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Unit7 Would you mind turning down the musicWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、1. -Would you mind cleaning your room? 你介意打扫一下你的房间吗? -Im sorry. Ill do it right away. 对不起,我马上就干。2. -Would you mind moving your car? 你介意挪一下你的车吗?No, not at all. 不,不介意3. Could you please feed my little dog when Im taking a holiday? 我度假时,你能喂一下我的小狗吗?4. Shall we help the elderly clean the yard? 我们帮老人打扫一下院

2、子好吗?5. Lets make some rules to protect wild animals. 我们来定一些制度保护野生动物吧。6. Why dont you go there by plane? 你为什么不乘飞机去那儿呢?7. Why not give him a funny book as a present? 为什么不给他一本有趣的书当作礼物呢?8. Youd better take a good care of yourself. 你最好能照顾好自己。9. Would you like to take part in the training camp? 你愿意参加训练营吗?

3、10. Do I have to wash the dishes after dinner? 饭后我必须洗盘子吗?精讲巧练1. - Would you mind turning down the music? - Not at all. 句型would you mind doing? 常用于表示请求,“请你做好吗?”,否定形式在doing 前加not,意为“请你不要做你介意吗?” Would you mind lending me the book? Would you mind not singing here? mind 还可用作名词,“智力、头脑、想法、意见” He has a quic

4、k mind. 回答时,如果表示不介意,则用Certainly not/ Of course/ Not at all; 如果表示介意,则用Sorry/ Im sorry等,然后陈述理由 -Would you mind not keeping the door open? -Sorry, I feel hot not at all 可表示“不客气”,是对别人的道谢、道歉的回答。相当于Thats all right./Youre welcome. /Its a pleasure. / Never mind. / Thats nothing.等 - Would you mind going to s

5、chool with me? - No, not at all. 不,当然不介意。 - Im sorry to have troubled you. Not at all. 哪里的话,别客气。 notat all “根本不”,用于句中,not 常与be 动词或助动词构成否定句。 My father doesnt like milk at all. turn down/ up 与 turn on/ off turn down/ up 关小,调低/ 开大,调大(自来水、无线电等),强调开与关的程度 turn on 打开,旋开(电灯、自来水、无线电等) turn off 关闭(电源、水源、煤气等)2

6、. The pen you bought didnt work. you bought 为定语从句,修饰前面的名词pen.定语从句一般由关系词引导。当先行词表物时,关系代词常用that 或which.关系代词在从句中作宾语时,可以省略。 The book (that/ which) I borrowed yesterday is very interesting. work 可以表示机器、工具等发挥其功能,意为“运转;工作”,sth doesnt/didnt work “某物出故障了/ 坏了。相当于There is / was something wrong with sth. My watc

7、h doesnt work. = Theres something wrong with my watch. work 还可表示“起作用, 有效” Do you think his suggestion will work?随时练Id like to tell you the table manners_ you should know when you visit Korea. A. which B. who C, what3. If you finish these tasks, we can go to a movie tonight. task 可数名词 “工作,任务,作业”辨析:wo

8、rk , job 与 task work: 工作,职业 不可数名词 (指为完成某事或达到某种目的而付出的脑力或体力劳动) job 职业,工作,事 可数名词 (需要做的具体的工作、职业) task 任务,工作,作业 可数名词 (指他人所分配、布置或强加的工作或任务) Kates father is out of _. A. a work B. a job C. a task D. works out of a job = out of work task 无此用法4. ordered a hamburger with French fries, but only got a hamburger.

9、 order 及物动词,“点菜,订购”其后可接双宾语,即 order sb. sth = order sth for sb I want to order you a suit. order 作动词,“命令,指挥,要求” The police ordered them to wait right there. order 作名词时,“顺序,次序”“命令”或“点菜” Please put these sentences in the correct order.order 与 book二者均有“订购,订”之意。当表示“订票、定出租车或房间”时二者可互换。说到“订旅桌位、座位”常用book 当表示

10、“订(点)菜、订购”时通常用order.Book a table for two. Ive ordered a beer for you.Would you mind giving me a smaller one?你介意给我一个小一点的吗?点拨本句中的one是代词,代替前面提到的名词shirt,以避免重复,其复数形式是ones。我们常用 “a / an+形容词比较级+one”来表示 “一个较的”。-We spent all our money because we stayed at the most expensive hotel in town.-Why didnt you stay a

11、t _ one.A. a cheap B. a cheaper C. the cheap D. the cheaper2. Perhaps in the future I should try not to be so polite.点拨1in the future 在将来I think every family will have robots in the future.我认为每个家庭将来都会拥有机器人。点拨2try to do sth. 设法做某事;尽量做某事。否定形式为try not to do sth.。We should try to stay with our family on

12、 holidays. Ill try to learn English well. Hell try not to be late later. try doing sth. “试着做某事“ The bird tried flying but at last it failed.You should _translate every word in the article.A. dont try to B. try notC. not try D. try not to9. You must be excited to be in a new house. 句中must 为情态动词,表示肯定推

13、测,表示否定推测应用cant. 例如: That cant be Jim. I saw him playing on the playground just now. must 还可表示“禁止,不许”强调主观看法,否定形式mustnt, 意为”禁止,不许” 以 must 开头的一般疑问句,其否定回答要用neednt或dont have to, 意为“不必” - Must I do homework now? - No, you neednt. You may do it after dinner.10. Even if you are with your friends, it is bett

14、er to keep your voice down in public places. even if “即使;尽管”与even though 同义,用来引导让步状语从句 Even if / though the skirt is a bit expensive, Ill take it. Its better to do sth 最好做某事 相当于Its best to do sth Its better/ best to read books at home on rainy days.11. In fact, we should also take care not to cough

15、or sneeze loudly in public. take care to do sth “当心做某事” 否定形式 take not to do sth “当心不要做某事” Take care not to wake the baby up. take care “注意;当心;留心”, 可单独成句,后面也可接that 从句 Take care that you do not make yourself ill. take care of = look after “照顾,照料” 后面接表示人或事物的名词或代词作宾语。 Please take care of / look after my

16、 house when I am away.12. dropping litter is almost never allowed. be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事 Students are not allowed to laugh or talk in class. allow sb. to do sth 允许某人干某事 My father allows me to play computer games on weekends. allow doing sth 允许做某事 They dont allow smoking on the bus. 辨析 almost 与

17、 nearly 共同点:almost 所表示的意思比nearly 语气更强,当和动词、副词、形容词连用时,二者可以互换;在修饰 all, every, always 时也可以互换。 不同点:almost 修饰全否词 no, none, nothing, never nearly 修饰notShe nearly didnt hear what he said. Almost nobody saw it.3. I get annoyed when classmates borrow my eraser and dont return it.当同学借了我的橡皮不归还时,我变得很气恼。点拨1 get

18、annoyed 变得气恼例如:Linda always gets annoyed when someone calls her nick name.当有人叫琳达的绰号时,琳达总是变得很生气。I got annoyed when I saw him late again last class.当我在上节课看见他又迟到时,我变得很气恼。点拨2 annoy 作动词时,“使烦恼;使生气”,后面常接人作宾语。 The noise is annoying me. annoyed 作形容词,“生气的,恼怒的” be / get annoyed with sb.= be/ get angry with sb.

19、 “生某人的气” be / get annoyed at/ for /about sth. = be angry at sth. “因某事而生气” Im not annoyed at such a thing. annoying 作形容词,“令人烦恼的;令人生气的”修饰说明物。 What do people do when annoying things happen?【拓展】annoy 和bother两者都含有“使恼怒”或“使烦恼”的意思。(1)annoy指由于干扰、不顺利或受不了某种外界情况等而“使烦恼,懊恼”。 例如:I was annoyed by his bad manners. 他

20、的无礼使我恼怒。(2)bother指不停地“扰乱,麻烦”,使人不能安宁,而产生烦恼的心理。Pardon me for bothering you with such a small matter. 请原谅我为这点小事麻烦你。【考例1】1. What_you yesterday? A.annoyed B.were annoyed C.annoied D.annoys2. When someone cut in line, other people will_. A. annoy B. be annoy C. get annoyed D. annoyed6. You barber gave you

21、 a terrible haircut. haircut 名词,表示“理发,发型” give sb. a haircut “给某人理发“ have ones hair cut “去理发” 属于have sth. done 结构 I will have my hair cut tomorrow.4. Would you mind turning on the TV? 你不介意打开电视吧?Would you mind + doing sth.? 你不介意做吧?Would you mind opening the window? 你不介意打开窗户吧?turn down 关小,调低;turn up 开

22、大,调高。Will you please turn down the radio? Its too noisy in the room.请问你能把收音机调低一些吗?屋子里太吵了。随时练Would you mind _the new words for me?Acopy Bcopying Cto copy DcopiedThe TV is too loud. Could you please _?A. turn it down B. turn down itC. turning it downD. turning down it5. Would you mind not wearing thos

23、e old jeans?你可以不穿那条旧牛仔裤吗?jeans 牛仔裤I like jeans very much, so I bought myself many.我很喜欢牛仔裤,因此给自己买了许多条。wear 与 have on “穿着,戴着”,相当于及物动词。用衣物作宾语。强调状态;have on不用于进行时态。in prep. “穿着,戴着”,以衣服或表示颜色的名词作宾语。put on “穿上,戴上”,强调动作。She often wears/has on white shoes. 她经常穿白鞋。The young boy is in blue. 那个小男孩穿着蓝色衣服。The teac

24、her put on a yellow coat and left. 老师穿上一件黄色上衣离开了。【考例】I dont like_jeans at all.A. this B. these C. these pair of D. this pairs of6. Would you mind getting out of the bathroom?你可以从浴室里出来吗?get out of 从出来例如:She tried to get out of the dark forest.她尽力走出了那片黑森林。 The police got the truth out of her.警察迫使她说出了真

25、相。get out of还有下列意思:避免,摆脱;放弃;使说出;获得,得到;退休I will not buy that refrigerator because I have _ money.A. got out of B. taken out ofC. looked out ofD. run out of7. Could you please do the cooking? 请问你能做饭吗?Could you please+动词原形? 表示一种有礼貌的请求。我们也可以说:你能吗?Could you please tidy the room?你能把房间整理一下吗?Will you please

26、 call back after 5:00?你能在5:00以后再打过来吗?Could you please not do sth.? 一种委婉的提出请求的方式:“请问你能不做某事吗?Could you please not follow me around? 请问你能不跟着我吗?Could you please not turn on the TV? Im doing my homework.请问你能不打开电视吗?我正在做作业。- Would you please pass me some salt?-_.A. No, not at all B. Thank youC. No problem

27、D. Its impossible8. I dont like waiting in line when a shop assistant has a long telephone conversation.当售货员打起电话没完的时候,我不愿排队等候。wait in line 排队等候We should wait in line when we are waiting for a bus.等公共汽车时我们应该排队等候。 Theyre waiting in line to buy tickets for the new movie.他们在排队等候买新影片的票。随时练When we get on t

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