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1、常用词语的用法,以及一些常用的句型、句式。并且以考查常见的句型和句式居多。我们在命制这组题目的时候,考虑到中考的这些特点。第1、5小题主要考查学生的句型、句式掌握情况。第2、3小题主要考查last做动词的用法和like的用法。第4小题主要考查介词的用法。2012年的试题中,我们认为还会继续坚持考查常见的句型、句式。【答案解析】1 What; for 2 last for 3 to play 4 take; with 5 is; like 题目2 1 他们在用英语交谈。They, talk, in English, each other2 虽然他很贫穷,但他很诚实。Honest, poor, t

2、hough, he 3 为什么不请杨老师帮忙呢? Miss Yang, ask, help, not, why, our, for4 他5点才完成作业。Homework, five, finish, he, until, not5 会议10分钟以后开。Ten minutes, meeting, start, in 预测依据这一组题目与题目1不同。题目1中每一个空格对应一个单词,而本题只提供单词,要求大家根据学过的句型进行组织。这要求大家对于句型和句式的掌握非常的熟练。但是因为已经给出了主要的单词,难度并不大。我们认为2012年的试题中,这类试题出现的概率不是太大。1 They are talk

3、ing in English.2 He is honest though he is very poor.3 Why not ask Miss Yang for help?4 He didnt finish his homework until 5 oclock.5 The meeting will start in ten minutes.题目3 按照下面各题的汉语意思用英语完成句子,把答案写在横线上,词数不限。1. 明天我们要尽力打赢这场足球赛。 Tomorrow we will _ to win the football game.2. 教师走进来时,学生们停止了谈话。 When the

4、 teacher came in, the students _.3. 我们的国家变得越来越强大了。 Our country has become _.4. 他的画将于明天在我们学校展出。 His picture _ at our school tomorrow.5. 我花费了两个小时看完这本书。 It _ me two hours _ reading the novels.6. 见到你我很高兴。I _ to see you.7. 看上去她不舒服。She seems _well.8. 他也喜欢开妹妹的玩笑。He also likes to _ his younger sister.9. 我很难

5、算出这道题。It is hard for me to _ the problem.10. 你能确定他拿了第一名吗? _ he got the first prize? 预测依据这组题目与题目2又有所不同。本组题目句子形式非常明确,但是空白处的词数不限,难度较大。在本组题目中,题目1、8、9考查词组的用法。题目3考查比较级的用法。题目2、5、7考查单词的用法。根据主观性试题逐步增加的趋势,预计2012年的中考试题中将会出现这一题型的身影。 our best/try our best 2.stopped talking 3.stronger and stronger 4.will be o

6、n display 5.took, to finish 6. am happy/pleased 7. not to be 8. play jokes on 9. work out 10. Are you sure【解题关键】初中阶段主要句型的用法。1. Its time to (for) . 表“时间到了;该干的时间了”之意。 Its time to go home.s time for school.注意:to的后面接动词短语,而for的后面接名词。2. Its bad (good) for . 表示“对有害(有益)的”含义。 Please dont smoke. Its bad for y

7、our health. Please take more exercise. Its good for your health.3. be late for (school) 是“上学(迟到)”之意。for后面还可以接meeting或class。 He was late for school this morning. Dont be late for class, please.4. had better do / not do sth. 表示“最好做/不做某事”之意。 You had better put on the coat when you go out. Its cold outs

8、ide. We had better stop to have a rest. 注意:用had better时,后面一定要直接跟动词原形,决不能加to do sth. 否定一定用在第二个动词之前,是动词不定式的否定式。5. be (feel) afraid of . 表示“恐怕”,“害怕”之意。 He is afraid of snakes.Mary feels afraid of going out alone.6. enjoy doing sth. 是“喜欢(爱好)做某事”之意,doing是动名词作动词enjoy的宾语。enjoy有欣赏之意。 Are you enjoy living in

9、 Beijing? Do you enjoy listening to music?7. stop doing sth. 停止做某事 stop to do sth. 停下来做某事s time for class. Stop talking, please. When she saw me, she stopped to talk with me.8. Let (make) sb. do 让(使)某人做某事。 Lets go to school. Father made his son clean the room again.当make sb. do sth. 用于被动语态时,第二个动词前面就

10、一定要加to了。 His son was made to clean the room again. he was made to work twelve hours a day in the past.9. like to do / like doing sth. 是“喜欢做某事”之意。 like to do sth. 是表示比较具体的喜欢做某事;like doing sth. 是表示笼统的喜欢做某事。 I like to swim in the swimming pool. 我喜欢在游泳池中游泳。(喜欢的具体的地方游泳) I like swimming. 我喜欢游泳(只讲喜欢这项运动)10

11、. ask (tell) sb. to do. (not to do) sth. 请(让)某人(不)做某事 Jim asked his mother to help him with his lessons. When did you tell him not to shout loudly?11. give (lend) sb. sth. = give (lend) sth. to sb. 给(借给)某人某物 Mike gave me a new pair of stockings. Please lend us your car. 12. be busy doing sth. 表示“忙于做

12、某事”之意。 The students are busy getting ready for the exams. Is Mrs Black busy washing clothes?13. too . to . 表示“太以致不能”的含义。 She is too young to go to school. The old man was too tired to walk farther.14. notuntil 是“直才”之意。 My daughter didnt go to bed until 11 oclock last night. We wont have time to rest

13、 until the summer holiday comes.15. so that 是“如此以致”的意思。 Peter is so clever that all the teachers like him very much. The song is so wonderful that everyone likes to listen to it.16. neither nor 是“既不也不”之意。 Mr. Smith is neither a worker nor a soldier. He is a scientist. Neither you nor I am free. 17.

14、enough to do sth. 是“足以去做某事”之意。 She is old enough to go to school. Peter was tall enough to reach the apple.19. preferto 是“比起来,还是好,”“喜欢而不喜欢”之意。 I prefer English to maths = I like English better than maths He prefers playing football to playing basketball.20. not at all 是“根本不”之意。 I dont know Mr. King

15、at all. David doesnt like singing at all.21keep sb. doing sth. 是“使某人继续做某事”之意。 Mr. Wang didnt come to school on time. She kept me waiting for two hours.t keep your mother doing everything for you You should do it by yourself.22. keep sth. + adj. 是“保持某物处于某种状况”之意。 Please keep our classroom clean and ti

16、dy. That wool sweater kept her body warm enough.23. see sb. doing sth. 表示“看见某人正在做某事”之意。 When my brother passed the post office, he saw a little boy crying at the door. Did you see a car coming here ?24. see sb. do sth. 是“看见某人做了某事”之意。 That girl saw an old woman fall down on the road yesterday. Have y

17、ou seen the leaves drop into the river ?25. hear sb. doing sth. 是“听到某人正在做某事”之意。 Listen ! Can you hear someone singing on the hill? We heard him talking with Mr. Li loudly just now.26. hear sb. do sth. 表示“听见某人做了某事”之意。 He was often heard to sing in his room in the past. Why didnt you hear me come into

18、 the sitting room ?27. be used for doing sth. 是“被用来做某事”的意思。 Knives are used for cutting things. Teapot is used for keeping tea warm.28. Its three metres long / high/ wide. 它是三米长(高、宽)形容词要放在后面作后置定语。句型是It / 主语+ be +数词+米/公里+形容词。His father is one and seventy metres tall.That river is fifty metres wide.29

19、. Whats wrong with .? / Whats the problem with .?/ Whats the trouble with .?s the matter?表示“出了什么毛病?”“哪儿不舒服?”“怎么啦?”的含义。Whats wrong with your car?s wrong with you, little girl?s the matter with your watch?30. Would you like (to do) .? 是“你想要吗?”的意思。like后面可以接名词,词组或动词不定式。提出一种建议或邀请。Would you like some fish

20、? Would you like to go to the cinema with me?31. Will you please do sth? 是“你想要做吗?”Will you please say it more slowly? Will you please not open the window? I feel cold.32. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 是“做某事花费某人一段时间”之意。可以用于一般现在时,一般过去式和一般将来时态。It will take us two hours to go over all the words and

21、expressions. It took Mr Wang half an hour to clean the bedroom.33. Id like sb. to do sth. 是“我希望某人来做某事”之意。d like my friend to help me with my lessons. Hed like Jim to teach him how to use the computer.34. Theres sth. wrong with .是“某物/人出了问题”,“某物/人有了毛病”之意。There is something wrong the TV set. = Somethin

22、g is wrong with the TV set.There must be something wrong with the car. It doesnt move.35. I dont think that + clause 是“我想不会”“我认为不”之意。I dont think that any of the questions is difficult.We dont think he will have time tomorrow.36. What about .? 表示征求意见,询问消息,是“好不好?”“怎么样?”之意。What about some tea?What abo

23、ut your mother? Is she all right?37. Why not do .? 是表示建议,“为什么不?Why not have a rest? You have already worked for four hours. Why not come to play games with us? =Why dont you come to play games with us?38. What do you mean by .? 是“请问是什么意思?What do you mean by scientist, please?manager 可以说What is the m

24、eaning of ?或What does the mean?39. You like singing very much. So do I. 你非常喜欢唱歌。我也非常喜欢。 So do I. = I like singing very much, too. So在句型so + be (have,助动词或情态动词)+主语中有“也”,“同样”的意思,表示前面所说的情况,也适合于另一个人(或物)。He saw the accident, and so did I.She can ride a horse, and so can I.40. Its easy for him to learn Eng

25、lish well. 学好英语对他来说很容易。s + adj. + for sb. + to do sth. 是“对某人来说做某事怎么样”之意。It是代词作形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式(或短语),为避免句子头重脚轻而将主语放在了后面。It is dangerous for children to play in the street.It was easy for her to tidy her room just now.【真题荟萃】(一)根据中文补全句子【2011天津】五完成句子(本题共五小题,每小题2分,共10分)根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一次。 66. 我叫醒了大明,让他早

26、点起床。 I _ _ Daming and asked him to get up early. 67. 如果你想保持身体健康,就不要放弃锻炼。Dont _ _ exercise if you want to stay fit. 68. 我们究竟能为改善环境做些什么呢? What _ _ can we do to improve our environment? 69. 每年都有数以百万计的人观看莎士比亚的戏剧。 Shakespeares plays are seen by _ _ people every year. 70. 如果你对这个俱乐部感兴趣,请填写这张申请表。 If you are

27、 interested in this club, please _ _ this application form.答案:66. woke up 解析:注意用过去式。 67. give up 解析:固定搭配。Give up,放弃。 68. on earth 解析:固定搭配 on earth, 究竟 69. millions of 解析:注意用复数。 70. fill in 解析:固定搭配 fill in,填写。【2011湖北荆州】. 完成句子(共10分,每小题2分) 根据括号内的汉语和句末括号内的英语单词提示完成句子。61. I want (61) (参加) the singing competition. (take) 【答案】 to take part in【解析】w

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