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1、else用法详解总结else用法详解总结 今天给大家带来了else用法详解,我们一起来学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。else用法详解1. 表示“别的”“其他的”,主要用于某些词语之后:(1) much, little, all(=everything),a lot, a great deal 等;Not much else is known. 其他的不太很清楚。He taught us to put the interests of the people before all else. 他教导我们把人民的利益放在最重要的位置。There was little else he cou

2、ld do. 他再没有别的什么可做了。We dont know much else about his life. 对他生平别的方面我们知道很少。(2) 以 -one, -body, -thing, -place, -where 结尾的词;Have you anythig else to do? 你还有别的什么事要做吗?Ask somebody else to help you. 请别人帮帮你吧。You cant get it anywhere else. 你在任何别的地方都找不到它。Lets try something else. 咱们试试别的办法(from yywords)。He has

3、nothing else to do today. 我今天没有别的事要干。Everything else depended upon that. 其他一切都靠那个决定。She must have learnt it from someone else. 她一定是从别人部里了解到的。Nobody else could ever say such a thing. 没有别人会说这样的话。Everybody else but me has gone to the party. 除了我别人全都参加那个晚会去了。Im going to take you somewhere else. 我准备带你到别的地

4、方去。There was nowhere else for me to go. 我没有别的地方可去。You cant get it anywhere else. 你在任何别的地方买不到它。We went to the cinema and nowhere else. 我们去电影院了,没到别的什么地方去。Airports were more closely watched than anyplace else. 飞机场比任何其他地方看守得更严密(from yywords)。(3) who, what, where, how, why 等疑问词。Who else was at the party?

5、 晚会上还有谁?Where else did you go?你还去过什么别的地方?Who else is there in the house? 屋子里还有谁?But what else can we do? 我们还能做什么?Where else did you go? 你还去过什么别的地方?【注】else 通常不放在 which 之后,如:误:Which else do you like?2. else 可以有所有格形式(elses)。如:He was wearing someone elses coat. 他穿着别人的外套。It couldnt be anybody elses. 那不能是

6、别人的。Ive taken somebody elses hat. 我拿了别人的帽子。Youre wearing someone elses coat. 你穿着别人的大衣。Your words carry more weight than anybody elses. 你的话比任何别人的话都更有分量。【注】else 一般不用在 whose 之后,遇此情况可用 who elses。如:Who elses fault could it be? 这会是其他什么人的错吗?但若 who elses 后不接名词,有时也可用 whose else。如:I dont know who elses whose

7、else it could be. 我不知道那是别的什么人的。3. 与 or 连用,表示“否则”“要不然”。如:Run or else youll be late. 快跑,不要就要迟到了(from yywords)。Lets go, or else well miss the train. 咱们走吧,否则就赶不上火车了。Dress warmly, or else youll catch cold. 穿暖和点,否则你会感冒的。He must be joking, or else hes mad. 他一定在说笑话,要不就是疯了。The book must be here, or else youv

8、e lost it. 这书一定在这儿,要不就是你丢失了。若用在句末(即其后不接其他词),则常带有一种威协的口气。如:Give me the money, or else! 把钱给我,不然的话,哼!英语语法:else的用法前几期我们学习了英语语法:副词already, yet, still、副词ever、副词almost, nearly、副词so、副词too, somewhere, anywhere、副词very, very much、-ly结尾的副词。 这一期,我们学习英语语法:else的用法。else的用法1)else别的,其他的 可以用作形容词,置于不定代词之后。比如:I saw Judy

9、 there.I didnt see anybody else.我看见裘迪在那儿。我没看见别人。Only John is strong enough to lift the box. Nobody else can.只有约翰力气够大可以提起这个箱子。没有别的人能。Give me five minutes please. I have something else to say.请给我五分钟。我还有话要说。2 )else也可以用于疑问代词后。 比如:What else do you need?你还需要什么?Who else can operate the machine here?还有谁能操作这

10、儿的机器?3 )还可以用作副词,用于副词或者疑问副词后。 比如:We didnt go anywhere else yesterday.昨天我们没有去其他地方。They had visited all the sights there, so they went somewhere else.那儿的景点他们都参观过了,所以去了别处。I wont be free on Tuesday. When else can we meet?星期二我没有空。我们还有什么时间可以见面?欢迎转发发动大家来做作业,学英语一、选择填空25.How _ is it from here to Athens?Twenty

11、 miles by train, by road it is _.A.farther, far B.far, fartherC.far, farthest D.farthest,farther26.Hi, John. Havent seen you for _ a while. How are you?A.quite B.muchC.very D.rather23-24:DA二、分析句子的英语语法结构,并翻译成中文Dozens of people have been killed in what local medics said was a toxic gas attack on the b

12、esieged town of Douma near Damascus. Videos and images showed bodies of dead children and other family members, some foaming at the mouth.【卫报 The Guardian 】else用法总结,一个表达“其他的”的特别词汇01else其他的;别的;另外的;不同的(有人认为应看作形容词;也有人认为应该看作副词)1. 用在someone, somewhere, and anything等不定代词后:Anything else I can do for you?我还

13、能为你做点什么吗?Is there anything else that youd like?还有什么你想要的吗?Anyone else would have done the same thing.其他人也会做同样的事。Theres something else Id like to talk about as well.我还有点别的事要说。Ive already looked there-it must be somewhere else.我已经看过了那了,肯定在别的地方。Everyones got a life that no one else knows about.每个人都有不为他人

14、所知的生活。If you remember me, then I dont care if everyone else forgets.只要你记得我,那么我不在乎别人忘不忘记我了。2. 用在疑问词后:What else did he say?他还说了什么?I didnt know what else to say.我不知道还能说什么。Who else has a pencil sharpener?还有谁有卷笔刀?How else can I stop myself from feeling miserable?我还能怎么样才能不感到痛苦呢?When else shall we meet aga

15、in, if Sunday is not convenient for you?如果星期天对你不方便,我们其他什么时间再见面?02or else否则的话,要不然Get me my money by next week or else.下周前把钱给我,否则的话!Hed better keep his mouth shut, or else.!他最好闭上嘴,否则!Hurry up, or else youll be late.快点,否则你会迟到的。He must be a good plumber, or else he wouldnt be so busy.他一定是个好水管工,否则就不会那么忙了

16、。It must be important, or else he wouldnt have called at 3 a.m.事情一定很重要,否则他不会在凌晨3点打电话来的。或者,抑或,要不He must pay $ 1000 or else go to prison.他必须付1000美元要不就要坐牢。Either say youre sorry or else get out!要么说对不起,要么滚出去!I drink a lot of water or else I would snack a lot.我喝了很多水,否则我会吃很多零食。else和other用法区别,尤其要注意它们的所有格el

17、se 和 other共同点:一是含义基本相同,“别的,其他的”;二是都可以作定语。不同点:一是词性不同;二是被修饰的词不同;三是与被修饰词的位置关系不同。1.elseelse 是个副词,常见的用法是:一是只用来修饰两类词;二是必须放在被修饰词的后面。(1)else修饰不定代词和不定副词(some/any/no/every+one/body/thing/where)例如:Would you like something else to drink? 你还要喝点别的什么吗?Is there anything else in your bag?你的包里还有什么别的东西吗?Nobody?else?could?answer the question.没有别人能回答这个问题。Ask?somebody?else?to?help?you.?请别人帮帮你吧。We went to the park and nowhere else. 我们到公园去了,其它什么地方也没去。Let books (别的学生的书)other peoples phone (别的某人的手机)再如:-Whose bag is it?-Its. Its just mine.-这是谁的包?-不是别人的,正好是我的。else用法详解总结

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