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1、 2. 特殊疑问词全搜索 一句话: wh-开头外加能与之结伴同行的名词; how及它的形容词兄弟姐妹们,即如: What,why,who, where, which, what class, what time, what number; how,how many, how old, how much等。 3. 特殊疑问句的构成特殊疑问句由”特殊疑问词+一般疑问句”构成: How old are you? 你多大了? Whats this in English? 这个用英语怎么讲? 但特殊疑问句有时也要”特殊解”:即如果问的是主语或主语的定语时,这时的特殊疑问句看起来成了”特殊疑问词+陈述句”

2、。 Whos not here today? 今天谁没来? Which pen is red? 哪枝钢笔是红色的? 4. 特殊疑问句的语调小插件 一般说来,特殊疑问句都要读成降调,并往往让最后一个单词承担此重任。What row are you in? 你在第几排? Where is”E” ? “E”在哪里? 特殊疑问句 2 5. 对特殊疑问句的答复小扫描 回答特殊疑问句,不能用”yes / no”;但可用”到什么山上唱什么歌”来形容对特殊疑问句的应答- -即问什么答什么。 -How old is your sister? 你妹妹今年多大了? -Shes only five. / Only f

3、ive. 才5岁。 根据答句写问句。 1、My bag is under the chair. 2、Hes eleven. 3、Im a bus driver. 4、Li Yan is not here. 5、This pencil-case is yuan. 6、You can take a bus. 同学们在学习英语时是否注意到英语的疑问句和汉语有所不同?英语中的疑问句有一种是以what, who, where, how等开头的疑问句,这类疑问句便叫做特殊疑问句,而这些表示疑问的词叫疑问词。为了掌握特殊疑问句,还是让我们一起来勇闯三关吧! 第一关: 疑问词关 询问的内容不同,我们所使用的疑

4、问词便不同。问物用what,问号码也用what,问人用who,问地点用where,问年龄用how old,问身体情况用how,问年级则用what grade等。例如: 1. -Whats that in English? -Its a book. 2. -How old are you? -Im fourteen. 第二关: 语序关 英语中疑问句一般应用倒装语序,即将动词be放在主语的前面。特殊疑问句的语序还应注意将特殊疑问词放在句首。 1. Where are you from? 2. How is your father? 当然,如果疑问词在句中作主语,则其后直接跟上动词。 Who is

5、Lin Ying? 3 第三关: 回答关 对特殊疑问句进行回答往往不可用yes或no,而应根据它所询问的内容直接作出回答。 -What class are you in? -Im in Class Nine. 回答时,问句中的名词在答句中常用代词代替,this和that指物常用it来代替,these和those指人或指物时常用 they来代替。 1. -Where is Mr Wang from? -He is from Beijing. 2. -What are these? -They are boxes. 当然我们还应注意,在朗读时特殊疑问句应用降调。 How old is your E

6、nglishteacher? 此文章来自中小学教育资源站 / 原文地址:http:/student/English/fudao/200607/8609.html 巧记经典歌诀 妙学特殊疑问句 疑问词走前面,后面跟的是一般; be 动词要提前,情、助动词也赶先; 行为动词请不动,do 和does加在前; does 加在主语前,谓语动词变原形。 说明:一、二句的意思是:特殊疑问词像排头兵,总是走在队伍的最前面,其后再跟一个一般疑问句。 三、四句的意思是:如果陈述句中谓语部分含有be 动词、情态动词,或助动词变为疑问句时,就一定要把这个词提到主语前面去。 五、六句的意思是:如果谓语部分只有行为动词,

7、那么这个行为动词不能提前,怎么办?根据需要在主语前、疑问词后加助动词do。 I study English for my motherland . Why + do + you + study English? 4 巧记疑问词 按语文写记叙文的5要素入手,因为学生都很熟悉的.人,物,时间,地点,把情节该为方式.记住了吗?我们再利用这一条线来记英语的疑问词,问人用who,问物用what,问时间用when/what time,问地点用where,问方式用how.反过来在记忆一次,看见who是问人,看见what是问物,看见when/what time是问时间,看见where是问地点,看见how是问方

8、式。再由how引申出五个疑问词:how long持续一段时间 ;how far问距离; how many问数量; how much问金钱;how old问年龄。 英语课堂特殊疑问句的疑问词总结 特殊疑问句的两种结构 1)与陈述句的词序相同 疑问词作主语 Who is there?谁在那儿? 疑问词作定语用来修饰主语。 Which book is his?哪本书是他的? 2)疑问词+一般疑问句的词序 5 单词 when who whose where which why what what time what colour 练一练 1、A: _ is the boy in blue? B:Hes

9、 Mike. 2、A: _ wallet is it?Its mine. 3、A: _ is the diary?Its under the chair. 4、A: _ is the Chirstmas Day? Its on the5th of December. 5、A: _ are the earphones?They areyuan. 6、A: _ is the hairdryer?Its blue. 7、A: _ is it today?Its Sunday. 8、A: _ was it yesterday?B: It was the 13th of October. 9、A: _

10、this red one?Its beautiful. 10、A: _ is it from here?Its about two kilometre away. 11、A: Can I have some paper and some crayons? _ ? A: I want to make a kite. 12、A:_ one is fatter, the blue one or the red one? The blue one. 13、A:_ is your cousin? Hes 1years old. 14、A:_ do you have dinner? At oclock.

11、意思 什么时间 谁 谁的 在哪里 哪一个 为什么 什么 什么时间 什么颜色 用法 问时间 问人 问主人 问地点 问选择 问原因 问东西 问时间 问颜色 what about what day what date what for how how old how many how much how about how far 怎么样 问意见 星期几 问星期 什么日期 问具体日期 为何目的 问目的 怎么样 问情况 多大 问年龄 多少 问数量 多少 问价钱 怎么样 问意见 多远 问路程 用适当的疑问词填空。 1. is this? Its an onion. 2. is Sues birthday?

12、 Its on the 1st of April. 3. is she? She is Linda. 4. is the peach? Its on the table. 5. do you go to school? I go to school by bike. 6. apples are there? There are two apples. Shes my sister. Its under the car. Theyre moon cakes. _ is your hat? Its red. _ subject do you like?I like math. _ is your

13、birthday? My birthday is in May. _ do you go home?I go home by bus. _ is Christmas?Its in winter. _ do you get at Christmas? We get presents. _ presents do you get ?I get a lot . _ present is this?Its Sues. In a bookshop. 对划系线部分提问 1. Its_s this? 2、_ can you do ? 3、Were_are you doing ? 4、Shes going t

14、o _ is Amy going to do ? 5、 _ is it? 6、Its _ is it? 7、Its _ is today? 8、She s _ s the capital of England? 10. Im in Class Grade. _ are you in? 11Its What the weather like today? 12、 What will the weather like tomorrow? 13、Im _s your name?. 14、Its _ is the book? Theyre15. Im from are you from ? 16. S

15、hes from _ _ is Amy from? 17. Ill visit my grandma _ will you visit your grandma? 18.Were going to have a picnic_ are you going to have a picnic? 19. Im_ are you ? 20Shes . _is she ? 21Its ._ book is this? 22 . _ bag is this?._ one is yours? 5. Im very happy. 26. _ are you ? Im7.Ill go to school 28.

16、Im_ are you? 29.Hes _is Tom? 30._is the Great Wall? Its _ pupils are there in the classroom? 用所给的词填空。 WhatWhat colourHow muchWho When Where Why 1、_are you doing? 2、_are you going to go? 3、-_is the bag?-Twenty yuan. 4、-_will you come back?-A quarter to ten. 5、-_is that woman?-Miss Tang. 6、-_is the so

17、fa?-Its black and white. 7、-_are you wearing a dress? -Because its going to be sunny.。 对划线部分提问 1、I went to Xinjiang 2、We stayed with my grandmother . 3、 4、 5、He lives there with 6、I met them 7、 8、Lingling went to Xinjiang with her parents 9、Lingling went to Xinjiang with in July. 10、She 11、She 12、 f

18、or my holidays. 13、Hetian is 一特殊疑问句 单词 意思 用法 when 什么时间 问时间 who 谁 问人 whose 谁的 问主人 where 在哪里 问地点 which 哪一个 问选择 why 为什么 问原因 what 什么 问东西 what time 什么时间 问时间 what colour 什么颜色 问颜色 what about 怎么样 问意见 what day 星期几 问星期 what date 什么日期 问具体日期 what for 为何目的 问目的 how 怎么样 问情况 how old 多大 问年龄 how many 多少 问数量 how much

19、多少 问价钱 how about 怎么样 问意见 how far 多远 问路程 At oclock 对划线部分提问。 1、对主语提问: Who is running now? 2、对表语提问: He isWho is he ? 3、对介宾提问: Who is she looking for ? 4、对动宾提问: Who do you often help with English? 5、对间宾提问:Who did Kate lend a ball yesterday? 6、对主语提问: What are on the desk ? 7、对表语提问:What are these? 8、对动宾提问

20、:What do you want? 9对职业提问:What is the man ?What does the man do? 10.对介宾提问:What is he looking for? 11、对是什么提问: ItsWhat is it? 12、对计算结果提问:What is six and nine? 13、对年级提问: Im What grade are you in? 14、对班级提问:What class is Li Lei in? 15、对年级和班级提问: What class and grade is Wei hua in ? 16、对排提问: 注:、对年级、班级、排提问时

21、,问句中的in 不能去掉 ,what 后的grade ,class ,row用小写形式 3,what根据实际译为汉语 17、对学号提问: . What number is Lucy? What is Lucys number? 18、对后置定语提问:What map is this ? 19、对颜色提问: What color are the flowers? 20、对几点几分提问: ItsWhat time is it ?Whats the time? 21、对名字提问: .Whats your name ? 22、对前置定语提问: Which apples are yours? one i

22、s Lilys.Which one is Lilys? 23、对表语提问:Whose is the cup? 24、对后置定语提问: Which boy is your brother? 25、对后置定语提问: Which shirt do you want to buy? 26、对主语提问:Whose is red? 27、对定语提问:Whose books are they? 28、对定语提问: This is room. Whose room is this? 29、对表语提问: This cup is Whose is this cup? 30对身体提问: Im How are you

23、? 31、对年龄提问: 32、对天气提问: Its today. How is the weather today? =Whats the weather like today? 33、对语言提问:How can you spell it? 34、对方式提问: )How do you often go to school? 35、对程度提问:How does she study? 36、对数量提问:How many birds are there in the tree? How much water is there in the bottle ? How many apple trees are there in front of the house? 37、对价格提问: . How much is the meat?1,对价格提问,be 应根据后面的主语而定。 2,单位yuan在问句中去掉。 38、对距离提问:How far is the factory from here? 39、对长度提问:How long is the ruler? 40、对for+一段时间提问: How long have you stayed there ? How long has he lived here?how long

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