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1、江苏仪征第四中学1819学度度初三第二次检测英语江苏仪征第四中学18-19学度度初三第二次(12月)检测-英语 一、单项填空 (本大题共15分,每小题1分)1. Last month Shirley advised her father to buy her brother _MP4 as a birthday present. _ useful advice it was!A. a; How B. an ; What a C. an ; What D./ ; How an2. -I went to your place to visit your parents at 8:00 p.m. y

2、esterday, but _ was in. -Oh, _ of us were enjoying a wonderful concert at that moment. A. Nobody; both B. No one; all C. None; none D. Nobody ; each3. I feel _ necessary to accept his advice because its of great _ to me. A. its, valuable B. that, value C. this, valuable D. it, value 4. Mr. Ma _ in A

3、merica, but now hes _ Chinese food since he moved to Yangzhou. . A. used to live; been used to eating B. used to live; used to eatingC. is used to living; used to eating D. used to living; used to eat5. Please dont stand up in class _ you _. A. until, are told to B. when, are told C. after, were tol

4、d D. before, were told to 6. Its a little selfish _ the little girl _share her toys with the other kids. A. for, not to B. of, to C. for, to D. of, not to 7. I really dont know _. Can you give me some advice? A. where to travel to B. how to solve C. what to do it D. who to talk to 8. -How much is th

5、is colorful printer _? - Im not sure. Maybe it is very expensive. A. spent B. taken C. cost D. worth 9. He had _ that he wasnt fit for this job. What a pity! A. such a little education B. such little education C. so little education D. so a little education10. Detective Konan is a famous character i

6、n Japanese .A. comedies B. documentaries C. chat show D. cartoons11. By the time I got to the cinema, the film already .A. has, begun B. has, been on C. had, been begun D. had , begun 12. -How about going hiking this weekend? -Sorry, I prefer _ to _. A. to stay at home, go out B. going out, staying

7、at home C. staying at home, going out D. to go out, stay at home.13.-What is she _ her neighbour? - Sorry, I dont know. A. quarreled with B. quarreling with C. quarreled about with D. quarreling about with14. Sorry, I made a mistake again._. Practice more and you will succeed.A. Thats right B. Thats

8、 all right. C. OK. D. Its a pleasure. 15. - Thank you for your coffee . Im afraid I have to go now. -Ok. _. A. Go slowly B. All right. C. Sounds great D. See you.二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)One day before my final exam, my dad gave me a gift. It completely changed my life. On that day I had a _16_with m

9、y friends and it was a difficult time with my studies. I was upset and it was difficult to study. Then I noticed the gift. I _17_it and saw a DVD inside. Its name was THE SECRET. However ,I was in no mood to _18_it.I sat down to study ,but the _19_in my life-the quarrel, the sleepless nights and my

10、poor health_20_ came to my mind. I wanted an answer but I wondered _21_there was any. Just then, I saw the DVD again. Maybe it would be_22_. I _23_ my DVD player. I had no words to describe the feelings I experienced _24_watching it. The moving(动人的)stories of human beings made me so moved that I wou

11、ldnt _25_any of them.Thanks to my fathers gift THE SECRET, I discovered _26_. Everybody has _27_ in their lives. The important thing is that you should be _28_enough to face them. Now I have started _29_my studies and my friends. And Im in good health, too. I often hear people say, Wow!_30_perfect l

12、ife you have!”16. A.trip B. party C. talk D. quarrel17.A.opened B. kept C. moved D. B. play C. make D. operate19.A.stresses B. problems C. doubts D. mistakes20.A.something B. nothing C. anything D. everything21.A.why B. that C. if D. how22.A.harmful B. helpful C. grateful D. peaceful

13、23.A.turned on B. looked for C. put away D. paid for24.A.before B. until C. when D. B. forget C. think D. remember26.A.yourself B. itself C. himself D. myself27.A.abilities B. dreams C. difficulties D. advantages28.A.mad B. brave C. sad D. weak29.A.being busy with B. worrying aboutC

14、. getting on well withD. being afraid of30.A.What a B. What C. How a D. How三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,计30分)阅读以下内容,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最正确答案。 (A)31. We can go to _ to know the history of our city. A. City Art Museum B. African Safari ParkC. Bell Tower Trips D. Country Club32. If eight students go to see the anim

15、als in the zoo on Sunday, they should pay _. A. $ 35 B. $ 70 C. $ 120 D. $ 28033. What can you do if you only have time between 4p.m. to 5p.m. on Saturday? A. Dance with your sweet heart B. Enjoy the scenery from the top of the Bell Tower C. Go to see the photo show D. See animals without cages in y

16、our own car(B) Do you know HFMD? Its short for Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease. These years, in China, thousands of children were suffering from it. Whats HFMD? How to prevent it? Now, read the passage please.HFMD usually affects babies who are 14 years old, but adults can also be infected. Both EV71 and Co

17、x A16 can cause HFMD, which usually starts with a slight fever followed by blisters (水泡) and ulcers (溃疡) in the mouth and rashes (皮疹) on the hands and feet.It can be spread through people with the mucus (唾液) or feces (粪便) of an infected person. It usually appears during the summer and autumn months.

18、 HFMD isnt Bird Flu, SARS or Mad Cow Disease, but its not a new one, either. It first appeared in New Zealand in 1957. About forty years later, it appears in Asia. Its reported that it breaks out every 2 or 3 years.HFMD is very terrible and there is no vaccine (疫苗) now, but we can do something helpf

19、ul to prevent it. Children with HFMD should seek medical treatment as early as possible, experts say. They also suggest that parents keep the air fresh in a childs room, which should be kept clean, tidy and dry. Children should be taught to wash their hands regularly. Staying away from crowded publi

20、c places is also basic.34. HFMD is usually spread with _.A. feces B. feces of an infected person C. water D. mucus35. Which isnt helpful to prevent HFMD?A. to keep the air fresh in a childs room B. to wash hands regularlyC. to see a doctor D. to stay in crowded public places36. Can you guess the mea

21、ning of the underlined word infected in paragraph 3?A. 传染的 B. 感染的 C. 正常的 D. 康复的37. Can you give a title for the article?A. The history of SARS B. Whats and how to prevent HFMDC. HFMD in China D. How to prevent HFMD (C)One afternoon many years ago, I sat down on a bench in a park and watched a little

22、 boy, around 2 years old, running freely on the grass as his mother watched from a short distance. The boy would fall to the grass, get up, and without looking back at his mother, run as fast as he could as if nothing had happened.When kids fall down, they dont think of the fall as a failure. Instea

23、d, they consider it as a learning experience. They try and try again until they succeed.While I was touched by the boys strong mind, I was also touched by the way he ran. With each attempt, he looked so confident and natural. He only wanted to run freely and to do it as well as he could. He was just

24、 being a child just being himself being completely in the moment. He never gave up. Each time he fell, he got himself back up again, as if he knew that falling down was simply a part of life.He was not looking for others smiles, or worrying about whether someone was watching or not. He only wanted t

25、o run and to feel the experience of running fully and freely. I learned a lot from that experience, and have successfully brought that lesson with me in many parts in my life.38. From Paragraph 1, we know that the boys mother _.A. was strict with him B. had a special way to educate her sonC. didnt l

26、ove her son as much as others D. was too weak to help her son get up39. The underlined word “attempt” in Paragraph 3 may mean “_”.A. try B. help C. support D. mistake40. The writer was touched by the boy because the boy _.A. might stop running when he fell downB. never fell down if he made up his mi

27、nd to runC. didnt care about the fall and went on runningD. was good at running and never fell down41. What can we learn from the story?A. Falling down will make a person feel frightened from then on.B. Falling down is the mother of success.C. When others are watching, people fall down easily.D. One

28、 will succeed if he / she is confident and never gives up. D As you are working, keep your eyes on your own test booklet(小册子) and answer document (答题卷). If you have a question, raise your hand, but do not look around. If you are involved in any of the actions listed below, you will be dismissed (让.离

29、开) and your answer document will not be scored. Prohibited (禁止的) behaviors include: continuing to write after time is called on each test (You must put your pencil down when time is called.) looking at another students test booklet or answer document. using any device to share or exchange informatio

30、n at any time during testing or during the break (all electronic devices, including mobile phones and MP4s, must be turned off from the time you are allowed to test until you are dismissed after testing.) trying to remove test materials, including questions or answers, from the test room. not following instructions by the rules (规则) of the test center. allowing a clock or mobile phone to sound in the test room. If you finish before time is called, rev

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