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1、ssp暑期合集答案2017暑假版(初中基础)答案汇总P1-6 校园采风P1 Hip-hop in maths class I. 1. art 2. creative 3. older 4. fun 5. helper 6. learner 7. choiceII. 1-4 DCDB III. 1. He came up with a new suggestion at the meeting. 2. I am not interested in the exhibition at all.3. He added a scoop of sugar to the soup. P2 No girls

2、, no boys!I. 1-6 DBFACEII. 1-4 DCACIII. 1. She couldnt stop herself from crying aloud.2. What is the right way to say this sentence in English?3. He has been working in a bank since he left school.P3 One school, 71 languagesI. 1-6 EBDCAFII. 1-4 ACABIII. 1. They are proud of their success.2. We cant

3、understand them because they are talking in Chinese.3. It is quite clear that he has read the book.P4 Greet your child with a smile!I. 1-4 ABABII. 1-3 DDDIII. 略P5 Teenage boy asks Emma Stone to promI. 1-4 ABAAII. 1-3 CCDIII. 1. The train leaves in five minuteswell never make it.2. Jack didnt study l

4、aw. Instead, he decided to become an actor.3. Despite the heavy rain, we took part in the activity.P6 “Grade bank” lets students borrow grades to pass examsI. 1-4 AABCII. 1-4 DDDCIII. 略P7-12 环球趣闻P7 Testing sofas for 10 hours a day I. 1-5 BABCBII. 1-6 TFTFFFIII. 1. 数日之内,公司就收到了超过5000封求职信,申请者们都非常渴望能坐在或

5、躺在沙发上度过每天大部分的时间。2. 她认为,她在沙发上呆的时间越久,就越有助于她的工作。P8 Can kids in bulldozers be the cure? I. 1. little 2. driver 3. really 4. difference(s) 5. easily 6. unsafe 7. feelingII. 1. Less than 40 dollars.2. Yes, they can. 3. Yes, they are. 4. While there is much construction work, therere not enough constructio

6、n workers.5. Any reasonable answers are OK.III. 1. They often ride bikes to the park when the weather is fine.2. He looks like a bad person. 3. His mother encouraged him to go to school on his own.4. Tom was as tall as his father when he was ten years old/at the age of ten.P9 Japanese fishermen to w

7、ake you upI. 1-6 DFBECAII. 1-4 ACDAIII. 1. He doesnt study as hard as his younger brother.2. Its time to take a break.3. Did she have a hard time climbing that high mountain?P10 Reverse bungee jumping I. 1. careful 2. safely 3. fearful 4. crazily 5. taller 6. seated II. 1. It sends passengers 60 met

8、ers into the air, instead of letting them jump off a cliff or a bridge.2. About 50 meters per second.3. To record the crazy moments during the ride.4. No, they cant. 5. They are made by hand. 6. Yes, it is. III. 1. I have been looking for my passport since I arrived home. 2. The little boy jumped of

9、f the wall and hurt his right leg. 3. He has been away for at least a week. 4. Dont worry. I can take care of myself.P11 The king of claw machines I. 1. clearly 2. learner 3. beggar 4. shop 5. winner 6. possible II. 1. Over 15,000. 2. Since 2016./For one year.3. He is an IT worker.4. To kill time. 5

10、. They think he is their bane. 6. Two.7. Yes, it does. III. 1. The heavy rain kept us from walking to school. 2. The scientist was good at learning maths when he/she was young.3. Please tell me whether (or not) you agree with me. 4. We must stop littering to protect the Earth. P12 A diamond in a boi

11、led egg I. 1. strangers 2. boiling 3. discover 4. feeling 5. farmer 6 shining 7. marry II. 1-5 BBCBCIII. 1. 唯一可能的就是:它是从那只鸡蛋里来的。2. 一些农场工人认为,可能是下蛋的那只母鸡吞下了钻石,之后,鸡蛋携带着钻石被一起排出了体外。P13-18现代生活P13 Getting around on cargo bikesI. 1-6 dfbaecII. 1. Its bikes.2. It consists of a bike and a cargo area. 3. The thr

12、ee-wheel kind of cargo bike does.4. Around 40,000. 5. They use cargo bikes to get kids around, do shopping, head to work and run errands in the city. 6. Over 30.III. 略P14 Use Hushme to keep your phone call privateI. 1-6 bdfaecII. 1. They either have to whisper or go outside to keep the conversation

13、private. 2. It is a new gadget that aims to keep your phone call private by muffling your voice./It is a strange-looking high-tech mask that can keep your phone call private. 3. Via Bluetooth.4. They are used to muffle the wearers voice.5. Yes, they can.6. Many people are interested in it and want t

14、o buy one when it hits the market.III. 略P15 Worlds first clear coffee I. 1. sweetens 2. colorless 3. product(s)4. get rid of 5. refreshing II. 1-4 BCBDIII. 1. All our drinks are free from artificial colorings.2. New cars dont come cheap. 3. I havent received a letter from him yet.P16 Beach space sep

15、aratorsa Polish tradition I. 1. separate 2. equipment 3. colored4. meant 5. belongings 6. blownII. 1-3 CBBIII. 1. We had better wait and watch for a better chance.2. Most people who come from other countries seem to fit in with the way of life here. 3. A large number of books have been stolen from t

16、he library. P17 Make a home in an old school busI. 1-3 ABBII. 1-4 CDDCIII. 1. 他们知道,如果想要实现拥有自己的房子的梦想,他们不得不做点什么。2. 布莱恩说:“住在狭小的空间里对于整理能力来说是一个真正的考验,因为你需要把家里收拾干净。”3. 沙利文一家将他们住在老校车里的生活记录下来,并将视频和照片发到网上。P18 Is Germany leading a vegan revolution?I. 1-4 AAABII. 1-3 BDCIII. 1. 在纯素食物的制造上,德国领先于世界其他国家。2. 一直以来,德国都

17、被认为是肉食和土豆的国度,但是它是如何令人意想不到地成为素食主义的领导者的呢?3. 据联合国称,牲畜所贡献的温室气体排放量占全球总量的百分之二十。P19-24 文化艺术P19 Disney Blue I. 1. explain 2. Positive 3. following 4. chose/chooses 5. hero 6. total II. 1. She is an expert on color.2. Jasmine.3. No, she isnt.4. Three.5. The tradition that blue is just for boys.III. 1. 让角色身着蓝

18、色的衣服,就能赋予她一点力量。 2. 蓝色之所以深受迪士尼女主人公们的青睐,还有一个原因是因为它是天空的颜色。P20 A city needs its “tattoos” I. 1. skilful 2. hope 3. broke 4. difficult 5. amazed 6. descriptionII. 1. He describes himself as “Chinas first 3D artist.”2. In 2010.3. His work “Lions Gate Gorge.”4. No, he didnt. 5. Because he wanted to make it

19、 more beautiful./Because he hoped to show that “whats broken can also be made interesting. A city needs its tattoos.” 6. No, it isnt. III. 1. The shy girl covered her face with her hands.2. The prince was turned into a frog by the witch.3. He spends all his time writing. P21 One thing the Queen eats

20、 every day I. 1-5 ADBDDII. 1. For more than 15 years. 2. At the Queens house in Buckingham Palace. 3. Every day. 4. A senior chef. 5. Yes, he does. III. 1. CouldIkeepyourbike untilnext week? 2. His mother asked him to do his homework.3. When he went home, he was followed by a little cat./A little ca

21、t followed him on his way home.P22 Diana: Her Fashion Story I. 1. dancer 2. importance 3. fashionable 4. understanding 5. historical 6. dying II. 1-7 TFFFFTTIII. 1. 它为爱好时尚的粉丝们提供了一次欣赏戴安娜王妃生平最著名的25套礼服和套装的机会。 2. 在她1997年逝世之前的最后一次官方照片中,她也身着同样的裙子。P23 The poster artist: Yuen Tai Yung I. 1. wonder(ed) 2. le

22、ss 3. trained 4. directed 5. lover 6. plan 7. successful II. 1-5 BBCACIII. 1. Everyone should make a contribution to environmental protection. 2. You can drive my car as long as you drive carefully.P24 Alices Day in Oxford I. 1. worries 2. amused 3. color 4. hid 5. discovery 6. writer II. 1-5 BDBDB

23、III. 1. She stared at me in surprise when I entered the room.2. He writes books under the name of Jin Yong.3. She is afraid of reading in front of the class. P25-30 科技新知P25 This robot can make salads I. 1-5 ABDAA II. 1-6 TTTFTT III. 1. 她可以用21种配料做出1000种不同的色拉。2. 点餐一结束,萨莉就会开始为你做色拉了。3. 她将走进众多的餐馆和酒店,(为顾客

24、)提供新鲜健康的定制色拉。P26 No more brown apples I. 1-5 BCDBC II. 1. Yes, they do.2. Canada. 3. It reduces the production of PPO in Arctic Apples.4. It reduces food waste.5. Yes, there is.6. No, they arent. III. 1. 正是这个相同的过程让香蕉也发生褐变。2. 此外,人们无需为“北极苹果”的安全性担忧。P27 FoldiMate is your housework helper I. 1-5 BDDDCII.

25、 1-6 TFTTFF III. 1. Now I can walk to work instead of driving. 2. Can I borrow two booksatatime?3. We are considering buying a new car. P28 Farewell to bad hair days I. 1. worried 2. lost 3. improvement 4. technological 5. dryer 6. careless II. 1-4 CABC III. 1. I didnt knowwhetherI should believe hi

26、mor not.2. Take it easy. You will be well soon. 3. I have to stay at home to take care of my younger sister. P29 Shoes made from corn I. 1. runs 2. meaning 3. easy 4. harm 5. Environmental 6. lateII. 1-4 BCBC III. 1. 这款新鞋的鞋底将由玉米制成,而鞋子的其它部分则由棉织物制成。2. 被穿坏之后,它们最后将会在垃圾填埋场待上几百年。3. 当你穿坏一双鞋之后,它会被回收制成一双完全不同

27、的新鞋。P30 Earning money by walking I. 1. stepped 2. useful 3. health 4. real 5. helpless 6. collector 7. simple 8. distantII. 1. A small company in London. 2. Three. 3. To make people healthier and improve peoples lives.4. Less than one dollar.5. By teaching them how to use the Bitwalking dollars and

28、enabling them to trade the Bitwalking dollars for cash.III. 1. You can play computer games for at most three hours a day.2. The school has set up a special class to help those students with their lessons. 3. His goal is to open a factory by the end of the year.4. I will pay you $10 to clean my car.

29、P31-36 人与自然P31 The worlds largest vertical gardenI. 1. covers 2. breathe 3. designer4. produced 5. harmful II. 1-3 ACDIII. 1. When I got up in the morning, I found that the playground was covered with snow.2. Mary referred to her as her best friend.3. The band consists of three junior school student

30、s and four high school students.4. This little girl is capable of understanding a book for primary school students.P32 “The Water Man” tries hard to save thirsty wild animalsI. 1-6 edfabcII. 1. The Water Man.2. Because he saw the dire effects that global warming was having on Kenyas land./Because he

31、 found that they had no water to drink.3. A few hours.4. They will die.5. They raised money for him.6. I think he is kind/caring/warm-hearted. (Any reasonable answers are OK.)III. 略P33 Hug a cow and forget about your worries I. 1-6 AEDBFCII. 1-4 DCCCIII. 1. None of the guests wants/want to stay. 2. Who will take care of the children?3. This garden is open to the public. P34 No m

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