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1、第二节 情景对话(共5小题;根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。 A: Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest restaurant is? B: 6 Where is the nearest restaurant, please? Oh, the restaurant? The nearest one is the City Restaurant. 7 Im er Im afraid I dont quite you see, 8 I see. Simply w

2、alk two blocks straight ahead, then turn left, and the City Restaurant is about 10 metres ahead. 9 Can I take a bus? Of course you can. but 10 Its only a few minutes walk. Thank you very much. Not at all.A. What did you do?B. Im a total stranger here.C. You cant miss it.D. I beg your pardon?E. Its j

3、ust opposite the No.5 Department Store.F. I dont think it is necessary.G. Its not very nice.第三节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。11. on-going division between English-speaking Canadians and French-speaking Canadians is _ major concern of the country. A. The; 不填

4、 B. The; a C. An; the D. An; 不填12. He _ the invitation to go to New York because he had signed up for a Summer Camp. A. turned up B. turned away C. turned down D. turned off13. With no better way to express feelings of love and _, its easy to see why everyone turns to the flower shop on Mothers Day.

5、A. appreciation B. inspiration C. satisfaction D. ambition14. We can communicate_ people in every part of the world _the Internet. A. with; with B. with; through C. through; through D. through; with15. The National Education Department says school safety has set off alarm bells with frequent serious

6、 accidents _ students got injured or even killed. A. that B. in which C. by which D. when16. If water becomes increasingly scarce in decades _, water shortage will become a hot issue all over the world. A. coming B. having come C. to come D. to be coming17. Outside the school gate stood lots of pare

7、nts, _for their children.A. to wait B. waiting C. were waiting D. waited18. If my lawyer _here last Sunday, he _ me from going. A. had been, would have prevented B. had been, would preventC. were, prevent D. were, would have prevented19. A quarter of the residents in this area _ no access to health

8、service now. A. is reported having B. is reported to haveC. are reported to have had D. are reported to have20. Our class team is short of one person for the coming football match. Why dont you join us? _.A. Its my pleasure B. Dont mention itC. Its up to you D. It is really not my cup of tea21. Nowa

9、days more and more people are advised to arrange for insurance _they or their family members need medical treatment.A. so that B. in order thatC. in case D. no wonder 22. They _ a certain amount of working experience through volunteer work.A. accumulated B. attempted C. abandoned D. accomplished23.

10、Under the pressure of inflation, many families, nowadays in China, cry helplessly over _ is left of their homes.A. what B. which C. there D. that24. Hurry up! Theres a bus coming! Why run? There will be one in two or three minutes.A. another B. other C. the other D. any other25. It was raining hard,

11、 but by the time the class was over, the rain .A. would stop B. was stopping C. stopped D. had stopped 第四节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合填入对应空白处的最佳选项。The other day I was talking to a stranger on the bus; he told me that he had a good 26 in Chicago and he wondered if, by any

12、 chance, I 27 to know him. For a moment, I thought he might be 28 , but I could tell from the expression on his face that he was not. He was 29 . I felt like saying that it was ridiculous to 30 that out of all the millions of people in Chicago I could possibly have ever ran into his friend. But, 31

13、, I just smiled and reminded him that Chicago was a very 32 city. He nodded, and I thought he was going to be content to drop the subject and talk about something else. But I was wrong. He was silent for a few minutes, and then he 33 to tell me all about his friend. His friends main 34 in life seeme

14、d to be tennis. He was an excellent tennis player, and he 35 had his own tennis court(球场). There were a lot of people with swimming 36 , yet there were only two people with private tennis court; his friend in Chicago was one of them. I told him that I knew several 37 like that, including my brother,

15、 who was a doctor in California. He 38 that maybe there were more 39 courts in the country, than he realized, but he did not know of any others. Then he asked me 40 my brother lived in California. When I said Sacramento, he said that was a coincidence 41 his Chicago friend spent the summer in Sacram

16、ento last year and he lived next door to a 42 who had a tennis court in his backyard. I said I felt that really was a coincidence because my next-door neighbour had gone to Sacramento last summer and had 43 the house next to my brothers house. For a moment, we stared at each other, but we did not sa

17、y anything.“Would your friends name happen to be Roland Kirkwood?” I asked finally. He 44 and said, “Yes. Would your brothers name happen to be Dr Rey Hunter?” It was my 45 to laugh. “Yes,” I replied.26. A. brother B. teacher C. neighbour D. friend 27. A. managed B. happened C. tried D. wanted 28. A

18、. expecting B. lying C. joking D. talking 29. A. funny B. serious C. careful D. disappointed 30. A. think B. admit C. realize D. doubt 31. A. indeed B. actually C. instead D. exactly 32. A. famous B. interesting C. noisy D. big33. A. began B. stopped C. refused D. failed 34. A. problem B. interest C

19、. choice D. trouble 35. A. just B. ever C. even D. surely 36. A. suit B. habit C. pools D. river 37. A. people B. lawyers C. strangers D. friends 38. A. advised B. declared C. admitted D. announced 39. A. big B. private C. large D. public 40. A. how B. whether C. when D. where 41. A. because B. if C

20、. then D. though 42. A. doctor B. friend C. neighbour D. player 43. A. hired B. sensed C. designed D. sold 44. A. smiled B. laughed C. cried D. nodded45. A. chance B. pleasure C. time D. turn 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWe were on tour a few summe

21、rs ago, driving through Chicago, when right outside of the city, we got pulled over. A middle-aged policeman came up to the car and was really being troublesome at first. Lecturing us, he said, You were speeding. Where are you going in such a hurry? Our guitarist, Tim, told him that we were on our w

22、ay to Wisconsin to play a show. His way towards us totally changed. He asked, Oh, so you boys are in a band (乐队)?” We told him that we were. He then asked all the usual broad questions about the type of music we played, and how long we had been at it. Suddenly, he stopped and said, Tim, you want to

23、get out of this ticket, dont you? Tim said, Yes.” So the officer asked him to step out of the car. The rest of us, inside the car, didnt know what to think as we watched the policeman talk to Tim. Next thing we knew, the policeman was putting Tim in the back of the police car he had parked in front

24、of us. With that, he threw the car into reverse(倒车), stopping a few feet in back of our car. Now we suddenly felt frightened. We didnt know if we were all going to prison, or if the policeman was going to sell Tim on the black market or something. All of a sudden, the policemans voice came over in a

25、 loudspeaker. He said, Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time ever, we have Tim here singing on Route 90.” It turned out that the policeman had told Tim that the only way he was getting out of the ticket was if he sang part of one of our songs over the loudspeaker in the police car. Seconds later,

26、 Tim started screaming into the receiver(话筒). The policeman enjoyed the performance, and sent us on our way without a ticket.46. The policeman stopped the boys to _.A. put them into prison B. give them a ticketC. enjoy their performance D. ask some band questions47. The policeman became friendly to

27、the boys when he knew they _A. had long been at the band B. played the music he lovedC. were driving to play a show D. promised to give a performance48. The boys probably felt _ when they drove off.A. joyful B. calm C. nervous D. frightenedBBefore astronauts can go into space, they have to have the

28、right suit. Thats why NASA(美国国家航天和航空局)scientists are developing a new kind of space suitlighter and more flexible than before. These new space suits will have lots of mobility(灵活性) for the astronauts, but will not need much maintenance(维护). NASA wants the suits to include new technology that can hel

29、p astronauts be safe in outer space.Right now, the American space suit weighs about 275 pounds and is big and massive. But the suit is also easy to work in for long periods of time. The Russian space suit is less complicated, but is used only a few times and then gets thrown away.“Finding the right

30、balance is always going to be a challenge,” said a long-time astronaut Jeff Williams. Williams has worn both types of suits. Space suits protect astronauts from both extreme heat and freezing temperatures. They carry life-packs with oxygen for the astronauts. They also shield astronauts from radiation, or particles that send out harmful rays.Scientists are using computers

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