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1、初三上基础测试练习初三上基础测试练习翻译练习1. She bought a digital camera on the Internet _(为了) she would save a lot of time. 2. What changes have _(发生) in your hometown?3. His parents are _( 对-非常严格) him.4. Most people _(过着的生活)in the past in China.5. _(上百万)children have received a better education because of Project Hop

2、e.3. We mustnt _-_(吸毒)or _-_(违反规则)4. Our parents _(提供给我们)comfortable conditions.5. My grandpa _(习惯散步)a walk after supper every day.6. After the meeting, they _(选定)the best way to solve the problem.7. The doctor has _(成功挽救) the patient.8. In the past ten years , great changes _(发生)in China. 9.Mr. Whi

3、te has many friends _(在国内外). 10. 我不能忍受她嘲笑我。 I cant _ me. 11. 在考试中,你越细心,出的错误就越少。 In the exam, the _ you are, the _mistakes youll make. 12. 那个人和乞丐差不多。That man is _ than a beggar.13. 我爸爸入党已经二十年了My father _for more than twenty years. 14. I dont like milk, but he _(强迫我喝) it.15. 节约用水是我们的职责。_ to save water

4、. 16. 从现在开始,我会努力学习的。 I will study hard _.17._(据报道) the negroes are killed at the evening party in America sometimes. 18. All the flowers, grass and fish_ (都没了)19. _(有个小女孩正在哭) in the street.20. Noise _ (对有害) our ears.21. China has done _(一些有用的事情) to prevent the pollution.22. Im sorry for_ (制造如此多的噪音)2

5、3. His spoken English is _(几乎与一样差) mine.24. Its impolite to spit _(在公共场合).25. It rained hard. _(结果), we couldnt go out.26. Nothing will _(阻止)reaching our aims.27. We should care about _(那些处于困境中的人们). 28. In our city, many teaching buildings _(正在兴建). 29. If everyone_(为保护环境作出贡献) the environment, what w

6、ill the world be like in a hundred years?30. Trees and grass can _(阻止)washing the earth away. 31.Please_(上交) your homework on time.32. I think _(我们中没有一个人) likes pollution. 33,_(结果), they have made great progress with the help of the teacher. 34.Every one of us _(尽力) learn English well.35. We have do

7、ne _(一些有用的事情)to protect the environment.36.People have_(逐渐认识到)that its important to protect the environment.37. _(砍伐)too many trees is bad for our environment.38. Trees can keep water from_(流失)39. Chatting on line _(占据)her too much time every year.40. At last,sandstorms _(形成了)41. 那个小女孩的父母决定呆在家里不出去了。

8、 The girls parents have decided to stay at home _(而不出去)42. How do you _(处理) the waste water from the factory?43.Protecting the environment _(和-同等重要)developing economy.44. She is _(不但) a good teacher, _(而且) a great writer.45.Everyone is _(应该保护) our environment. 46. 你帮我学英语真是太好了。_ to help me with my En

9、glish. 47. 睡觉占去了我们许多时间。 Sleeping _ our much time.48. 他想去西湖而不去购物。 He wanted to go to the West Lake _ shopping. 49 我将能按时到达那儿。 I will _ get there on time.50. 他正在为旅行做准备。 He is getting _ his trip.51. 老师对你的答案很满意your teacher _ your answer?52.Youd better _(向他求助) help.53.English _(被用作) the second language in

10、 many countries.54. 你的处境和我相似。Your situation is _ mine. 55.Did you _(玩得开心) in the park yesterday?56.王军锋正在去机场得路上。Wang Junfeng is _ the airport. 57. 我将去火车站为你送行。 Ill _ at the railway station. 58. 他们明天要动身去旧金山。 They are _ San Francisco tomorrow.59. 请带我向你的父母问好。 Please _ your parents.60. 我妹妹爱好音乐。 My younger

11、 sister is _ music. 61. 这件外套与那件不同。 This coat is _ that one. 62. 英语在全世界用得最广泛吗? Is English used widely _?63. 即使英语很难学,我也要把它学好。 _ English is hard to learn, Ill learn it well.64. 我们学校三分之二得学生来自农村。 _ from countryside in our school.65. All the languages are_ (随着-转变) the development of the world.66. He has g

12、one to Beijing _(出差).67. Her mmother is ill. He _(迫不及待) go home.68. My mother is a good teacher _(如同一样) a good listener.69. Shes very careful, _(偶尔,有时) she is careless.70. The American computer has _(处于领先地位) in the world.71. English _(被当作) an important language in China.72 Of all the languages, Engl

13、ish _(被最广泛地使用)73. 他是一个聋哑人,他能用手势表达自己的意思。 Hes a deaf mute and he can _ by gestures.74. _(至于) the hotel, it was very far away from the sea. 75. 你的英语不太好,必须每天练习说英语。 You _ English and you must _ it every day. 76. You have to _(与-交流) people in English if you are in English. 77. I dont think English _(用作) t

14、he official language in Cuba. 78. Tom _ (成功地通过) the examination. 79. Do you _(有困难地介绍) yourself to the American friends?80.He wants to drink green tea _(代替) coffee.81. Ill visit Disneyland _(亲自)82. The English language has _(吸收)many new words from other countries.83. 昨天,他坚持要付饭钱。He _ for the meal yest

15、erday.84. 医生告诉他戒烟。 The doctor told him to _.85. When you feel nervous, you can_ (深呼吸)86. At last my father_(戒烟了)87. He is afraid of_ (犯错误) while speaking.88. Could you _(表达你的意思) in the USA?89. Tom is_ (在薄弱) physics.90.Though Tom is _(嘲笑)by his classmates every day, he never stops speaking English.91

16、._ (记日记)is a good way to practice writing.92. Im very glad to _(与你分享我的看法)93. Please visit the old man _(尽可能经常地)94. Our teachers asks us to _(记笔记) carefully in class.95. 我妈妈为我所做的一切而自豪。 My mother _ what I have done.96. 比赛因天气不好而取消。 The match have to _ because of the bad weather.97. China _(将把送入/发射)man-

17、made satellites into space. 98. Shandong _(以而闻名)its apples. 99. When he heard the news, he _(情不自禁地笑了).100. I have _ (毫无疑问)that he heard the news. 1. 邮票是用来寄信的。 Stamps _ sending letters. 2. 我们在阅览室里不准抽烟。 We _ in the reading-room. 3. 这座桥是由石头制成的。 The bridge _ stones. 4. _(到目前为止), I have learned about 10,

18、000 English words. 5. The clothes are _(用-做的)wool. They can keep warm. 6. Lin Tao has changed a lot, he will _(不再)be our friend. 7. You can learn English well _(只要)you keep on working hard. 8. Its our duty to _(做出重大贡献)to protecting our environment. 9. 不准我晚上熬夜。 I _ to stay up too late at night. 10. E

19、very one of us _(对感到惊讶) the rapid development of science. 11. 书本是纸张做的,而纸张又是竹子做的。 Textbooks _ paper while paper _ bamboo.12. 如果你花太多时间打游戏,这对你身体有害。 Its _ your health if you spend _.13. 你知道毛笔是用来做什么的吗? Do you know _ a writing brush _?14. I hope my dream of going to a college will _(实现).15._ (让我惊讶的是),he f

20、ailed the exam.16. I think you can _(实现你的梦想) in the future.17. Theres _(毫无疑问) that English is very important.18. The earth _(围绕) the sun.19.I _(梦想) flying to the moon one day.20. 我们要做我们能做的事情。 We will do _.21_(为了) pass the exam, he works hard.22. I think more and more things _(会发明) in the future. 23. The old _(应该得到良好的照顾).24the patients _(应该送去) the hospital?25. 自从我们登上月球已经很多年了。 It _ many years since we set foot on the moon .26.

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