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1、新目标版英语七年级下册Unit6ImwatchingTVSectionB新目标版英语七年级下册Unit 6 Im watching TV.(Section B)一、基础知识1、基本词汇 (1)游泳池;水池_ (2)超市_ (3)男人;人_ (4)竞赛_ (5)host_ (6)学习;研究_ (7)州_ (8)美国的;美国人_ (9)任何的;任一的_ (10)另外的;其他的_ (11)young_ (12)child_(复数) (13)miss_ (14)希望_ (15)美味的;可口的_ (16)still_ 2、基本短语 (1)swim in pool _ (2)美国_ (3)New York

2、_ (4)Dragon Boat Festival_ (5)年幼的小孩子们_ (6)living room_ (7)听收音机_ (8)为一场测验学习_ (9)一张我家人的照片_ (10)任何一个其他的夜晚_ 3、基本句式 (1)现在北京几点?下午两点钟。_ _ is it in Beijing?_ _ two oclock in the afternoon. (2)学生们正在超市购物吗?不,他们没有。他们正在图书馆里读书。_ students _ in the supermarket?No, they arent. They _ _ _ in the library. (3)这个母亲正在给她年

3、幼的孩子们读一个故事。The mother is _ a story _ her _ _. (4)朱辉也在边看龙舟比赛边吃粽子吗? _ Zhu Hui also _ the boat races and _ zongzi? (5)朱辉思念他的家人而且希望吃他妈妈(包)的美味的粽子。Zhu Hui _ his family and wishes _ _ his mothers _ zongzi. 二、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子4、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子 (1)Lets go shopping in the s_. (2)Obama is the first black A_ presid

4、ent(总统). (3)The y_ people should respect(尊敬) the old people. (4)Lets go swimming in the swimming p_ tomorrow.That sounds good. (5)The English test is coming. He is s_ for the English test now. 三、从方框中选择合适的词完成句子5、从方框中选择合适的词完成句子man, race, miss, other(1)Do you often take part in(参加) the five-kilometer_?

5、No, I dont. (2)Whos that young _?He is my uncle.” (3)I really _ my parents. They live far from my house. (4)I like this sweater.Do you like _things?No, I dont. 四、单选题6、_ is it?Its five oclock. A、What animalsB、What clubC、What timeD、What people7、Is the man reading?_. He is swimming. A、Yes, he isB、No, h

6、e isntC、Yes, he doesD、No, he doesnt8、New York is a(an) _ city. A、ChineseB、EnglishC、AmericanD、Australian9、Leftover children(留守儿童)really _ their parents when they are at home alone(独自). A、wishB、missC、hopeD、study10、Does the soup taste nice?Yes. Its hot(热的), but really _. A、beautifulB、interestingC、delic

7、iousD、boring11、I cant find the children. Where are they?Theyre not at home at the moment(现在). They _ in the park(公园) A、playedB、are playingC、playD、will play12、May I speak to the headmaster(校长)?He _ a meeting(会议)now. Can I take a message(信息)? A、is havingB、hadC、hasD、will have13、The clothing store _ a s

8、ale. The clothes there are very cheap(便宜的). A、hasB、hadC、is havingD、was having14、The boy is jumping(跳跃) _ a monkey. A、likeB、likesC、likingD、to like五、用所给词的适当形式填空15、用所给词的适当形式填空 (1)_ the students _ (watch) a race now? (2)Mr. Wang has five _ (child). One son, and the others are daughters. (3)Look! The chi

9、ldren _ (play) happily in the park (公园). (4)Its 7:00 am. The Greens _ (have) breakfast at home. (5)He often _ (do) his homework at school, but now he _ (do) it at home. 六、看图完成句子16、看图完成句子 (1)Whats he doing?He is _ in the pool.(2)_the man sleeping?No, he_. He_ _his room.(3)Its Saturday afternoon. The

10、girl_her _ in her bedroom.(4)Whats the boy doing?He _the computer in the computer room.(5)_they _?Yes,_ _.七、阅读理解17、阅读理解 The Dragon Boat Festival(端午节) is one of the most important(最重要的) festivals in China. It is a day to memorize Qu Yuan, who threw himself into the Miluo River and died(死) over 2,000

11、years ago. An old story has it that in order to save Qu Yuan, people beat drums to drive fish away, and throw rice dumplings (zongzi) into the river to keep the fish from eating his body. For thousands(千) of years, people have spent the festival by eating zongzi and holding dragon boat races on the

12、fifth day of the fifth lunar(阴历的) month, especially in the southern provinces (省) where there are many rivers and lakes. On that day, people usually make zongzi, which is usually made of rice. In the south of China, the zongzi is made of meat. The zongzi tastes delicious. We can also eat eggs togeth

13、er (一起) with zongzi. In some southern parts of China, people usually hold(举行) the Dragon Boat Race for the Dragon Boat Festival. Its an exciting activity(活动). Many people like watching it. (1)The Dragon Boat Festival is usually on _. A、March 5thB、April 5thC、May 5thD、June 5th(2)The zongzi is usually

14、made of _. A、riceB、eggsC、meatD、vegetables(3)The zongzi usually tastes _. A、terribleB、boringC、sourD、delicious(4)The Dragon Boat Festival is a day to memorize _. A、Li BaiB、Yue FeiC、Qu YuanD、Sun Zhongshan(5)The Dragon Boat Race is a(n) _ game. A、friendlyB、shyC、beautifulD、exciting八、任务型阅读18、 It is Sunday

15、 today but my three good friends are not at home. Tina is at the mall. Is she shopping? No, she isnt. She is eating lunch with one of her friends. Mike is still at school. Is he doing his homework? No, he isnt. Hes playing basketball with other boys. What about Lisa? Where is she? She is at the libr

16、ary. She is reading a book. Is it an interesting book? Yes, it is. Lisa likes this book very much. (1)把人物、地点及活动匹配。Tina A. school a. reading a bookMike B. library b. eating lunchLisa C. mall c. playing basketball_ (2)What day is it today? _ (3)Who is Tina eating lunch with? _ (4)Where is Lisa? _ (5)把

17、She is reading a book.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_ 九、书面表达19、书面表达 你在学校的课外活动一定很丰富吧。请描述一下你的同学们在操场上玩的情况吧! 60词左右。提示:play basketball, play football, run, play games_ 答案解析部分一、基础知识 1、【答案】(1)pool(2)supermarket(3)man(4)race(5)主人(6)study(7)state(8)American(9)any(10)other(11)幼小的,年轻的(12)小孩;children(13)怀念,思念(14)wish(15)delic

18、ious(16)仍然,还 【解析】【分析】词汇是语言大厦的砖,是基础。本题主要是考查学生词汇的英汉互译的能力以及词汇的拼写能力。 2、【答案】(1)在水池里游泳(2)the United States(3)纽约(4)端午节(5)young children(6)客厅(7)listen to the radio(8)study for a test(9)a picture of my family(10)any other night 【解析】【分析】本题主要考查学生对基本短语的英汉互译的能力。(1)考查动词词组。swim in poo 在水池里游泳;(2)考查表示国家名称的专有名词。美国the

19、 United States;(3)考查表示城市名称的专有名词。New York纽约;(4)节日名词的专有名词。Dragon Boat Festival端午节;(5)词的不规则复数。Child的复数是children ,年幼的小孩子们young children;(6)考查名词,living room客厅;(7)考查动介词组。.听收音机listen to the radio;(8)考查动介词组。为一场测验学习,study for a test;(9)考查of 表示的名词所有格。一张我家人的照片a picture of my family;(10)考查形容词。任何一个其他的夜晚any other

20、 night 3、【答案】(1)What;time;It;is(2)Are;shopping;are;reading;books(3)reading;to;young;children(4)Is;watching;eating(5)misses;to;have;delicious 【解析】【分析】(1)考查特殊疑问句。询问几点的固定句型What time +助动词+主语+其他? 回答Its ,故答案为What time, It is。(2)考查一般疑问句及现在进行时。-学生们正在超市购物吗? -不,他们没有。他们正在图书馆里读书.句子表达的是现在正在进行的动作,使用现在进行时,be +现在分词

21、 (动词的ing形式)。Students 是第三人称复数,使用助动词are,购物shop 的现在分词为shopping。read 的现在分词为reading,故答案为Are, shopping, are reading books。(3)考查现在进行时。这个母亲正在给她年幼的孩子们读一个故事。句子表达的是现在正在进行的动作,使用现在进行时,be +现在分词 (动词的ing形式)。Mother是第三人称复数,使用助动词is , read 的现在分词为reading,;给她年幼的孩子:young children ,故答案为reading, to, young children。(4)考查现在进行

22、时。朱辉也在边看龙舟比赛边吃粽子吗?句子表达的是现在正在进行的动作,使用现在进行时,be +现在分词 (动词的ing形式)。Zhu Hui是第三人称单数,使用助动词is , watching的现在分词为watching,;eat的现在分词是 eating ,故答案为Is, watching, eating 。(5)考查一般现在时。朱辉思念他的家人, 句子表达的是现在的状态。使用普通现在时,句子结构是:主语(第三人称单数)+动词第三人称单数(+s)+其他。hu Hui是第三人称单数,miss 的第三人称单数为misses.。希望wish 的固定搭配为wish to do ,故答案为misses,

23、 to have, delicious。 二、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子 4、【答案】(1)supermarket(2)American(3)young(4)pool(5)studying 【解析】【分析】(1)句意让我们一起去在超市购物吧,故答案为supermarket。(2)句意:奥巴马是第一位黑人美国总统,故答案为American。(3)句意:年轻人应该尊重老年人。故答案为 young。(4)句意:明天让我们一起去游泳吧。故答案为pool。(5)句意:英语测试马上到了。他现在正为英语考试而学习。句意为现在进行时,使用结构be +现在分词 (动词的ing形式)。study的现在分词是st

24、udying,故答案为studying。 三、从方框中选择合适的词完成句子 5、【答案】(1)race(2)man(3)miss(4)other 【解析】【分析】(1)句意:你经常参加我公里比赛吗?故答案为 race .(2)句意:那个年轻人是谁?故答案为 man .(3)句意:我很思念我父母,他们住的比较远。故答案为 miss .(4)句意:你喜欢其他东西吗?故答案为 other。 四、单选题 6、【答案】C 【解析】【分析】考查特殊疑问句。根据答句:Its five oclock 可以判断上句为询问时间的固定句型What time .?Its 故答案为C。 7、【答案】B 【解析】【分析】

25、考查一般疑问句。现在进行时句子的一般疑问句结构:Is / Are +主语+现在分词+其他?回答为 Yes,主语+is/are .No , 主语+ isnt / arent。故答案为B。 8、【答案】C 【解析】【分析】考查形容词辨析。A、Chinese 中国人,中国的 B、英语,英国人的C、American 美国的 ,美国人D、Australia 澳大利亚人,澳大利亚人的。New York是美国的城市,故答案为C。 9、【答案】B 【解析】【分析】考查动词辨析。A.wish 希望 B.miss 思念 C.hope 希望 学习。句意:留守儿童独自在家时,他们真的很思念他们的父母。

26、故答案为B 。 10、【答案】C 【解析】【分析】考查形容词辨析。句意:这份汤尝起来好吗?是的,很热,但很好喝。 A、美丽的B、有趣的C、 美味的 D、无聊的,故答案为C。 11、【答案】B 【解析】【分析】考查现在进行时。句意:我找不到孩子们了,他们在哪?他们不在家,他们现在在公园玩。句子表达的是现在正在进行的动作,使用现在进行时,be +现在分词 (动词的ing形式),故答案为B。 12、【答案】A 【解析】【分析】考查现在进行时。句意:我可以和校长谈谈吗?他现在正在开会,我可以替你捎信吗?句子表达的是现在正在进行的动作,使用现在进行时,be +现在分词 (动词的ing形式),故答案为A。

27、 13、【答案】C 【解析】【分析】考查现在进行时。句意:服装店正在大销售。句子表达的是现在正在进行的动作,使用现在进行时,be +现在分词 (动词的ing形式),故答案为C。 14、【答案】A 【解析】【分析】词义辨析。like 有两个词义和词性。【动词】喜欢,例如:I like apples.【介词】像,与其他动词构成固定搭配 look like 或 be like ,也可单独使用做状语。例如:I hope I can fly like a bird . 句意:这个男孩像一只猴子一样跳跃。A. like 喜欢;像 B. likes 动词喜欢的第三人称单数 C. liking like的现在

28、分词 D. to like 动词like的动词不定式。根据句意选择A。 五、用所给词的适当形式填空 15、【答案】(1)Arewatching(2)children(3)are playing(4)are having(5)doesis doing 【解析】【分析】(1)考查现在进行时。句意:学生们正在观看比赛吗?句子表达的是现在正在进行的动作,使用现在进行时,be +现在分词 (动词的ing形式),students是复数,使用助动词are ,故答案为Are, watching。(2)考查不规则可数名词复数。句意:王先生有五个孩子.孩子的名词复数为不规则可数名词复数 children。(3)考查现在进行时。句意:瞧!孩子们正开心的在公园玩耍。句子表达的是现在正在进行的动作

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