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外研版七年级下册Module 7 知识点总结梳理无答案Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、(1)be born in年份/月份/地点出生于某年/某月/某地例如:I was born in February, 2003 in Beijing. 我于2003年2月出生在北京。(2)be born on日期出生于(某年某月)某日例如:Betty was born on 6th May, 1997.贝蒂出生于1997年5月6日。典例精讲:When_ you born? I_ born in 1996. Awere; was Bwere; were Cwas; were Dwas; was 2. strict adj. 严格的;严厉的She was strict but very nice.

2、 她很严厉但很善良。Students must be strict in their study and teachers must be strict with their students. 学生必须在学习上(对自己)严格要求,教师必须对学生要求严格。【考点】strict是形容词,常用搭配:be strict in sth. 在某方面严格要求;be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格。Our teachers _ us and they _ their work very much. Abe strict with; are strict in Bare strict in;

3、be strict with Care strict with;3. friendly adj. 友好的She was very friendly. 她非常友好。My classmates are all very friendly to me. 我的同班同学都对我很友好。The students in our class are friendly with each other. 我们班上的同学相互关系都很好。【考点】friendly用作形容词,意为“友好的;亲切的”,是名词friend的形容词形式,其反义词是unfriendly (不友好的)。固定搭配:be friendly to sb.

4、 对某人很友好;注意:friendly虽然以ly结尾,但它是形容词,不是副词。His good _ are very _ to me. I like them. Afriendly; friendly Bfriends; friendly Cfriend; friendly Dfriendly; friends 4. difficult adj. 难对付的He was quite difficult. 他是很难对付的。【考点】difficult作“难对付的”讲时,其反义词是good, 意为“乖的;守规矩的”。difficult还有“困难的”之意,此时,其反义词是easy,意为“简单的,容易的”

5、。It isnt_ to travel from Taiyuan to Taiwan now, because the planes can get there directly. Adifficult Bfast Ceasy Dgood 5. What were they like?他们人怎么样?【考点】“Whatbesb. like?”用于询问某人内在的品质、性格等。Whats your English teacher like? 你的英语老师人怎么样?She is strict but kind. 她严厉但很善良。【拓展】句型“What do/does/did sb. look like

6、?” 用来询问人的外貌。What does your sister look like? 你姐姐长什么样?She is tall with long black hair. 她身材高挑, 有一头乌黑的长发。What is your father like?He _Alikes history Bis kind Clikes eating meat Dis 40 years old Step 3 Practice一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1Mo Yan was b_ in Gaomi, Shandong Province.2His sister is nine years old.

7、She studies in a p_ school.3There are about one thousand people in this v_. 4His father is very _(严格的) with him.5There are lots of big supermarkets and several new roads in our_(城镇). 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1My _(one) class is Chinese this morning. 2Who _(be) your English teacher last year?3Lucy and Lily _(be

8、) born in a small city in England. 4I have two good friends._ (they) names are Mary and Betty. 5She _ (be not) here last weekend. She _(be) in Sichuan. 三、按要求完成下列各题1Miss Gao was my first English teacher. (改为一般疑问句)_ Miss Gao _ first English teacher?2She was in Shanghai with her father. (改为否定句)She _ _

9、in Shanghai with her father.3Were you born in a small village? (作否定回答)_, _ _. 4Mikes first school was very_small. (对画线部分提问)_ _ Mikes first school _?5There were 60 students in our class last year. (对画线部分提问)_ _students _ there in your class last year?四、单项填空1.Mrs Li is strict _ her son and she is also

10、strict _ her work.Ain; in Bwith; with Cin; with Dwith; in 2.Were you at home yesterday?No, I_. I was _ school. Awasnt; at Bwasn for Cweren in Dweren at3.Her sister is friendly _ others, and she likes making friends _ others.Ato; to Bwith; to Cto; with Dof; with4.Where _ you born?I _ born in Beijing.

11、 was Bwas; were Care; was Dare; am5.There _ a lot of water in that river two years ago.Ais Bare Cwas Dwere6._ was your friend born?He was born in a small town in Shandong.AWho BWhere CWhen DHow7.Betty was very good in class, but her brother was a little _. Ahard Bdifficult Cnice Deasy 8.What is she

12、like?_AShe is very tall and thin BShe is very beautifulCWe all like her DShe is very kind五、完形填空My mother was born on March 8, 1975 in a small city. She _1_ very beautiful and can cook delicious food. _2_ my father often says, “Im a lucky dog.”Mother _3_ a teacher in a primary school in our city ten

13、years ago. Now she teaches English in a middle school in our city. My mother is very strict _4_ her students in their study, but they often say my mother is very _5_ to them. My mother is busy with her work, but she is _6_ with me, too. She cares much about my schoolwork. Once(曾经) I _7_ well prepare

14、d(准备) for the exam, my mother got very_8_ and she let me study for a long time. She is my _9_ teacher. She teaches me a lot about life. I think my mother is the _10_ person(人) in the world. I will do my best and be a useful person like my mother.1.A.changes Blooks Chopes Dpromises2.A.But BAnd CBecau

15、se Bwas Cis going to be Dwill Bat Con Dwith5.A.comfortable Bbored Cfriendly Dsilly 6.A.careful Bbad Cstrict Dstrange7.A.wasnt Bwerent Cisnt Darent8.A.happy Bangry Cnice Ba Can Dfirst 10.A.good Bwell Cbetter DbestUnit 2 I was born in Quincy. & Unit 3Step 1 Review1

16、.浴室 brum _ 2.卧室 bedrum _ 3.花园 dn _ 4.n. 东方 adj. 东面的;东部的 ist _ 5.海岸 kst _ 6.以前 _ st _ 8.厌烦的;厌倦的 bd _ 9.总统 prezdnt _ 10.舒适的;舒服的 kmftbl _ 11.湖 lek _ 12.(星期、月份等)最近过去的,紧接现在前面的 lst _ 13.(在)昨天 jestde _ room_ 2.lots of_ star_ 4.look forward to _ 5.在的东海岸_ 6.十二年前 _ 7.电影院 _ 8.总有一天 _ My li

17、fe in Quincy By Betty King I was born in Quincy, a town on the east coast of America, twelve years ago.There were lots of things to do in Quincy, with many stores, two movie theaters, football clubs and basketball teams too.I wasnt bored in Quincy.I was very happy there.Two presidents of the US, Joh

18、n Adams and his son John Quincy Adams, were born in Quincy.You can visit their old family houses.Our house was big and comfortable.There was a big living room with a TV, a kitchen, a bathroom and three bedrooms.On my bedroom walls there were pictures of my favorite movie stars.Behind the house, ther

19、e was a big garden with lots of trees and there was a small lake with fish in it.It was great to play there.There were lots of children in Quincy.Many of them were my friends.This was our last home in the US and I was there for the last time in 2010.One day Ill go back,and Im looking forward to seei

20、ng my friends again.1. east adj. 东面的;东部的 n. 东方I was born in Quincy, a town on the east coast of America, twelve years ago. 十二年前,我出生在昆西,一个位于美国东海岸的小镇。The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。【考点】east既可以作形容词,也可以作名词。短语on the east coast of意为“在的东海岸”,其中on为方位介词,表示两地域相接。【拓展】east, west, south, north等方位词常与介词in, on或t

21、o连用。其区别如下:1图表示A在B范围内,用in;2图表示A、 B接壤,用on;3图表示A、 B不相邻,用to。Guangzhou is _ the south of China. Ain Bon Cto Dat 2. ago / adv. 以前eg:We held a meeting two weeks ago. 我们两周前开过一次会。【考点】辨析ago 与beforeago只能用作副词,不能单独使用。“时间段ago”表示从现在算起的若干时间以前,常用于一般过去时。before可用作介词或连词。后接时间点,表示“在某具体时间之前”;或接事情,表示“在做某事之前”。也可作副词,可以单独使用。M

22、y father went to Shanghai two days ago. 我爸爸两天前去了上海。You must finish your homework before lunch. 你必须在午饭前做完作业。When did Tony come to China?Two years_Aago Bbefore Cafter Din 3. bored /bd/ adj.厌烦的,厌倦的How can you be bored? 你怎么会厌倦呢?【考点】辨析bored与boringbored厌烦的,用于表示人的情绪等Little Tony stays at home alone and he f

23、eels bored.boring令人厌烦的,用于表示事物本身的性质I saw a boring film yesterday evening.【拓展】有类似用法的词:(1)描述事物特点的:tiring(令人疲惫的), exciting(使人激动的), relaxing(令人放松的), interesting(有趣的) (2)描述人的主观感受的:tired(疲惫的), excited (激动的), relaxed(轻松自在的), interested(感兴趣的) In the future, robots will do _ jobs in place of people in order n

24、ot to get us _ A.bored; bored Bboring; boring Cboring; bored Dbored; boring 4. hero / hr/ n.英雄The soldier acted like a real hero. 那个士兵的举动像一个真正的英雄。【考点】hero为可数名词,其复数形式为heroes.类似的单词还有:tomatotomatoes, potatopotatoes。1.On his bedroom walls, there are some _ (photo) of his favourite basketball _ (hero). 2

25、.Have you heard of Lin Zexu and Zhan Tianyou?Of course.They are our national _.(广安) Ahero Bheros Cheroes Dheros5. There were lots of things to do in Quincy在昆西有许多事情可做【考点】在“There be名词to do”句型中,名词多为要做的事情,与to do为动宾关系。There is always too much housework to do at the weekend. 周末总有太多的家务活要做。【难点】在“There be名词doing”句型中,名词多为doing动作的发出者,它们为主谓关系。There are some girls singing on the balcony. 有几个女孩正在阳台上唱歌。Listen! There _someone _ at the door.It must be your sister.Ais; knocking Bis; knock Care; knocking Dare; knock6. It was gr

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