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1、四川省大学英语三级考试模拟试题以及答案四川省大学英语三级考试模拟试题及答案Part I: Listening Comprehension (15%)Section ADirections: In this sect ion, you will hear 10 short conv ersati ons. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both t he conversation and the question will be spoken twice. After

2、each question t here will be a pause. During the pause you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the co9.A) He didn know where to find the professor.B)He had difficulty doing the experiment.C)He failed the exam.D)He couldn graduate from the

3、university.10.A) The man is coughing. B) The man gave up smoking.C) The man has a lung disease. D) The man has a heart attack.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear a short passage.At the end of the p assage, you will hear two questions. Both the passage and the questions will b e spoke

4、n twice. After you hear one question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the correspondi ng letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.PassageQuestions 11 to 12 are based on the passageyou have just heard.11.A) The climate

5、varies a little all over the United States.B)The climate varies a lot in the United States.C)There is no variation in climate in the United States.D)The climate is very pleasant all the year round.12.A) They grow them by themselves. B) They get them by ships.C) They get them by trucks and trains. D)

6、 They get them by airplan es.Section C Spot DictationDirections: In this section, you will hear a passagethree times. Listen carefull y during the first reading. Then listen to the passageagain. When it is being r ead the second time, you should fill in the six blanks numbered from S1) to S6) with t

7、he exact words or phrases you have just heard. Fin ally, whe n the pa ssage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.In some parts of the United States, farming is easy. But farming has alw ays been difficult in the S1) corner of the country, which is calledNew En gla nd.Ne

8、w England has many trees and thin, S2) soil. Anyone whohas wan ted to start a new farm there has had to work very hard. The first jo b has been cutting down trees. The next job has been digging the S3) _ of the trees out of the soil. Then the farmer has had the difficult job of r emoving stones from

9、 his land.This work of rem oving stones n ever really en ds, because every win ter m ore stones appear. They come up through the thin soil from the rocks below. Farmers have to keep removing stones from the fields. Even today, farms whic h have been worked on for 200 years keep S4) more stones. That

10、 is why stone walls are used S5) fences in New England fields. The stone walls are not high and a man can easily climb over them. However, they ke ep the farmer cows from joining those of his S6) .Test 2:听力原文及答案:1.W: Should I get some more typing paper?M: Please do. We ve almost run out.Q: What will

11、 the woman do? (B)2.W: What sthe time by your watch?M: Ten -fifth. But it two mi nu tes slow.Q: What she correct time? (D)3.W: I certainly enjoyed meeting your parents. I hope they like me.M: Don tworry. I nsure they say yes.Q: What is the probable relati on ship betwee n the two speakers? (B)4.M: I

12、 nsorry, miss, but you were doing 45 in a 30 mile an hour zone. W: But I ntate for a very important appointment.Q: What is the man? (A)5.W: Would you like to see the menu?M: No, thank you. I know what I want to order.Q: Where is the man now? (C)6.M: I suppose one reason so many tourists come here is

13、 that everything i s so cheap.W: Cheap? Nothing is really cheap in England.Q: How did the woman react? (B)7.W: would you like some hot coffee or tea?M: I like them both, but I dather have something cold.Q: What does the man want to drink? (A)8.M: I really like this black necktie.W: But the blue or g

14、old one will look much nicer with your brown sui t.Q: What color necktie does the man want? (D)9.W: What sthe matter, Paul? You look worried.M: I vust taken my chemistry exam and I npretty sure I failed it. I don know where the professor got some of these questions.Q: Why is Paul worried? (C)10.W: D

15、id you see the doctor about your cough?M: The doctor said if I keep smoki ng, it will in crease my cha nce of ha ving a heart attack or lung disease.Q: What is true about the man? (A)Section BThey United states has many different kinks of climates. On the west coa st the temperature changes very lit

16、tle between summer and winter, but the nort h central states have a very different kind of climate. In those states, people w ear light cloth ing duri ng the summer, and they n eed heavy wool or fur cloth in g in winter.In the eastern part of the United States, summer temperatures are very dif feren

17、t from win ter temperatures. Summers are usually hot win ters are usually c old. Spring temperatures are comfortably warm, and fall temperatures are pleas antly coo.Years ago, people in the cold parts of the United states didn often get f resh vegetables and fresh fruits duri ng the win ter. Today,

18、however, trucks and trains carry fruits and vegetables very quickly to all parts of the United States.In this way, America ns “ sen (their climates to people in other states.11.What kinds of climates does the United States have? (B)12.How do people in the cold parts of the United States get their fr

19、esh fr uits and vegetables in winter? (C)(Model 2 Part Two )Part II: Vocabulary and structure (20%)II. Vocabulary and Structure (20%)Directi ons: There are 20 in complete senten cesi n this part. For each sentence th ere are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best c omplet

20、es the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.13.For miles around me there was nothing but a desert, without a single p lant or tree .A.on earth B. at a distanee C. in sight D. in place14.This case is quite today with the great developm

21、ent of scienee and tech no mon B. gen eral C. simple D. alike15. the dog, we should have reached our destination in time.A.Because of B. In spite of C. But for D. In case of16.Lucy changed her major from physics to computer, .A.with hopes to be able to locate employment more easilyB.hop i

22、ng she can easily get a jobC.with the hope for the ability to find a better jobD.hoping to find a job more easily17.That tree looked as if it for a long time.A.has nt watered B. did nt wateredC. had nt bee n watered D. was nt watered18.Though the Ion g-term cannot be predicted, the project has bee n

23、approved by the committee.A.affect B. effect C. effort D. afford19.One must live in the United States for five years in order to citizen ship.A.appeal to B. accept C. approve of D. apply for20.Can you tell me e23.The building roof we can see is the Western Church.A. its B. which C. whose D. whos24.T

24、he first software of Windows by Bill Gates became very popular with computer lovers immediately.A. made B. had made C. was made D. had been made25.I could easily have imagined her him as a man of fine quality.A. thi nki ng B. regard ing C. talki ng D. admitti ng26.He has no choice but to see him.A.

25、to go B. go C. going D. goes27. left before the meet in g, it does nt seem likely that they will come.A. In such a short time B. Only such a short timeC.With such a short time D. Without such a short time28.She listened carefully she might discover exactly what he wanted.A. so as that B. in case C.

26、providing D. in order that29. I remember her and her brotherto our office.A. comingB. to comeC. comeD. to havecome30. I dont thi nkanyone can accuse hernot beingfrank.A. withB. inC. ofD. at31. , the people in the flooded areas could not have rebuilt their homes.A.If the Party did nt offer its timely

27、 helpB.Had nt the Party offered its timely helpC.Should the Party offered its timely helpD.If the Party offered its timely help32.The moon shines brightly, as if it light by itself.A. gave off B. gave away C. gave up D. gave inPart III: Reading Comprehension (40%)Directi onsThere are four passages i

28、n this part. Each passage is followed by five quest ions or unfinished statements. Fro each question, there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should chose the best answer. Then mark the correspon di ng letter on the An swer Sheet with a sin gle line through the cen ter.PassagelQuestions

29、 33 to 37 are based on the following passage:In the past, operati ons were difficult. Un til the middle of the eightee n fifti es, surgery was very dangerous. Many patients died after even the smallest ope rations. This was because bacteria entered the cuts in the patients bodied and started infecti

30、on. In some countries, up to 90 percent of patients died from inf ection after operati on s. In 1865, however, Joseph Lister, a British surge on, fou nd an answer to the problem. He used an “ antiseptic du”ing and after operati ons. This killed the dangerous bacteria and most of his patients lived.

31、Since th en, surgeons have used antiseptics in all operations.Surgery has developed in many important ways since the day of Joseph Li ster. Today, when patients go to hospital for an operation, they can expect the best treatment, in clean and hygienic conditions.33.Operations were difficult and dang

32、erous until .A.1850B.the middle of 1850C.the middle of the fifties of the eighteenth centuryD.the middle of the fifties of the nineteenth century34.In the passage,surgery means .A. The performing of an operation B. cureC. treatme nt D. medici ne35.In the past, up to 90 percent of patients died after operations mainly b

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