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1、9PETS2考试真题2009年9月pets2考试真题第二部分 英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1-Your sister looks beautiful. Is she a model or a film star -_. Shes a doctor. AWhatever you say BForget about it CYou bet DFar from it 2I11 send you my address_ I find somewhere to live. Aalthough Bas Cwhile Donce 3-Who i

2、s late this time -_you ask Susan, of course. ACould BCan CNeed DWould 4Mack is very busy; he is a full-time student, while_ a part-time job. Ato hold Bbeing held Cheld Dholding 5-Harry treats his secretary badly. -Yes, he seems to think that shes the_ important person in the office. Aless Bleast Cmo

3、re Dmost 6.Alice was about to_, when she suddenly found an answer to the question. Amake up Blook up Cturn up Dgive up 7It was a big celebration-_people gathered at the city square. Afive thousands Bfive thousand Cthousands Dthousand of 8_ if hed ever been fined before, Mathew replied, Only for spee

4、ding. AAsking BAsked CTo ask DHaving asked 9Although it was not named_ 1782,this kind of metal was used as early as 5300 B.C. Afor Bin Cuntil Dsince 10Just think, in three months itll be summer again. Aother Banother Cthese Dthose 11.Tony couldnt go to university but_ his education through evening s

5、chool courses. Ahas continued Bcontinued Ccontinues Dhad continued 12It is said that Sallys been painting for years since she was a little girl,_ Aisnt she Bhasnt it Chasnt she Ddoesnt it 13-Do you mind if I smoke -Well, actually,_. AId rather you didnt Bgo ahead Cit doesnt work Dnever mind 14John a

6、nd Sue_ computer games for hours before their parents came home from work. Aare playing Bhave been playing Cplayed Dhad been playing 15Please give me more time;_ I shall not be able to finish the paper by next Monday. Ameanwhile Btherefore Cotherwise Dstill第二节 完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出能填

7、入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Amanda is careful about anything that touches her lips. She (16) instructions on every food pack and does all she can to (17) forbidden foods. She (18) everyone about the things being used in cooking. Before a trip to Australia, she phoned every airline (19) she found one (20) to ban (禁

8、止) nuts from the (21) . Going too far Not when you have food allergies (过敏症) that can put your (22) in danger.“I11 waiters that even the (23) amount of peanuts could kill me, says Amanda. With (24) allergies topeanuts and shellfish, Amanda has to play by the rules. (25) , she still gets in trouble.

9、A few years ago, she went to a New Years Eve party (26) there were bowls of peanuts on the tables. They were (27) when she arrived, but still she kept her (28) in a side room. At midnight, as people came in to wish her happy new year, she (29) to feel short of breath and was dying for (30) . I took

10、some anti-allergy medicine, then left, says Amanda. (31) home I was struggling to (32) and my head began aching uncontrollably. Amanda knew she had to (33) to hospital fast. Im going into shock, she said breathlessly to (34) when she arrived. They gave her intramuscular adrenalin (肾上腺肌肉注射) , which p

11、robably (35) her life. 16A copiesB collectsC readsD knows 17A keep off B ask for C depend on D try on 18A tells B teaches C tests D questions 19A as B if C unless D until 20A required B struggling C willing D guided 21A plane B visitors C airport D tourists 22A food B party C party D life 23A regula

12、r B tiniest C same D limited 24A common B quick C serious D heavy 25A Even so B In addition C Instead D Therefore 26A as B when C where D which 27A served B removed C shared D offered 28A medicine B secret C position D distance 29A pretended B stopped C remembered D began 30A air B water C rest D wa

13、rmth 31A Staying B Driving C Leaving D Missing 32A move B breathe C sleep D speak 33A talk B return C get D write 34A doctors B her parents C the clerks D friends 35A cured B changed C improved D saved第三部分 阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A At first, I thought it was just useless e-mails. It

14、 was the end of the weekend and I hadnt checked my e-mails since late Friday afternoon. There was a long list of messages. Some I removed without reading. Others were from friends-I saved those to read later when I had more time. One stood out from the rest for two reasons. The first was the name, M

15、aher Nawaf, which I didnt recognize. The second was the subject line: pleas papers. Clearly, the e-mail was from someone who did not have a complete mastery of the English language. The message was from an Iraqi, a university research scientist in Mosul who wanted permission to reprint a research pa

16、per I had written. As a scientist, I m used to getting these kinds of requests; it s part of the give and take among researchers that I especially like. I wrote back the next day, asking for more information about the type of work he was doing. I also wished him and his family best for their safety

17、and well-being during this dangerous time in his land. A couple of days later, his reply appeared in my inbox. It read, in part: hi dear Dr. Im very happy to hear good news from you and your help, also I d like to thank you for your feelings towards me and my family . . thank you very much for help

18、I want to tell you that I m ready to help you in mosul university/iraq if you need that. Maher also explained in his broken English that he was interested in a paper I d written on the use of lactobacillus acidophilus (a healthy product that can be found in yogurt (酸奶) and other foods). It was his h

19、ope that he could use my findings to help find a treatment for gastrointestinal (消化系统的) illness. He signed off: warmest regards to you and lovely family. Despite his difficulty with the language, he had painted a picture for me由at was far more than a simple request for information. The humanity disp

20、layed (流露出的) in his message made me want to both smile and cry. 36Why did the e-mail from an Iraqi catch the author s attention? AThe subject line was not written in standard English BIt was not completely written in English CThe senders name seemed familiar DIt had a short subject line 37 What does

21、 the author like to do as a scientist with other researchers? AReprint research paper BExchange research finding CChat with them on the Interne DWish each other the best of luck 38Besides work interest, the Iraqi and the authors e-mails also delivered_. Aheart-warming friendly feelings Bmedicine to

22、treat certain disease Cnews about each others family Dtheir opinions on wars 39What can we infer from the text? AThe author of the text is a language teacherBIraqi people are much happier now than before CThe Internet can bring people closer to each other DEven knowing a little English can help you

23、learn a lot BBusinesses put lots of time and money into new plans, programs and excellent employees with the hope things will change. Yet, at the end of the effort, not much changes. What happens In most cases, those new plans, programs and employees enter a company with an existing culture (文化). An

24、d plans, programs and new employees have a way of conforming to(顺应)the existing culture. The culture of your business is the result of a particular mindset , or a particular way of thinking and the general feelings about certain things. Most often, it is the mindset of the founder or people managing

25、 the business. The founder has gotten to where he is because of his skill sets, knowledge base and personal beliefs, which unfortunately all come with inherent (固有的)limits. Why Skills, knowledge and beliefs come from what he or she already knows or has experienced. In other words, it comes from the

26、past. We ( people) try to make the past fit the future. Just because something worked in the past, doesnt mean it is suitable for the future. As the saying goes, if you do and think what you have always done and thought, you will have what you have always had. Therefore, lasting changes have to star

27、t with the way people think. To make changes in the way you think, you will be required ta set goals beyond your basic abilities and continuously think them through. It is a way to train yourself and people to get out of the comfort zone where you feel happy with your knowledge and skills. 40Which q

28、uestion does the author try to answer? AWhat past experience is useful for businesses BHow much time is needed for making plans CHow can changes be made in businesses DWhat kinds of employees are the best 41Where does the business culture mainly come from? AThe founder BThe progress CThe new employe

29、e DThe collective effort 42What does the author think about the mindset of the company leader? AIt can prevent the enrichment of experience BIt is useful far skill and knowledge learning CIt is important for personal beliefs build DIt may limit the companys development 43What plays a key role in mak

30、ing changes in a company? AMaking a breakthrough in the way people thin BTraining people to be able to face hardship CSetting clearer goals for employee DMaking the past fit the future C/D/E第四部分 写作 书面表达 56. 假定你是李明二你将代表学校接待于6月23 -26日来访的英国儿童合唱团(choir) ,请根据表中所给内容给对方团长Mr. Stevenson写一封电子邮件。 时间 活动安排 6月23日接机,入住新华饭店 6月24日上午 参观校园,欢迎午餐,校长致辞 晚上 七点演出 6月25日游玩天安门广场、故宫( the Palace Museum)、国家博物馆 6月26日送机 注意:1.词数100词左右; 2.开头和结尾已为你写好

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