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统考考前模拟真题必做 完型填空B.docx

1、统考考前模拟真题必做 完型填空B完型填空B1、There was a professor who worked in a university in Tokyo. He had a dog. He was very kind to his dog, and the dog loved the master very much. Every morning the professor went to walk with his dog. Of course, the dog could not go with the professor to the university. It followe

2、d him only as _21_ as the railway station where it watched him buy his ticket and disappeared in the direction of the train. Then the dog would sit at a small square in front of the station, waiting for its masters return. After one year, passers-by were very _22_ with the dog and all praised it for

3、 its loyalty.One afternoon, the professor had a sudden heart attack and died at work, but the dog still sat at the same place waiting. In the evening several persons thought about the dog and went to see _23_ it was still there. It seemed that the dog could understand them when they said to it, “Go

4、home, poor thing. Your master will never come to you again”.Weeks became months, months became years, and still the dog waited there. People were really moved by this sight. A famous artist made a statue of the dog and placed it at the very place. From then on, the dog sat in the _24_ of its own sta

5、tue to wait for its master.The years passed. One day, the dog died, but people there could not forget that dog. Its statue has become a well-known spot. If someone asked, “_25_ shall we meet at the station?” Another would always answer, “At the statue of the dog.”1)、 A.farB.ifC.familiarD.WhereE.shad

6、e正确的答案是:A2)、 A.farB.ifC.familiarD.WhereE.shade正确的答案是:C3)、 A.farB.ifC.familiarD.WhereE.shade正确的答案是:B4)、 A.farB.ifC.familiarD.WhereE.shade正确的答案是:E5)、 A.farB.ifC.familiarD.WhereE.shade正确的答案是:D2、The last patient left his office. Mr. South had a look at the _21_ on the wall.It was a quarter to six. It me

7、ant that he had to stay there for fifteen minutes. A friend of his asked him to dinner that evening. Of course he should _22_ some flowers for her. He brought out the purse and counted the money in it. He had sixty dollars and it was enough to do that. And then he remembered he bought a newspaper on

8、 his way to the hospital after lunch. He was too busy to read it. Now he brought it out, but then came in a man _23_ forty. He looked at him carefully. The man looked strange. Mr. South didnt know what he came for.Whats wrong with you? asked Mr. South. Nothing,Mr. South, said the man, ButThe man beg

9、an to smile and said, Dont you _24_ me, Mr. South? You cured (治愈) my rheumatism(风湿病) three years ago.Mr. Bell?Yes. Did you _25_ me not to get myself wet?Yes, I did, answered the doctor.Well. I come here to ask you if you think its OK for me to take a bath now?1)、 A.clockB.buyC.tellD.aboutE.remember正

10、确的答案是:A2)、 A.clockB.buyC.tellD.aboutE.remember正确的答案是:B3)、 A.clockB.buyC.tellD.aboutE.remember正确的答案是:D4)、 A.clockB.buyC.tellD.aboutE.remember正确的答案是:E5)、 A.clockB.buyC.tellD.aboutE.remember正确的答案是:C3、Modern zoos are very different from zoos that were built fifty years ago. At that time, zoos were place

11、s _21_ people could go to see animals from many parts of the world. The animals lived in cages that were made _22_ concrete with iron bars, cages that were easy to keep clean. Unfortunately for the animals, the cages were small and impossible to hide in. The zoo environment was anything but natural.

12、 _23_ the zoo keepers took good care of the animals and fed them well, many of the animals did not thrive; they behaved in strange ways, and they often became ill.In modern zoos, people can see animals in more natural habitats. The animals are given more _24_ in large areas so that they can live mor

13、e comfortably as they would in nature. Even the appearance of zoos has changed. Trees and grass grow in the cages, and streams of water flow _25_the areas that animals live in.1)、 A.ofB.AlthoughC.whereD.overE.freedom正确的答案是:C2)、 A.ofB.AlthoughC.whereD.overE.freedom正确的答案是:A3)、 A.ofB.AlthoughC.whereD.o

14、verE.freedom正确的答案是:B4)、 A.ofB.AlthoughC.whereD.overE.freedom正确的答案是:E5)、 A.ofB.AlthoughC.whereD.overE.freedom正确的答案是:D4、We know that trees are useful in our everyday life. They give us many things, such as wood, oxygen, rubber, medicines and many other things. They can _21_ tell us a lot about our cli

15、mate. The following are the reasons. If you cut across a tree, you can see that it has many rings. Most trees grow one new ring _22_ year. Because of the reason, we know how old a tree is. A tree over a hundred years old means that it has more than a hundred _23_. When the climate is dry or very col

16、d, the trees do not grow very much and their rings are usually thin. When it is wet and warm, the rings are much thicker. If the rings are suddenly very thin or suddenly very thick, this means that the _24_ changed suddenly. If we look at the rings on this tree, we can learn about the climate for a

17、hundred years. We can see _25_ our climate is changing today.1)、A.climateB.ringsC.everyD.alsoE.how正确的答案是:D2)、A.climateB.ringsC.everyD.alsoE.how正确的答案是:C3)、A.climateB.ringsC.everyD.alsoE.how正确的答案是:B4)、A.climateB.ringsC.everyD.alsoE.how正确的答案是:A5)、A.climateB.ringsC.everyD.alsoE.how正确的答案是:E5、What is a mu

18、seum? A museum is a good place to keep _21_ and beautiful things. A museum may be a place to learn about science. A museum can be a place _22_ art of Indians or animals. What is inside a museum? Some museums have old cars and airplanes. _23_ museums have pictures and statues (雕像). Others have rocks

19、and old bones. One museum even has a coal mine inside! Many cities have museums. Some very small towns have museums, _24_. Indianapolis has a childrens museum. Children do not have to pay to get in. Children go to the museum often. They like to look at the dinosaur bones. They see a white bear ten f

20、eet tall. They go inside an old log cabin (小木屋). On Saturday, Indianapolis children can _25_ talks about animals and trees. They see movies. 1)、A.aboutB.hearC.oldD.tooE.Many正确的答案是:C2)、A.aboutB.hearC.oldD.tooE.Many正确的答案是:A3)、A.aboutB.hearC.oldD.tooE.Many正确的答案是:E4)、A.aboutB.hearC.oldD.tooE.Many正确的答案是:

21、D5)、A.aboutB.hearC.oldD.tooE.Many正确的答案是:B6、William J. Sidis, was born in 1898. _21_ father was an American psychiatrist. At the age of six months, William knew the English alphabet; he could read and write when he was two. When he was eight years _22_, young Sidis had completed both elementary and h

22、igh school. At the age of nine, William entered Harvard University.As a _23_ at Harvard, Sidis displayed phenomenal knowledge in the field of mathematics, often amazing his professors. He graduated with honors _24_ the age of 16 and became a full professor of mathematics at the university at 19.The

23、story of William J. Sidis unfortunately, does not end happily. This brilliant ex-genius died a lonely death in 1943 in a hotel room _25_ New York. 1)、 A.studentB.atC.inD.oldE.His正确的答案是:E2)、 A.studentB.atC.inD.oldE.His正确的答案是:D3)、 A.studentB.atC.inD.oldE.His正确的答案是:A4)、 A.studentB.atC.inD.oldE.His正确的答案

24、是:B5)、 A.studentB.atC.inD.oldE.His正确的答案是:C7、From Monday to Friday most people are busy working or studying, but in the evenings and weekends they are free and _21_ themselves. Some watch television or go to the movies, others take part in sports. This is decided by their own interests.There are many

25、 different ways to spend our free time. Almost everyone has some kind of _22_. It may be something from colleting stamps to making model planes. Some hobbies are very expensive, but others dont cost anything at all. Some collections are worth a lot of money, others are valuable only to their owners.

26、I know a man who has a coin collection worth several _23_ dollars. A short time ago he bought a rare fifty-cent piece which cost him 250! He was very happy about this collection and thought the price was all right. On the other hand, my youngest brother collects match boxes. He has almost 600 kinds

27、of them, but I wonder _24_ they are worth any money. However, to my brother they are quite valuable. _25_ makes him happier than to find a new match box for his collection.Thats what a hobby means, I think. It is something we like to do in our free time just for the fun of it. The value in dollars i

28、s not important, but the pleasure it gives us is.1)、A.thousandB.ofC.NothingD.enjoyE.hobby正确的答案是:D2)、A.thousandB.ofC.NothingD.enjoyE.hobby正确的答案是:E3)、A.thousandB.ofC.NothingD.enjoyE.hobby正确的答案是:A4)、A.thousandB.ofC.NothingD.enjoyE.hobby正确的答案是:B5)、A.thousandB.ofC.NothingD.enjoyE.hobby正确的答案是:C8、John live

29、s alone because his wife died. He works hard all his life, _21_ he is very poor. Now he is so old that he cant work. He has three sons, but they are married, and they are very busy. They only have time to eat dinner with their _22_ once a week.The old man grows older and older, and his sons come to

30、see him less and less. “They dont need me at all now,” he tells himself. They are afraid Ill become a burden. Then he makes a plan.The next morning, he finds a large box, fills _23_ lots of broken pieces of glass, and then locks it with an old lock.In the afternoon, his sons come for dinner. They fi

31、nd the box. “Whats in this box?” they ask. “Oh, nothing,” the old man says.“It must be full of gold,” they think. So they want to guard the treasure. They decide _24_ with the old man. They can look after him, too. This goes on for _25_.At last, the old father dies. The sons give him a very nice funeral. After

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