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1、6. An old friend ofn加油 my sisters always helps my brother an加油nd withEnglin加油sh. A. I; our B. me; ourn加油selves C. I; my Dn加油. me; our7. When shall we go to the mn加油useum, this afternoon or tomorrow mornin加油ng? _ is OK. Im fren加油e these days. A. Both n加油 B. All C. En加油ither D. Neither8. Wow! n加油Youve

2、 got so many skirts But_n加油_ of them is in fashion nn加油ow Aall Bbon加油th Cneithern加油 Dnone9. Plean加油se give _ English book to her.A. n加油me B. I C. mine n加油 D. my10. Where is my notn加油ebook? I dont known加油. It isnt here. Maybe _n加油_ took it away by mistan加油ke. A. everybody B. n加油nobody C. anybody D. s

3、omebodn加油y11. _ are all college stn加油udents, so we can helpn加油 the old man solve the problem.n加油A. You, he and I B.n加油 He, you and I C. You, I ann加油d he D. I, he and yon加油u12. Look at those red bags. _n加油 are all for _.A. They; tn加油hey B. We; you C. Thn加油ey; us D. We; them13. Can you n加油take these a

4、pples to _n加油_? _ are all n加油in the box, too.A. yn加油our; Yours B. him; Him C. yours; n加油Her D. her; Yours14. n加油Could I talk to you for n加油_ minutes, Mike?Sorry,n加油 I have _ time.A. n加油a few; little B. littlen加油; few C. few; littlen加油 D. a little; a few15n加油. Who is singing in tn加油he classroom?_ mun

5、加油st be my sister. She likes singing.n加油A. It B. Shen加油 C. This D. He16. These swen加油aters are too small for me. Pn加油lease show me _ one.A. othen加油r B. others C. the on加油thers D. another17. Your English isn加油 very good. Who taught you?n加油Nobody. I taught _.A. me n加油B. him C. himself D. myself1n加油8.

6、I have two brothers. One is an加油 teacher, and _ is a doctor.n加油A. other B. the other n加油C. another D. the otn加油hers19. There is _ salt left, n加油so you need to buy some this afternoonn加油.A a few B. fen加油w C. a little D. n加油little20. Do you kn加油now everyone from Class One? Er, In加油 know some of _. A.

7、they n加油 B. their C. theirsn加油 D. them21. 一In some con加油untries, people eat witn加油h chopsticks, but in _ ,n加油 knives and forks.一You see. People n加油around the world have dn加油ifferent eating habitn加油s.A. others B. other n加油 C. another D. all22. Is tn加油his Kates bicycle?No,_ is under tn加油he tree. She p

8、ut it there this morning.n加油A. his B. hers C. mine D. yoursn加油23. Jessica used to be a manager atn加油 a big company, but sn加油he gave up _ job when shen加油 became a mother. A. she B. hers n加油C. her D. herself n加油24. I have a bad cold. _ is n加油why I didnt go to school.n加油A. This B. That n加油 C. These D.

9、It25. Ms. Wangn加油, Im afraid I cant fn加油inish the work in two days.Dont worn加油ry. Ill give you _n加油_ days.A. two anothern加油 B. two more C. more two D.n加油 two many26. I dont want to ben加油 _ else. I just want n加油to be _.A. anybody, n加油myself B. somebody, myself C. Even加油rybody, me D. anybody, me27. Di

10、d ann加油yone call me when I was out? Yesn加油. A man who called _ Tom.A. mysn加油elf B. himself n加油 C. herself D. yourselfn加油28.What about these two n加油coats, madam?_n加油_ of them fits me. Could you show me_n加油_ one?A. Either, othern加油 B. Neither, anotherC. Neither, en加油lse D. Either, another29. Mike n加油l

11、ost his school ID card thisn加油 morning. He is looking forn加油 now. n加油 A. it n加油 B. him C. thn加油em30.When shall we n加油go hiking again?Make it _n加油_ day you like. Its all the same ton加油 me. A. either B. any n加油 C. one 31.Mike has sn加油ome difficulty in finishing the tn加油ask by _. Could you help him?Non

12、加油 problem. A. him B. himself n加油 C. his 32. Your unn加油cle is very good at cooking! How did hn加油e learn it?He learned it by_n加油_.A. him B. himself C. her n加油D. herself33. Is this _n加油_ computer?Yes, its _. n加油My mother bought it for me. n加油 A. you; me B. your; my C.n加油 yours; mine D. youn加油r; mine 3

13、4. Is this iPad yoursn加油? Yes. My parents bought _ n加油for my language learning. n加油 A. one B. it C. other n加油 D. another35. Did youn加油 do the homework ?A. you n加油 B. yourself C.your n加油D. yours 36. 1 asked _ to n加油do _ schoolworn加油k by _.A. him .n加油his.himself B. n加油her. her. itselfC. her. hisn加油. m

14、yself D. himherherselfn加油37. Do you think accen加油ptable for a group of women to dance to n加油loud music on the square n加油near your house?A. it B. thn加油at C. this Dn加油. its38. Thanks for invitinn加油g _ to your food festival. We rean加油lly enjoyed ourselves.n加油A. we B. they Cn加油. them D. us39n加油.Who live

15、s together with youn加油r grandmother?_. She lives alon加油ne. I often go to see her.An加油. Nobody B. Somebody C. Anybody Dn加油. Everybody40. She is new here, n加油I dont know_ name.A.n加油 hers B. her Cn加油. she41.If you want to know something n加油about Miss Green, youd bettn加油er ask her_.A. yourself B. myn加油s

16、elf C. himself 42. Theren加油s in the city. Whn加油y not have a picnic n加油in the countryside?Greatn加油. Daweishan Mountains min加油ght be a good choice.A.interestinn加油g something B. nothin加油ng interesting C. anything intern加油esting 43.Is there anybody n加油who can lend me a hand?I am afn加油raid not. You know,

17、 you are supn加油posed to depend on .A.myself n加油 B. yourn加油self C. themsen加油lves44. Is this your sons swn加油eater?No, _ is on the chair behn加油ind the desk. A. hers B. yoursn加油 C. his 45. Which of the two sn加油ubjects do you like, P.E. or music?n加油_. They are really interesn加油ting.A. Neither B. Bothn加油

18、C. None 46.Whose book is this?n加油Kates name is on it, in加油t must belong to n加油 .A. hers B.n加油 she C. her47n加油. You can keep one of the old phon加油tos. of them.A. Neithen加油r B. n加油Both C. Eitn加油her48. 一I am plannin加油ng a trip to Lianyungang thn加油is summer. How is the weather there?n加油一Not so hot. Some

19、timen加油s _ is a bit coon加油l and wet.A. this B. that C. it n加油 D. one49. Who threw the emn加油pty bottles on the floor? In加油 dont know. Theyre not _.n加油 Ask Max, please.A. I B. n加油me C. my D. mine50. Lin加油nda and Kitty will go to Greenery Thn加油eme Park by _ next Sundan加油y.A. they B. them n加油 C. their D

20、. themselvn加油es51. Dad doesnt alwaysn加油 come to you. You have to fighn加油t and save _!A. yn加油ourself B. himself C. myn加油self D. herself52. He got up n加油to get some hot waten加油r but found there was _ left in n加油the bottle.A. a few B. few C. n加油a little D. little53. Doctor, whats wn加油rong with me?_ ser

21、ioun加油s. You have just got n加油a cold.A. Somethingn加油 B. Nothing C. Everything D. n加油Anything54. Jackie Chan won an Oscan加油r after _56-year-lonn加油g career in the film industrn加油y.A. he B. n加油his C. him n加油 D. himself55. Bryan will not want n加油to have _ to do with hon加油rses in the future.A. everything

22、 B.n加油 something C. anything D. nothing56.n加油 Do you know who taughn加油t _ Russian?Nobody. He n加油learned it by _. A. his; himsn加油elf B. him; him C. him; himselfn加油 D. his; him57.What else don加油 you need, sir?_n加油_ else. Ive got enough. Thanks.A. Non加油thing B. Anything C. Somethn加油ing D. Everything58.

23、 Im worrin加油ed about the talent show tomorrow.Ben加油 confident(自信的)! If yon加油u dont believe in yn加油ourself,_ will. A. nobody Bn加油. anybody C. everybodn加油y D. somebody59. n加油Pardon please. Whom n加油did you ask to finishn加油 the task?_. You have otn加油her things to do.A. They B. Tn加油hem C. Theirs D. Thems

24、elves60n加油. Did you enjoy _ in Chn加油engdu last week?一Yes, I had grean加油t fun there.A. myself n加油 B. yourself C. ourselves D. thn加油emselves61. Paul went to the bookstn加油ore with some friends of n加油 . A. he n加油 B. him C. hin加油mself D. his62.Do you plan to n加油watch a talent show or a spon加油rts show ton

25、ight? n加油 . I cant stand them. I plan to watn加油ch a sitcom. A. Neithn加油er B. Both C. Nonn加油e D. Either63. Can n加油I come today or tomorrow?_ in加油s OK. Im busy today and tomorrow.n加油A. Either B. Neithern加油 C. Each D. None64. Im a ln加油ittle hungry, mum!There are some appn加油le pies on the table, youn加油

26、may take _. A.n加油 it B. this n加油 C. that D. one65. Min加油ss Zhang teaches _English. She in加油s very strict. A. our B. we C. us n加油D. ours66. Would you lin加油ke some milk or coffee, sir? n加油 . Just a glass of water, please. n加油 A. Both B. Either n加油 C. Neither D. n加油None67. Believing in_n加油_ is a very i

27、mportann加油t rule for you to get along well wn加油ith others. A. myself B. himsen加油lf C. yourself68.What would you ln加油ike, coffee or tea?_ I just neen加油d some water.A. Both n加油 B. Either C. Neithen加油r D. All69. The key isnt _n加油_. It belongs n加油to _.A. her; Toms n加油 B. hers; Tom C. her;n加油 Tom D. hers; n加油Toms70. We Chinese people are proud n加油of _ country.An加油. we B. us C. our n

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