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1、 unit 2 friendship ii. translation 1. translate the sentences. 1)半个小时已经过去了,但末班车还没拉力。我们只好走回家(go by) half an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadnt come yet. we had to walk home. 2) 玛丽看上去对汉语考试很担心,因为她没有背熟课文。(learnby heart) 3) 既然篮球赛已经被推迟,我们不妨去参观博物馆(postpone)since the basketball match has been postpone

2、d, we might as well visit the museum. 4) 整个二次世界大战期间他一直和父母住在澳大利亚(all the time) 5) 自1985年从北京大学毕业至今,可以说我与我的大学同学失去了联系(kind of ,lose touch)since i graduated from nanjing university in 1985, i have kind of lost touch with my classmates. 2. translate the passage. it is not easy to keep in touch with friend

3、s far away. this is true in my case. it has been a couple of years since i left my old neighborhood and all the friends there. i have been meaning to write to them but things come up and i just dont seem to find the time. they are always on my mind, however, and i think i will certainly make an effo

4、rt to keep up correspondence withthem in the future. unit 3 ii translation 1)正如科学家预测的那样,全球污染成了人类面临的最严重的问题之一(global) as is predicted by scientists, global pollution has become one of the most serious problems humans are faced with. 2) 谋求这些职位的竞争很激烈今年的求职者(applicant)是去年的五倍(competition) competition for t

5、hese jobs is very tough we have five times as many applicants this year as we did last year/ there are five times as many applicants this year as there were last year. 3)正如事实表明的那样,教育大纲应当符合国家的经济发展计划。(fit into) as the facts show, educational programs need to fit into the national plan for economical d

6、evelopment. 4) 这辆汽车太费油(burn too much gas),而且价钱几乎是我想付的两倍(moreever) the car burns too much gas, and moreover, the price is almost twice as much as i intend to pay. 5)要了解一起重大的国际事件,我们首先需要考虑其历史与政治的背景(background) to understand a great international event, we, first of all, need to consider the historical

7、andpolitical background to it. 2. translate the passage it is hard to imagine how our forefathers could do without so many conveniences that modern technology has brought about. back then only a small proportion of the population enjoyed the comforts of life. the majority didnt even have sufficient

8、food, not to speak of/ let alone the privilege of being educated. however, many people blame modern technology for creating so many problems. they want to slow down the rate of progress. but no one can put the clock back. unit 4 iii translation 1) 据报道,联合国幹旋者(mediators)制定出了他们希望双方 都能接受的方案(work out) it

9、 is reported that un mediators have worked out a plan which they hope will be acceptable to both sides. 2) 多丽丝小心翼翼地在森林里行走,害怕遭到大蛇攻击(giant) doris walked in the forest cautiously, afraid of being attacked by giant snakes. 3) 地震,台风和其他自然灾害(disaster)无法阻止,但可采取 行动保护生命财产(property) earthquakes, typhoons and o

10、ther natural disasters cannot be【篇二:全新版大学英语综合教程1答案集】part ii language focus vocabulary . 1. respectable 2. agony 3. putdown 4. sequence 5. hold back 6. distribute 7. off and on 8. vivid 9. associate 10. finally 11. turn in 12. tackle 1. 2. 3.4. 5. 3. 1. reputation, rigid, to inspire 2. and tedious, w

11、hats more, out of date ideas 3. compose, career, avoid showing, hardly hold back . 1. composed 2. severe 3. agony 4. extraordinary 5. recall 6. command 7. was violating 8. anticipate . 1. at 2. for 3. of 4. with 5. as 6. about7. to 8. in, in 9. from 10. on/upon comprehensive exercises . cloze 1. hol

12、d back 2. tedious 3. scanned 4. recall 5. vivid 6. off and on 7. turn out/in 8. career 1. last 2. surprise 3. pulled 4. blowing 5. dressed6. scene 7. extraordinary 8. image 9. turn 10. excitement . translation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. i. vocabulary 1. fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box

13、. 1) absolutely 2) available 3) every now and then 4) are urging/ urged 5) destination 6) mostly 7) hangs out 8) right away【篇三:全新版大学英语阅读教程1课后答案】/p unit one 1.goodbye school key to the exercises i 1. b 2. d 3. d 4 d 5. c 6. a ii 1. fling 2. supercilious 3. zoom 4. trudge 5. hoist key to the reading-s

14、kill exercises paragraph 1: 1. b 2. d paragraph 2 1. d 2. a 2.the saturday evening post information related to the text i. 1. d 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. c 6. c ii . 1. she wants him to make something of himself and have an early start to his career . 2. he was afraid of the dogs that snarled behind the doo

15、rs of potential buyers . he was timid about ringing the doorbells of strangers , relieved when no one came to the door , and scared when someone did , and could not deliver an engaging sales pitch . 3. the battle to make him different from his father . 4. the well-written composition he wrote about

16、his summer vacation . 5. writers didnt have to have any gumption at all . 3. love the neighbor i . 1. t 2. f 3. t 4. t 5. t 6. f ii. 1.在我看来,美国的邻里关系正在变得不再融洽. 2.圣经里的戒律热爱你的邻居大概是一句拙劣的译文,它的本义必定是尊敬你的邻居. 3.邻居开始共同做的唯一的一件事是相互接近,只有进一步发展关系,才有足够的理由成为最好的朋友. 4.横跨在你们之间的车道,篱笆或栅栏并不真地就是一道冷漠的屏障,它们只不过是一条清晰的分界线. 5.邻里较之社

17、区更容易使人产生怀旧情绪,但社区也许是一个更好的构成单位. unit two 4.making friends in american culture i. 1. a 2. d 3. c 4. d 5. c 6. d ii. 1. because there is a language barrier , many chinese are hesitant to speak with strangers and they dont know what to talk to american about or how to keep the conversation moving . 2. hi

18、s class and major . 3. these questions help people participate in the conversation . 4. when the other person first gives his name himself . 5. communication . paragraph 1 : 1. c 2. a3. the important of this is that awareness of non-verbal messages can significantly influence the effectiveness of an

19、y communication . paragraph 2 : 1. a 2. but in the course of millions to billions of years , stars do evolve and age, and eventually they die . 5. my daughter , my friend i. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. d 5. c 6. d ii . 1. adolescence 2. stomp 3. snotty 4. torment 5. dwindle 6. hope in a bottle i . 1. c 2. d 3

20、. d 4. b 5. a 6. c ii . 1. 我和丈夫吉姆很快便与玛丽成为笔友,他俩是一对快乐的退休夫妇,经常定期周游世界. 2.我梦见了伯利兹葱翠茂盛的热带丛林,生长在伯利兹的美洲虎,成千上万的棕榈环绕的一座座珊瑚岛-它们星罗棋布地构成了世界上长度位居第二的暗礁屏障. 3.我喜欢那个国家的有些后裔源于英吉利和苏格兰海盗,他们曾藏身在那些将淡蓝色的加勒比海串连在一起的珊瑚岛上. 4.这种神经疾病不可预知,病情因人而已,大相径庭,任何情况都可能发生-从周身麻刺到肌肉僵硬,从双目失明到完全瘫痪. 这地方适合我疗养-周围是翡翠般的淡蓝色大海,在这儿,我平生第一次使用水下呼吸管潜游,海底宝藏一

21、览无遗:深邃庞大的洞穴,五颜六色,流光溢彩的鱼群,海马以及大批的鱿鱼. unit three 7. the fun they had i. 1. d 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. a ii. 1. 他们翻者发黄起皱的书页,读里面的文字真实有趣.这些文字本应该在显示屏上移动,而不是静止不动的. 2.我认为地理部分的进度调得有些太快. 3.汤米用非常高傲的(瞧不起的)眼神看着她. 4.但我母亲说,老师必须适应它教的每一个男孩和女孩的智力,而且必须对每个小孩采用不同的教学方法. 5.他吹着口哨离开了,腋下夹着那本沾满灰尘的旧书. exercises i . 1. d 2. c 3.

22、d 4. b 5.b 6. c 7. a 8. a 9. b 10. d 11. d 12. c 13. a 14. a exercises ii : 1. comparable 2. sensible 3. selfish 4. wisdom 5. classify 6. apologized 7. regardless 8. slightly 9. agreement 10. kindness 8. todays teehnology could seem goofy tomorrow i . 1. f 2. t 3. f 4. t 5. t 6. f ii. 1.一些生机勃勃的公司潜心地

23、研究着当时热门而现在看起来过时而又古怪的技术.找到这些公司曾经发来的信函特别有趣. 2.这就是生活中我们不得不忍受的事情之一,何况我们也不知道有什么更好些的事,就好象19世纪人们对马在都市大街上发出啪啪声无可奈何一样. 3.对,我们的后代可能会说:很久以前,在那技术落后的黑暗世纪里,一些很大的公司制造了这些接收性能糟糕,莫名其妙地掉钱,只能用声音交流,而且常常导致汽车交通事故的装置. 4.毫无疑问,到2061年,技术专家们已经完善了像纸张一样的书页.这种书页含有能像电脑显示屏一样变化的电子墨水. 5.现有的概念-商品首先由工厂生产,再运到几千英里之外,然后放到商场货架上希望有人购买-今后似乎会

24、被人认为是毫无希望的浪费时间和精力. 9.a short biography of the long life of benjamin franklin i. 1.b 2. c 3. c 4. d 5. c 6. d ii. 1.he didnt get along well with his older brother . 2. he would have been killed . 3. because the other colonies and the british rulers objected it . 4. the importance of being united . 5.

25、 he designed the great compromise that established the congress . unit four 10.are you trying real hard i. 1.d 2.a 3.c 4.c 5.c 6.d ii.1.洪水就在我们后面追赶,我母亲紧紧抓住我的手,以致于我以为会被拉断. 2.抱着对人生不变的希望和乐观,她很小就移居阿肯色城.在那儿她给家人做佣人并活跃在当地教堂和服务机构里. 3.除此以外,她还具备一个见识广,受过磨难,不畏将来的人所特有的尊严. 4.邻居们对她说,为一个决不会成器的孩子做出这么多的牺牲简直是发疯. 5.她说:如果我们有勇气去相信,有能力去拼搏,胜利一定属于我们. exercises i:1.c 2.b 3.b 4.c 5.c 6.b 7.c 8.c 9.c 10.b 11.c 12.b 13.c 14.b 15.c exercises ii: 1.medicare 2.overnight 4.telesat 5.motel 6.heliport 7.sandpaper 8.paratroops 9.sunset 10.deadline 11.jim lovell:an astronauts story k

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