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1、所属主题: 知识产权2. 专利保护期限 - duration of patent right protection3. 专利申请 - patent application4. 域名保护 - Domain name protection5. 植物新品种 - New varieties of plants6. 无效宣告 - Declaration of invalidity7. 知识产权保护 - Protection of intellectual property rights8. 著作权 - Copyright9. 版权 - Copyright10. 邻接权 - Neighboring rig

2、ht11. 信息网络传播权 - Right of information dissemination via internet12. 计算机软件保护 - Computer software protection13. 专利实施许可 - Patent licensing14. 专利转让 - Patent assignment15. 商标评审 - Trademark review and adjudication16. 专利审查 - Patent examination17. 商标使用许可 - Trademark licensing18. 商标注册 - Trademark registration

3、19. 驰名商标 - Well-known trademarks20. 作品 - Works21. 职务发明 - Service invention22. 商标转让 - Transfer of trademark23. 外观设计 - Exterior design24. 案外人 - outsider 知识产权; 民事诉讼25. A与B构成实质性相似 - A and B are substantially similar to each other26. 傍名牌 - act of parasitic use of a famous brand name27. 办理(手续) - go throug

4、h (formalities)28. 版税率 - royalty rate29. 保藏单位 - depository institution30. 保藏证明 - receipt of deposit31. 保密审查 - confidentiality review32. 保密审查请求 - request for confidentiality review33. 保密专利权 - confidentiality patent right34. 保密专利权无效宣告 - declaration of invalidity of confidential patent35. 保密专利证书 - conf

5、identiality patent right36. 包装装潢印刷 - packaging and decoration printing37. 被代理人 - principal38. 被控侵权产品 - alleged infringing product39. 被侵权产品 - infringed product40. 被许可人 - licensee41. 被异议商标 - the trademark under the opposition42. 本国优先权 - Right of Priority for an Application Filed in China43. 本名 - real

6、name44. 便于识别 - be easily distinguishable45. 标志 - sign46. 标志核准使用的商品和服务项目 - goods and services for which the mark is approved to be used47. 标志性建筑物 - landmark building48. 别名 - variant name49. 避风港原则 - safe harbor principle50. 笔名 - pen name51. 秉公执法 - act impartially in law enforcement52. 并提交证明其商标驰名的有关材料

7、- accompanied by submission of the relevant materials evidencing the trademarks well-known status53. 并予注明 - accompanied with a clear indication54. 必要技术特征 - essential technical features55. 驳回复审 - reexamination of a rejected trademark56. 不成立 - be held untenable57. 不服商标局异议裁定的复审案件 - reexamination case i

8、nvolving dissatisfaction with a decision rendered by the Trademark Office on an opposition58. 不规范简化字 - non-standardized simplified characters59. 不属于著作权法规定的合理使用 - not be deemed as a fair use under the Copyright Law60. 不予受理 - not to accept61. 补正 - supplement and correct62. 仓单 - warehouse receipt 金融财会6

9、3. 产品模型 - model of product64. 产品配方 - product formula65. 产品样品 - sample of product66. 产生误认、混淆或者其他不良影响的 - create misidentification, confusion, or other ill effects67. 超出核准登记的商品或者服务范围使用特殊标志 - use of a special mark on the goods or services beyond the scope verified and approved for the registration of th

10、e mark 公司68. 撤回 - withdraw69. 诚实信用原则 - principle of good faith70. 陈述意见 - state opinions71. 创造性 - creativity72. 出版发行量 - amount of distribution73. 出版者 - publisher 74. 出版者号 - publisher identifier75. 初创性 - unprecedented76. 出借 - lend77. 出质人 - pledgor 78. 从属权利要求 - dependent claim79. 从整体上比对构成近似 - similar t

11、o each other when viewed from an overall perspective80. 存活证明 - viability proof81. 错字 - erroneously written word82. 代理人 - agent83. 单一性恢复费 - restoration fee for unity of invention84. 盗版产品 - pirated goods85. 倒卖 - resell86. 电子专利申请 - electronic patent application87. 抵触申请 - conflicting applications88. 地理标

12、志 - geographical indication89. 地域限制 - territorial restrictions90. 独创性 - originality 91. 对比文件 - reference documents92. 对等原则 - principle of reciprocity 93. 独家代理 - exclusive agency94. 独立法人资格 - independent legal person95. 独立权利要求 - independent claim96. 多视图 - multi-view drawings97. 独占使用许可 - exclusive lice

13、nse98. 二次文献 - secondary sources 99. 恶意 - malicious intent100. 恶意注册 - malicious registration101. 发明 - invention102. 发明创造 - invention and creation103. 发明人 - inventor 104. 发明专利证书 - invention patent certificate105. 放弃(专利权) - relinquish 106. 防伪标志 - anti-fake label107. 翻拍 - duplicate a photographic work10

14、8. 反向工程 - reverse engineering109. 非商标(非专利)产品 - generic products110. 非专利技术 - non-patent technology111. 非职务发明创造 - non-service inventions112. 分案申请 - divisional application113. 风俗习惯 - social mores114. 分销协议 - distribution agreement 115. 复审请求书 - request for reexamination116. 附图 - drawings 117. 附图标记 - refe

15、rence sign118. 服务商标 - service mark119. 服务商标被许可使用人 - the licensee(s) of a service mark120. 复制权 - right of reproduction121. 该商标中的图形 - the device contained in the trademark122. 高级职称 - senior title of technical post123. 个案审查原则 - principle of case by case examination124. 根据日常生活经验法则推定的事实 - facts presumed

16、on the basis of the laws of day-to-day living experience125. 个体工商户 - sole proprietor126. 公共领域 - public domain127. 公开出版物 - publications128. 公开评审 - public review and adjudication129. 公开日 - date of disclosure130. 公序良俗 - public order and customary practices131. 惯常设计 - common design132. 官方标志 - official s

17、ign133. 广告宣传材料 - advertising and promotional materials134. 关联程度 - association degree 135. 惯用手段 - customary means136. 国防专利机构 - patent department of national defense137. 国家安全 - national security138. 国际标准书号 - International Standard Book Number139. 国际标准化组织 - International Standard Organization (ISO)140.

18、 国际ISBN中心 - International ISBN Agency141. 国际阶段 - international phase142. 国家机关工作人员 - functionary of a State organ143. 国务院专利行政部门 - patent administration department under the State Council144. 合议组 - collegiate panel145. 核准变更商标注册人名义证明 - Certification for the Verification and Approval of the Name Change

19、to a Trademark Registrant146. 互惠原则 - principle of reciprocity147. 回避 - withdrawal from the case148. 恢复权利请求费 - application fee for resuming the priority149. 汇票 - bill of exchange150. 混淆的可能性 - likelihood of confusion 151. 鉴定 - authentification152. 鉴定结论 - authentification conclusion153. 检验印记 - hallmark

20、154. 校验码 - check digit155. 经济联合组织 - joint economic organization156. 经济效益 - economic benefit157. 禁止性规定 - Prohibitive Provisions158. 既判力 - res judicata 159. 技术成果 - technical achievement160. 技术单元 - technical units161. 技术方案 - technical solution162. 技术会议 - technological conference163. 技术监督部门 - technology

21、 supervision department164. 技术性能 - technical performance165. 技术内容 - technical contents166. 技术偏见 - technical prejudice167. 技术效果 - technical effects168. 技术要点 - technical points169. 计算机网络域名纠纷案件 - cases of disputes over computer network domain names 170. 集体商标 - collective mark171. 举证责任 - burden of proof

22、 172. 开拓性发明 - breakthrough invention173. 科技术语 - technical terminology174. 可视性标志 - visually perceptible sign175. 科学发现 - scientific discovery176. 口述作品 - oral work177. 口头审理 - oral proceedings178. 夸大宣传 - promotion in an exaggerated manner 179. 宽限费 - grace fee180. 宽展期 - grace period181. 滥用职权 - abuse of power 通用182. 连续性资源 - continuing

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