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高中英语 Unit 2 Working the land单元综合检测卷 新人教版必修4.docx

1、高中英语 Unit 2 Working the land单元综合检测卷 新人教版必修4Unit 2 Working the land语篇专练第卷第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AChina,endowed with rich agricultural resources,has a long history of farming.The traditional farming practice with intensive(精细的) cultivation(耕作) as it

2、s essence is one of the most important achievements of the human civilization.The development of agriculture and rural areas in China is faced with many problems.The Chinese government has made a number of important policies and measures to cause a faster growth of farmers income and narrow the ever

3、enlarging income gap between rural and urban residents as soon as possible mainly through finishing a strategy of balanced social and economic development.Well give top priority in all work to solving problems facing agriculture,farmers and rural areas,focusing on the following seven aspects.Firstly

4、 well promote faster increase of farmers income.Secondly well protect and increase the overall capacity of grain production.Thirdly we will continue to promote strategic restructuring of agriculture.Fourthly well actively promote progress in agroscience and enhance research work of agricultural high

5、tech and key research programs,and increase its reserve level.Fifthly well further open agriculture to the outside world and actively develop agricultural trade with other countries.Sixthly well speed up the transfer of rural labors and develop rural secondary and tertiary(第三的) industries.Seventhly

6、well continue to deepen rural reforms.Priorities(优先权) will be placed on reform of rural land system,tax and administrative charges,grain distribution system and rural financial system.However,agricultural development has difficult tasks and a long way to go.The road ahead is by no means smooth.Never

7、theless,Chinas agriculture will give full play to its advantages,overcome any difficulties,enter a new stage of development and match towards a brighter new future in the new century!1What does the underlined word “enhance” in Paragraph 2 mean?AWeaken. BDesign.CStrengthen. DEffect.答案C解析词义猜测题。结合上下文语境

8、可知,enhance表示“增强;提高”,而四个选项中,只有strengthen可表此意。2Whats the Chinas ancient civilization?AThe rich agricultural resources.BThe intensive cultivation.CThe capacity of grain production.DThe strategy of balanced development.答案B解析细节理解题。从第一段第二句可知中国传统农业的精耕细作是人类文明所取得的重大成就之一。3What policy do you think is the most

9、important?APromoting faster increase of farmers income.BProtecting the capacity of grain production.CPromoting strategic restructuring of agriculture.DContinuing to deepen rural reforms.答案A解析推理判断题。从第二段所列的七项优先发展的问题中,最重要的应该放在第一位,因此应该是第一条,即“Firstly well promote faster increase of farmers income.”,故选A项。

10、4Whats the best title of the passage?AChinas agricultural resourcesBChinas agriculture seven aspectsCReform of Chinas agricultureDAgriculture in China答案D解析标题归纳题。整篇文章都是在介绍中国的农业,因此标题用中国的农业最合适。BWhen you hear the word “farm”,chances are your picture of rolling hills in the country covered with cows and

11、corn.But some scientists,engineers and city planners say the farms of the future could be indoors inside skyscrapers(摩天大楼) in the worlds most populated cities.It might sound crazy,but in fact,some of the technology for growing crops indoors already exists.The National Aeronautics and Space Administr

12、ation(NASA),has been experimenting for years with methods for growing fresh fruits and vegetables on the moon or even on Mars.Bringing farming indoors solves a number of problems.First,traditional farming takes up a lot of land.By the year 2050,the world population will grow by another three billion

13、.As populations grow,the land available for farming decreases.Governments are now wondering where we will grow the food for all these people.Despommier,an ecologist at Columbia University,and his colleagues say “vertical farming”growing crops in skyscrapers tens of stories highis the answer.Cities t

14、hat grow their own food also would become more selfreliant and no longer be at risk of natural disasters,weather instability(不稳定) or insect pests(害虫)“You can control everything indoors.You cant control anything outdoors.” Despommier says.Vertical farms dont exist yet.Their supporters say a welldesig

15、ned vertical farm could be selfreliant,able to recycle water,compost(将做成混合肥) crop waste,and use gases given off in the process to heat the building.Even the waste of the livestock(牲畜) living in the building could be recycled as a source of energy.But some believe making the move to vertical farming

16、will not be so easy.“I would say it is going to be tough,”says Gene Giacomelli,who heads up the Controlled Environment Agriculture Center at the University of Arizona in Tucson.It can be tricky to regulate climate conditions indoors,he says.Keeping the correct balance of humidity(湿度) can be especial

17、ly challenging and plants have different weather and lighting requirements.Tomatoes like warm,sunny weather,while greens like lettuce prefer cooler temperatures.And nearly all crop plants require lots of sunlight.Copying sunlight is challenging,but scientists are learning how to make artificial ligh

18、ts that produce the colors,or wavelengths,of light,especially red and blue,that crop plants need.Still,artificial,electric lights present their own challenges.Overhead lights are inefficient,but more efficient(高效能的) lighting systems are still too expensive for widespread use.Thats not to say these c

19、hallenges wont be overcome,but it will take time.Most experts suggest it would be anywhere between five and fifteen years before the first vertical farms could be created.5What does the passage mainly talk about?AThe ways to solve the food problem of the world.BA new farming technology“vertical farm

20、ing”CThe main problems “vertical farming” is facing.DThe advantages “vertical farming” will bring us.答案B解析主旨大意题。文章主要从垂直农业的优点、面临的问题、前景等几个方面展开叙述。所以此题答案为B项。C和D两项只谈及了垂直农业的某一个方面,不够全面。A项与文章无关。6To the future of “vertical farming”,the author is according to the passage.Adoubtful BpessimisticCoptimistic Dpro

21、ud答案C解析推理判断题。文章介绍了垂直农业的优点以及它所面临的一些技术难题。从文章最后一段中更能看出作者对于垂直农业前景持乐观态度:尽管困难很大,但并非不能被克服。假以时日,这些问题都能被一一解决。故应选C项。7Which of the following descriptions does NOT fit a welldesigned vertical farm?AThe water in it can be recycled and the crop waste can be composted.BWaste of the livestock can be recycled as a s

22、ource of energy.CThe buildings in which a vertical farm lies should look beautiful.DThe gases given off in the process can be used to heat the building.答案C解析细节理解题。在文章的第五段可找到A、B、D三个选项的依据。而C项文章并未提及,故此题答案应为C项。8The following are the benefits of “indoors farming”EXCEPT that .A“indoors farming”can help pe

23、ople to save a lot of landBcrops can be protected from the harm of natural disasterCcrops will be free from the damage caused by insect pestsD“indoors farming” can help people save a lot of money答案D解析细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段可知,尽管垂直农业所面临的一些问题可能会被解决,但文中举了灯光的例子用来说明解决这些问题需要大量的费用。所以垂直农业目前不但不能帮助人们节省钱,反而可能增加费用。故应选D

24、项。CA couple of years ago,in 2008,I got laid off from a decent job at a car dealer.I was with two children.Then I started collecting coupons(优惠券)It was like going back to my early days,when money was tight,and I clipped coupons to save money.Being a single mom is very difficult,especially,with a litt

25、le or an uncertain child to support.I wanted to do something where I would always have a job regardless of the economy.I have heard from many people that womens beauty salons are almost recession resistant(抗衰退),where women would continue to spend money to look and feel better.So I decided to give th

26、at a try and went to a beauty school for a few months.Luckily,I like that kind of work.Getting into this work actually enabled me to see the other side of things.I learned to give great customer service.Whatever things I complained about when I was a customer,I was able to look at those problems,and

27、 made sure they did not happen.Later I was promptly hired at a local beauty place.I am doing well,and making good money.The economy did cause our stores income to drop a little,but we didnt have to shut down.All of our coworkers agreed to take a small pay cut so we could stay in business.When the ec

28、onomy improves and people start spending again,I am sure our business will do even better.My message isdont get discouraged if you get laid off.Look around for other opportunities.God shuts one door but he opens another,you know.9Why did the writer begin to collect coupons?ATo save money.BTo take up

29、 a new hobby.CTo remember the old days.DTo give children as play things.答案A解析细节理解题。由首段中的“It was like going back to my early days,when money was tight,and I clipped coupons to save money.”可知答案。10The writer went to a beauty school because .Ashe was a woman of great beautyBshe liked to get a good educa

30、tionCshe wanted to spend money to look betterDthe womens beauty salon is an ideal field in recession答案D解析细节理解题。由第二段中的“I wanted to do something where I would always have a job regardless of the economy.”可知,作者生活拮据,且逢经济萧条,所以想找一份稳定的工作。11From Para.3,we can learn that the writer .Afeels a strong sense of

31、responsibilityBthinks it unwise to always complainChas an idea about how to judge customersDused to make complaints against bad service答案A解析推理判断题。由第三段中的“.I was able to look at those problems,and made sure they did not happen.”可知,作者是个责任感很强的人,对待顾客服务很到位。12The author writes this passage to .Aprove that

32、God is fairBinspire hope in the unemployedCattract more women to womens beauty salonsDshow that those who work hard win the world答案B解析写作意图题。由文章最后一段可推测出,作者讲述自己的故事,旨在燃起失业人们的希望之火。D The Cambridge Science Festival Curiosity Challenge Dare to Take the Curiosity Challenge!The Cambridge Science Festival (CSF) is pleased to inform you of the sixt

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