21. look after照顾 look at看 look for寻找 look over医生检查身体 look up查字典22. the cause of的原

21、因Module 101. as you know据你所知 2. .no idea/not sure不知道3. take place发生 4. say goodbye to 向。告别5. be named 被命名为 6. fall in love with与某人相爱7. be full of/be filled with 装满了 8. want (sb) to do sth.想让某人做某事9. would like (sb) to do sth 10. offer to do 提议做某事11. agree to do 同意做某事 agree with sb 同意某人 agree on sth 同

22、意某事 12. decide to do 决定做某事13. plan to do 计划做某事 14. be famous for 以为著名 be famous as 作为而著名15. have a good/great/nice time 玩得开心 16. show sb. sth = show sb 给某人看某物17. send sb sth = send sth to sb 寄给某人某物18. learn to do 学会干某事19. teach sb sth = teach sth to sb 教某人某事20. between and 在和之间21. one of + 最高

23、级 + n(pl)最的之一22. the twentieth century第二十世纪23. bring sb sth = bring sth to sb给某人带来某物24. give a wonderful/warm welcome to sb热烈欢迎某人25. in the end最后 at the end of在的结束(末尾)Module 111.What will the weather be like?How will the weather be?天气将是怎么样 the moment此刻3 be off to离开去某地4.all (the) year全年5.When is

24、 the best time to visit?参观某地最好的时间是什么时候6.had better最好做某事7. freezing cold寒冷刺骨的8. There may/might be + n.也许有某物 It may/might be + adj.也许是9. You must be joking你一定是在开玩笑10. better get going 最好现在去(走)11. from time to time有时12. in summer and fall在夏天和秋天13. compared to many other places和许多其他的地方相比14. any time任何时

25、候15. take photos of拍的照片16. the best time to do sth去做某事的最好时间17. in the east/north/west在东边(西北)18. Its possible to do做某事是可能的Its possible that19. It will probably + v.将有可能做某事20. 主语 + 比较级 + than any other + n(单数)比任何一个都=主语+最高级21. 主语 + 比较级 +than the other + n(pl)22. best of all最好的23. the rest of剩余的Module 1

26、21. be different from与不同2. do some cleaning打扫卫生3. on time按时4. wash up洗(餐具)5. get married 结婚 marry sb.嫁(娶)某人 be married to sb和某人结婚6. hang on等等7. accept a present接受礼物8. wrap sth in red paper用红纸包某物 11. get a move on快些,加紧12 on the first day of在第一天13good/bad luck好(坏)运气14. cut your hair理发15. shake hands w

27、ith sb和某人握手16. speak to sb对某人说17. speak + English/Chinese说英语18. a light meal少量的一餐饭19. go to a wedding去参加婚礼20. take off shoes脱鞋21. break anything打破东西初二英语【下册】Module 11. tidy up the table 收拾桌子2. have a collections of 收集3. all the time 一直,总是4. make sb so interested in music 使某人对音乐如此感兴趣5. give an intervi

28、ew on 对进行采访6. a bit/little untidy 有点不整洁7. take up 占用8. mountain biking 山地自行车运动9. grow vegetables 种菜10. develop your interests 发展你的兴趣11. during +时间段 在期间12. spend +时间/钱 on sth 花了在上spend (in)doing sth 花做13. write about 写关于14. senior high school 高中15. such as 比如16. come out 出版17. try(not ) to do 尽量(不)做某

29、事18. as a result 结果19. ask sb (not) to do.让某人(不)做某事 Module 21. hold the line (不挂断电话)等一下2. right now 现在3. whetheror not 是否4. in fact 事实上5. close friends 亲近的朋友6. a couple of 几个7. by the way 顺便问,顺便说8. good luck with祝好运9. far away 遥远10. be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事11. worry aboutbe worried about 担心12. sit at my desk 坐在我的桌子边13. as usual 向平常一样14. turn back 转身15. become closer to变得对更亲近16. smile at 朝笑17. It doesnt matter.没关系18. make friends with和交朋友19. at that moment/time 在那时20. day by day 一天一天的21. at first 开始 at last 最后Module 31. would like to do 愿意干某事

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