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北大附中英语单元测试题Unit 5Unit 8.docx

1、北大附中英语单元测试题Unit 5 Unit 8北大附中英语单元测试题(Unit 5 Unit 8 ) 一、单项选择。(30%)A. 语音:从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。1. areaA. hair B. hear C. wear D. bear2. allow A. town B. follow C. blow D. grow3. character A. change B. channel C. Charlie D. chemistry4. guide A. general B. large C. guitar D. teenager5. sup

2、ply A. company B. thickly C. dry D. biologyB. 选择最佳答案。6. Whom will you have _ the watch?A. repaired B. repair C. to repair D. repairs7. On his _, we began the meeting.A. arrive B. arriving C. arrival D. arrived8. I usually go to school on my bike _.A. except for rainy days B. besides it rainsC. but t

3、hat it rains D. except on rainy days9. We do not allow _ in the lecture hall, so you are not allowed _ here.A. smoking, to smoke B. to smoke, smokingC. smoking, smoking D. to smoke, to smoke10. Three students in ten will go and _ to stay in the classroom.A. the rest are B. the rest isC. the other ar

4、e D. the other is11. Will you have tea or coffee?-_, thank you. Ive just had some tea.A. Either B. Both C. Some D. Neither12. When a forest _ down, there is nothing left _ the soil.A. will cut, to protect B. is cut, to protectC. is laid, protecting D. cut, protected13. The heavy rain went on for thr

5、ee whole days and many bridges were _ by water from the hills.A. washed clean B. washed away C. knocked down D. carried away14. Seventy percent of the earth surface _ water.A. is covered with B. are covered byC. covers with D. are being covered with15. The two scientists couldnt agree _ each other _

6、 this point.A. to, with B. with, to C. on, with D. with, on16. Not all of them can speak good English. It means “_ speak good English.”A. All of them cannot B. None of them canC. Neither of them cannot D. Each of them can17. His parents used _ they had to buy him a computer.A. what B. all what C. th

7、at D. what all18. Whats the man like ? He is _.A. not quite himself B. ill C. sick D. honest19. Wood can be made _ paper.A. of B. from C. with D. into20. By the time we got to the railway station, the train _ already.A. has started B. had started C. has been started D. was started21. We talked about

8、 the school and teachers _ were remembered by every one of us.A. that B. which C. what D. him22. How much does the firewood cost?-Well, they are _. A. expensive B. cheap C. at a high price D. free23. When and where to build the new factory _.A. is not decided B. are not decidedC. has not decided D.

9、have not decided24. I often noticed the boy _ school alone very later.A. to leave B. leave C. leaving D. left25. His _ was burnt in that fire and he had to make his _ in a hotel. Now the whole _ are all fine.A. home, house, family B. family, house, homeC. house, family, home D. house, home, family26

10、. I would rather _ the chance than _ her.A. not to take, to hurt B. not taking, hurtingC. not take, hurt D. dont take, to hurt27. The soldier was wounded _ leg.A. on the B. in the C. on his D. in his28. The bus is very _. There _.A. crowding, arent any rooms B. crowded, arent any spaceC. crowded, is

11、nt any room D. crowding, isnt any space29. The old woman _ the poor beggar a large meal.A. had B. took C. offered D. supplied30. We must _ the worst.A. be preparing for B. be prepared for C. be prepared D. prepare二、完形填空。(25%)When I woke next morning, I was dying of 31 . I seemed to have a hole inste

12、ad of a 32 . I dressed quickly and hurried down to the 33 . It was a big room with six tall windows and the ugliest wallpaper I had ever seen. 34 , I had been told that the hotel was not beautiful but that you were better 35 there than in any other hotel; and that was 36 I wanted just then.The waite

13、r came hurrying up. Before I came downstairs I had prepared 37 carefully for what I must 38 . I had looked three times in my dictionary to make sure 39 “breakfast” really meant “breakfast”. I had tried to get the right 40 and I had stood in front of a mirror and twisted my mouth until it 41 .The wai

14、ter asked me 42 I could not understand, but I spoke only my one prepared word “BREAKFAST”. He looked at me in a 43 way, so I repeated it. Still he did not understand. It was 44 that English people didnt understand their own language. The waiter 45 his head and went away, but he came back in a minute

15、 and brought a tray with tea, bread and butterenough to feed a small 46 -and went away. But I was hungry, and I left 47 . When the waiter came back I thought his face showed a little 48 , but you can never 49 what a waiters face really shows. In another minute he brought 50 tray with some bacon and

16、some eggs. He 51 have misunderstood me, but I thought it was no use explaining to people who dont understand their own language, so I just set to work on the bacon and eggs, wondering whether I could possibly 52 that plate.Well, I finished the bacon and eggs. I got up and made my way 53 to my room a

17、t least five pounds 54 . I never believed until then that any meal could 55 me, but on that day I met my Waterloo(滑铁卢).31. A. hunger B. cold C. anger D. illness32. A. stone B. head C. breast D. stomach33. A. hospital B. dining-room C. station D. toilet34. A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. So D. However35

18、. A. received B. fed C. cared D. eating36. A. just B. what C. that D. why37. A. English B. meal C. questions D. myself38. A. speak B. answer C. say D. explain39. A. that B. about C. of D. to40. A. pronunciation B. meaning C. form D. spelling41. A. changed B. opened C. ached D. closed42. A. whether B

19、. something C. when D. what43. A. surprised B. friendly C. puzzled D. touched44. A. unbelievable B. true C. thought D. a pity45. A. waved B. shook C. bowed D. patted46. A. tiger B. eat C. group D. army47. A. much B. a little C. nothing D. empty48. A. pleasure B. surprise C. pride D. satisfaction49.

20、A. tell B. guess C. design D. express50. A. other B. another C. more D. me51. A. should B. might C. would D. must52. A. clear B. clean C. wash D. pay53. A. hurriedly B. immediately C. slowly D. anxiously54. A. lighter B. heavier C. weightier D. more55. A. hurt B. fat C. defeat D. please三、阅读理解。(30%)A

21、Mr. And Mrs. Wu were fed up with their neighbor. He was always borrowing things from them.“Its not right,” Mr Wu said to his wife one evening. “ At some time or another that man has borrowed nearly everything we have. Almost every day he comes over to borrow something.”“Youre quite right,” his wife

22、replied, “and most of the things hes never returned.”“What I want to know,” her husband said, “ is why cant he buy the things he needs, like everyone else?”“Because people like us are foolish enough to lend him what he needs,” she replied. “As long as we are willing to lend, hell keep on borrowing.”

23、“Then well never lend him anything again,” Mr Wu said. “The next time he asks to borrow something, Ill say no.”“We must have a good reason for saying no,” his wife said, “and we must always try to be polite to him. We dont want to make an enemy of the man.”It was not long before their decision not t

24、o lend their neighbor anything ever again was put to the test. The next morning there was a knock on the door. Mr Wu went to answer it. Their neighbor was standing there. Mr Wu knew he was going to ask to borrow something, and was ready to refuse him politely.“Good morning,” their neighbor said, “Im

25、 sorry to trouble you , but I wonder if I could borrow your garden scissors.”“Im sorry,” Mr Wu said, “but Im afraid my wife and I will be using them today. Well be spending all day working in the garden.”“Oh, I see,” the neighbor said, “in that case, may I borrow your golf clubs? You wont be needing

26、 them if youre working in the garden all day, will you?”56. How did Mr and Mrs Wu feel about their neighbor?A. indifferent B. annoyed C. friendly D. enthusiastic57. What had the neighbor done with most of the things he had borrowed?A. lent them to others B. lost them C. broken them D. not given them

27、 back58. What did Mr Wu decide to do from then on?A. keep on lending to him B. give him their golf clubsC. refuse to lend him any more things D. be impolite to him59. When did the neighbor come back?A. the following day B. a week laterC. the morning after the following week D. a few days later60. How did the neighbor manage to get what he really wanted?A. by working in Mr Wus garden B. by lending Mr Wu his golf clubsC. by first asking for something else D. by

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