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1、人教版高一英语必修一unit4知识点练习及答案解析必修1 Unit 4Earthquakes.词义搭配1burstAsave from danger or harm2ruin Bdestruction(破坏);extreme(极大的)damage3shelter Cto put something under the ground,often in order to hide it4disaster Dbreaks open or apart suddenly5even Ebeing safe from bad weather,danger,etc.6rescue Fplan to catch

2、 someone7trap Gsomething very bad happening8bury Ha thing that happens【答案】18DBEGHAFC.短语填空right away,at an end,dig out,as usual,as if,in ruins,a (great)number of1He didnt know how to come back home because his money was_.2Many buildings are _because of the big flood.3Hurry up!It looks _it is going to

3、 rain.4_people are fond of music.5On hearing the good news,he shared it with his parents_.6He was buried by an avalanche(雪崩)and had to _.【答案】 an if4.A (great) number of5.right dug out.句型背诵1In the farmyard,the chickens and even the pigs were too_nervous_to_eat.农家大院里的鸡,甚

4、至猪都因过于惶恐而不想进食。2It_seemed_as_if the world was at an end.似乎世界末日来临了。3Thousands of families were killed and many children were_left_without_parents.成千上万个家庭遇难,许多孩子变成了孤儿。4All hope was not lost.不是所有的希望都破灭了。1right away立刻;马上Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away.(P25)想象你们家开始震动并且你们

5、必须马上离开它。I want it typed right away,please.请立刻把它打印出来。I woke up at six and got up right away.我六点醒了,然后马上起床了。right away的同义短语有:right now;at once;immediately;in no timeLets pack up and start at once.让我们整理好行李立刻出发。I suggest to them that they set about working immediately.我向他们建议他们立刻着手工作。The injured passenger

6、s must be sent to the hospital _or they will die.Aright awayBat firstCsooner or later Din the beginning【解析】句意:这些受伤的乘客必须“立即(right away)”送往医院,否则他们会死去的。其余三项:at first“首先”;sooner or later“迟早”;in the beginning“起初”,均不符合语境。【答案】A2What do_you_think will happen before an earthquake?(P25)你认为地震前会发生什么?do you thin

7、k在本句中为插入语,经常位于疑问词后,在这种情况下,原句为陈述语序。插入语放在句尾时,原句应保持原语序,即疑问词做主语或主语定语时,语序是正装的;疑问词做宾语等时,原句是倒装的。Who do you think will be fit for the position?你认为谁会适合这一职位?What explanation do you suppose the teacher could give?你认为老师会给我们什么样的解释?How long did you say she would stay here?How long would she stay here,did you say?

8、你说她将在这里呆多久?I think,I hope,Im afraid,I believe,you know等用作插入语时,用在陈述句中,前后通常用逗号分开,也有不用逗号的现象。The diet,I think,will do good to your health.我想这种饮食对你的健康有好处。完成句子你认为她多大了?_she was?你猜是谁打坏了窗户?_broke the window?你认为我们应该做些什么来阻止此类行为?What _do to stop such actions?What _to stop such actions,_?【答案】How old did you thin

9、kWho do you guessdo you think we should;should we do;do you think3In the farmyards,the chickens and even the pigs were too_nervous_to_eat.(P26)农家大院里的鸡,甚至猪都因过于惶恐而不想进食。太而不能,含有否定含义,相当于not.enough to.。She is too short to reach the book on the shelf.She is not tall enough to reach the book on the s

10、helf.她太矮了而不能够到架子上的书。Im too busy to take care of my baby.我太忙了,没时间照顾我的小孩。This problem is too difficult for me to work out.这道题太难了,我做不出。结构与not或never连用时,不定式为肯定意义。not/never,意为“无论也不过分;太而不会不”。too后面跟表示心情、态度的形容词,如anxious,eager,glad,pleased,ready,willing等时,相当于very,不定式为肯定意义。I am too glad to get s

11、uch a gift.我很高兴能得到这样的一个礼物。She is only too excited to get so such money.得到那么多钱,她很激动。Its too difficult for the old to climb up the mountain.对老年人来说,爬上那座山太难了。It is never too late to mend.亡羊补牢为时不晚。根据括号内的汉语提示,用完成句子The box was _(太重了,我搬不动)Im _(太忙了,不能和你一起去)now.I am _(非常想作一次环球旅行)【答案】too heavy for me to

12、 lifttoo busy to go with youtoo eager to travel around the world4burst vi.爆裂;爆发n.突然破裂;爆发In the city,the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst.(P26)在市内,有些建筑物里的水管爆裂开来。A burst of handclapping followed the ending of the song.歌声结束之后响起了一阵掌声。He burst the balloon with a prick of the pin.他用针一戳,气球就爆

13、了。burst in/into闯进burst into tears/laughter突然大哭/大笑起来burst out crying/laughing突然哭泣/大笑He looked as if he was about to burst into tears.他看上去马上就会泪流满面。The whole class burst out laughing.全班的人都突然笑了起来。完成句子Hearing the news,she _(放声大哭)He _(闯进房间)without knocking at the door.【答案】burst into tears/burst out crying

14、burst in5It seemed as_if the world was at_an_end!(P26)世界似乎到了末日!(1)as if仿佛;好像He walks as if he is drunk.他走起路来好像他真的醉了。It looks as if theyre looking for something.他们看起来好像在找什么东西。as ifas though用在seem,look等系动词之后引导表语从句,也可引导方式状语从句。as if引导从句有时可用虚拟语气从句表达的情况与过去事实相反时,从句谓语要用过去完成时。从句表达的情况与现在事实相反时,从句谓语要用一般过去时。但是如果

15、从句表达的是客观事实,则从句谓语要用陈述语气。as if也可与动词不定式连用,意为“似乎要做某事”。I was so happy that I felt as if I could fly.我高兴极了,我觉得我好像能飞起来。He acted as if nothing had happened.他表现地就像什么都没发生似的。She left the room hurriedly as if (she was) angry.她匆忙离开房间好像生气的样子。He stood up as if to leave.他站起来似乎要离开。【对接高考】(2012北京高考)Dont handle the vas

16、e as if it _ made of steel.Ais BwereChas been Dhad been【解析】句意:“拿花瓶时不要当它是钢做的一样。”as if引导的方式状语从句或表语从句中常用虚拟语气,表示与事实相反的情况;又由Dont handle.可知此处应为与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,所以应用动词的过去式were,故B项正确。【答案】B完成句子看起来好像要下雨。It looks _it _going to rain.那个孩子跟我们谈起话来像个成年人似的。The child talked to us _he _a grownup.【答案】as if;isas if;were(2)a

17、t an end结束,终结My holiday is at an end and I must go back to work tomorrow.我的假期结束了,明天我得回去工作了。Everything between them was at an end.他们间一切都结束了。at the end of既可作时间状语也可作地点状语,表示“在末,在的尽头;在的末梢”。by the end of用作时间状语,表示“到末为止;不迟于”,强调最后时限,常和过去完成时态或将来完成时态连用。in the end用作时间状语,表示“最后;终于”,不可与of连用。come to an end“结束”,为动词短

18、语。There is a post office at the end of the street.这条街走到头有一个邮局。By the end of next year,they will have finished work on the new stadium.到明年年底,他们将建成这个新体育馆。In the end she decided on buying the green hat.最后,她决定买那顶绿色帽子。介词填空Everything will be all right_the end.We will have learned English for 5 years _the

19、end of this year.My brother waited for me_the end of the street.The war was _an end.【答案】inbyatat6ruin n废墟;毁灭vt.毁灭;使破产In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.(P26)在可怕的15秒钟内,一座大城市就成为一片废墟。476 AD saw the ruin of Roman Empire.公元四七六年罗马帝国灭亡。My wife was ruining her health through worry.忧虑严重损害了

20、我妻子的健康。be/lie in ruins成为废墟fall into ruin成为废墟come to ruin毁灭,落空The city is now in ruins.那个城市现在成了一片废墟。The storm laid the village in ruins.暴风雨使这个村子成了一片废墟。ruin/destroy/damageruin一般指对物体或生命彻底的破坏,但往往是非暴力的,也不是一次打击的结果。常指对美好的或希望中的事物的破坏。destroy指彻底的损坏,常含不能或很难修复的意思。可接人,也可以接物。damage损坏、毁坏,指部分损坏,降低某物的价值。通常接物。【语境促记】d

21、estroydamageruin破坏(不能修复)毁坏;损坏(还可修复)(逐渐)毁坏选词填空ruin,destroy,damageHer heart was slightly _as a result of her long illness.His life was _by drink.The earthquake almost _all the bridges in this area.【答案】damagedruineddestroyed7injure vt.损害,伤害Twothirds of them died or were injured during the earthquake.(P

22、26)2/3的人在地震中死去或受伤。Hundreds of people are injured when the train go off the rail.火车出轨时,数百人受伤。Often does games cause knee joint to injure?经常运动会造成膝关节损伤吗?injury n伤,伤口,伤害injured adj.受伤的;受委屈的the injured伤员The company sent the injured back home by air.公司用飞机将伤员运送回家。wound/injure/hurt/harmwound指外伤,如枪伤、刀伤、剑伤,尤指

23、在战斗中受伤。injure“损害;受伤”,指由于意外或事故而受伤,着重指容貌、机能的损坏。hurt指肉体上,也可指精神上的伤害。也可为“疼痛;痛苦;伤心”。harm肉体上,也可指精神上的伤害,可能会带来不便。选词填空:injure,wound,hurt,harmThe soldier was _in the arm in the war.She was _slightly in an accident during the work.I was very much_at his words.This bright light will do great _to your eyes.【答案】wo

24、undedinjuredhurtharm8shock vt.& vi.(使)震惊;震动n.休克;打击;震惊People were shocked.(P26)人们惊呆了。The news gave her such a shock that her face turned white.这消息使她非常吃惊,脸都变白了。His murder shocked everyone.他被谋杀了,这使每个人感到震惊。be a shock to.使吃惊be shocked to do sth.做某事很震惊be shocked at.对感到震惊shocking adj.令人震惊的I was shocked tha

25、t he could be so careless.他竟如此粗心使我感到震惊。Rescue workers were shocked by what they saw.救援人员被眼前的景象惊呆了。根据汉语提示,用shock的适当形式完成下列小片段人们十分吃惊地发现不明飞行物在这座城市的上空飞行,这个让人震惊的消息震动了周围的人们,也震动了全国各地的人们。People were _to see that the UFO was flying over the city.The _news _all the people around,which was also a great _to peop

26、le all over the country.【答案】shocked;shocking;shocked;shock9Some of the rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins.(P26)有些救援人员和医生被困在废墟下面。(1)rescue n& vt.援救;营救The rescue attempt was interrupted by bad weather.营救工作受到恶劣天气的妨碍。He bravely went into the burning house to rescue the baby.他勇敢地冲进烈火

27、熊熊的屋子去救那个婴孩。rescue sb./sth.from.把从营救出来come to sb.s rescue(rescue sb.)援救某人The lifeboat was sent out to rescue the sailor from the sinking ship.派出了救生艇去营救沉船上的船员。We came to his rescue and pulled him out of the river.我们来救他,把他从河里拉了出来。A group of soldiers with water and food were sent to _the farmers trappe

28、d in the cave.Aview BorganizeCrescue Dsettle【解析】句意:一组士兵带着水和食物前去营救陷于洞穴中的农民。rescue“援救;营救”,符合题意。view“观看;注视”;organize“组织;成立”;settle“使定居;安排;解决”。【答案】C(2)trap vt.使陷入困境n.陷阱,困境That trap is intended for you.那个圈套是为你而设的。The bear was trapped.那只熊被陷阱所困。trap sb.into sth./doing sth.诱使某人做be trapped in困在中,陷在中Dont try to trap me into thinking.别引诱我去思考。She was trapped in the burning house.她被困在燃烧着的房子里了。完成句子They _(被困)here for three days.He _(被套出)saying that he liked the girl.【答案】were trappedwas trapped into10All hope

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