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1、王磊快乐英语句型与词汇篇1满分作文和完成句子教学实施方案使用说明如下1、根据每个学生的性格特点和心理特点可以从数量上凸显学生的个性差异:A+级别的学生每个高效学习时段学习6句!A+级别的学生每个高效学习时段学习4句! A级别的学生每个高效学习时段学习2句!2、根据每个学生的性格特点和心理特点可以从学习形式上凸显学生的个性差异A+级别的学生看完六句一起默写! A+级别的学生看完两句默写两句! A级别的学生看完一句默写一句!3、奖学金设置:每个句子默写完全正确奖励为:A+级别的学生2.5分A+级别的学生4分A级别的学生8分 完成句子满分计划阅读体验版1. 我会争取明天放学前完成这项任务。 I wi

2、ll try to finish the work before school is over tomorrow.2. 我们想告诉老师,不要阻止我们尝试我们的新想法。We want to tell the teachers not to stop us from trying out our new ideas3. 昨晚我的朋友林娜缠着我在电话里说了半个小时。My friend Lin Na kept me talking on the phone for half an hour last night.4. 现在城市里越来越多的成年人花费空闲时间到大学去努力提高自己。Now more and

3、 more city adults spend their free time trying to improve themselves at college.5. 你为什么不试穿一下那条红裙子?多好看啊! Why dont you try on that red dress? How nice it looks!6. 除了上课,泰勒小姐所有时间都花在帮家里做家务。 But for schooling, Miss Tailor spends all her time helping her family do housework.7. 我花了很长的时间才理解了那幅油画的含义。It took m

4、e a long time to know the meaning of the painting.8. 李先生过去总抽烟。直到病得严重了,他才戒烟。 Mr Li used to smoke a lot. He didnt give up smoking until he was seriously ill. 9. 昨天李英洗完衣服才做作业。 Li Ying didnt do her homework until she finished washing her clothes yesterday.10. 我认为我们没有必要过于担心日本地震给我们带来的影响。I dont think it is

5、 necessary for us to worry too much about the influences which the earthquake in Japan has brought to us. 11. 孩子们在忙着准备妈妈的生日聚会。The children are busy preparing for their mothers birthday parday.12. 很多学校都需要加固装修,这可以使学校变得既安全又美观。Many schools need to be be reinforced and decorated, and it can_ make the sch

6、ools not only safer but also more beautiful. 13. 我不但喜欢英文书籍,而且也喜欢英语歌曲。 I like_ not only English books but also English songs.14. 在生活中,对于我们来说, 与别人相处的好是有很必要的。Itsnecessary for us to get on well with other in our daily life.15. 你最好不要让他抄你的作业。Youd better not let him copy your homework. 16. 必须采取措施阻止他花大量时间玩电

7、子游戏。Something must be done to_prevent him from spending plenty of playing computer games .17. 父母和邻居都为他而自豪。 Both his parents and neighbours are proud of him. 18. 学生们作业太多,用在体育锻炼上的时间很少。The students have so much homework that they spend less time doing physical exercises. 19. 妈妈得知哥哥在日本地震中安全后才上床睡觉。 Mum d

8、idnt go to bed until she knew my brother was safe in the earthquake in Japan.20. 他那么喜欢听音乐,我想有必要给他买个ipod touch作为生日礼物。He likes listening to music so much that I think its necessary to buy him an ipod touch as a birthday gift. 21. 我一到上海,就给你打电话。Ill call you as soon as I arrive in Shanghai.22. 对我们来说,每天在阅

9、读上花些时间是必要的。It is necessary for us to spend some time reading every day.23. 外边正在下雨,但莉莉忘记带雨伞了。It is raining now, but Lily forgot to take an umbrella with her_. 24. 往往是灾难来临的时候,我们才意识到互相帮助共渡难关的重要性。Usually we dont realize the importance of helping each other and getting through difficulties together until

10、 _disasters happen.25.好的教师应该既不太严厉又不太软弱。A good teacher must be neither too strict nor too weak .26、日本地震非常严重,以致于许多人失去了家园。 The earthquake in Japan was so serious that thousands of people lost their homes.27、汤姆是我们班最好的学生。他不但学习上严格要求自己,而且乐于帮助别人。Tom is the top student in our class. He is not only strict wit

11、h himself in his study, but also ready to help others.28刚一听到这个好消息,他就迫不及待地告诉了他父亲。He couldnt wait to tell his father the good news as soon as _he heard it. 29让杰克每天晚上复习两个小时功课恐怕很困难。Im afraid that it is impossible/difficult to make Jack keep going over his lessons for two hours every evening. 30. 他不仅擅长体育

12、,唱歌也不错。 He is not only doing well in sports but also good at singing.31. 哈利学习很努力,每个老师都喜欢他。 Harry studies so hard that every teacher likes him very much.32. 我花了三年的时间终于使自己的梦想成真。It took me three years to make my dream come true at last. 33. 我既不喜欢踢足球也不喜欢打篮球,但我非常喜欢去游泳。 I like neither playing football nor

13、 playing basketball _, but I like swimming very much.34. 在整个冬季由于天冷他停止了锻炼,以至于他的体重增加了3公斤。 During the whole winter, he stopped doing exercise so that he put on weight by 3 kilograms because of the cold weather.35. 妈妈很高兴我能帮她做家务。 Mum is glad that I can help her with some homework. 36. 昨晚的雨真大,我们都没能出去散步。It

14、 rained so heavily that we could not go out for a walk yesterday evening.37. 学得越多,你就越会意识到自己知道德有多么少。The more you learn, The more you will realize how little you know.38. 为了使北京的空气更洁净,我们要尽量多乘坐公交车。 We should try to take the bus as much as possible (in order ) to make the air cleaner in Beijing. 39. 小明直到

15、攒够了钱才把那个飞机模型买回来。 Xiao Ming didnt buy the model plane until he saved enough money.40. 提高我们的英语阅读能力要花很长时间。It will take us a long time to improve our English reading skills.41. 李磊不仅指出了我的错误,还告诉我如何处理这样的问题。Li Lei not only pointed out my mistakes but also told me how to deal with such kind of problems.42. 你

16、能告诉李明尽快来图书馆吗?Would you please tell LiMing to go to the library as soon as possible?43. 目前H7N9禽流感日益严重,对我们来说养成良好的卫生习惯很重要。H7N9 Bird Flu is becoming worse and worsein China , so its important for us to develop a good healthy habit.44. 昨天老师进教室的时候,我们正在准备班会。We were getting ready for the class meeting when

17、the teacher came into the classroom yesterday.45. 迈克总是把他的朋友们当作家人, 并且他很乐于尽力帮助他们解决困难。Mike always regards his friends as his family members and he is glad to help them out when they are in trouble.46.六年的时间让我明白一个道理:学习的时候,最重要的不是我们做了多少题,而是我们花了多少时间思考。It took me 6 years to learn something ,it doesnt matter

18、how many exercises we do ,it doesnt matter how much time we spend thinking while we are learning .47.这些年来不仅仅是妈妈,还有一位朋友,谢谢您们帮助我读过了很多艰难的时光。Thanking you for helping me get through many hard times these years ,not only as a mother ,but also as a friend . 48. 一些鸟飞走了,另外一些继续留在这里过冬。Some birds fly away, and

19、others still stay here through winter.49. 只要你尽最大努力,你迟早会取得进步的。You will make progress sooner or later ,as long as you try your best to do .50. 地铁出故障了,他昨天晚上十点才到家。 There was something wrong with the underground, so he didnt go home until 10 oclock last night.51.如果想让更多的人了解我们的俱乐部,我认为我们张贴一些海报是必要的。If you wa

20、nt more people learn our club ,I think it is very necessary for us to put up some posts.52. 并不是说我们在学习上花的时间越多,我们的成绩就越好。 It is not always true that the more time we spend on study, the better results we will get.53. 现在孩子们在他们的教育问题上有了更多的选择:有的愿意在国内学习,有的则更喜欢出国深造。 Now children have more education choices.

21、Some would rather study at home, while others prefer to go abroad for further education.54. 坚持努力,你的梦想会实现的。As long as you keep working hard and your dream will come true.55. 李女士很关心村子里的人,她花了很多时间和精力帮助他们改善生活。Miss Li cared much about the people in the village so much that She spent so much time and energ

22、y helping them improve their life.56. 他太累了,追不上其他人。 He is so tired that he cant catch up with others.57. 我一直坚持每天用一个小时阅读各种各样的英语读物。I keep spending one hour reading all kinds of English materials everyday.58. 学期结束后我们在康庄公园来个聚会吧。 Lets have a party in Kangzhuang Park when this term is over.59. 在地震的废墟中,这位勇敢

23、的小孩独自用了两个小时救他的父母,直到消防队员赶到。 The brave child spent two hours saving his parents alone until the firemen came here in the ruins of the earthquake.60. 小红昨晚打扫她的房间用了一小时。 It took Xiaohong an hour to clean her room yesterday evening.61. 他太虚弱了,让他一直在电脑前工作是不可能的。 He is so weak that it is impossible to let him k

24、eep working in front of the computer.62. 想成功,不要轻易放弃很重要。In order to achieve success, it is very important not to give up easily.63. 人们往往特别害怕犯错以致于不能解决问题。People usually are afraid of making mistakes so that they cant solve problems.64. 车开得太慢,天黑前不能到达旅店。 The car drove so slowly that we couldnt arrive at

25、the hotel before it got dark.65. 请转告汤姆今晚的聚会别迟到,好吗? Could you tell Tom not to be late for t tonights party?66. 我的电脑出问题了,你能帮我修一修吗?There is something wrong with my computer. Can you help me repair it?67. 对于学生来说,花大量的时间进行英语阅读是有必要的。It is very necessary for the students to spend a lot of time reading Engli

26、sh.68. 对于我们来说学会如何与别人相处真的很重要。Its really important for us to learn how to get on well with others .69战士们在雅安连续工作了10多个小时才停下来休息。The soldiers didnt stop to have a rest until they had kept working for more than ten hours in Yaan. 70.他服药以防止感冒恶化。He took medicines prevent the cold from getting worse.71. 我认为阅读

27、时没必要逢词便查。 I dont think its necessary to look up every word in a dictionary while reading.完成句子满分计划收益成功版1. 我会争取明天放学前完成这项任务。 2. 我们想告诉老师,不要阻止我们尝试我们的新想法。3. 昨晚我的朋友林娜缠着我在电话里说了半个小时。4. 现在城市里越来越多的成年人花费空闲时间到大学去努力提高自己。5. 你为什么不试穿一下那条红裙子?多好看啊!6. 除了上课,泰勒小姐所有时间都花在帮家里做家务。7. 我花了很长的时间才理解了那幅油画的含义。8. 李先生过去总抽烟。直到病得严重了,他才

28、戒烟。 9. 昨天李英洗完衣服才做作业。10. 我认为我们没有必要过于担心日本地震给我们带来的影响。11. 孩子们在忙着准备妈妈的生日聚会。12. 很多学校都需要加固装修,这可以使学校变得既安全又美观。13. 我不但喜欢英文书籍,而且也喜欢英语歌曲。14. 在生活中,对于我们来说, 与别人相处的好是有很必要的。15. 你最好不要让他抄你的作业。16. 必须采取措施阻止他花大量时间玩电子游戏。17. 父母和邻居都为他而自豪。18. 学生们作业太多,用在体育锻炼上的时间很少。19. 妈妈得知哥哥在日本地震中安全后才上床睡觉。20. 他那么喜欢听音乐,我想有必要给他买个ipod touch作为生日礼

29、物。21. 我一到上海,就给你打电话。22. 对我们来说,每天在阅读上花些时间是必要的。23. 外边正在下雨,但莉莉忘记带雨伞了。24. 往往是灾难来临的时候,我们才意识到互相帮助共渡难关的重要性。25.好的教师应该既不太严厉又不太软弱。26、日本地震非常严重,以致于许多人失去了家园。27、汤姆是我们班最好的学生。他不但学习上严格要求自己,而且乐于帮助别人。28刚一听到这个好消息,他就迫不及待地告诉了他父亲。29让杰克每天晚上复习两个小时功课恐怕很困难。XX文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我30. 他不仅擅长体育,唱歌也不错。XX文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我XX文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自

30、我31. 哈利学习很努力,每个老师都喜欢他。32. 我花了三年的时间终于使自己的梦想成真。33. 我既不喜欢踢足球也不喜欢打篮球,但我非常喜欢去游泳。34. 在整个冬季由于天冷他停止了锻炼,以至于他的体重增加了3公斤。35. 妈妈很高兴我能帮她做家务。36. 昨晚的雨真大,我们都没能出去散步。37. 学得越多,你就越会意识到自己知道德有多么少。38. 为了使北京的空气更洁净,我们要尽量多乘坐公交车。39. 小明直到攒够了钱才把那个飞机模型买回来。73. 我认为阅读时没必要逢词便查。40. 提高我们的英语阅读能力要花很长时间。41. 李磊不仅指出了我的错误,还告诉我如何处理这样的问题。42. 你

31、能告诉李明尽快来图书馆吗?43. 目前H7N9禽流感日益严重,对我们来说养成良好的卫生习惯很重要。44. 昨天老师进教室的时候,我们正在准备班会。45. 迈克总是把他的朋友们当作家人, 并且他很乐于尽力帮助他们解决困难。46.六年的时间让我明白一个道理:学习的时候,最重要的不是我们做了多少题,而是我们花了多少时间思考。47.这些年来不仅仅是妈妈,还有一位朋友,谢谢您们帮助我读过了很多艰难的时光。48. 一些鸟飞走了,另外一些继续留在这里过冬。49. 只要你尽最大努力,你迟早会取得进步的。50. 地铁出故障了,他昨天晚上十点才到家。51.如果想让更多的人了解我们的俱乐部,我认为我们张贴一些海报是必要的。52. 并不是说我们在学习上花的时间越多,我们的成绩就越好。53. 现在孩子们在他们的教育问题上有了更多的选择:有的愿意在国内学习,有的则更喜欢出国深造。54. 坚持努力,你的梦想会实现的。55. 李女士很关心村子里的人,她花了很多时间和精力帮助他们改善生活。56. 他太累了,追不上其他

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