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1、是“动词+副词”结构的短语,所带的宾语为名词时,宾语可位于down的前面或后面;为代词时,只能位于down前面。Youd better cut the article down to about 2,000 words. 你最好能把这篇文章压到两千字左右。【拓展】cut down 还可表示“砍倒”的意思。They cut down the big tree. 他们砍倒了这棵大树。cut off 切断;切除cut into 把切成cut up 切碎cut in 插队辨析:spend, cost, take, pay 花费主语表示的内容spend人宾语可以是钱、精力、时间等。cost物或事后接li

2、fe, money, health, time等,侧重于“花费”的代价。take事或人它说明事情完成“花费了”。pay 意思是“支付”,作为及物动词,宾语可以是“人”、“钱”pay for宾语为“物”、“事”,for表示支付的原因2.Have you ever taken part in an environmental project? 你曾经参加过环境保护活动吗?join, join in 和take part in join 加入组织,团体,党派等,有作为其中的一个成员的含义。后面也可以加表示人的名词,表示和某人一起参加某活动。join in加入一种具体活动。take part in 指

3、参加会议或群众性活动等,着重说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。Willyoujoinusinthediscussion?你参加我们的讨论吗?ShejoinedYoungPioneers.她加入了少先队。Whydidnttalklastnight?昨晚你为什么没参加座谈?Did you take part in the sports meet? 你参加运动会了吗?3. We cant afford to wait any longer to take action! 我们不能再等了,要采取行动了。afford是动词,意为“买得起,担负得起”,通常与can,could,beableto连

4、用,多用于否定句中。Theycouldntafford$50foraticket.他们拿不出50美元买一张票。afford后面常跟带to的动词不定式。Wecanttogoabroadthissummer. 今年夏天我们没有足够的钱出国。4.And the gate in front of her house is made of rocks and old glass bottles. 她房子的前门是由岩石和旧玻璃瓶子制成的。【辨析】be made + 介词be made of “某物由制造而成”(从制成品中可以看出原材料)madefrom“某物由制造而成”(从制成品中一般看不出或难以分辨出原

5、材料)。in“某物由某地制造”by“某物由某个人或集体制造而成”,其中介词by用来强调动作的执行者。into某种原料制成某物upof某物由组成或构成4. Not only can the art bring happiness to others, but it also shows that even cold, hard iron can be brought back to life with a little creativity. 不仅艺术品能给人们带来快乐,而且冰冷坚硬的钢铁在艺术创作下也恢复了生命。“not only but also ”是一个并列连词词组,其意思基本等于“bot

6、h and ”。使用not only but also 时须注意的几点:not only与but also后面所连接的词的词性必须对等:They completed the project not only punctually but also perfectly. 他们不仅准时完成工程,而且完成得很出色。not only只能连用,而but also既可连用,也可分开用:Television is not only boring, but it also wastes a lot of time. 电视不仅乏味,而且还浪费许多时间。谓语动词的数应与but also后主语的数保持一致:Not

7、only you but also Mr. Zhang teaches in thiscollege. 不仅你,张老师也在此学院教书。not only放在句首,后接句子时要用倒装结构:Not only had the poor man been fined, but also he had been sent to prison. 这个可怜的人不仅被罚款,而且还被送进了监狱。6.Which parts need to be improved? 哪些部分需要被改善?need to be done; need doing与need to doneed doing=need to be done 需

8、要被现在分词doing表被动“需要被做”,相当于need to be done。 My watch needs repairing. =My watch needs to be repaired.我的表需要修了。need后加不定式,证明need为实义动词,而非情态动词,这时need有人称和数的变化。 He needs to get up early. 他需要早起。7.What or who is causing these problems? 什么或谁将会导致这些问题?cause用作动词,当“引起,造成,使得”讲。一般指引起或造成不好的结果。cause sb. sth.= cause sth.

9、 to sb.(后接间接宾语+直接宾语)为固定用法。He caused his parents much trouble.= He caused much trouble to his parents. 他给父母带来很多烦恼。1.Did you tell it to Jack? Yes, but we were _ in the middle of our telephone conversation. A. cut down B. cut off C. cut up D. cut into 2.Do you take exercise every day? Yes. I always _th

10、irty minutes after supper.A. spend B. cost C. take D. pay3.Have you _ a club?Yes, Im in a swimming club and I often _ the swimming training. A. joined; take part in B. joined; join C. taken part in; join D. taken part in; join in 4.Miss Taylor never wastes money on anything too expensive, even thoug

11、h she can _to. She has donated much of the money she saved to charities. A. afford B. allow C. remind D. pay5.Something is wrong with my car. It needs _. A. repair B. to repair C. repairing D. to be repair 解析:1.A. cut down 切断 cut off切掉 cut up 切开2.A考查有关花费的词语辨析,详解见知识梳理3.A.考查join, take part in, join in

12、 辨析。详解见知识梳理4.A考查afford to do,支付的起5.C.考查need doing sth需要被.基础演练I. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1. Dont play a joke on him about his weight its _(残忍的).2. You are supposed to know the _(法律) of your own country.3. Can these toys be _(回收利用)?4. These materials are widely used in _(工业).5. They walked because they c

13、ouldnt _(负担得起) a taxi.6. To solve this problem, we need to learn more _(科学的) knowledge.II. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。reuse, shark, ecosystem, transportation, fin1. People need to get out of their cars and use public _.2. We saw two _ in the wild zoo. They are large and have sharp (尖的) teeth.3. Thi

14、ngs that are _ can be used more than once. 4. Do fish use their _ to swim?5. A(n) _ is about all the plants and animals that live in a specific (特定的) area.III. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。napkin, iron, creative, inspire1. Mr. Liu is a writer with _. The books he wrote are really popular.2. Poets and

15、 artists often draw their _ from nature.3. When finishing eating, the boy cleaned his mouth with a(n) _.4. Have you heard of the old saying “Strike (打) while the _ is hot”?IV. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,用恰当的短语填空。1. One third of boys in my class _(参加) the running race last week.2. Please _(关掉) the TV. Its too noisy

16、.3. The doctor says fruit juice _(对有害) childrens teeth.4. If you dont work hard now, youll _(为付出代价) it later when you fail your exams.5. They had a picnic _(在顶部) of the hill.6. Last month they _(采取行动) to prevent water pollution.7. Insects are fairly low on _(食物链).8. One of his fingers was _(切掉) in t

17、he accident.9. _(的数量) trees has increased in the past few years.10. Helen _(不再) practices the piano.V. 将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 张丽现在在图书馆看书。_2. 这条街道过去很脏。3. 那个国家讲什么语言?4. 我以前从来没有乘飞机旅行过。5. 他七岁时就会弹吉他。_答案:I. 1. cruel 2. laws 3. recycled 4. industry 5. afford 6. scientificII. 1. transportation 2. sharks 3. reusable 4

18、. fins 5. EcosystemIII. 1. creativity 2. inspiration 3. napkin 4. ironIV. 1. took part in 2. turn off 3. is harmful to 4. pay for5. at the top of 6. took action 7. the food chain 8. cut off9. The number of 10. no longerV. 1. Zhang Li is reading in the library now.2. This street used to be dirty.3. W

19、hat language is spoken in that country?4. I have never traveled by plane before.5. He could play the guitar when he was seven.巩固提高I. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The white _(build) was set up three years ago.2. Greg was a(n) _(luck) boy. Many people offered him help.3. Jenny thinks the _(perform) was rea

20、lly exciting.4. How could she have acted _(different)?5. Staying with them made me _(comfortable). I decided to leave.bin, cost, coal, fisherman, takeaway1. A hot _ fell out of the fire and burnt the carpet (地毯).2. A _ is hot cooked food that you buy from a shop or restaurant and eat somewhere else3

21、. Do you want this or shall I throw it in the _?4. Writing such a long novel _ much time and patience.5. Look! Some _ are catching fish over there. 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。bore, pay, work, take pride in, keep onBill is a twelve-year-old boy. He found a job in a restaurant during the

22、summer holiday last year. He washed dishes and cleaned the kitchen. He (1)_ six hours a day. It was really a hard and (2)_ job. Once in a while, he wanted to give it up, but he (3)_ working. He felt very tired after four-week hard work. At last he was (4)_ 700 yuan.Bill felt like a grown-up after do

23、ing this job. And it was a very special experience for him. It made him understand how hard it is to make money. Whenever he buys things with his own money, he (5)_ himself. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。1. 工人们正在竭尽全力降低事故率。The workers are doing all they can _ the accident rate.2. 左边第二个房间里堆满了书。The second room o

24、n the left is _ books.3. 你应该向那些参与挽救病人的医生道谢。You should say thanks to those doctors who have _ saving the patient.4. 多读书对你的学习有好处。Reading more _ your studies.5. 拉里将去开会,而不是我。Larry will go to the meeting _ me.6. 王老师的话对那个小男孩已经起作用了。Mr. Wangs words have _ to the little boy.7. 我的目的是把这件坏事变成好事。My purpose is to _ this bad thing _ a good one.8. 保持教室干净是我们的责任。Its our duty to _

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