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北京版英语五年级上册unit 7 what will you do in chengdu lesson 23教案Word文档格式.docx

1、 1. 通过图片、复习交通工具话题、以及对火车与飞机两种交通工具的对比,使学生能够能听、说、读本课的四会单词by, cheap, will, decide, wall,对单词中的音素进行发音,对单词进行拼写。认读the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum2. 能够听懂、会说本课中如下功能句型,并将其应用于制定新年出游计划的第一步,说目的地及出行方式: 表示将要去某地进行参观的功能话题: 通过比较级表达打算乘坐某种交通工具的原因,并对出行方式进行比较Are you going or . Its to go than 3. 通过对功能句

2、型的操练,渗透本课的课文,使学生能够对课文中的重点句做到听懂、会说(二)过程与方法目标: 1. 通过图片使实意单词更加直观,通过拼读练习提高学生拼读单词能力。 2. 通过图片使学生认识景点。3. 通过功能句型的替换练习使学生尝试理解、掌握本课的功能句型。(三)情感态度价值观目标: 培养学生热爱祖国名胜古迹的思想感情三、教学重难点:(一)重点:1. 能听、说、读本课的四会单词by, cheap, will, decide, wall。 2. 听懂、会说本课的功能话题:(二)难点:1. 各种交通工具之间优劣的比较,选择问句的问题 2. 将比较级应用于本课的功能句型中四、教具准备:单词卡,课件五、教

3、学过程:(说明讲解)(一)Warming up活动一:Daily English活动目标:使学生熟悉星期、日期、天气的功能话题实施方法师生语言:通过日历,指着窗外的天空1. T: Whats day is today? Whats the date today? Whats the weather like today? Ss: Its (day of the week学生回答今天星期几). Its (date学生回答今天几号). Its (weather学生回答天气)2. When is the Chinese New Year?设计意图:为听力考试进行练习活动二:who is faster

4、?引出出行方式的话题,学习byT: Lingling is going to Chengdu. How is Lingling going? Can you guess? 让学生猜交通工具。并且出示sentence Bb: Lingling:Im going to Chengdu. E.g. Are you going or ? 由学生来问。 将by涂黑,并且sound the letter. Y sounds /ai/ 通过练习让学生回忆交通方式的功能句型,并且尝试使用选择问句。(二)Presentation and practiceWhy you going by ?学习cheap1、 T

5、: show the answer. Ling: Im going to Chengdu. Yang: Im going by train. Why are you going by plane?2. 出示飞机票、火车票以及价格 Its cheap to go by train. 同时手指两张票的价格,并且repeat: Cheap Sound the letters. ch, ea, p3. Show the sentence: Its cheaper to go by train than by plane.4. Show another answer. Ling: Im going by

6、 plane. 5. Show the sentence structure: Its er to go by plane than by train. 让学生尝试猜这里填什么词。学习cheap,并且学习本课的sentence structure.(三)ProductionI love my motherland. 学习本课的三个新景点。1. Show the three views and the phrases. the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum. Read them and try to explain it. 伟大

7、的墙,夏天的宫殿,宫殿展览馆。Spell the word “wall”. w, all. Our country is so beautiful. I love my motherland.2. Let the Ss try to make a little dialogue with the three views.3. Give the Ss sentence structure if the Ss cant do it by themselves.Bb: -Im going to visit -Are you going by or by ? -Im going by -Why? -I

8、ts er to go by than by 4. Show the sentences: My parents will decide it. Explain it for the word “decide” is hard to understand. Sound the letters: d, e, c, i d /disaid/5. Ask the Ss say “Im going to visit ” with another way. I will visit 通过对本课功能话题的应用,使学生比较各种交通工具之间的异同,并且培养学生热爱祖国的思想感情。(四)学习效果评价(检测题)检

9、测目标和意图:检测学生对本课单词的释义是否理解检测题:P53 “read and write”1. Read the words: spell and pronounce, sound the letters.2. Read the sentences.3. Fill in the blanks and correct.4. Read the sentences again.(五)Homework1. 写本课新单词,两行。2. 找一些我国的著名景点,并尝试找到其英文名称3. 思考这些景点可以怎么样去visit,并且比较各种交通方式的优劣。六、板书设计Lesson 23第二课时 1.学习主题课文

10、: 2.复习功能句型:3.listen and choose: 1. 学习本课的课文,做到能朗读课文,表演对话。能灵活使用课文中的短语表达。 2. 通过sound the letters复习强化本课的四会单词by, cheap, will, decide, wall。使用图片认读the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum 3. 通过由学生说自己的新年出游计划,其余学生转述他人的出游计划复习本课的功能话题: Are you going or . Its to go than 4. 使用Id like to 表达自己对出行方式的意愿。

11、1. 通过图片使学生认识景点。 2. 通过图片复习功能句型。1. 学习本课的课文 2. 复习本课的功能话题: 3. 制定新年游览计划的第一步,选择出行方式1. 阅读课文,回答关于课文的问题 2. 填关于火车与飞机之间比较的表格录音机,课件,主题图活动1: What day is today?活动2: 闪动的单词使学生熟练读四会单词及认读单词,熟练使用by, cheap, will, decide, wall I have some words here. Can you read? 教师通过ppt,快速闪过by, cheap, will, decide, wall五个单词one by one,

12、让学生拼写、发音。预设:学困生可能发音还成问题,全班一起sounds the letters复习单词活动3:I love my motherland复习本课的功能话题1. Show the sentence structure:2. Give the Ss picture and read the phrases. the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum.3. groups show.课文教学使学生能够朗读课文并且对课文能够进一步理解。实施方法 师生语言:1. Show the dialogue with blanks and

13、let the Ss try to fill in the blanks. Show it on ppt. Baobao: What you do this Chinese New Year?Lingling: My parents and I going to visit my in Chengdu. How are you going? Are you going by or by ? Its to go by plane than by train. But its to go by train. Id like to fly but my parents decide.2. T: Le

14、ts listen to the tape and try to write the missing words. 3. Share the answers with others4. Read the dialogue sentence by sentence.5. Show the Ss questions about the dialogue: Where are Linglings grandparents? How are Linglings family going? Plane or train, which one does Lingling like to take? Whe

15、n will Linglings family go to visit Linglings grandparents?6. Every group answers a question. Share the answers and correct. 7. Read the dialogue in pairs and show it.通过挖空的方法,提高学生听的能力;通过回答问题,提高学生的阅读能力,并且对将来时的句子结构进行练习。Which one is better?通过阅读课文填表格1. Show the table:speedPrice(价格)Trainslowplaneexpensiv

16、e2. Read the dialogue in role.3. Try to fill in the blanks4. Read the opposites. slow- fast cheap- expensive进一步阅读课文,并且对交通工具进行比较活动三:Listen and choose完成listen and choose并能够朗读句子。 turn to page 21, listen and choose. Lets read. Read the sentences.2. Listen to the tape.3. If its cross. Then try to say the

17、 reason.完成listen and choose,并且进一步使用教材。活动: 制作新年游览计划(part 1) 根据功能句型制定学生自己的信念游览计划 Make you New years plan according to the dialogue. Give the Ss the key: Who will go, where, how to go, and why take this.学生可能说不出来。教师可以给学生一些图片,并且复习这几年学习的主要的地点,不光是景点,也可以是其他一些地点,或者sbs house2. Do it in groups.3. Share the New

18、 Years plan.通过编计划,复习本课的功能话题,并且将功能话题变为使用第一人称的叙述。(四)学习效果评价考查学生同类词的掌握情况圈出不同类词,写出同类单词:1. get visit to leave ( )2. you their his her ( )3. Chicago China Sydney London ( )4. will wall could would ( )5. plane train golf bike ( )1. Listen to the tape and recite the new dialogue.2. 活动手册part 2,3, 4 。3. 完成story time. 将文中的生词查字典Lesson 23-Im going to visit Who where how why

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