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1、新世纪研究生英语教程第四版综合英语在线提交答案第一单元1. I did not feel so disturbed and nervous until the day when I had to say farewell to my parents and friends and leave home. 2. My feelings of leaving woke me up an hour before my alarm clock was set to go off. 3. For the whole day I recalled the people and things I would

2、 miss a lot. 4. It is most important that I would have to say good-bye to my parents. 5. All of a sudden, my extravagant big talk about becoming independent and free became the reality which I had to be confronted with and which made me frightened. 6. I guess that is part of going to a university 6

3、hours away from my home. 7. As soon as I made a decision to go to the university, all my personal problems had seemed to disappear gradually. 8. It was hard to divorce because it might traumatize everybody involved. 9. She accompanied me to my car, and I could feel my sadness welled up in my pit of

4、stomach. 10. What my mother said implied that all money I spent from then on would be my own , which sounded frightening but funny, too.第二单元No. Your answers Suggested answers 1. Modern methods of locating and drilling for oil allow higher production and lower cost per barrel.2. But there is another

5、quite different situation. That is to say, the oil price will not rise at all over the long term if we take inflation into consideration.3. Members of OPEC still own the most and best oil in the world. 4. Smith Rea Energy Associates Ltd., a London-based researcher, estimates that the worlds oil prod

6、ucers could add 350 billion barrels to their proven reserves if they take into account all the oil that they can afford to develop because of the new technology.5. The very notion of what oil reserves are has changed. They are no longer fixed number of barrels. The technology has made it possible fo

7、r the reserves to grow when new resources are found and more oil is produced from the old field.6. People who try to predict the cost of oil often think and act alike (even more than a flock of sheep!) 7. Numerous independent oil firms (not owned by the big ones) are now using the latest methods of

8、technology.第三单元1. An even greater new achievement in biology (than the recent mapping of the human genome) may overshadow the progress in genomics (study of genes). 2. A liver cells proteins and functions are different from those of a blood cell. 3. We would not know the criminals (bad guys) in our

9、hypothetical village, which are like the proteins which work incorrectly and must be fixed to cure illness. 4. The new methods are more effective and scientists have easier access to the data. 5. Once the proteins are separated, enzymes can be used to cut them into small pieces, then the proteins ar

10、e put into a mass spectrometer which forces them quickly into a vacuum and tracks their speed. 6. The increasing level of international cooperation in studying proteins shows that proteomics is a growing field. 7. But as the plasma proteome project indicates, we will benefit even when we are at the

11、period of making a list of proteins. 8. Judging by the surprising advances in human genomics, a very hotly-contested competition among researchers, the rewards will come more quickly than most of us believe. 第四单元1. The Freedom Tower will also improve its reputation as an international example of low

12、 energy use and green features to protect the environment. 2. The new design of Freedom Tower shows high praise of liberty and a solid promise of safety. 3. This grand new part of our citys visible line of tall buildings is not only a powerful example of architecture but also takes into account the

13、dangers to safety in these troubled times. 4. While retaining the characteristics of the original design, the entire composition of the Freedom Tower conjures up the Statue of Libertys torch and will give out light, becoming the icon of freedom. 5. As security requirements are reinforced, the buildi

14、ng will be open to the public. 6. Im sure that when the construction of the building is completed, we will say with confidence that we have done the best job. 7. Freedom Tower is a striking and simple symbol as well as a marker in the sky for the Memorial below. 8. The Memorial is cut from rocks in

15、the ground and symbolizes remembering the past, the Freedom Tower symbolizes the hope and the future as it soars into the heavens like a many-faced, clear crystal full of light, reflecting light. 9. By decreasing waste through recycling of construction materials, the construction of Freedom Tower wi

16、ll also make progress in improving environmental quality. 10. According to the plan, the reinforcing steel bars for the building will be visible above ground in 2007 and the construction of the whole building will be completed in 2009.5No.Your answersSuggested answers1.After the space shuttle Columb

17、ia disaster, there were doubts about the ability of NASA to successfully pursue a new, challenging and long spanning space adventure/project to the Moon, Mars and farther than Mars.2.In actuality/fact, the latter choice was in the 2004 financial plans publicly given out with the VSE plan, and this c

18、hoice has, so far, not been clearly reversed.3.At this time, however, ISS is not included in the space exploration plans in the ESAS agreement.4.The nations which jointly own and operate the ISS should quickly and honestly discuss and determine its future, so they can hopefully reach an agreement. 5

19、.If they fail to reach an agreement, the results of this failure would be ill for big international manned space exploration projects in the future.6.They feel that they will have more negatively strength in VSE program than in the past.7.This is definitely not the present US opinion, but maybe the

20、present policy could change over the next several years, if the US situation changes.8.Whatever future combination of events occurs will be primarily determined on the attitude and plans of the USA, which is still the most dominant player (member / participant) in the game (a participant in the grou

21、p of countries cooperative efforts, like a player in a sports or card game). 8No.Your answersSuggested answers1.People have increasingly realized that natural resources have always been available for people to power modem societies, for example, the forces of nature such as the sun, wind and water,

22、Which supports the idea of creating clean energy. The push for clean energy is motivated by the increasing awareness that natural sources (the elements here refer to water, sun, wind etc.) are already available to provide energy for the modern world/societies. 2.When the solar cell , the wind farm a

23、nd the electric car begin to occupy a large part of the market , our living environment will change into something we can only begin to imagine today. When the solar cell, the wind farm and the electric car begin to occupy a large part of the market, our living environment will change into something

24、 we can only begin to imagine today. 3.Inside the photovoltaic systems ,semi-conductors release electrons immediately when the sunlight is received, causing the movement of electricity. Inside the photovoltaic systems, semi-conductors release electrons immediately when the sunlight is received, caus

25、ing the movement of electricity. 4.The investigation into the worlds most noticeable users shows that solar energy is at last beginning to make advance as another source of energy. The investigation into the worlds most noticeable users shows that solar energy is at last beginning to make advance as

26、 another source of energy. 5.However, controlling the strength of rough seas has been a big problem for engineers. For example, two wave-power stations in Scotland and Norway have already been destroyed by the waves of the sea. However, controlling the strength of rough seas has been a big problem f

27、or engineers. For example, two wave-power stations in Scotland and Norway have already been destroyed by the waves of the sea. 6.One solution to this problem has been to put turbines into a seabed which is shaped like a chimney and this device can be adjusted to face the direction of strong waves. O

28、ne solution to this problem has been to put turbines into a seabed which is shaped like a chimney and this device can be adjusted to face the direction of strong waves. 7.Besides, many pieces of land in the world supply perfect conditions to utilize wind power. Yet people in many coastal and mountai

29、nous regions get a lot ofwind. so it is easy to use this natura1 resource effectively, at least in their local areas.In addition, large areas of the world are perfectly suited to use wind power, and there is enough wind in seaside and mountain areas for local cost-effective use.8.Man depends on the

30、fuel cell to successfully solve the problem of energy shortage in the future , because fuel cell is a technology which can give a new form to the world energy economy. Fuel cells are very likely to take the place of petrol in the transport systems of the future. Fuel cell technology has raised high

31、expectations and predictions that it can change energy use patterns around the world by serving as a substitute for gasoline in providing energy for cars, trucks, trains, buses and other vehicles.7No.Your answersSuggested answers1.1 was very much interested in the win structure which represents the

32、characters of our work and study , but I was troubled by the following question:. I was primarily concerned with the win/lose situations (structure of) in our jobs and schools, but there was one thing which bothered me.2.The way of asking such a question especially causes athletes or parents to feel worried. This is an especially disturbing question for sports participants or mothers and fathers.3.The basic theor

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