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1、七年级英语上学期词汇和句法练习七年级上 (unit1-unit8单词短语汇总) Unit1 Making friends1单词与短语1. 声音n._2. 爱好 n._3. 国家n._4. 年龄n._5. 梦想n._6. 德国n._7. 山n._8. 工程师n._9. 世界n._10. 日本n._11. 公寓n._12. 美国n._13. 完成v._14. 德国的adj._15. 友好的adj._16. 年长的adj._17. 所有人pron._18. 你自己pron._19. 接近 _20. 与.交朋友 _21. 去上学_22. 遍及 _23. 擅长 _24. 愿意 _2单词拼写1. My d

2、_is to be an engineer when I grow up.2. China is a great c_ with a history of five thousand years.3. -whats your a_?-Im twelve years old.4. I have a good pen friend. His h_is playing football, and he can play it well.5. People in this city are very f_ to others.6. Tom lives with his family in a G_vi

3、llage.7. This is my e_sister Alice and that is my youngest sister Jane.8. I often write about my school life in my b_ on the Internet.9. Gina lives in a f_ with her parents.10. What do you usually do in your f_time?3完成句子1. 请把我最美好的祝愿带给你的父母。Please send my_ _ to your parents.2. 他为全世界的人所熟知。He is well-kn

4、own to everyone from _ _ _ _.3. 你愿意和我们一起去钓鱼吗?_you _ _ go _with us?4. 林丹是世界上最好的羽毛球运动员之一。Lin Dan is _ _ _ _badminton_ in the world.5. 你将来想做什么工作?What are you going to do _ _ _?6. 我住在一座靠近湖泊的房子里。I live in a house _ _ a lake.7. 安娜想和中国的年轻人交朋友。Anna wants to _ _ _ young people from China.8. 杰克擅长打篮球Jack is _

5、_ _ basketball.9. 你一般几点上学?What time do you usually_ _ _? 10. 那个电影院离我家很远。The cinema is _ _ _ my house. Unit2 Daily life1单词与短语1. 文章 n. _2. 乒乓球 n. _3. 地理 n. _4. 休息 n. _5. 铃 n. _6. 乐队 n. _7. 练习 n. _8. 市场 n. _9. 吉他 n. _10. 年级 n. _11. 骑 v. _12. 结束 v. _13. 日常的 adj. _14. 通常 adj. _15. 因此 adv. _16. 从不 adv. _1

6、7. 在一起adv. _18. 很少adv. _19. 步行 _20. 去睡觉 _21. 参加_22. 起床_23. 过的愉快_2单词拼写1. Ann is in the school band and has to do some p_ on Wednesdays.2. My mother is busy every day. So she s_stays at home with us.3. We are the students in G_9, so we are supposed to study hard for out future.4. I like playing table

7、t_in my free time.5. Tom likes music and he is good at playing the g_.6. You should wash your face and b_your teeth after getting up.7. Sarah always practices English in her d_ life, so her English is very good.8. I often r_ bikes with my kids in the park.9. Our Spring Break will begin on March 12th

8、 and e_on March 16th this years.10. You have been working for a long time. Youd better take a short b_.3完成句子1. 他每周去两次图书馆。He goes to the library_ _ _.2. 多么漂亮的建筑啊!_ _ the building is!3. 我妈妈每天忙于打扫房间。My mother _ _ _ the house every day.4. 他经常在七点到八点之间吃早饭。He often has breakfast _ seven oclock_ eight ocloc

9、k. 5. 你姐姐早上几点去学校。What time does your sister _ _ _ in the morning?6. 你昨天什么时候达到电影院?When did you _ _ the cinema yesterday?7. 汤姆将要参加英语比赛。Tom is going to _ _ _ an English competition. 8. 他上学从不迟到。He _ _ _ _school.9. 公园离这里不远,你可以步行前往。The park is not far from here. You can go there_ _.10. 我经常在去学校的路上遇到汤姆。I of

10、ten meet Tom _ _ _ _ school.Unit3 The Earth1单词与短语1. 地球n. _2. 模式n. _3. 部分n. _4. 陆地n. _5. 田地n. _6. 污染n. _7. 能源n. _8. 地面n. _9. 事实n. _10. 问题n. _11. 保护v. _12. 提供v. _13. 燃烧v. _ 14. 污染v. _15. 杀死v. _16. 捕捉v. _17. 大的 adj. _18. 重要的adj. _19. 自己的adj. _20. 很少adj. _21. 去别处adv. _22. 进入 prep. _23. 为.提供. _24. 扔掉 _25

11、. 把.倒入. _2单词拼写1. The waste gas from the factory can p_ the air.2. Dont t_away the rubbish everywhere.3. She has f_ friends here, so he always feels lonely.4. You should water the flowers every two days to keep them a_.5. Its i_ for us to keep healthy.6. We must try our best to p_the earth.7. It is v

12、ery dry. If you smoke in the factory, you will b_ all the things.8. Our school hall is very l_. it can hold more than 2000 people.9. I enjoy walking together with father in the f_ of grass behind our house.10. Some animals live in the sea, some live on the l_.3完成句子1. 酒店为我们提供了美味的晚餐。The hotel _ us _ d

13、elicious dinner. 2. 人们通过燃烧东西来获得能源。People _ things to _ _. 3. 不要忘记把垃圾丢掉。Dont forget to _ _your rubbish.4. 我们应该好好地保护地球。Our Earth_ _ _ well by us.5. 你们上星期日在公园玩得高兴吗?Did you _ _ _ _ in the park last Sunday?6. 我们的城市有800万人。_ _eight million people in our city.7. 我想知道那些问题的答案。I want to know _ _ _ those questi

14、ons.8. 他正在不断进步,作文里出现的错误越来越少。He is making progress and the mistakes in his composition become_ _ _.9. 努力学习对我们来说很重要。_ _ _ us to study hard.10. 请把电脑抬到那边的桌子上。Please _ _ the computer on the table over there.Unit4 seasons 1单词与短语1. 澳大利亚n. _2. 脚印n. _3. 镇n. _4. 旅行n. _5. 野餐n. _6. 亲戚n. _7. 踢v. _8. 吹v. _9. 照耀v.

15、 _10. 度过v. _11. 明亮地adv. _12. 湿的adj. _13. 干燥的adj. _14. 小雪多的adj. _15. 一切pron. _16. 在.期间prep. _17. 去旅行 _18. 放风筝 _19. 去野餐 _20. 去游泳 _21. 对雪人 _22. 野餐 _2单词拼写1. It has been raining for a few days, and everywhere is all w_.2. Winter is often cold and s_, but I like it most.3. After the rain, the sun comes ou

16、t and shines b_.4. We will take a t_ to America this summer.5. D_the summer season, all the hotels are full.6. I am going to s_ my summer holiday with my grandparents.7. The w_ is hot in summer.8. Im so angry that I k_ his bag away.9. Dear, make a wish and then b_ out the candles.10. The sun begins

17、to s_, so you will feel warm soon.3完成句子1. 今年冬季我想要去昆明旅行。I want to _ _ _to kunming this winter.2. 我喜欢雪,因为我喜欢滑雪,还能堆雪人。I like snow because I enjoy skating and I can _ _.3. 杰克花时间陪他年幼的女儿看书和看电影。Jake _ _ _ his young daughter reading books and watching movies.4. 昨天上午,我们被邀请去参观他的家。We _ _ _ _his house yesterday

18、 morning.5. 上周日我和父母出去放风筝了。I went out to _ _with my parents last Sunday. 6. 我们经常在每年的这个时候寄些贺卡给我们的朋友。7. 今天好热啊!我们一起去游泳吧!It is so hot today! Lets _ _ together.8. 香港在中国的南部。HongKong is _ _ _ _ China.9. 多么美丽的海南岛啊!_ _ the Hainan Island is!10. 下雨天去野餐是一件糟糕的事情。Its bad to _ _ _ _in rainy days.Unit5 Visiting the

19、Moon 1单词与短语1. 日记n. _2. 太空n. _3. 宇宙飞船n. _4. 照相机n. _5. 花园n. _6. 岩石n. _7. 明信片n. _8. 机器n. _9. 离开v. _10. 系v. _11. 呼吸v. _12. 运转v. _13. 返回v. _14. 紧张的adj. _15. 能够adj. _16. 虚弱的adj. _17. 我们自己pron. _18. 没有prep. _19. 如果conj. _20. 多于_21. 拍照_22. 能够_23. 像.一样;如同_24. 不得不;必须_25. 也就是说;即_26. 以便_27. 例如_2单词拼写1. The old m

20、an is very sick. He is too w_ to sit up and has to lie in bed.2. She sang on the stage for the first time. She was a little n_.3. My father is in New York now and he will r_home in two days.4. Can you help me take a photo with this c_?5. My sister will l_for Shanghai this weekend.6. There is a small

21、 g_ in front of my house. I plant roses in it.7. Its impossible for us to live w_water and air.8. Its good for you to keep a d_ in English.9. Jacks watch doesnt w_, so he doesnt know the time.10. Dad says he will be a_ to give up smoking.3完成句子1. 坐飞机去桂林只花了我们一个小时的时间。It _ us only one hour _ _ to Guilin by plane.2. 不要再演出时拍照!Dont _ _during the show!3. 他尽可能快地跑去追那辆公交车。He runs _ _ _ _

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