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1、1月3935国开电大理工英语2试题及答案1月3935国开电大理工英语2试题及答案一、交际用语15题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。1. How could you say that?_I didnt mean to hurtyou.A. Thatsright.B. I wontregret.C. Im reallysorry. C2. Welcome to ourcompany. I hope you will enjoy your workhere. _A. I am sure Iwill.B. I can learn alot.C. You are verykind

2、. A3. Id like to take you to the coffee house on thecorner. _A. Thankyou. You shouldnt dothat.B.Thanks. Id like to go withyou.C. No, you cant sayso. B4. Excuse me, could you tell me the time?_A. Youd better buy awatch.B. Its three thirty by mywatch.C. Can you see the clock?B5. Could I use your bike

3、for a moment?_A. Itswell.B. It doesntmatter.C. By allmeans. C二、词汇与结构620题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。6.Mr. Green has lived in Hangzhou_1995.A. sinceB. fromC. in A7. They promise that the work wouldall be finished_nextweek.A. untilB. inC. by C8. He is hard to get along_if you dont

4、 agree withhim.A. ForB. withC. about B9. I had to go to the cinema on my_because all the other boys werebusy.A. ownB. wayC. feet A10. Theres a lot todo. We can t_to waste anytime.A. waitB. affordC. want B11. The result is_we won thegame.A. WhatB. thatC. which B12. _she comes or not makes nodifferenc

5、e.A. WhetherB. ThatC. What A13. He_very busy thisweek. He_free nextweek.A. will be;isB. will be;will beC. is;will be C14. Do you think Qingdao is a fantastic place for tourist?Yes, I have_there manytimes. It is quitebeautiful.A.GoneB. beenC. went B15. He was unable to_his stubborn partner of hisview

6、point.A. moveB. convinceC. change B16. We now_him by writingletters.A. keep away fromB. keep onC. keep in touch with C17. Ford Motor Company was_in1903. It is one of the greatest car companies in the worldtoday.A. FindedB. foundC. founded C18. Would you like to help me_some RMB for dollars?A. exchan

7、geB. manufactureC. store A19. Every child isunique. Dont_him or her toothers.A.compareB. lookC. analyzeA20. Hesoon_himself to the armylife.A. ledB. madeC. adjusted C三、阅读理解2125题:阅读对话,用所给单句完成对话,井将答案序号写在答题纸上。A. You need to check the suspensions regularly,B. Let mecheck.C. Thats really worthnoting.D. Ca

8、n a hard hat savemy life?E. Thank you for your detailedintroduction. WhyShould You Adjust Your Hard Hat So It Fits Properly?Twocolleagues are heading for a constructionsite.Robert: Lets go to the worksite and see theprogress.Ben: OK, you mustremember to wear a hardhat.Robert: _21_ DBen: Ofcourse.Har

9、d hats are important for protecting your head m openenvironments.Robert: Is my hat on properly?Ben:_22_First of all, adjust thesuspensions.BRobert: I wantthe hat to fit comfortably so it doesnt fall off, but I dont want to make it so tight that it causesdiscomfort. Whatshould I do?Ben: You can adjus

10、t the chinstraps properly tofit around yourchin.Robert: Isee. Do you have any moreinformation about safety?Ben: _23_because after years ofwear and tear, the entire suspension system may needreplacing.ARobert:_24_CBen: And do not stuff the gapsof a hard hat or make changes to the hats suspensionharne

11、ss.Otherwise, its effectiveness will beimpacted.Robert: _25_ Now I know how important a hard hat is in the high-hazard construction industry。E 2630题:请根据短文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”,并将答案写在答题纸上。Almost everyone is familiar with video conferencing today, and for goodreasons. Video conferencing isconv

12、enient. Video conferencing savesmoney. Video conferencing makesmoney. And it is so much easier than it used tobe. Today, of course, video conferencing has become an important means for doingbusiness. There is no longer a need to waste time and money traveling, and the advanced technology can offer w

13、hat every conferencingneeds. Audio, web and video together can provide good solutions for large conferences with QA sessions and privatechats. Why is video conferencing so successful when other technologies have come and gone?It is because it s convenient and cost-effective. In addition to saving ti

14、me and money, video conferencing is a lot less stressful than a meeting after a day of airport security, delayed flights and hotel check-in,etc. Best of all, video conferencing is not expensivenowadays. Web, video and audio conferencing service providers can quickly get you up and running, often wit

15、hout setup fees or highcharges.With all thats available today, the only question is whether a business can afford not to use user-friendly videoconferencing.26. It was easy to use video conferencing in thepast.F27. Video conferencing is a convenient way for doingbusiness.T28. Only video can provide

16、good solutions for large conferences with Q .Asessions.F29. Compared to some other forms of meetings,video conferencing is much morestressful.F30. Nowadays if you dont use video conferencing in some cases, maybe your business will suffer losses to somedegree.T四、翻译3135:选择正确的译文,井将答案序号写在答题纸上。31. Have y

17、ou managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet?A. 你能修理好那台扫描仪吗?B. 你有没有弄清楚如何使用那台扫描仪?.C. 你找到那台扫描仪了吗?B32. It will give yourself a leg up when you look for ajob.A. 当你找工作的时候,它将给你一条腿。B. 当你找工作的时候,它能助你一臂之力。C. 当你工作的时候,它能给你勇气。B33. Im involved in two projects atpresent.A. 目前我申请了两个项目。B. 目前我完成了两个项目。C. 目前我参与了两个项目。C34. Many electric car owners consider the debate overcharging points all a bit of afuss.A. 许多电动车车主都认为充电点很吵闹。B. 许多电动车车主都为充电点在争论。C. 许多电动车车主都认为争论充电点有点大惊小怪。C35. It is going to be difficult to meet thedeadline.A. 很难在截止日期前完成。B. 很难把截止日期定下来。C. 很难到达截止日期。A

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