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四川省名校届高三高考冲刺卷英语试题 含答案 精品Word格式文档下载.docx

1、3. How much does the woman need to pay?A. 3 dollars. B. 4.5 dollars. C. 6 dollars.4. How does the man like the book?A. Its humorous. B. Its scientific. C. Its popular.5. Why doesnt the man believe in aliens?A. No news. B. No reports. C. No evidence.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,

2、从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. The mans plan. B. The mans work. C. The mans pain.7. What does the woman suggest the man do?A. See a doctor. B. Work less hard. C. Go running r

3、egularly.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. How many people will cal with the two speakers this time?A. Four. B. Three. C. Twa9. What does the girl want Lucy to do?A. To give her a gift,B. To learn how to cook.C. To spend the summer with her.10. What do we know about the girls mother?A. She is good at cooking.B. Sh

4、e doesnt like her job,C. She is often away on business.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。1L In what field does the woman work now?A. Education. B. Law. C. Technology.12. How long has the woman been at her work?A. For nearly six years. B. For more than one year. C. For about six months.13. What does the woman make th

5、e man consider doing?A. Working less. B. Changing jobs. C. Going back to school.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. Where does the man usually go for his winter holiday?A. Europe. B. A hotel. C. A mountain nearby.15. What does the man think of the place they often go to?A. Too far away. B. Very convenient. C. Very

6、 expensive.16. Why does the woman refuse the mans invitation?A. She doesnt enjoy skiing.B. She doesnt enjoy cold weather.C. She has been invited by another friend.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is the speaker mainly talking about?A. The housing office. B. Check-out procedures. C. The summer vacation.18.

7、 When does this talk take place?A. After the final exams.B. At the end of the school year.C. At the beginning of the school year.19. What will lead to a fine?A. Not turning in the room key before leaving.B. Not clearing personal things out of the room.C. Not asking the housing director for permissio

8、n.20. What do the students have to report in the form?A. Their summer addresses.B. Any damage to their rooms.C. Questions for the housing office.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWhen you go for a run outside, chances are that youll find litter a

9、ll around you. Do you just go past it, or do stop and pick it up? If you choose the latter, youre part of the latest fitness trend thats sweeping the West: plogging.The word “plogging” combines the Swedish phrase “plocka upp”(pick up) and the English word “jogging”,according to Oxford Dictionaries.R

10、unning is often associated with good causes. And plogging, which combines environmentalism with fitness, has become the new poster boy for the environmentally friendly runner. All a plogger needs is a trash bag and a pair of gloves to protect their hands.The process of collecting garbage is simple,

11、but it reflects serious environmental issues. When I usually walk through the streets of New York, the sight of newspapers, lost hats, and broken glass doesnt bother me,” Matthew Sedacca of Mens Health magazine wrote. “But when I was plogging and focused on trash collecting, the amount of garbage sp

12、read across the sidewalks was kind of shocking.”The health benefits of plogging are easy to see. According to the Swedish fitness app Lifesum, doing 30 minutes of plogging bums around 288 calories, compared to 235 calories burned from just jogging.US behavioral change therapist (治疗专家) Charles F, Por

13、ter also analyzed the additional actions a jogger needs to take for garbage collection. “You get the added benefit of carrying a few extra pounds, and youre bending over and doing squats (深蹲), which is a move thats essential to your everyday life. Youre getting a full body workout,” he told finance

14、website Moneyish.So the next time you go out jogging, why not carry a trash bag and collect some litter along the way? Your body and the environment will thank you.21. What do ploggers usually do?A. They persuade people not to litter.B. They pick up trash while jogging.C. They carry heavy bags while

15、 jogging,D. They help people Find their lost items.22. How did Matthew Sedacca feel about garbage in the streets before he started plogging?A. Shocked. B. Guilty. C. Unhappy. D. Unconcerned.23. Why does plogging have more health benefits than jogging?A. It exercises your whole body. B. It helps you

16、adjust your breath.C. It requires more running skills. D. It doubles the calories you bum.BI suffered from mental illness and depression when I was younger, and it totally affected my teenage years. But after a long struggle, I found a hobby that changed my life.My depression really kicked in after

17、my parents moved to the UK when I was about 11 years old. Having to adjust to life in a foreign country was very difficult. The friends I knew were gone, and the changes in my environment led to my depression. I had problems in many parts of my life, which made it feel impossible for me to carry on.

18、At that time, I didnt understand that depression was an illness. I remember a particular day when I couldnt find enough strength to gel myself home from playing in the parkit felt like I was carrying the world on my shoulders.Other times, I even thought about killing myself I just felt so trapped. I

19、 never really reached out for help either, as I felt that there wasnt anyone who could have helped with my situation.What turned my life around, however, was discovering street dancing. I was introduced to it by a friend, and I started taking classes at a studio (工作室) in London. After a few weeks, I

20、 began to go out and meet a lot of other dancers to practice and train with them on a regular basis. It gave me a purpose, and eventually the happiness I gained from it helped me manage my depression. The dancing helped me get my life back, focus on my studies, and get through university.My advice t

21、o anyone who might be going through something like I was is to reach out for help. The thing about life is that it changes, and you never know what might come your way. If someone had said to me during those dark moments that I would have gone on to achieve the things I have, I wouldnt have ever bel

22、ieved it.Just take each day as it comes, and remember that theres always someone, or something, out there to help you.24. How did the author deal with his depression at first?A. He put up with it by himself. B. He read many articles about it.C. He talked about it with his parents. D. He turned to hi

23、s old friends for help.25. How did street dancing benefit the author?A. It helped him find a good job.B. It let him find many true friends.C. It cheered him up and made him feel positive.D. It taught him how to control his emotions perfectly.26. What does the author suggest people do when they feel

24、down?A. Wait for help to come patiently.B. Always be confident in themselves.C. Find someone or something to rescue them.D. Accept everything that life sends their way,27. How might the author feel about his future?A. Hopeful. B. Fearful. C, Satisfied. D. Uncertain.COver Half of Young Chinese Block

25、Parents on WeChat MomentsWe all know the feelingyou want to check what someone you care about has been up to on social media, and suddenly you find you are denied access to their feeds. Its an instant start of mixed emotions and speculationswhen did this happen? Did I do anything wrong? What are the

26、y attempting to hide from me?And thats what half of Chinese parents have to deal with when they try to look through their childrens WeChat Moments, also known as “FriendsCircle”, as suggested by a recent survey released by Tencent, the Chinese Internet giant. According to the report, entitled Annua

27、White Paper on Family Affection on WeChat Moments, about 52 percent of WeChat users 18 to 29 block their parents on Moments, a major feature on the platform that allows users to share everything they like with their WeChat contacts.About 62 percent of the young interviewees said that parents are unr

28、easonably anxious about everything. “My parents dont know Moments very well, so I just told them I dont use it anymore,” said Qin Jianping, a 28-year-old. He added that his parents had been leaving comments requesting updates on his dating status on every post he made on Moments since he broke up wi

29、th his girlfriend two years ago. Xie Yun, a 26-year-old, said, “I dont want my parents to see minor setbacks in my life,” adding that once her parents saw a Moments picture of her hand getting slightly burned while cooking, and they traveled all the way to her city to make sure she was all right.The

30、 report also found that more than 49 percent of Chinese parents use WeChat as a main channel to communicate with their children. Roughly 36 percent of the parents who took the survey said they checked every post made by their children. When asked how they would react to being blocked, some parents said they would start a conversation with their children to find out the reason, while others said they wouldnt care. And some parents just defeat their kids in this hide-and-seek game online, “I didnt realize I was blocked unti

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