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Unit2 A Womans place is in the home.docx

1、Unit2 A Womans place is in the homeUnit2 A Womans place is in the homeUnit2 A Woman鈥檚 place is in the home 涓銆?鍗曞厓鍒嗘瀽 锛圲nit Analysis锛?(涓) 鍗曞厓鍦颁綅 锛圲nit Position锛?1. 鏈 鎻忚堪浜嗕竴涓 叧浜庡鎬槸鍚簲璇垚涓哄 搴 富濡囩殑涓涓 彮绾京璁烘椿鍔 紝璁悓瀛啛鎮変簡杈 鐨勬祦绋嬪拰鍩烘湰鐢 銆傛暀甯堝彲浠洿缁曗滃鎬湴浣嶁濊繖涓涓婚 锛屾縺鍙戝 鐢熺殑鎬濊冿紝璁悓瀛洿澶氱殑鍘诲叧蹇冧竴浜涚浼氶棶棰樺拰鐜拌薄锛岄氳繃鏀堕泦鏈夊叧璧勬枡瀵瑰 搴 富

2、濡囩殑鐢熸椿鏈夋墍浜嗚锛屽苟鎻愬嚭鑷 繁鐨勭湅娉曘?2. 鏁欏笀鍙 互璁捐 涓涓 京璁烘椿鍔潵璁 鐢熷皢璇村 涔犲埌鐨勮京璁虹敤璇 拰杈 璇嶇殑鍐欎綔缁撴瀯寰椾互杈撳嚭锛岄氳繃瀛敓鎬濇兂鐏 姳鐨勭 鎾烇紝缁欎粬浠 彁渚涙洿澶氭湁瓒紝鏂伴 鐨勮 鐐癸紝鎻愰珮瀛敓鐨勮 瑷琛揪鍜岀粍缁囪兘鍔涳紝涓轰粬浠 箣鍚庣殑鍐欎綔浠诲姟鎻愪緵绱犳潗銆?3. 鏈 鐨勮 娉曠幇璞槸鎺屾彙鍒嗚瘝鍋氬畾璇 紝鍒嗚瘝鍋氳璇 殑鐨勪娇鐢 紝鏁欏笀鍙 互瀹夋帓娓告垙鎴栬呯珵璧涚殑褰紡锛屾潵璁 粌瀛敓瀵逛簬杩欎釜璇 硶鐐圭殑搴旂敤銆?锛堜簩锛夊崟鍏冪洰鏍?锛圲nit Target锛?1. 浜嗚濂虫湪绀句細涓 殑閲嶈 鍦颁綅 2

3、. 鎺屾彙鍒嗚瘝鍋氬畾璇 紝鍒嗚瘝鍋氳璇 殑鐢硶 3. 瀛細涓庝粬浜鸿京璁虹殑鎶宸?4. 缁冧範涓夊闃呰 鎶鑳斤細skimming, scanning浠強鍒敤鍏宠仈璇嶆潵鍒嗘瀽鏂囩珷缁撴瀯 锛堜笁锛夊崟鍏冮噸鐐?锛圲nit Points锛?1. 鍏抽敭璇嶏細 Bring up, burden, capable of, chairperson, clinging, concede, confined, discrimination, life expectancy, manual labour, motion, play a compliment, priorities, proposing,

4、suggestion 2. 鍔熻兘锛?Group interaction: Disagreeing politely锛堝弬鑰冭 鏈 35椤?Speaking锛?3. 璇 硶鐐癸細 1锛?鎺屾彙鍒嗚瘝鍋氬畾璇 紝鍒嗚瘝鍋氳璇 殑鐢硶涓銆?鏁欏 璁捐 锛圱eaching Designs锛?鏁欏 鍐呭 鏁欏 瀹炴柦寤鸿 鏁欏 璧勬簮鍙傝?1 Reading 浣滀负鈥滃鎬湴浣嶁濊繖涓涓婚 鐨勫紩鍏紝鏁欏笀鍙 互璁 鐢熺湅涓浜涘叧浜庢垚鍔熷鎬殑鍥剧墖鍜屾枃瀛楁弿杩帮紝鏉紩鍏湰鏂囩殑涓婚 銆?閾炬帴1 鐢变簬鏈 枃鏄 竴绡囪京璁洪 鏉愭枃绔狅紝鏁欏笀搴旀寚瀵煎 鐢熺啛鎮夎京璁虹 鐨勫啓浣滄墜娉曪紝鍒嗘瀽鏂

5、囩珷缁撴瀯锛屽崗鍔粬浠 畬鎴愮浉鍏崇粌涔狅紝浣夸粬浠 鏂囩珷鍐呭 鑳芥湁鏇存繁鍒汇佸叏闈湴浜嗚銆俒閾炬帴2璇炬湰绗?4椤碘昍eading 閮垎銆?2 Listening 浣滀负鏁欐潗绗?8椤电殑鍚 姏缁冧範閮垎鏄 寚瀵煎府鍔 鐢熸潵濡備綍杞 崲淇伅鐨勶紝鏁欏笀鍙 寜鐓 鏈 姹傚拰瀹為檯鎯呭喌甯 瀛敓瀹屾垚鐩稿叧鐨勪範棰樸?璇炬枃绗?8椤碘昄istening閮垎 3 Speaking 浠滃鎬湴浣嶁濅负涓婚 璁捐 涓釜鍙 娲诲姩銆?娲诲姩涓锛氭牴鎹 鏂囧唴瀹瑰拰闃呰 鐩稿叧鏉愭枡锛屼互灏忕粍閲囪 鐨勫舰寮忔潵涓庡悇鎴愬憳璁 浠栦滑鏄 惁鎰挎剰鑷 繁鎴栬呰嚜宸辩殑浼翠荆鎴愪负瀹跺涵涓诲 锛屽苟璇存槑

6、鐞嗙敱銆?娲诲姩浜岋細璁 鐢熺湅涓缁勫綋鍦拌 姹傜粰瀹跺涵涓诲 鍙戞斁宸祫鐨勬柊闂伙紝鏍规嵁瀛敓鐨勮 鐐规妸浠栦滑鍒嗕负涓粍杩涜 杈 銆俒閾炬帴3 璇炬枃绗?5椤碘昐peaking 閮垎 4 Writing 瀛敓閫氳繃涔嬪墠鐨勬椿鍔 紝宸茬粡瀵硅京璁洪 鏉愮殑鏂囩珷鏈変竴瀹氱殑浜嗚锛屾暀甯堝簲瓒佺儹鎵撻搧寮曞 浠栦滑鎶婅嚜宸辩殑鎯虫硶浠京璁鸿瘝鐨勫舰寮忓睍鐜板嚭鏉俒閾炬帴4 璇炬枃绗?8椤碘曗昗riting閮垎 5 Language 鏈 璇 硶涓昏 鏄 垎璇嶄娇鐢殑瀛範锛屽湪姝熀纭涓婃暀甯堝彲浠府瀛敓鍥為【涓嬩箣鍓嶅 杩囪繃鍘诲垎璇嶅拰鐜板湪鍒嗚瘝鐨勭敤娉曘傞櫎浜嗗埄鐢 鏈 笂鐨勫浘鐗囧拰缁冧

7、範杩涜 鎿嶇粌澶栵紝鏁欏笀鍙 互浠珵璧涚殑褰紡鍜屽 鐢熶竴璧峰洖椤惧巻骞寸浉鍏崇殑楂樿冮 銆傚 鏋滄潯浠跺厑璁告暀甯堣繕鍙 互璁 鐢熷湪鑷 繁鍠滄 鐪嬬殑鑻辫 鎶垔鏉傚織涓婃壘鍑鸿嚜宸卞枩娆殑鍙瓙甯繘璇惧爞鏉笌澶 鍒嗕韩銆俒閾炬帴5 璇炬枃绗?0椤碘曗昄anguage 閮垎 6 More Language Input 鏍规嵁璇炬椂锛屾潵瀹夋帓more language input 鐨勮 瑙紝鏁欏笀鍙 互鎸夌収璇炬湰瑕佹眰鍜屽疄闄呮儏鍐靛甫棰嗗 鐢熺悊瑙枃绔犲拰瀹屾垚鐩稿叧鐨勪範棰樸?璇炬枃绗?9椤碘曗昅ore Language Input 閾炬帴1 娲诲姩涓锛?璇存槑锛?浣滀负瀵煎叆锛屾暀甯堥

8、 鍏堜互涓骞呭箙鎴愬姛濂虫殑鍥剧墖鍜屾枃瀛楋紝浣垮 鐢熷揩閫熻繘鍏埌璇炬枃涓婚 銆?閾炬帴2 璇存槑锛?鐢变簬鏈 枃鏄 竴绡囪京璁洪 鏉愮殑鏂囩珷锛屾暀甯堝湪璇炬枃鍒濇 澶勭悊鏃跺彲浠噰鐢ig-saw reading杩欎竴鏂规硶锛屽彲浠寲鏁寸瘒闃呰 涓烘 钀介槄璇伙紝浣垮 鐢熼氳繃瀵规墍璇昏 鏂囧唴瀹圭殑浜掑姩浜祦锛屽畬鎴愪笉鍚岀殑缁冧範锛屽疄鐜颁粠閮垎鍒版暣浣擄紝閫愭 鐔熸倝鎺屾彙璇炬枃鐨勭洰鐨勩傚湪娲诲姩鐨勫悇闃舵 锛屾暀甯堝彲璁捐 涓嶅悓鐨勪换鍔紝鏈夐拡瀵规湴璁 粌瀛敓鐨勯槄璇昏兘鍔涖傛暣涓 椿鍔兘鏄 互灏忕粍涓哄崟浣嶈繘琛岀殑锛岃繖灏辫 姹傚 鐢熼氳繃缁勫憳闂寸殑閰嶅悎锛屾潵瀹屾垚浠诲

9、姟锛屽煿鍏诲 鐢熶簰甯 簰鍔殑鍥槦鍚堜綔绮剧 銆?閾炬帴3 娲诲姩涓锛?璇存槑锛?闂 嵎璋冩煡鏄 竴涓 瀛敓鎼滈泦鎵闇淇伅鐨勪竴绉嶄笌浜烘矡閫氱殑鎶宸傝 娲诲姩鏄 竴涓 兘浣撶幇璇 绀句細浜檯鍔熻兘鐨勬椿鍔 紝鏄 创杩戝 鐢熺敓娲汇佺湡瀹炵殑浠诲姟銆傞氳繃閲囪 鍛洿鐨勪汉锛屼簡瑙笉鍚屼汉鐨勪笉鍚岃 鐐癸紝骞跺姞浠暣鐞嗚繘琛岀彮绾氦娴併備笉浠呴敾鐐兼悳闆嗕俊鎭 殑鑳藉姏锛屼篃鍩瑰吇浜嗘暣鐞嗕俊鎭 殑鑳藉姏銆?Survey Name Point of View Reason鐩稿叧闃呰 鏉愭枡锛?I belong to that classification of people known as w

10、ives. I am a Wife. And, not altogether incidentally, I am a mother. Not too long ago a male friend of mine appeared on the scene fresh from a recent divorce. He had one child, who is, of course, with his ex-wife. He is looking for another wife. As I thought about him while I was ironing one evening,

11、 it suddenly occurred to me that I, too, would like to have a wife. Why do I want a wife? I would like to go back to school so that I can become economically independent, support myself, and if need be, support those dependent upon me, I want a wife who will work and send me to school. And while I a

12、m going to school I want a wife to take care of my children. I want a wife to keep track of the childrens doctor and dentist appointments. And to keep track of mine, too. I want a wife who will wash the childrens clothes and keep them mended. I want a wife who is a good nurturant attendant to my chi

13、ldren, who arranges for their schooling, makes sure that they have an adequate social life with their peers, takes them to the park, the zoo, etc. I want a wife who takes care of the children when they are sick, a wife who arranges to be around when the children need special care, because, of cause,

14、 I cannot miss classes at school. My wife must arrange to lose time at work and not lose the job. It may mean a small cut in my wifes income from time to time, but I guess I can tolerate that. Needless to say, my wife will arrange and pay for the care of the children while my wife is working. I want

15、 a wife who will take care of my physical needs. I want a wife who will keep my house clean. A wife who will pick up after my children, a wife who will pick up after me. I want a wife who will keep my clothes clean, ironed, mended, replaced when need be, and who will see to it that my personal thing

16、s are kept in their proper place so that I can find what I need the minute I need it. I want a wife who cooks the meals, a wife who is a good cook. I want a wife who will plan the menus, do the necessary grocery shopping, prepare the meals, serve them pleasantly, and then do the cleaning up while I

17、do my studying. I want a wife who will care for me when I am sick and sympathize with my pain and loss of time from school. I want a wife to go along when our family takes a vacation so that someone can continue to care for me and my children when I need a rest and change of scene. I want a wife who

18、 will not bother me with rambling complaints about a wifes duties. But I want a wife who will listen to me when I feel the need to explain a rather difficult point I have come across in my course of studies. And I want a wife who type my papers for me when I have written them. I want a wife who will

19、 take care of the details of my social life. When my wife and I are invited out by my friends, I want a wife who will take care of the babysitting arrangements. When I meet people at school that I like who will have the house clean, will prepare a special meal, serve it to me and my friends, and not

20、 interrupt when I talk about things that interest me and my friends. I want a wife who will have arranged that the children are fed and ready for bed before my guests arrive so that the children do not bother us. I want a wife who takes care of the needs of my guests so that they feel comfortable, w

21、ho makes sure that they have an ashtray, that they are offered a second helping of the food, that their wine glasses are replenished when necessary, that their coffee is served to them as they like it. And I want a wife who knows that sometimes I need a night out by myself. I want a wife who is sens

22、itive to my sexual needs, a wife who makes love passionately and eagerly when I feel like it, a wife who makes sure that I am satisfied. And, of course, I want a wife who will not demand sexual attention when I am not in the mood for it. I want a wife who assumes the complete responsibility for birt

23、h control, because I do not want more children. I want a wife who will remain sexually faithful to me so that I do not have to clutter up my intellectual life with jealousies. And I want a wife who understands that my sexual needs may entail more than strict adherence to monogamy. I must, after all,

24、 be able to relate to people as fully as possible. If, by chance, I find another person more suitable as a wife than the wife I already have, I have the liberty to replace my present wife with another one. Naturally, I will expect a fresh, new life; my wife will take the children and be solely respo

25、nsible for them so that I am left free. When I am through with school and have a job, I want my wife to quit working and remain at home so that my wife can more fully and completely take care of a wifes duties. My God, who wouldnt want a wife?娲诲姩浜岋細 璇存槑锛?杈 鏄 敾鐐煎 鐢熻 瑷椹鹃鑳藉姏鐨勬椿鍔傞氳繃杈 姣旇禌涓嶄絾閿荤偧浜嗗 鐢熷湪鍏 紬闈

26、墠鍙戣璁茶瘽鐨勮儐閲忥紝涔熻兘鎻愰珮瀛敓鐨勮 瑷琛揪鍜岀粍缁囪兘鍔涖傚 鐢熷湪娲诲姩涓 浉浜掑 涔犲拰浜祦锛屽彇闀胯鐭 紝瀵硅嫳璇 瑷鐨勫 涔犳湁涓瀹氱殑淇冭繘浣滅敤銆傛湰鍗曞厓鐨勮 鏂囧唴瀹规彁鍙婅京璁轰腑鐨勬妧宸紝鍦 鏂囧 涔犱箣鍚庯紝閫氳繃杈 姣旇禌锛岃 瀛敓瀛互鑷寸敤銆?鐩稿叧鏂伴椈锛?The Poles Want the Housewife to Receive a Salary Contributed by: Agnieszka Mrozik, Poland National VAW Monitor Women who give up their career in order t

27、o raise children and do the housework should get a salary 锟紺 this is what 82 per cent of respondents, who took part in the TNS OBOP survey, answered. The survey was made to 鈥淒ziennik鈥檚鈥?order. According to the daily, this solution is not well-perceived by politicians and that is why it will not be t

28、urned into action. 鈥淲e have to resist the temptation of populism; we cannot afford this鈥?锟紺 says El偶bieta Radziszewska, the member of the Civic Platform. The Central Statistical Office has recently calculated that the Polish housewife鈥檚 monthly work is worth 1205 PLN (402 USD). The survey proves tha

29、t the Poles would accept even a lower salary for housewives 锟紺 1000 PLN (333 USD). 鈥淏ut who would supply the money transferred to the housewives鈥?bank accounts? Now 85 per cent of Polish large families need the state鈥檚 helping hand and 50 per cent of all families get social welfare, which costs 14 b

30、illion PLN. Where would we get more?鈥?锟紺 asks Joanna Kluzik-Rostkowska, the Deputy Minister of Labour. Marian Pi艂ka, the member of Law and Justice, nods in agreement with Kluzik-Rostkowska鈥檚 words. According to him, longer maternity leaves and tax relief for young families are more important than a

31、salary for housewives. 鈥淧eople do not understand that this solution will reduce their incomes, as it will affect the tax rate. Is a nurse ready to pay additional 150 PLN in order to give it to her unemployed friend who raises her kids?鈥?锟紺 asks El偶bieta Radziszewska. But Prof. Macin Kr贸l, a philosop

32、her, historian and publicist, says that instead of complaining about the lack of money a solution thst does not so overload the state鈥檚 budget should be found. 鈥?0 years ago I called for a salary for housewives, because housework is a normal job. I do not know how to solve this problem, but we should publicly talk about this idea鈥?锟紺 he convinces the readers of 鈥淒ziennik鈥?涓浜涙敹闆嗗埌鐨勮 鐐癸細 Donnah Midigo, 22, Student Women have personal needs and provided it is the m

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