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1、计算机专业英语试题及答案A卷 湖北职业技术学院2008-2009学年度第一学期期末考核试卷考核课程: 计算机专业英语 考试类型: 理论 考试方式: 闭卷笔试 学生所在院系: 信息技术学院 年 级: 2007 级 试 卷: A 姓名: 班级: 学号: 题号一二三四五六总分得分得分阅卷人. Translate the following phrases into English(将下列短语翻译成英语)(10%) 1. 软件工程 ( )2. 算术逻辑运算 ( )3. 机器码 ( )4. 帮助菜单 ( )5. 图形技术 ( ) 6. 中间件 ( )7. 电子商务 ( )8. 办公自动化 ( )9. 计

2、算机病毒 ( )10. 可执行文件 ( ) 得分阅卷人 . Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配)(10%) 1. memory unit a. 半导体存储器2. intelligence b. 机制3. semiconductor memory c. 存储单元4. data definition language d. 数据定义语言5. mechanism e. 通信6. ma

3、chine language f. 机器语言7. communication g. 智能8. element distance h. 桌面操作系统9. desktop operating system i. 输入/输出设备10.input/output device j.像素距离 1. ( ) 6. ( ) 2. ( ) 7. ( ) 3. ( ) 8. ( ) 4. ( ) 9. ( ) 5. ( ) 10.( )得分阅卷人. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations.(根据汉语写出相应的英语缩写) (10

4、%)1. 只读存储器 _ 6. 超文本标记语言_2. 中央处理器_ 7. 计算机辅助设计_3. 基本输入输出系统_ 8. 万维网联盟_4. 信息技术_ 9. 图形用户界面_5. 万维网_ 10. 兆赫_得分阅卷人. For each of the following blanks, four choices are given. Choose the most appropriate one (从下面给出的四个选项中选择最恰当的答案)(15%) 1. The basic units of a computer system are as follows: _ A. CPU, memory an

5、d disk B. CPU, input and output unitC. CPU, memory and I/O system D. CPU, memory and ALU2. A mouse is a small device that a computer user pushes across a desk surface in order to point to a place on a _ and to select one or more action to take from that position. A. desktop B. displayC. console D. p

6、latform3. The control unit fetches _ from memory and decodes them. A. data B. informationC. results D. instructions4. When power is removed, information in the semiconductor memory is _. A. reliable B. lost C. manipulated D. remain5. Please find the item that is not belong to the DBA _. A. storage s

7、tructure and access method definition B. schema definitionC. integrity constrain specification D. DDL6. Each_ is a unit of both atomicity and consistency. A. transaction B. databaseC. storage structure D. schema details7. A characteristic of operating system is _. A. resource management B. memory ma

8、nagementC. error recovery D. all the above8. Assembly-language instructions are a series of _. A. 0s and 1s B. abstract codesC. machine codes D. words9. Software engineering is some certain _.A. programs B. methodsC. products D. managements10. An advantage of a ring network is that it needs less _ .

9、A. computer B. networkC. cable D. information11. An ISP supplies a _ that you can dial from your computer to log on the internet server. A. public key B. private keyC. service number D. help file12. To open Internet Explorer, just click Start, point to _ , and then click Internet Explorer. A. Progra

10、ms B. ViewC. Layout D. Control Panel13. E-commerce do business through _.A. face-to-face meeting B. computerC. wire-photo D. Internet and EDI14. Every transaction in electronic commerce includes information flow, commercial flow, _ and material flow.A. data flow B. currency flowC. merchandise flow D

11、. 15. The _ hidden in the infected system does not break out immediately; instead, it needs certain time or some condition before it breaks out. A. file B. dataC. software D. virus得分阅卷人. Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(35%)(一) Fill in the blanks with suitable words or expressions from the list given bel

12、ow, and change the form where necessary (从下面所列词语中选择合适的词语, 以其适当的形式填空)(5%) high-level language assembly language writtenmachine language notationA programming language, designed to facilitate the communication between human and computers, is a _ for describing computation in readable form. There are 3

13、 levels of programming languages, they are _, which can be run directly by computer; _and_. There are different high-level programming languages. Fortunately, most of them have many kinds of construct in common and vary only in the way that these must be_ . Therefore, first thing to be decided about

14、 a task is to choose which programming language is best suited for the job.Passage AThe hardware of a digital computer system is divided into four functional sections. The block diagram of Fig.2-4 shows the four basic units of simplified computer: the input unit, central processing unit, memory unit

15、, and output unit. Each section has a special function in terms of overall computer operation.Fig.2-4 A Digital Computer The central processing unit (CPU) is the heart of the computer system. It is responsible for performing all arithmetic operations and logic decisions initiated by the program. In

16、addition to arithmetic and logic functions, the CPU controls overall system operation. There are two main sections found in the CPU of a typical personal computer system: the arithmetic-logic section and the control section. But these two sections are not unique to personal computer. They are found

17、in CPUs of all sizes.Every processor comes with a unique set of operations such as ADD, STORE, or LOAD that represent the processors instruction set. Computer designers are fond of calling their computer machines, so the instruction set is sometimes referred to as machine instruction and the binary

18、language in which they are written is called machine language.The memory unit of the computer is used to store information such as numbers, names, and addresses. By “store”, we mean that memory has the ability to hold this information for processing or for outputting for later time. The programs tha

19、t define how the computer is to process data also reside in memory.In computer system, memory is divided into two different sections, known as main storage and auxiliary storage. They are also sometimes called internal memory and external memory respectively. External memory is used for long term st

20、orage of information that is not in use. For instance, it holds programs, files of data, and files of information. In most computers, this part of memory employs storage on magnetic media such as magnetic tapes, magnetic disks, and magnetic drums. This is because they have the ability to store large

21、 amount of data. Internal memory is a smaller segment of memory used to temporary storage of programs, data, and information. For instance, when a program is to be executed, its instructions are first brought from external memory into internal memory together with the files of data and information t

22、hat it will affect. After this, the program is executed and its files updated while they are held in internal memory. When the processing defined by the program is completed, the updated files are returned to external memory. Here the program and files are retained for use at later time. (二) Tell wh

23、ether the following statements are true(T) or false(F) according to the passage A(根据上文的内容判断下列句子的正误) (10%)1. The four basic units of simplified computer: the input unit, central processing unit, memory unit, and output unit. ( )2. The CPU is responsible for performing some arithmetic operations and l

24、ogic decisions. ( ) 3. “ADD AX, BX” is an instruction of machine language. ( )4. Main storage and auxiliary storage are sometimes called internal memory and external memory respectively. ( )5. The binary language which they are written in machine instruction is called machine language. ( ) Passage B

25、In order to solve a computational problem, its solution must be specified in terms of a sequence of computational steps, each of which may be performed by a human or a digital computer. If you want to solve the computational problem with a computer, you should learn how to program. The task of devel

26、oping programs for the solution of computational problems is referred to as programming. Computer programming is the process of planning and creating a sequence of steps for a computer to follow. In general, this process will help us resolve a problem, which is either too tedious or difficult to wor

27、k out otherwise. So programming is breaking a task down into small steps.Programming is sometimes contrasted with coding. Coding generally refers to the writing of programs for given program specification, while programming includes the task of preparing the program specification as well as that of

28、writing the program. The text of a program is sometimes referred to as code, and lines of program text are referred to as lines of code, especially in the case of machine-language programs. The term coder is used to describe a person engaged exclusively in implementing program specifications prepare

29、d by others. Whats actually involved in programming - the actual process of writing programs? Heres a quick overview of the process: Write a program. Compile the program. Run the program. Debug the program. Repeat the whole process until the program is finished. (三) Choose the best answer according

30、to the passage B.(根据上文的内容选择正确的答案)(10%)1If you want to solve the computational problem with a computer, you should learn how to_.A. calculate B. program C. add D. subtract2. Computer programming is the process of planning and creating a sequence of _ for a computer to follow. A. steps B. process C. lines D. graphics3. The term coder is used to describe _.A. machine B. computer C. keyboard D. person4. In order to solve a computational problem, you can let a person or a _to do it.A. machine B. computer C. keyboard D. mouse5. Which of the following is not the stage of pro

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