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1、七年级英语上册专项练习题 课标核心短语人教新目标含答案七年级英语上册专项练习题 (课标核心短语)一、单项选择1He is very busy and has no time to _ the party.Aask for Bthink about Csound like Dlook at2The girls name is Maria Schwartz, so her _ names Maria.Afirst Bfamily Clast Dmother3_ are these trousers? They are 20 dollars.AHow many BHow old CHow about

2、 DHow much4What do you _ my advice?You have a point. Ill think about it carefully.Astart with Bpay for Cdepend on Dthink of5_ knows the answer _ the question?AWho else; of BWho else; to CWhose else; of DWhose else; to6Carrefour has T-shirts_red and yellow_only 10.Ain; at Bin; for Cin;in Dfor; for7一_

3、is the ruler? 一_ two dollars.AHow much; It is BHow much; They areCHow many; They are DHow many ; Its8-Its 7:50 p. m now. Lets _. -OK.Ago to home Bto go homeCgo home Dto go to home9We must our best to study English well.Ato try to do Btry to do Ctry to Dtrying to do10My mother always _ at 6:30 in the

4、 morning, so Im never late for school.Awake up me Bwakes up me Cwake me up Dwakes me up11I have no money with me. How can I get home? Dont worry. I can _ some _ you.Alend; to Blend; from Cborrow; to Dborrow; from二、完成句子12他的书本在沙发上。_ book is _ the sofa.13请致电给我到8787-6587。Please _me_ 8787-6587.14对于我们来说,完

5、成这项工作很困难。Its _ _ _to finish the work.15去年,我们在法国玩得很开心。We _ _ _ _ in France last year.16那只小狗叫什么名字?Whats _ the dog? / Whats _ name?17那个女孩姓王。The girls _ is Wang./ The girls _ is Wang.18有一串钥匙在沙发上。A set of keys _ on the sofa./ There is _ on the sofa.19今天玩得开心点!_ today! / Have a good time today!20下课后我经常和我的同

6、班同学们打乒乓球。I usually _ ping-pong _ my classmates _ class.21吉姆有一个飞机模型,但他在学校里不玩它。Jim has a _, but he doesnt play it _.22让我们玩电脑游戏吧! _ computer games!23问李老师要你的书吧。_ Ms. Li _your book!24李蕾是我的好朋友。Li Lei is my _.25放学后,汤姆总是和弟弟做游戏。 Tom always _his brother after school.26我们先考虑一下第六个问题。 Lets _ the sixth question f

7、irst.三、 翻译句子27-Do you like milk _ _?(早餐)-Yes, I do.28学校郊游日在6月2日。_ _ is on June229We have an _ _(艺术节)at our school every year30My mother wants to buy _ _ _ _(给我买一件新毛衣)31The computers and TV are _ _.(大甩卖)32Tony found _ _ _ _(一串钥匙)33That is _ _ _ _(我的学生证)34Here is your ID card. _(谢谢)35My eraser is _ th

8、e _ _ (在学校的图书馆里)36这些铅笔是她的吗?_ these pencils _?一、单项选择1He is very busy and has no time to _ the party.Aask for Bthink about Csound like Dlook at【答案】B【详解】句意:他很忙,没有时间考虑聚会的事。考查动词短语。ask for要求;think about考虑;sound like听起来像;look at看。由前半句的“He is very busy他很忙”,可知,他没有时间去考虑聚会的事情。故选B。2The girls name is Maria Schwa

9、rtz, so her _ names Maria.Afirst Bfamily Clast Dmother【答案】A【详解】句意:这个女孩的名字叫玛丽亚施瓦兹,因此她的名字叫玛丽亚。考查常识。first name名字;last/family name姓氏;mother妈妈。根据“The girls name is Maria Schwartz.”及常识可知,Maria为first name, Schwartz为last/family name。故选A。3_ are these trousers? They are 20 dollars.AHow many BHow old CHow abou

10、t DHow much【答案】D【详解】句意:这条裤子多少钱?20美元。考查特殊疑问词辨析。How many多少,后接可数名词复数形式;How old多大;How about怎么样;How much多少,后接不可数名词。根据答语可知,空处应是问:这条裤子多少钱,应用how much。故选D。4What do you _ my advice?You have a point. Ill think about it carefully.Astart with Bpay for Cdepend on Dthink of【答案】D【详解】句意:你觉得我的建议怎么样?你说的有道理。我会仔细考虑的。考查动

11、词短语辨析。start with 从开始;pay for付款;depend on依靠;think of考虑。What do you think of? 你觉得怎么样?用来询问对方对某事物或某人的评价、看法等。是固定句型。故选D。5_ knows the answer _ the question?AWho else; of BWho else; to CWhose else; of DWhose else; to【答案】B【详解】句意:还有谁知道这个问题的答案?考查特殊疑问词和介词。Who 谁,对人提问;Whose 谁的,提问物品所属;of 属于;to 向,朝;本句是对人提问,排除C和D;“t

12、he answer to the question”表示“问题的答案”,为固定搭配,故选B。6Carrefour has T-shirts_red and yellow_only 10.Ain; at Bin; for Cin;in Dfor; for【答案】B【详解】句意:家乐福超市红色和黄色的T恤衫一件仅卖10元钱。考查介词辨析。in+颜色:穿着某颜色的衣服,某物体表面上的颜色;sth.+for+具体的价钱,表示某物价格是多少。故选B。7一_is the ruler? 一_ two dollars.AHow much; It is BHow much; They areCHow many;

13、 They are DHow many ; Its【答案】A【详解】句意:那把尺子多少钱?它是2美元。本题考查特殊疑问句。How much多少钱,对价格提问;How many多少,对数量提问。It is它是,They are它们是,its它是,是it is的缩写,根据two dollars.可知,此处询问价格,用疑问词how much。代指the ruler用代词it,故选A。8-Its 7:50 p. m now. Lets _. -OK.Ago to home Bto go homeCgo home Dto go to home【答案】C【详解】句意:现在是早上7点50分。我们回家吧。好的

14、。考查非谓语和固定搭配。A. go to home 表述错误;B. to go home去回家;C. go home 回家;D. to go to home 表述错误。lets do sth. 让我们做某事吧。go home 回家。home是副词,所以中间to省掉。故选C。9We must our best to study English well.Ato try to do Btry to do Ctry to Dtrying to do【答案】B【详解】句意:我们必须尽我们所能学好英语。A. to try to do 尽力做某事;B. try to do尽力做某事;C. try to试着

15、,设法;D. trying to do尽力做某事。根据句子must是情态动词,后加动词原形,排除A和D;try to do尽力做某事,固定搭配。所以B符合题意。故选B。10My mother always _ at 6:30 in the morning, so Im never late for school.Awake up me Bwakes up me Cwake me up Dwakes me up【答案】D【解析】句意:我妈妈总是在早上六点半叫醒我,所以我上学从不迟到。考查动词短语。由always可知句子时态用一般现在时,主语mother为第三人称单数,所以谓语动词也要用第三人称单

16、数形式;wake up“”叫醒,是动副词短语,宾格代词应置于中间;结合选项可知D选项符合题意,故答案选D。11I have no money with me. How can I get home? Dont worry. I can _ some _ you.Alend; to Blend; from Cborrow; to Dborrow; from【答案】A【详解】句意:我身上没带钱,我怎么回家?别担心,我可以借给你一些。考查动词辨析及动词固定搭配。lend“借出”,常用结构lend sb.“把某物借给某人”;borrow“借入”,常用结构borrow sth.from s

17、b.“向某人借某物”。根据句意“我身上没带钱,我怎么回家?别担心,我可以借给你一些。”可知lend sb.“把某物借给某人”符合题意,故答案选A。二、完成句子12他的书本在沙发上。_ book is _ the sofa.【答案】His on 【详解】his他的,是一个形容词性物主代词,修饰后面的名词book,位于句首第一个字母应大写;on是一个介词,表示在上面。故填His;on。13请致电给我到8787-6587。Please _me_ 8787-6587.【答案】call at 【详解】call sb. at+电话号码,是一个固定短语,意为“给某人打电话”。故填call;at

18、。14对于我们来说,完成这项工作很困难。Its _ _ _to finish the work.【答案】difficult for us 【详解】这句话中使用了句型It is +形容词+for do sth.“对于某人来说做某事是的”,其中It是形式主语,动词不定式是真正的主语。difficult困难的,形容词;for us对于我们,us是宾格形式。15去年,我们在法国玩得很开心。We _ _ _ _ in France last year.【答案】had a good time 【详解】通过中英文句子对照可知,英文句子中缺少“玩得很开心”的表达;“玩得很开心”英文表达是have

19、a good time.由句中的last year可知句子时态应用一般过去时,have的过去式为had,故答案填(1). had (2). a (3). good (4). time。16那只小狗叫什么名字?Whats _ the dog? / Whats _ name?【答案】the name of the dogs 【详解】根据名词的所有格格式;故填the name of/ the dogs17那个女孩姓王。The girls _ is Wang./ The girls _ is Wang.【答案】family name last name 【详解】根据句意姓可以有两个表达:family

20、name和 last name;故填family name/ last name18有一串钥匙在沙发上。A set of keys _ on the sofa./ There is _ on the sofa.【答案】 is a set of keys 【详解】根据a set of看作是单数;故填is;根据a set of一串,可知钥匙是复数;故填a set of keys。19今天玩得开心点!_ today! / Have a good time today!【答案】Have fun【详解】玩得高兴have fun。故填Have fun。20下课后我经常和我的同班同学们打乒乓球。I usua

21、lly _ ping-pong _ my classmates _ class.【答案】play with after 【详解】短语play ping-pong with sb.表示和某人打乒乓球;短语after class表示课下;根据usually可知是一般现在时态,主语是I,因此谓语用原形。故填play;with;after。21吉姆有一个飞机模型,但他在学校里不玩它。Jim has a _, but he doesnt play it _.【答案】model plane at school 【详解】model plane表示模型飞机,在句中作宾语;短语at school表示在学校,在句

22、中作状语;故填model plane;at school。22让我们玩电脑游戏吧! _ computer games!【答案】Lets play【详解】Lets+动词的原形,表示让某人做某事;play computer games表示玩电脑游戏;根据汉语提示,故填Lets play。23问李老师要你的书吧。_ Ms. Li _your book!【答案】Ask for 【详解】根据ask sb for sth问某人要某物;故填Ask; for。24李蕾是我的好朋友。Li Lei is my _.【答案】good friend【详解】我的my,后接名词;好朋友good friend(s)。本句系

23、词是is,表语需是单数名词;根据句意结构和中英文提示,故填good friend。25放学后,汤姆总是和弟弟做游戏。 Tom always _his brother after school.【答案】plays games with【详解】play games with sb与某人做游戏;根据always可知,此处用一般现在时;主语是Tom是第三人称单数形式,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式,故填plays games with。26我们先考虑一下第六个问题。 Lets _ the sixth question first.【答案】think about【详解】think about“考虑”,le

24、t sb do sth“让某人做某事”,故填think about。三、 翻译句子27-Do you like milk _ _?(早餐)-Yes, I do.28学校郊游日在6月2日。_ _ is on June229We have an _ _(艺术节)at our school every year30My mother wants to buy _ _ _ _(给我买一件新毛衣)31The computers and TV are _ _.(大甩卖)32Tony found _ _ _ _(一串钥匙)33That is _ _ _ _(我的学生证)34Here is your ID c

25、ard. _(谢谢)35My eraser is _ the _ _ (在学校的图书馆里)36这些铅笔是她的吗?_ these pencils _?【答案】27 for breakfast 28 School trip 29 art festival 30 me a new sweater 31 on sale 32 a set of keys 33 my school ID card 34 Thanks 35 in school library 36 Are hers 【解析】27根据汉语提示可知句意为:你早餐喜欢喝牛奶吗?是的,我喜欢。“早餐”breakfast,根据句意“你早餐喜欢喝牛奶

26、吗?”for breakfast“吃作为早餐”,故答案为:(1). for (2). breakfast28通过中英文句子的对比可知,英文句子中缺少“学校郊游”的表达,“学校郊游”英文表达是school trip,因其位于句首,所以第一个字母要大写,故答案为:(1). School (2). trip29根据汉语提示“艺术节”,英文表达是art festival,前面有不定冠词an,所以用单数形式,句意为:我们学校每年都有艺术节。故答案为:(1). art (2). festival30根据汉语提示可知句意为“我妈妈想给我买一件新毛衣。”“一件新毛衣”a new sweater;buy sb

27、sth.“给某人买某物”,相当于buy sth.for sb.根据所给出的空格数目,可知应用buy sb sth.结构,故答案为:(1). me (2). a (3). new (4). sweater31根据汉语提示可知句意为“电脑和电视正在大甩卖。”“大甩卖”也就是“廉价出售”,英文表达是on sale,故答案为:(1). on (2). sale32a set of一套一串,一系列,是一个固定短语;key钥匙,是一个名词,根据句意可知,这里应用复数形式keys。33my我的,是形容词性物主代词;school ID card学生证,是一个名词短语。34Thanks多谢,谢谢,相当于Thank you.35in是一个介词,意为“在里面”;school library学校图书馆,名词短语。36这是一个一般疑问句

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