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1、届中考英语阅读题总复习教案32012届中考英语阅读题总复习教案3 2012届中考英语阅读题总复习教案366 (a) sientist 67 He/Bill (first ) started t pla n puters/ starting t pla n puters 68 (The nae f the sftare prgrae is) Basi/ BASI 69 The thught the puter uld e int ever ffie and ever he sn 70 irsft bees ne f the st suessful panies (Bill Gates als b

2、ees) ne f the rihest businessen in the rld 任务型阅读第三类(9)自:广东河请阅读下面有关希望工程帮助失学儿童的报道,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。Alst ever hild in ities has the hane t g t shl, but nt all hildren in the untrside are s luilThere is a girl alled Xia uan She is ten ears ld and lives in a sall village hen she as seven, she anted t g t s

3、hl But she uld nt, beause her fail as t pr t affrd the shl fees(学费) fr her, s her parents had t eep her at he Instead f studing, Xia uan led after her brther and red in the fields ever da Then Hpe Pret heard abut Xia uan It agreed t help Xia uan t g t shl Her ish f stud ae true, and n she is studing

4、 in a shlUnluil, there are an thusands f hildren h an nt g t shl u an in in Hpe Pret and help these hildren u n all the gd r needs ne Hpe Pret needs ur helpIf u give Hpe Pret ¥300 eah ear, it an pa fr ne hild t g shl fr a hle ear ith re ne, Hpe Pret an build ne shls, bu gd dess, hairs, blabards and

5、bs Lets help the hildren tgether and give the a hane t have a gd start in lifeInfratin ardThe girls nae(81)_Her age(82)_The plae here she livesIn a (83)_The reasn she uldnt g t shlHer parents uldnt affrd (84)_h helped the girl t g t shl?(8)_ 答案:81 Xia uan 82 ten ears ld 83 sall village 84 the shl fe

6、es 8 Hpe Pret任务型阅读第三类(10)自:广东茂名阅读下面的短,并根据短内容,将本框中的大 意补充完整,每个空格只准填一个单词A grup f fifteen-ear-lds at Sunshine Shl are hlding a harit sale t raise ne t help their lassate Lisa Lisa had erebral pals(大脑性瘫痪)hen she as a bab Althugh Lisa has t use a heelhair t help her get arund, she never gives up And she i

7、s alas read t help thers、Lisa has the hane f standing up, but she needs an peratin(手术)hih ill st lts f ne” Lisas dtr said“I never thught that I uld stand up ne da Atuall the nes is surprising fr e Hever, hen I see parents are rried abut the st f the peratin, I a sad I a used t life I dnt ind even if

8、 I ant stand up,” Lisa said, “N ra lassates and se ther ind peple are helping e I a reall thanful If I std up ne da, I uld tr best t help re peple”“hile helping Lisa, e an als learn a lt e have learned h t ies and h t sell the,” Bett, ne f Lisas lassates said “N e n aing ne is nt eas, s e nt aste ne

9、 anre”Alex, a b in Lisas lass, tld a reprter that the uld raise abut $100 ever da “e have raised abut $2,100 s far e hpe e ill raise re ne fr Lisas peratin,” said heLisa is a fifteen-ear-ld girl ith erebra pals She ant stand up and has t get arund in a heelhair If she is 86an peratin, she a be able

10、t stand up Bui her 87have truble affrding the peratin Se ind peple give her a hand and Lisas 88deided t raise net help her b selling he-ade ies After abut three 89the have raised abut $2,100 fr Lisas peratin Lisa is ver thanful And she is ver lu beause s an peple are helping 90答案:86 given 87 parents

11、 88 lassates 89 ees 90 her任务型阅读第三类(11)自: 贵州贵阳 阅读短,捕捉信息,根据短内容完成表格,并将答案填写在答题卡指定的位置。A ne stud suggests that the re teenagers ath televisin, the re liel the are t develp depressin (抑郁症) as ung adultsThe researhers used a natinal lng-ter surve f health ung teenagers f abut 1316 t find ut the relatinship

12、beteen edia(媒体) use and depressin The based their findings n re than 4000 ung teenagers h ere nt depressed hen the surve began in 199As part f the surve, the ung peple ere ased h an hurs f televisin r vides the athed dail The ere als ased h ften the plaed puter gaes and listened t the radi Here as t

13、he result The ung peple spent five and a half hurs a da using edia and re than 2 hurs f that as spent athing TVSeven ears later, in 2001, re than 7% f the ung peple had signs f depressin The average age at that tie as 21 Brian Pria at the Universit f Pittsburgh edial shl as the lead authr f the ne s

14、tud He sas ever extra hur f televisin eant an 8% inrease in the hanes f develping signs f depressinThe researhers sa the did nt find an suh relatinship ith the use f ther edia suh as vies, vide gaes r radi But the stud did find that ung en ere re liel than ung en t develp depressin given the sae aun

15、t f edia useDtr Pria sas the stud did nt find ut if athing TV auses depressin diretl But ne pssibilit, he sas, is that it a tae tie aa fr ativities that uld help prevent depressin, lie sprts and sial ativities It ight als prevent a persn fr sleeping ell, he sas, and that uld have an influeneThe stud

16、 as ust published in the Arhives f General PshiatrIn Deeber, the urnal Sial Indiatrs Researh published a stud f ativities that help lead t happ lives Researhers fr the Universit f arland fund that peple h desribe theselves as happ spend less tie athing televisin than unhapp peple The stud fund that

17、happ peple are re liel t be siall ative, t read, attend sial servies and t vtePress f the studDetailsThe purpse f the researhT find ut 96 beteen edia use and depressinAt the beginning f the researh 97 as ade ang ver 4000 ung peple h ere nt depressedThe result f the surveThese ung peple spent five an

18、d a half hurs a da in using edia and the spent ver 2 hurs r that 98 Seven ears laterResearhers fund 7% f the ung peple had a sign f depressin Ever extra hur f athing TV eant an 8% inrease in the hanes f develping signs f depressinResults f the stud1 athing TV ight have 99 and it a tae tie aa fr ativ

19、ities and sprts 2 ung en get re hane than ung en t develp depressin 3 The reasn se peple get depressin is that 100 答案:96relatinship 97 A surve 98athing TV 99 help prevent depressin 100 the spend re tie athing televisin任务型阅读第三类(12)自:贵州贵阳 阅读短,根据短内容完成后的句子,并将答案填写在答题卡指定的位置。Asing fr infratin r help is a v

20、er n and neessar ativit, espeiall hen e visit a freign untr S ning h t as fr infratin plitel is iprtant In English, “here are the restrs?” and “uld u please tell e here the restrs are?” are siilar requestsbth are rret English, but the first uld sund rude Its iprtant t use rret language, but seties t

21、his alne is nt enughe need t learn h t be plite hen e ae requestsIn English, ust lie in hinese, e hange the a e spea hen taling ith different peple The expressins u use ight depend n h u are speaing t r h ell u n the If u sa t ur teaher, “here is b?” this ill sund rude But if u sa, “Exuse e, r est D

22、 u n here b is?” ur questin ill sund uh re plite n the ther hand, it ight be alright t sa “here is b?” in se situatins, perhaps ith peple u n ellAnd u uld nt usuall sa, “Peter, lend e ur pen “ A ver diret rder lie this an sund rude in English Usuall in English plite questins are lnger and inlude ext

23、ra language, suh as “uld u please?” r “an I as?” It sunds re plite t sa, “Peter, uld u please lend e ur pen?” Seties e ight even need t spend se tie leading in t a questin r request Fr exaple, if u stp a stranger in the street, e ight first sa, “Exuse e I nder if u an help e “ r “I srr t truble u bu

24、t,” befre asing the fr helpIt ight see that speaing plitel is re diffiult than being diret, and in a a this a be true Hever, in rder nt t ffend peple, learning abut the language etiquette is ust as iprtant as learning graar r vabular And ding this ill als help u bee better at English, r an ther lang

25、uage u ish t spea101 Its iprtant t n h t_ _in English hen e visit a freign untr102 hen u tal ith different peple, u need t_ _103 Extra rds are used t help_ _104_ _is as iprtant as learning language struture10 H d u sa “ Dnt se here “ plitel? “_ _*答案:101as fr infratin plitel 102hange the a u spea103a

26、e language re plitel104Learning abut language etiquette 10uld u ind nt se here?/uld u please nt se here?任务型阅读第三类(13)自:江苏盐城阅读下面短,根据短内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。e all need a health envirnent, but e prdue aste ever da and it des har t ur envirnent Thugh e are ung, e an still d sething t help In fat, even the sipl

27、est everda ativities an ae a real differene t the envirnent Here are se ideas fr u t live a green lifeReeber these three rds: redue, reuse and releRedue eans “use less” Dnt aste things This saves ne and redues pllutin and aste ging int the envirnent Befre e bu sething ne, thin if it is reall neessar

28、 r abe the ld ne ill be ust as gd! hen e d bu things, hse lal prduts if pssible, and tr nt t bu t an things fr abradReuse eans “use again” Use things fr as lng as pssible hen e bu things, ae sure that the last a lng tie e shuld tae are f the s that the ill last, and e shuld repair the if e an instea

29、d f thring the aa and buing ne nes Dnt use a paper up r a paper bag Its better t use a hina up and a lunh bx beause u an use the againRele eans “hange things int sething else” Althugh it taes energ t hange sething int sething else, its better than thring things aa r burning the Find ut hat an be rel

30、ed in ur neighburhd and tae part in reling prgraes e shuld als bu prduts ade fr reled aterials, suh as reled paper, t help save treesTitle: 46 t Live a Green Lifee prdue aste ever da and it is 47 t us e an d sething t helpIdeasDs DntsT 48 Use less * Tr t save sething* Dnt bu t an things fr freign 49

31、 T reuseUse 0 * Use things fr as lng as pssible* Bu things that last lng* Tae are f things r 1 the ld things* Dnt use 2 ups r bagsT relehange things int sething 3 *in in reling prgraes*Bu 4 ade fr reled aterials * Dnt thingsaa r burn the答案:46 H 47 harful 48 redue 49 untries 0 again 1 repair 2 paper

32、3 else 4 prduts/things thr 任务型阅读第三类(14)自:广西北海 Se birthda usts are quite siilar in an parts f the rld- birthda andles(蜡烛), birthda gaes,and birthda aes But se usts are re speifi t ertain untries Here are se hildren taling abut their usts Linda-I a furteen I e fr Aruba In ur untr, hildren tae sething speial t shl fr their lassates and all teahers Eah teaher gives the birthda hild a sall gift lie a penil, an eraser r a ps

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