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1、最新高中英语校本教材WritingGood writing must be proper in style complete in content correct in grammar changeable in expression logical in arrangementExample:A proverb says Time is money. But in my opinion, time is even more valuable than money. Wasted time can never be gained again. When money is spent, we c

2、an earn it back. However, when time is gone, it wont return. This is the reason why we must value time.Introduction: to present ideas clearly It goes without saying that the time we can use is limited. Therefore, even an hour is extremely precious. We should make full use of our time to do useful th

3、ings. As students we must make our efforts to engage in our studies so as to serve our country in the future.Supporting Details: to give necessary, persuasive reasons In a word, we should form the good habit of saving time. Do not put off what can be done today until tomorrow.Conclusion: to sum upVa

4、riety in sentences (句式多样性) A proverb says Time is money. But in my opinion, time is even more valuable than money. Wasted time can never be gained again. When money is spent, we can earn it back. However, when time is gone, it wont return. This is the reason why we must value time. It goes without s

5、aying that the time we can use is limited. Therefore, even an hour is extremely precious. We should make full use of our time to do useful things. As students we must make our efforts to engage in our studies so as to serve our country in the future. In a word, we should form the good habit of savin

6、g time. Do not put off what can be done today until tomorrow. Coherence (连贯性) A proverb says Time is money. But in my opinion, time is even more valuable than money. Wasted time can never be gained again. When money is spent, we can earn it back. However, when time is gone, it wont return. This is t

7、he reason why we must value time. It goes without saying that the time we can use is limited. Therefore, even an hour is extremely precious. We should make full use of our time to do useful things. As students we must make our efforts to engage in our studies so as to serve our country in the future

8、. In a word, we should form the good habit of saving time. Do not put off what can be done today until tomorrow. Transitions(过渡词)1.表示意义增补: and, also, besides, furthermore 2.表示意义转折: but, yet, however, instead (of)3.表示列举和顺序: firstly, secondly, finally, next for example, such as4.表示解释说明: in other words

9、, such as, namely5.表示结果: so, therefore, as a result, thus6.表示总结: in general, in all, in a word7.表示评价: to ones surprise, even worse, luckilyExercise-1现在喜欢上网的中学生越来越多。网络已进入中学生的学习和生活。请根据下表所提供的内容,阐述你对中学生上网的看法。上网的好处 上网的弊端 1利用网络获取各种信息2利用网络进行学习和娱乐3更方便与朋友联系 1部分学生花费太多时间上网 对其学习和健 康造成不良影响2网上某些内容对学生不宜 注意:1. 短文必须

10、包括所有图表的内容。 2. 字数:100左右 3. 参考词汇:娱乐 entertain v.Introduction1.中学生上网现状介绍 2. 中学生上网有利也有弊 Supporting Details3.有利之处: 利用网络学习和娱乐; 利用网络获取各种信息; 更方便与朋友联系4.不利之处: 浪费太多时间上网对学习和健康造成不良影响; 网上某些内容对学生不宜Conclusion5.你的看法:_ (控制上网时间,选择上网内容) 利用网络获取各种信息.1. We can get all kinds of information through the Internet.2. The Inter

11、net acts as an information source, and we can be kept informed of what is happening in the world.3.Theres no doubt that we are very likely to obtain a variety of knowledge through surfing the Internet. key words:1. increase / get on the Internet2. advantages / disadvantages get all kinds of informat

12、ion study / entertain3. advantages more convenient keep in touch with waste too much time 4.disadvantages have a bad effect on not suitable for / do harm to 5. choose proper programs / control the time Exercise-2假如你叫李华,你校高三学生正在开展一场讨论,讨论的主题是:高三学生要不要参加体育锻炼?请你根据下表提供的信息,给某英文报社写一封信,介绍讨论情况.55%的学生认为45%的学生认

13、为1应该每天进行体育锻炼。2可以做早操、打乒乓球、打篮球,但不要时间太长。3锻炼能增强体质,减少疾病。4运动使大脑休息,使复习效果更好。1锻炼浪费时间。2锻炼使人疲劳。3运动以后很兴奋,较长时间不能复习功课。4运动中可能会受伤。 Introduction1. 开展讨论:_ 2. 不同意见:_ Supporting Details3. 支持: _ _ _ _4. 反对: _ _ _ _Conclusion5. 自己的观点_Key words:1. take/ do physical exercise2. a discussion about3.doing morning exercise, pl

14、aying ping-pong ball and playing basketball, ones body, reduce disease 5.revision/ review6.a waste of time, too exciting to, so. thatExercise-3英文作文(20%):下面有两个英文问题,和你的未来计划有关,每个问题请用大约六十个英文单字回答。每题10分(内容2分,组织2分,文法2分,用字遣词2分,拼写、大小写及标点符号2分)。1.Why do you want to enter college?key words and expressio

15、ns receive much formal instruction, acquire, make sense of, equip for, make use of putto better use, adjust oneself to, 2. What else would you do if you should fail to enter college?key words and expressions lose heart, give up, opportunity, gain confidence , be equipped within common with(=like), f

16、eel confident of sth / doing sth, Exercise-4你校同学进行了一场有关高考英语听力测试的大讨论。讨论的主题是:高考英语测试中的听力部分该不该取消?请你根据下表中的提示写一篇短文,介绍讨论的情况。一些同学认为另一些同学认为1不应该取消2听是语言的四项基本技能之一,不能忽略。3听是获取信息的重要途径之一。4国际合作日益增多,听力能力应加强。1应该取消。2考试中各地收听效果不一、不公平。3英语教师水平和语音设备配置城乡差异过大。4今后并非人人都要与外国人进行口头交流。Introduction1. 开展讨论:_ 2. 不同意见:_ Supporting Deta

17、ils3. 不取消: _ _ _ _4. 取消: _ _ _ _Conclusion5.自己的观点_key words1. listening test in the National Matriculation English Test2. strengthen/ keep, cancel/ abolish3. four basic skills4. one of the important 8channels for sb to do 4. pick up radio signals effectively5. uneven/ big difference in. between.and.

18、 Excise -5 假设你叫李华,是一家英文杂志社的心理咨询师。某中学生小王给你写信,提到自己偏胖,想节食减肥,征求你的意见。请你给她回一封信,谈谈你对该问题的见解。内容要点如下:1健康比漂亮更重要;2学生以学习为主,不要过于注重外貌和别人的看法;3可通过多锻炼身体保持健康,要改变不良的饮食习惯;4健康的心态也很重要。注意:1短文必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥; 2词数:100左右。 3. 开头已给出Ihavereceivedandreadyourletter,inwhichyoumentionedthatyouwantedtoloseweightbydieting._Key words:

19、1. appearance2. affect your normal life3. stateofmind4. overcome difficultiesAnswer1. In my opinion, there are both advantages and disadvantages of getting on the Internet. As for advantages, the Internet provides us with all kinds of information and programs. More and more students use the Internet

20、 as a tool to study as well as to entertain themselves. Furthermore, the Internet makes it more convenient to get in touch with friends. As every coin has two sides, getting on the Internet also causes some problems. Some students waste too much time on the Internet that should be spent on learning.

21、 Besides, getting on the Internet a lot does harm to their health, especially their eyesight. Whats worse, some programs on the Internet are not suitable for students, which have bad influence on their personality. In a word, students should be guided to choose proper programs and control the time f

22、or getting on the Internet.Answer2Dear editor, Im writing to tell you about a discussion weve had about whether students of Senior 3 should take physical exercise. 55% of the students think they should take exercise every day, such as doing morning exercise, playing ping-pong ball and playing basket

23、ball, but it shouldnt take up too much time. Exercise builds ones body and reduces diseases. Sports let their brains have a rest so that their revision will be more effective.On the other hand, 45% believe taking exercise is a waste of time and tiring. After having sports, they are much too excited

24、for a long time to pay attention to their lessons. Its also possible to be hurt in sports.Answer31. Most people go to university to equip them for the future life and work, or toreceive training and qualifications. My main reason for attending college is to acquire knowledge. A university is a place

25、 which provides me with a good studying environment, and I can receive much formal instruction and information. Also I can make sense of what I have no idea of before. I can further study my interests and sample other subjects, too. So I should make better use of our time and try our best to adjust ourselves to the university life. I am sue I can get along well with my university studies.2. If I failed to enter college, I would feel very sorry. But I will not lose heart . It wouldnt be the end of the world though, because life holds forth many opportunities for al

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