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1、 D6. My clock doesnt _.Can you mend? A. use B. move C. walk D. w7. Your room looks dirty. Will you please _ it clean? A. take B. make C. let D. tidy 8. They _day evening. A. will come B. comes C. ag D. ca9. Which do you like _,tea,orange or water? A. good B. well C. best D. b10. If it _w,Ill go by c

2、ar. A. rain B. will rain C. rains D. would rain 11. When _ you _ to Australia? Next Monday. A. did,fly B. will,fly C. are,fly D. do,fly 12. Were moving to a dwn _. A. the day bday B. last Sunday C. the day aw D. a week ago 13. Which team _ the next football match? A. wins B. won C. will win D. w14.

3、Hld her _ in bed. A. notread B. nottoread C. dontread D. tonotread 15. Youdbetter _a by bus. A. dont go B. to go C. to go to D. g16. - Waa doctor? - _ aA. Any B C. Both D. N17. Are you _ your summer holiday next month? A. going to have B. will have C. had D. have 18. When class began,wd _acher caref

4、ullA. listening B. listen C. listens D. to l19. I_ to bed until my granny came ba A. didnt go B. went C. had gone D. have g20. She dances ban Mary _. A. is B. has C. does D. da21. Can you see_? A. what hes reading B. whaading C. what dad D. he reads what 22. A bird can _ but I cant. A. flies B. flyi

5、ng C. flew D. fly 23. Tuch _ than that one. A. straight B. straighter C. straightest Daig24. Look! T_ A. climb B. are climbing C. is climbing D. were climbing 25. Mary usually _ up at five oclock. A. will get B. got C. get D. g二. 完形填空 (共10分,每小题1分) 根据短文内容选择正确答案 Now machines are 26 used all over the w

6、orld. Why are maant and necessary(必要的) 27 us? Becauan 28 us do things faster and 29. A washing malps us to wash clothes. Ag machine(印刷机) helps ua lot of books,newspapers,magazine and many 30 things 31. Bicycles,cars,trains and planes are all maThey help us to travel faster than 32The computer is a w

7、onderful machine. It 33 not long ago. It 34(A) Salesman: $73.07,pleaPeter: What? ShowSalesman: HPeter: Look. T$17. Buays $27. You are right. Twrong. Peter: And wha$? Thats for tax(税). 36. The $_. A. tax B. bags C. jacket D37. When did Peter dg? A. On June 17. B. At noon. C. On June 25. D. At nig(B)

8、China haareas(经济区): eaa,central China,and wa. Shanxi,Gansu,Qinghai,Xinjiang,Ningxia,Sichuan,Chongqing,Yunnan,Guizhou and Tibet are in wa. It covers 5,385,700 square kilometres,making up 56.4%(国土) and230 millle. It is 23%as populaThe western areaal(矿产) and energy resources(能源) (water,coal,sun energy,

9、and wind power). It also has large grassland,ice and snow resources waiting to be developed. Iany wild animals and plants,and it gives us want medicinal resouTleaders have decided to develop the western area. Jiang Zemin said,“Without develwestern area,how can we modwhole country,and how can China b

10、ecome awer?” ,wPeoples Republa was founded,a to develop its waa will make its western area a long-term badevelopment and uudevelw38. Twa is _. A. as large as that of eaa B. as large as thaal China C. as large as that of eaa and central China D. the largareas 39. Do you know why we develop wa? A. Bec

11、aule of wa aB. Because it has 230 millle C. Because it makes up 56.4%D. Because we will modwhole cou40.Awer means _. A. a rich and strong couB. a large couC. a country with muulaD. a large country withoudevel41. Whabest advantage(优势) of Wa? A. IuB. Animals C. PlaD. Iwer 42. Whabest titlassage? A. Ch

12、ina-a large couB. Developing Wa C. Home to wild animals and plaD. Rich Wa (C) One day James came up to Dick and said,“Look,what Ive foundTrotters rubbish bin!” It was aawqu“Thats ouaper. Im su,” said James,“ ItTrotters handwriting.” “Yes,I” said Dick. “ Ill sell the pa$1 to our classmates.” said Jad

13、ays he went round the class and sold the “test paper”lassmates. James felt happy because he got $40. All the students were sure thaquwould baper. The quwere quite difficulad to work hard at preparingThe daxam caTrotter walkedla“H,”he said and then gave ouadear! It was daper that James had found. Nqu

14、wame. Nudents did well. James had to give allbalassmates. Evas never looked in teachersrubbish bins aga43. Who wquaper? A. Mr. Trotter. B. James. C. Dick. D. The headma44. Id,James got _lassmaA. $40 B. $1 D45. Wllowing was true? A. The quaper were quite eaB. James never soldalassmaC. TaTrotter gave

15、out was dames had found. Dudents did very wellxam. 46. The best titlassage is _. A. History Test B. A Lucky BC. A good way to ma D. The best way to pass an exam (D) le remembgs by writinglves. Tleavbvious(明显的) places,such aabllddllivingI donI like to wlI lglook at them until its too late. Iuse an al

16、arm clock(闹钟) to tell me what Iuld do. I have ten alarm cluse. They could tell me about things. For example,I have to make a telall at a certain time,Ill set an alarm clock to go off aw minutes early and put the clock blI want to watch a certain televgramme,Ill set an alarm clock agand put the clTV

17、set. I can remember almost anything if I use my clocks. However,an alalock gand I dont know what it means. I alwabg it,but not why IIf the clock is blI know I may havllall, but I cant be sure. I might havll myself that somebody was to call me at aale like to wlvaan _. A. leavbvious plaB. remember wh

18、at to do at a certaC. watch a certain prograD. make aall at a certa48. I dont like to wlf because _. A. they are easy to lget to look at B. I dont know wuC. my handwritingD. it givuch trouble 49. I often use _ to helber things. A. a notebook B. a compuC. telalls D. alarm cl50. Iassage,“go off” means

19、 _. A. start off B. gC. go away D. make a sudd四. 根据中文提示和图画,完成下面的电了邮件,每空不限填1词 假设你是Mary,你的朋友Rose想从北京到你居住的海滨市来旅游。下面是一张示意图和你给她发的E-mail (电子邮件),告诉她怎样到你家,并且告诉她每天都能步行到海滨玩。请把邮件补充完整。 Dear Rose, Im very glad you ag to vNow I will tell you how to g51. After you g52 aau can 53 a number 8 bugbin Road. The buau ca

20、n take a taxi(出租车) if you like. Thats much eaBy the way,its not very far54beach(海滨). So we can g55 every day. Iu will have a goodWBest wishes, Mary 五. 任务型阅读。下面是一个在中国工作的加拿大人的周末日程表,根据表格中提供的信息,用适当的词完成下面短文。语法和语义的使用要正确。每空只填一个单词,每空1分。 DateWeagAvening Saturdalean rooms; do some washingVds; go to a filmHave

21、 dinner wds Sunday Gark with Nancy;flowers; taBuy books; vPACE NET BARWatch a football match at home; take a bath and read a book before slI am Robert Fan engineer. Im a Canadian. Now I work in a beautifulaa. I like to be busy andake my weekends busy andg. Last week I realld myself very muaturdag, I

22、 got up at 9:00. It was a 56 day. After breakfast, I 575859and 606162. At about 11:30, I got aalldandI went to 6364in the aand we wa film. After that we had dinner 65. We talked a lot about our la. We all had a goodOn Sundag, I asked my girlfriend, Nagalowa teaa middle school. The sun was 6667,there

23、 were many peoplaures; some just sat undalking and laughing. We 68 69 70lowAfter lunch, we w71 and bougbooks, and then we visited the SPACENET BAR. There w-mails to our pa72.In the evening, Nancy walass and I wI watched a football match, but it wasnt vg. So I took a bath and went to bed 73a book at

24、about 9:40. I usually read some books before slAnother 74 and 75 weekend! 六. 看图写作 请根据海报内容,发个E-mail。(电子邮件)给John Brown,邀请他与你一起去观看比赛。要求:语句准确、流畅,内容要点完整,字迹清楚,卷面整洁。词数:4060个。邮件首句已给出(不计入总词数) 参考答案: 一. 15 CCCDD 610DBDCC 1115 BCCBD 1620 CADAC 2125 ADBBD 二. 26. C be widely used“被广泛使用”。 27. D bant and necessary

25、to sb. “对某人来说重要而且必须”。 28. Bcan后接动词原形。 29. Afaster and better “又快又好”。 30. Cmags “很多其他东西”。 31. Bquickly副词,“迅速地”。 32. A“步行”。 33. C 过去时态的被动语态结构。 34. Bnot only.but also “不仅而且”。 35. Das fast as表示同等级比较。 三. 36. A 37. C 38. D 由第一段中56.4%可知。 39. D 由第二、三段可知。 40. A 由第三段可知。 41. A 由第二段可知。 42. B 本文主要内容为“西部开发”。 43.

26、A 44. C 45. C 46. A 47. B 48. A 49. D 50. D 四. 52. train 53. take/catch 54. (away)from 五. / nice / lovely 57. cleaned 58. my /60. washed 61. my /62. clothes (or: 5. didwashing) 63. v65. togg 67. brightly / many 70. pictures /71. b/ b72. Canada 73. W74. Busy g 六. ble vTO: johnbrown yaFROM: d hotmailSUBJECT: A maHBrown,

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